Calls To Arms_A Story of the Imminent Collapse

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Calls To Arms_A Story of the Imminent Collapse Page 3

by Sn. Frank Bates

  "My family has moved out of the town. They went to the farm. I wanted to be sure that they are safe." Joseph said plainly.

  "Must be hard living away from them. I should know, haven't spoken to my wife and son for days. They are not answering my calls." Walter felt down.

  "Where are they?" Jay asked.

  "Memphis. I heard things were more critical in there than here. I wanted to get them, but my aunt said they left the house when there was a protest near our house. I tried looking for them and called our relatives and friends, but they have no idea. Now, I have to idea where to find them." Walter became depressed.

  Jay calmed Walter as Joseph pulled his pen and a paper, then wrote the address of the farm and drew a map at the back.

  " If ever you feel the urge of moving, both of you and your families are free to go there." Joseph handed out the paper to each of them.

  “Doctor, you’re not planning to move out soon, right?” Jay asked.

  “No, not yet. Not until this place is hopeless.”Joseph answered.

  It was already ten in the evening when Joseph arrived at home. The traffic momentarily receded, but there were still families evacuating, while some chose to stay. It was dark and quiet outside because some electrical posts were damaged. When Joseph scanned their home, he felt empty as well as the neighborhood. Joseph sat on the sofa for a while, and think of everything that happened that day. His patients, Dr. Carlton, the rioters, the government, the little girl he saved, her parents, his kids, and Maxine. There were still no updates from his family's trip. Joseph tried to call Maxine, but she was out of coverage area. He tried to divert his concern, so he decided to watch the news, but he's too tired to reach the remote control.

  Joseph chose to call Maxine again, and he was hoping to hear her voice this time. Fortunately, Maxine's phone rang and answered immediately.

  "Hi, sweetie." Joseph when he heard Maxine's voice. A feeling of relief, happiness, and longingness. It has been just a day, but it feels like forever for Joseph.

  "Hi, sweetie. How are you? How are the kids?" Joseph asked.

  "We are fine. We managed to go in here safely." Maxine responded with her uneasy tine.

  "What's wrong, Maxine? I've known you for so long that I could tell even through your voice that there's a problem." Joseph sensed that something isn't right.

  "We got hijacked," Maxine said.

  "WHAT?! What happened? How're the kids? ". Maxine told every detail to Joseph, and she was sobbing on the other line. Joseph felt guilty that he wasn't there to help his wife and kids. Now, Bobby has to shoulder the pain and burden. Just like what happened to him when his father died.

  "I am sorry to hear that, Maxine. If I had known.." Joseph almost burst into tears.

  "You don't have to blame yourself, Joseph. Nobody wants this to happen. I assure you that everything will be fine." Maxine calmed Joseph.

  "How's your day?" Maxine tried to change the topic because she doesn't want to add any trouble to Joseph's mind. She knows that he's been carrying heavy loads at the hospital.

  "It has been a long day for the both of us, Sweetie," Maxine said after Joseph mentioned everything that happened that day,

  "Yea, maybe it's time we get some good sleep. Are the kids still awake?" Joseph replied.

  "They slept early. The kids must've been exhausted."

  "Surely. Goodnight, Maxine. I miss you a lot." Joseph said.

  "I miss you, too. Please take care of yourself and go here alive."

  "I will. I love you." Joseph said.

  "I love you, too."

  Joseph can't stop himself from watching the news, hoping to hear even just a good one. He saw the report about the US president's current condition.


  "The US President has safely arrived Maryland for his treatment. However, his vitals are still unstable as of the moment. Doctors are closely monitoring his health, and hopeful that his body responds to his medicines within the next twenty-four hours. There's still no specific timetable of when he'll wake up.”

  Another report came in showing footage of National Guard arriving on Memphis. It gave him some comfort and positivity. He slowly closed his eyes, and prayed that tomorrow would be a better day. Joseph tried to get some good sleep, but he received a lot of phone calls from the ER that night.


