Just One Drop (The Grey Wolves #3)

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Just One Drop (The Grey Wolves #3) Page 10

by Quinn Loftis

  Jen thought about her words.

  "When did you really start to notice Decebel?" Crina asked.

  "After I woke up from the coma. He came into my room to check on me. Which was bizarre, to say the least. I remember thinking 'wow, that is yummy'."

  Sally laughed. "She practically had to wear a bib around him she drooled so much."

  "Sally, how's that election coming for mayor?"

  Jacque looked puzzled. "What?"

  Sally shook her head. "Don't mind her. She's lacking in brain cells lately because they've been fried by hormonal overload."

  Jen rolled her eyes and made a "W" sign with her fingers while mouthing, "whatever".

  Mariana looked at her watch. "Well, it's getting late so I guess we should head out. Look for us at Mate Fest and we'll hang out. Us wallflowers need to stick together."

  Jen smiled. "Sounds like a plan. It was really nice to meet both of you."

  Sally and Jacque piped in their agreement and said goodbye as the two other females left the dining room.

  "I guess we should call it a night," Jacque said, downing the last of her hot chocolate. "One day left before we head into the testosterone-coated hills of Transylvania."

  All three girls rinsed their cups and headed to their rooms.

  Jen had just reached her door when she felt it. Someone was watching her. There was no doubt in her mind who it was. She turned to see Decebel standing at the other end of the hall, staring at her. Neither moved for several minutes. Then he started walking towards her.

  Jen didn't know whether to go into her room, run, or stand frozen and quite possibly pass out from lack of oxygen. His long strides ate up the distance between them quicker than she would have thought possible and suddenly, he was there – less than a foot away from her.

  She couldn't speak. All she could do was stare into those amazing amber eyes.

  Decebel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once again he detected that small bite of cinnamon in her scent.

  "Jennifer," he whispered.

  "Uh-huh," was all Jen could manage.

  Decebel's right hand came up and pushed her long blond hair back away from her face and neck. He leaned forward and placed his nose against her neck, just below her ear, and took another deep breath. Jen seriously thought she was going to pass out. This cannot be happening. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she was really awake. When Decebel pulled back, she saw that his amber eyes were now glowing.

  "I don't know what's going on between us, ţinere de meu inimă," Decebel told her, his voice husky. "I will tell you it scares me."

  "Scares you? How can anything scare you?"

  Decebel chuckled as he gently cupped her face, his thumb tenderly caressing her jaw line. "There is much you don't know about me, Jennifer, much about my past that has shaped who I am today." He paused as he watched her. "I can't stay away from you, and now our blasted Alpha has made me your protector."

  "And you don't want to be my protector," Jen interrupted with a whisper.

  Decebel heard the insecurity in her tone, but admired her for not looking away from him when she voiced it. "The problem isn't that I don't want to be your protector, it's that I want to be more."

  "Oh," Jen breathed out.

  "I don't know how I'm going to get through this, this..." Decebel searched for the words.

  "Mate Fest?" Jen offered, which brought a heart stopping grin from Decebel. She nearly swooned. You have got to get a grip, she told herself. Jennifer Adams does not swoon. Drool, definitely. Stare without shame, for sure. But swooning is forbidden. She decided her inner dialogue was really beginning to get out of control.

  "Yes, this Mate Fest. I don't know how I'm going to get through it without killing another wolf."

  "Is there anything I can do to help?"

  "Don't touch another male. Don't let another male touch you." Decebel's lips were tight as he spoke, betraying the carefully conveyed control.

  "Okay, no touching. Got it."

  Once again they stared at one another in silence. Gradually Decebel began to lean into her and Jen realized he was going to kiss her. It was also then that she realized how desperately she wanted, craved that kiss. Her eyes drifted closed as she waited, and waited. What the - ?, she thought as she opened her eyes.

  He hadn't moved any closer.

