Deals with Demons: Angels and Demons

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Deals with Demons: Angels and Demons Page 2

by Victoria Davies

  He tossed the shirt away before running his fingers along the fastening of his slacks. Talia held her breath as he hesitated, toying with her. With a crooked smile, he finally unzipped the pants and let them slip over his hips. He kicked the material away, but Talia didn’t even spare the discarded clothing a glance. Devlin had just revealed he wasn’t the kind of demon to wear underwear.

  Talia sucked in a sharp breath as she looked at him naked for the first time. There was nothing soft about Devlin. His body was as honed as a blade. It was made for power and strength. And yet tonight it would be capable of bringing pleasure as well.

  He let her look her fill before raising a hand to her.

  “Come to me,” he commanded.

  Talia had no choice but to obey.

  She walked to him, trying to hide her nervousness. There was no denying she was in over her head. When she slipped her trembling fingers into his, he pulled her into his arms. He kissed her thoroughly, drawing his lips over hers. Talia tried her best to match his passion but she lacked the experience she needed to truly bring him to his knees.

  “Relax,” he murmured, answering her groan of frustration. “There will be other nights, my daring girl. Tonight is for you.”

  “But I want to be good for you,” she confessed in a humiliated whisper.

  Devlin laughed painfully. “Tali, nothing about you could ever disappoint me. If you want to learn—” he drew his lips over hers, “—I am more than willing to teach. But it would only be refining your natural skills.”

  “What skills?” she groaned.

  Devlin dropped a light kiss on her exposed shoulder. “You destroy me,” he whispered to her. “No one else has the power you do.”

  She drew a sharp breath at his words. Biting her lip, Talia reached behind to grasp the zipper of her dress.

  “Teach me,” she told him, drawing down the zipper.

  Devlin watched with hot eyes as the fabric parted and fell away. The dress had been too tight for a bra and Talia stood before him in only her skimpy black panties. Rolling her shoulders back, she stood tall and waited for his verdict.

  “You are so incredibly perfect,” Devlin murmured, his eyes glowing brightly in the darkness.

  Talia released the breath she hadn’t even realised she’d been holding.

  Grabbing her around the waist, Devlin grinned wickedly. Before she could protest, he tossed her backwards onto the bed.

  “Warning next time,” she grumbled, trying to sit up.

  Devlin dropped onto her before she could move. He caught her wrists and pinned them above her head with one powerful hand.

  “Mmmm,” he murmured, looking down at her. “Delicious.”

  She laughed nervously. “Is the big bad demon going to eat me?”

  His eyes glowed brighter. “Your wish is my command.”

  Devlin ran his lips down her throat and continued to slide down her torso. Talia gripped the black sheets, riding the incredible sensation of his touch. She barely noticed when he pulled her panties down her legs. But she did notice when his fingers trailed slowly up her inner thigh.

  “Devlin!” she gasped, reaching to push away his hand.

  A delighted chuckle rumbled from him. “Enjoy,” he told her, moving up to kiss her quickly.

  Talia eyed him dubiously as he reached out to run the tips of his fingers up her legs. Her breath caught at the shocking sensations such a light touch inspired. Devlin’s hot mouth trailed over her body, finally pausing when he reached her breast. Rolling his eyes up so he could see her, he took one pink nipple into his mouth. Talia cried out as pleasure shot through her.

  “Devlin,” she groaned, trying to navigate the new sensations.

  As he suckled her, he drew his fingers higher and touched her lightly between her thighs.

  “Oh my,” she gasped as a single finger traced her folds. “That can’t be legal.”

  “Little innocent,” Devlin murmured, sliding back down her body. “You told me to eat you, remember?”

  As his head slipped down between her legs, she realised what he intended. “I didn’t mean…ah…” she moaned as his tongue replaced his fingers.

  Talia arched off the bed with a ragged cry. She twisted in the sheets as her demon lover played with her. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined anything like what he did to her.

  “Dev, stop!” she finally cried when she couldn’t take it anymore.

  With a last lick, Devlin raised his head. Overwhelmed by the pleasure, Talia could only stare mutely at the smiling Devlin. His expression was filled with pure male satisfaction as he climbed up her body.

  “Ready?” he asked wickedly, licking at her breast.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped.

  “Come now, darling, you don’t have to call me that. I’ll also answer to ‘my master’.”

  Talia laughed, hitting him on the shoulder. He retaliated by squeezing her nipple, making her writhe beneath him.