  It was just three hours ago when Joseph fell asleep, and now his phone rings again. With eyes closed, he managed to press the answer button and put the phone on his ear.

  "Dr. Brave, " Joseph said in his husky voice.

  "Dr. Brave, sorry to bother your sleep. We have a serious matter right now." He figured it's Dr. Johnson on the other line. Another doctor, but not a surgeon at Southcrest Community Hospital and ten years younger than him. Joseph's senses suddenly have come to live. He checks his bedside digital alarm, and it was just four in the morning.

  "What it is it?" Joseph said.

  "We have another gunshot patient. Vitals are unstable. I suspect it’s Hypovolemic shock, but I think we have to operate him quickly as possible. " Dr. Johnson said.

  "Please hold the situation. Apply pressure bandage and make sure to control the breathing. I am on my way." Joseph said, and they both hang up.

  Joseph immediately get dressed. He grabbed an apple, took a bite and finished the rest while driving. Fortunately, there's no traffic during those time, so it was just a 30-minute drive from their house. He went directly to the ER and saw that Dr. Johnson is doing CPR to a patient. Joseph knew that it's the patient that he was talking about a while ago.

  Joseph checked the record of the man. He has two gunshots in his left abdomen, and the ambulance picked him up where the young girl from yesterday and her parents had a shot. The man is not the police but has a Springfield XD-S on his hand when medical staffs recovered his body. To his surprise, it has 9mm Parabellum Bullet. The same bullet that he got from the little girl, and killed her parents. What if he's responsible for firing gunshots to the young girl's parents? He dismissed the thought when he heard Dr. Johnson shouting.

  "We have to operate the patient and remove the bullet!" Dr. Johnson said to Joseph.

  “I am ready,” Joseph said.

  “But Steve is not yet in here. The man can only hold a few hours. I’m afraid the bullets are causing him to drop his blood pressure.”

  “What do you mean he's not in here? I thought he’s supposed to be on duty? ” Joseph asked in surprise.

  "We've been trying to call him, but he won't answer his phone." One of the attending nurses said.

  "We can't operate him without Steve. He's the only remaining Anesthesiologist of the hospital." Dr. Johnson said.

  Joseph found himself and the rest of the team in another life-threatening situation. He knew that there isn't a possibility to operate the man because they could lose their license. He just risked his yesterday. The man wasn't responding to the Intravenous fluids and CPR until the life monitor showed straight lines quickly than they’ve imagined. Dr. Johnson tried another round of compressions and rescue breaths, but the man won’t show any response. Another cycle of CPR, but the life monitor still showed straight lines. Dr. Johnson was breathing fast, and he knew that there’s nothing he can do to save the man’s life.

  It was later that morning when Joseph finished his rounds and was able to discharge some of his patients back to their families. He went to the cafeteria to take a break and drink a coffee. Dr. Ames was also there, and it seemed like he's in deep thoughts.

  "Good morning, Dr. Ames. Penny on your thoughts?" Joseph greeted him although they had a heated argument yesterday. They both know that it’s part of their job. Dr. Ames just smiled at him.

  "It seems that everything is getting worse as the day goes on." Dr. Ames sounded worried.

  "The people, the government, the hospital, our town. Do you think it's still safe for us? " Dr. Ames continued.

  Joseph took a sip of his coffee, unsure of how to respo
nd Dr. Ames.

  "At times like this, we have nothing to do but have faith. We have to strengthen our mind, and believe that everything will be alright." Joseph tried to lighten up the mood.

  "I envy your faith, Dr. Brave." Dr. Ames sounded awful.

  "By the way, can you look after my patients until Monday? I have to be with my wife. She suffered depression and trauma after she saw a kid died on the street."

  "What happened?" Joseph was shocked.

  "She was driving her way home when two men bumped into a poor kid. It was around seven in the evening. The men were trying to get something from the kid, but he refused to give it to them. To her surprise, one of the men hit the kid on his face. Then the other one stabbed the kid with a knife for about six times. My wife was so afraid when things heat up, so she turned off the engine. She was shaking when she got home, and she couldn't speak until now.”