  "Are you going to kiss me?" Jen asked boldly.

  Decebel grinned, but it left as quickly as it had come. "I can't."

  She frowned. "You can't, or you won't?"

  "It's not that simple, Jennifer." Decebel started to pull back but Jen grabbed his hand and pulled it back to her face. She held it next to her cheek and let his heat seep into her. She had never felt anything better than his touch in her life.

  "It is that simple. You either do or you don't. It's a choice, Decebel. Your choice. So don't tell me you can't. Unless your lips are super glued to some object, they are up for grabs. So what gives?"

  "I think you need to speak with Dr. Steele, then you will understand what's at stake from something as innocent as a kiss."

  He watched as that all too-familiar wicked gleam filled Jennifer's eyes. "Who says it has to be innocent?"

  Decebel did step back this time and she let him go.

  "Get some sleep, Jennifer. I'll see you tomorrow," he told her gently. After a small smile at her, he left.

  Jen entered her bedroom after watching Decebel walk away until she couldn't see him any longer.

  "See you on the flip side, Jen? Really?" she asked herself out loud. "Do you want someone to ask you to write an expert account on how to be effectively lame? Because let me tell you, blondie, you are all over it." Pathetic, she thought, I'm a groupie and I'm talking to myself. "Ughh."

  She quickly went through her routine of getting ready for bed, the whole time remembering the feel of Decebel's flesh on hers, his breath on her neck. There was no way she was going to survive this with her heart intact. She knew that when this was all said and done, she would come out an empty shell if she didn't come out with Decebel by her side.

  The real question she found herself facing after her little encounter with the fur ball in the hall was, how do you go about looking for a mate when you would rather be trying to convince the one you want to pursue what was slapping him steadily in the face?

  "Yeah, good luck with that," Jen told herself.

  "So I guess I'll see you in a couple of days?" Jacque asked her dad through her cell phone.

  "Yes. And I'm bringing Tanya. She really wants to meet you. You okay with that?"

  "Yeah, it's cool. It was bound to happen one day, right? There's no time like the present," Jacque told him, her voice coming out unnaturally high. She felt herself settle as Fane wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed a gentle kiss on her neck.

  "Thank you, Jacque. I know it's a lot to ask. So I'll see you soon, then." He disconnected the call.

  Jacque set her cell phone down on the bedside table.

  "Well, this ought to be fun. It's going to be a cozy little meet and greet," she told Fane, frowning.

  "It will be okay, Jacquelyn, it's a large estate. If you and Tanya don't get on there will be plenty of places for you to slink off to."

  Jacque pulled out of his arms and turned on him abruptly. "Slink? I do not slink, wolf-man."

  Fane smiled and winked. "I knew that would do it."

  Jacque growled and tackled him to the bed. "So you think if you prick my pride I will be less likely to evade the confrontation I so badly want to avoid?"

  Fane nodded. "That about sums it up."

  "How well you know me already, pesky flea ball."

  "Again with the fleas." He growled and tickled her. Jacque squealed, unsuccessfully trying to fight him off. He finally relented and pulled her close.

  "All will be well, Luna," he whispered.

  "I know," she agreed, "but there's always a variable that isn't accounted for, ready to throw things off kilter. Then all is no longe
r well."

  "Ahh, love. Where did such pessimism come from?"

  "I guess Jen's worry is rubbing off on me. I just wish she and Decebel would fish or cut bait."

  "Fish or cut bait? I'm not familiar with this," Fane told her, his brow furrowed.

  "It means get on with it or move on. It's so obvious they are meant to be together,"

  "He can't claim her without mating signs. She has to participate in The Gathering," Fane warned her.

  "Then there will be a blood bath," Jacque told him somberly. "Because the first man brave enough to lay a finger on Jen is going to see firsthand what happens when another touches a mate. Signs or no, Decebel's wolf has claimed Jen. And Jen's wolf, what little there may be, has claimed Dec. Not to mention her heart."