  When her pleasure-fogged mind cleared enough for conscious thought, she cupped his face between her palms and kissed him softly. “I’m ready,” she told him.

  Wordlessly, he shifted to fit himself against her entrance.

  “Hold on to me, sweetheart,” he told her, pressing forwards.

  Talia gasped as he forced his long length into her. Pleasure disappeared in the wake of a painful pressure building within her.

  “I changed my mind,” she cried.

  “Hold on, love,” he replied, stopping. “Just a little more and I swear I’ll make it all better.”

  Talia eyed him warily, biting her lip, but slowly nodded.

  Gritting his teeth, Devlin thrust into her.

  Talia screamed, arching off the bed. “Oh hell!” she yelled, battering his shoulders. “I don’t know what the other women told you, but trust me, they lied. You are so not good in bed.”

  Devlin groaned, striving to hold himself perfectly still. “It’s only like this the first time,” he assured her.

  “Dev, if you think there’ll be a second time you are one seriously delusional demon.”

  Devlin shook his head in exasperation before leaning down to stop her flow of words with a kiss. With his free hand, he played with her breasts, sending spikes of pleasure through her to make her forget the pain. Talia willed her tense body to relax. Already the pain was fading, leaving behind the foreign feeling of invasion.

  “Better?” he asked her, his voice strained.

  “A little.”

  Devlin groaned in relief and carefully shifted inside her.

  Talia gasped in surprise at the pleasure she felt.

  “Much better,” he purred, seeing her reaction. Slowly, he withdrew.

  Watching her wide eyes, he slid into her again. Unlike the first time, Talia felt no searing pain. Instead, a curious heat spread through her.

  “Again,” she commanded, wanting to test this unfamiliar pleasure.

  Grinning, Devlin complied. He rocked into her leisurely, giving her time to adjust to his presence. When her body started to relax around him, however, he picked up the pace.

  “Lift your hips,” he commanded, pulling her up to meet his thrusts.

  Talia threw back her head, moving her body as he commanded. Every time he drove into her she felt a pressure building within her. But this time, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Every thrust broke a little more of her control. She dug her nails into his shoulders, trying to ride out the waves of unfamiliar pleasures pounding through her body. She rocked her hips instinctively, matching his rhythm.

  Any thought of pain was long gone from her mind. Instead, all she felt was tortuous heat.

  “More!” she cried, not even realising what she was asking for.

  Devlin drove into her, pushing her closer and closer to that precipice within her.

  “Devlin,” she gasped as he thrust into her one last time and pushed her over the edge.

  Talia screamed as her climax rocked her. She’d never felt anything like the pleasure tha
t swamped her. Every cell in her body exploded at the same time. The world blacked around her as she tried to cling to consciousness.

  She heard Devlin above her cry out and felt a piercing pain in her neck. Her demon lover had sunk his sharp fangs into her throat. The thought might have disturbed her before, but right now it only added to the pleasure. Her orgasm continued as he drank from her, battering her with unending waves of indescribable pleasure.

  Finally, Devlin drew back his head.

  Talia stared at her lover and watched a single drop of her blood trail down his chin.

  Talia jerked awake, falling less than gracefully from the bed. On hands and knees, she scuttled backwards until she hit the wall.

  Her harsh breathing filled the dark, empty room. She was alone.

  “It was a dream,” she said aloud, trying to calm her racing body. “Only a harmless dream,”

  Maybe thinking about Devlin had stirred up the memories of their one time together.

  Talia reached up to touch the black rose on her throat, half-expecting to feel an open wound. But the skin was smooth and blood free. It may have been a freakishly realistic dream but it was a dream none the less. Devlin was not here. She was no longer nineteen. And she was not the silly woman who’d once loved him more than anything.

  Talia was older now, and wiser. She’d never fall into the old trap of thinking Devlin gave a damn about her. He was a centuries-old demon, after all. Manipulating people was a hobby for him. It was her fault she’d believed the magic of her nineteenth birthday meant as much to him as it had to her.

  She pushed herself to her feet before stumbling back to the bed. Devlin St. Clair was no longer her fairytale hero. If he knew what was best for him, he’d stay the hell out of her way.

  Chapter Three

  A demon lounged against her building.

  Talia had spent her night tracking a rather pitiful mark trying to escape his overlord. All she wanted to do was take a long, hot bath and sleep like the dead. But instead she had to deal with the freaking demon in her path. Who did a girl have to kill to get a break around here?

  With a sigh, she strode forwards. Talia was not a woman who ran from her fears. At least not anymore.