  "I am very sorry to hear that Dr. Ames. Please do everything that your wife needs. I will cover your patients until you get back." Joseph assured him. He was hesitant because Dr. Ames sounded like Dr. Carlton, but he just agreed and understood his situation.

  Joseph decided to visit Denise in the ICU, the little girl he saved yesterday. She's still on ventilation, but Joseph is happy to see her recovering fast. He remembered Dr. Steve.

  "What must've happened to him?" Joseph thought. He still hasn't heard from him yet. A few moments after, the light starts to flicker several times until the whole hospital went dark. Joseph checked the hall, and it was nothing but darkness. The auxiliary power was switched on after a few seconds, and now he can see the red lights of the emergency signs. Joseph checked the other patients in the ICU, and it was a relief that no one was affected. He decided to see Mr. Jobs and ask about the situation.

  Along the way, Joseph bumps into Janette, one of the nurse and who secretly likes Dr. Steve.

  "Hi, Janette. Have you heard anything from Dr. Steve, yet? " Joseph asked.

  "No, why?" She asked in a concerned tone.

  "He still hasn't reported yet, and he's not responding our calls," Joseph said. His concern is that Steve decided to move out of the town, or worst something must've happened to him.

  "No, I haven't talked to him. We've been busy attending the patients." Janette sounded tired.

  "Are you alright?" Joseph asked.

  "Dr. Brave, I feel that I can't handle my double shift. And now, we just had power interruption. My co-nurse and I don't think could handle the situation anymore." Janette confessed to Joseph.

  "I understand, Janette. Now is not the time to be hesitant. The hospital needs people like you. " Janette didn't say anything.

  "You can take a break, or lessen your loads. I'll talk Mr. Jobs about it. We've gone a long way, so can you please stay?" Joseph almost begged. Janette tried her best to respond, but the best that she could do was to nod.

  Joseph is in Mr. Jobs office who looked unpleasant.

  "What happened to the power?"Joseph asked without hesitation.

  "One of the electrical wirings was affected by the recent riot. I called the electricity provider, and they are now fixing the issue." Mr. Jobs said.

  "For how long? "Joseph asked.

  "With the current situation, it might take months. "

  “Months!? Can we hold that long? Maybe we can push them a little bit more?” Joseph said in surprise, but Mr. Jobs remained silent.

  Joseph finally understood why Mr. Jobs looked uneasy. He knew that it might be the beginning of the end. They looked at each other, both unsure of whether they have enough supply until they fix the issue. Joseph sigh sharply, and he remembered Janette.

  "Nurse Janette is taking too many patients. Is there a chance that we delegate some to other nurses? " Joseph said.

  "I'll see what I can do because everyone has full loads." Mr. Jobs assured.

  "Things are getting worse, but please let's not give up. Dr. Brave. " Mr. Jobs genuinely asked Joseph. There was a hesitation on Joseph's part, but they've sacrificed a lot.

  "I won't," Joseph assured.


  It was another busy noon at the White House in Washington. Several reports coming in that the President is still unstable, and that it might take longer than expected before he can finally recover. The President suffered a Blast Lung injury that damaged his blood vessels in his respiratory organs. Doctors are also looking the possibility of having brain trauma because of the shock waves and overpressure of the bomb.

  With the recent bombing, other Cabinet Members started to feel unsafe, and some of them planned to move out of the White House. The security advisers of the Vice President even suggested leaving the place because it's just the beginning of more intense attacks.

  "Madam Vice President, the situation is getting worse day by day. The longer you stay, the more it is not safe for you." One of the security advisers said.

  "I appreciate the thought, but I have responsibilities to my people." Vice President said with dignity.

  "But you’re risking your life."