  Both fell silent as they thought about the consequences that were sure to come. But like a speeding train without brakes, nothing short of a miracle could stop them.

  Chapter 12

  "Do you think it was wise of you to make Decebel her protector?" Alina asked her mate.

  Vasile continued to stare at the road as he drove towards the site of The Gathering.

  He knew it was a gamble placing Jen in Decebel's care. "I don't know," he admitted. "I guess I'm trying to force him into action. Maybe if he sees others pursuing her he will get over this fear and make a move. Or I could just be setting up some poor wolf's demise."

  Alina watched him carefully while he spoke, noticing the faint lines that ran along his skin. Even after two centuries her mate was still unbelievably handsome, but it seemed the stress of life was catching up with him.

  "Sometimes dominant wolves have to be pushed over the edge when they won't jump on their own. Why do you think that is?" Alina's tone was teasing.

  Vasile's lips lifted slightly. "Even us dominants have to have one flaw, Luna, otherwise it wouldn't be fair."

  Alina laughed and shook her head at her mate's forever cockiness.

  "I spy something green," Sally announced.

  "Trees," Crina hollered, while Mariana called out, "Grass,"

  "Nope," Sally answered.

  "What's the point of this game again?" Crina asked.

  "Mindless entertainment," Jen announced. “It's what Americans are known for."

  Fane and Decebel laughed at Jen's words.

  Vasile had devised the riding assignments, and so Jen, Jacque, and Sally had been paired with Crina and Mariana as well as Decebel and Fane. One big, happy family, Jen thought as she looked around the cab of the Hummer. She was really glad that Crina and Mariana had turned out to be cool. It would have sucked big time had they turned out to be ninnies.

  "Anymore guesses?" Sally asked.

  "I think we've had enough of I Spy, Sal," Jacque told her.

  Sally's face fell briefly, but perked up when she said, "Okay, how about -"

  Before she could finish, Jen cut her off. "How about we discuss the plans for when we arrive at this little 'meet your baby daddy' festival."

  The entire vehicle erupted in laughter at Jen's slang. Jen blushed ferociously when Dec gave her a heart-stopping grin.

  "How do you all keep from peeing on yourselves when she's around?" Crina asked, wiping the tears that had welled up in her eyes.

  "No doubt, it's tough," Jacque told her. "And sometimes it's wise to bring a change of clothes if you're going to be around her for any extended period of time."

  After the laughing and bantering finally died down, Fane addressed Jen's earlier question.

  "I think tonight there is a large gathering with all the packs to lay out the ground rules and purpose behind The Gathering," Fane explained. "There will be lots of mated pairs all around and Alphas to keep the males in check."

  "I feel like I should wear a raincoat or something," Jen only halfway joked.

  Crina laughed. "I take it you're afraid someone's going to hike a leg?"

  Jen grinned. "I knew from the moment I heard you take on Vasile I would like you."

  Decebel rolled his eyes. "Great, now we're really outnumbered."

  "Don't you forget it, bucko." Jen tossed a crumpled piece of paper but he caught it before it hit him.

  "You do like to push your luck don't you, Jennifer?" he asked her.

  "Push it, or just give it a great big shove. Whatever gets the job done." She winked at him and then slid down into her seat. "I'm going to try and catch some Zs before we get there. I have a feeling I'm going to need my wits about me."

  "That could be a problem, Jen. You have to have -" Sally started.

  "Not another word, Sally." Jen's words were followed by snickers from the other girls, and then the vehicle fell silent.

  Thad watched as his wolves set up the meeting room with chairs and tables for the packs. The American pack had already arrived and was getting settled into their rooms. The others were due to arrive any moment.

  Thad's eyes followed the movement around the room but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't help but wonder if he would finally find his true mate among those who were coming to The Gathering. Two centuries was too long to be without a mate. Especially when the other Alphas were all mated. He wasn't a weak Alpha by any means, but it was a fact that a mated Alpha was a stronger Alpha. So regardless of his own strength, until he was mated he would not stand a chance against another.