  "I would prefer to stay, and finish my mission. Also, please spread that no one is allowed to move out of this place nor out of the country. I don't want to send people the wrong message. No one will fix the country's issue, but the Government. " She said with determination.

  “What mission?” The Head of the Security asked, but Vice President Ariana Marie was deaf to his words. She called for an emergency Cabinet Meeting in the West Wing of the White House after lunch. Her secretary immediately went out and spread the news, and made sure that every member knows about the meeting. At precisely one in the afternoon, the meeting began.

  "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. The agenda of today's meeting is about our country's current condition, and the culprit behind the President's attack."

  "The Police had thoroughly conducted their investigation, and evidence showed that it was the Marauders. It is, no doubt, an act of violence and terrorism that sent the President under life-threatening condition. I need to hear your thoughts regarding this matter." She continued.

  The Marauders, is an Islamic Coalition consisted of rebels with different perceptions. They have considered Treaty of Peace between the Government, but Marauders broke it the moment the State failed to provide its people proper well-being. Marauders supporters spread riot in the country as a form of their protest and threat. One cabinet members raised his hand and opened his microphone.

  "I think it's time we implement Martial Law." He boldly said. Everyone was shocked, and chattering began. The Vice President smashed the gavel three times.

  "Silence, please. We are here to listen to the thoughts of everyone and get a possible solution. Please continue with what you are saying. " The Vice President said.

  "People starts to become vulnerable, and they have no respect for the Government. Martial Law implementation is the best option that I can see to discipline them. To let the people and those Marauders know that we are still in control." The cabinet member said.

  "But it would cause more tension. They would think that we are taking away their human rights. Besides, it can also cause more damage to our economy knowing the fact that we still haven't able to increase our income. " Senator Forbes strongly disagreed.

  "Then, what do you suggest Mr. Great Senator Forbes? " The Cabinet Member who suggested Martial Law challenged with a smirk on his face.

  "Let's hear their demands. Let's show them that we want to resolve our every issue. That we are still a nation that needs to be united." Senator Forbes said.

  "Sounds easier said than done, but they are disrespectful. Don't forget that those Marauders promoted war." Another strong-willed senator said.

  Things are heating up, and the Vice President knows that they won't resolve anything if her cabinet members act like stupid children.

  "We will never resolve any issue if we put in our pride first. I am ordering each of the members to send a report and send it to my office today. No excuses. Let's resume the meeting t
omorrow, same time. Meeting adjourned." The Vice President said with frustration to her cabinet members. However, she's okay with the idea that they are still participating actively.

  Vice President Ariana Marie received the reports later that afternoon. As expected, Senator Forbes pushed his idea of talking to the Marauders. She thought that the Administration could give it a try, so he called the Senator to come into her office.

  "Good afternoon, Senator Forbes." She greeted the senator nicely.

  "Good afternoon, Madam Vice President. To what do I owe this urgent meeting?" He responded politely.

  "I'll go straight to the point, Senator. I read your report and noticed that you wanted to talk to the people. Do you think you can manage to do it? I think they would appreciate if someone who serves in the Government will talk to them." Vice President Ariana Marie said.

  "Yes, of course." Senator Forbes said without second thoughts, but unsure of the possible results.

  "Great. I'll make sure to give you the security that you need." She assured the senator.

  Vice President Ariana Marie contacted The Marauders, and fortunately, they've agreed to speak with the Government. However, they don't want any publicity, cameras nor media. They want to keep it private as much as possible. Senator Forbes was preparing when he saw The Marauders coming in the White House with their guns. The Army and the Policemen were in the area. It was like a movie scene, but he couldn't help, but be concerned about the situation. Senator Forbes kept on saying that he has to do it for his country and his family's safety.

  The meeting has begun. Senator Forbes hasn't talked to any terrorists or any types his whole life. He never would've have imagined that he'll do it for the sake of his country and its people. The Islamic Leader with Taqiyah and a long white beard was already waiting when Senator Forbes came in. He was relieved that the leader has no guns. There was security outside of the room.


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