  Thad was pulled from his thoughts when the double doors to the large room opened. He watched as Vasile and his mate entered. Behind them he saw his Beta and Fane, the Grey Wolf Prince. The sheer size of them blocked any view of those who might be behind them. Thad was sure that was a tactical move on Vasile's part. His females would be well protected. That could be a problem, but not insurmountable, he thought.

  "Daaaaang," Jacque whispered as the double doors opened and they walked into a large room. "Would you look at this place!"

  "I feel like Beauty in Beauty and the Beast," Sally whispered to Jen. "You know, when she walks into the grand ballroom for the first time?"

  "Well, you got one thing right, Sal," Jen murmured as she too took in her surroundings, "we are not short on beasts."

  Jen tilted her head back at Jacque's prompting and her own mouth dropped open at seeing the height of the ceiling. That wasn't the only thing that had their mouths hitting the freshly waxed floor. Painted on the ceiling was a forest covered in shimmering snow. Somehow the artist had achieved a nearly three dimensional effect, and by looking at it you felt as if you were falling into the painting. Among the hills and trees there were wolves. Some were running, others lying quietly.

  The theme was quite obvious once you picked up on it, Jen realized. There wasn't a single wolf alone. Each one was paired with another. And as she looked harder she could see that every pair was touching. The wolves running side by side were painted so that their tails intertwined as they ran, the ones sitting together had one tucked in close to the other, and those lying down had one wolf literally curled around the other, protecting, sheltering. It was beautiful, and the meaning was clear: wolves weren't meant to be alone. They were created for a mate.

  Jen pulled her eyes from the compelling painting when she felt a tug on her sleeve. She turned just as Mariana was waving them all to follow.

  “This handsome gentleman offered to show us to our rooms,” Mariana told them. Jen looked back and saw that Vasile was talking to some other guy who looked to be in charge of something. They probably weren’t needed. She looked at Jacque and nodded in the direction Mariana was headed.

  “I’m in. You?”

  “Lead the way,” Jacque answered.

  Jen didn’t know if she should say something to Decebel, but she figured, He’s got wolf hearing, surely he'll hear us leaving. Not only that, but there was no way Fane would not keep tabs on his little she-wolf. So she shrugged her shoulders and followed the rest out of the large room. With her back turned she didn’t notice Decebel nod to Costin, a silent order to keep an eye on the girls until he could leave without appearing disrespectful.

” Thad raised his voice to be heard across the room as he made his way over to the Romanian Alpha. “So glad that you could come.”

  “I want our species to thrive just as you do, Thad. Our pack appreciates you inviting and giving our single pack members a chance to possibly meet their true mates.”

  Decebel felt his skin begin to prickle as Jennifer got farther and farther away from him. He was very close to simply ignoring protocol and going after her, but that would make Vasile look bad in the eyes of other wolves and he wouldn't do that to his Alpha. He just kept reminding himself that Costin would keep an eye on her and not let other wolves near her. Still, his wolf was restless. This is going to be a long week, Decebel thought.

  "What time should I have my pack down for the gathering tonight?" Vasile asked Thad.

  "We are to begin at six, so you probably want to have them down a little before to get seated. I will have two of my wolves show you to your rooms." Thad looked around Vasile at where the girls had been standing only moments before. "It looks like the dominant males have already made themselves known to your females." He chuckled.

  Decebel growled, but before he could get much sound out Fane elbowed him hard in the side. Decebel coughed. He cut his eyes at Fane, who had the gall to wink. His red headed mate was rubbing off on him already.

  After Thad and Vasile finished talking, Vasile turned to the pack members who had stayed with him. "Follow those two gentlemen, they will take us to our rooms." Vasile indicated two wolves standing directly in front of a large staircase in the entryway.


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