  As she came closer she noticed two unusual things. The demon stood deliberately in the shadows to hide his face and, beyond the fact that he wasn’t human, Talia couldn’t sense anything else about him. Usually she felt demons’ emotions and could predict their movements. Sometimes she learned even more, sensing ages, desires and even brief glimpses of their personalities. But with this demon she got…nothing.

  She flexed her wrists as she stepped onto the same block as her visitor, making sure her daggers were easily accessible. Talia felt the weight of his gaze as she strode forwards. Did he know who she was, what she was, or was he merely hunting?

  She stopped a few feet from the demon and crossed her arms.

  “I would suggest you turn around and walk away before you give me a reason to kill you.”

  “Some would argue you already have several reasons,” a cultured voice replied.

  A voice she knew too well.

  Devlin stepped forwards into the pale glow of the street lamp.

  He looked the same as he always had. Tall, dark and breathtakingly beautiful. The same stunning green eyes she remembered studied her in silence, drinking in the sight of her. He wore all black, as usual, and she knew if she checked, his suit and overcoat would have designer tags. He always had loved luxury and pleasure.

  Talia stood strong before him, hiding her shock behind her cool business façade. She was proud of her response, especially considering the dream she’d had the night before. The last thing she wanted was for him to see how badly his appearance spooked her.

  She’d always wondered what she would do when she saw him again. Would she go for his heart with a dagger or throw herself at his feet and beg him to kiss her again? But now fantasy had become reality and she was helpless to do anything but stand frozen before him.

  “Hello, Tali,” he said softly.

  “Don’t call me that,” she snapped. “I’m not that child anymore.”

  Something flickered in his eyes. If she hadn’t known him so well she would have sworn it was pain. But she did know him, and she knew he’d never cared about her in any way that mattered.

  “What are you doing here, Devlin?” she asked harshly.

  “You challenged me to come get you,” he reminded her.

  Talia snorted. “Like I thought you’d come. You have better things to do than chase after an inconsequential human.”

  A frown marred his beautiful face. “You are many things, Talia,” he replied, “but inconsequential is not one of them.”

  She hid her shock at his words.

  “I need to speak with you,” he said abruptly. “Shall we retire to your apartment?”

  “Like hell I am letting you near my home.”

  “This is not a matter to be discussed in the streets.”

  “Ever heard of a phone?” she snapped, unyielding.

  Devlin shook his head in exasperation. “I’d forgotten how stubborn you are.”

  “Not stubborn,” she corrected. “Cautious.”

  He glanced at her sharply. “You cannot think I am any threat to you.”

  “As I learned the hard way, I don’t know anything about you at all.”

  He actually took a step towards her, anger burning in his eyes, before he stopped himself.

  Talia was shocked at the display of emotion, however small. He prided himself on forever being in control.

  “If I wanted to harm you,” he said through gritted teeth, “I’d have had ample opportunity before now.”

  “You knew where I was?”

  “I look after what is mine.”

  “I’ve never been yours,” she snarled.

  He opened his mouth to reply but thought twice. Instead, Devlin drew a deep breath before speaking in an even voice. “I wish to hire you, Talia. Surely you do not discuss business with a client in the streets.”

  “I have an office,” she replied. “Make an appointment.”

  “You would refuse to see me.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “You do not want to refuse me this time.”

  “Give me one good reason why I would ever want to associate with you again,” she demanded.

  “Because I want to hire you to track the demon who murdered your family.”

  Talia jerked back in horror.

  “Still want to discuss this in the street?”

  Talia could hear the impatience in his tone. Without another word she opened the door to her building and motioned him inside. He followed her silently as they climbed the stairs. No way was she stepping into a small elevator with a demon.

  “I was surprised you chose to live here,” Devlin said as he stepped into her apartment. “You always had the same taste for luxury I did.”

  “Nothing about me is like you,” she denied.

  Devlin flinched slightly.

  Talia shrugged out of her coat and tossed it over the back of the white sofa. She motioned to the kitchen table and grabbed her notebook before she dropped into a chair.

  Graceful as always, Devlin slid into the seat across from her.

  For a moment she couldn’t believe this was real. Devlin was sitting in her kitchen, staring at her with his beautiful eyes. He was still the most stunning man she’d ever seen. Every cell in her body burned simply from being near him. But she knew all too well she walked a dangerous road. Devlin’s appeal was a deadly trap. It sucked you in and left you broken and bleeding.

  “Tell me about the demon,” she said to turn her mind away from painful memories.

  “His name is Saleel.”

  The monster of her childhood finally had a name.

  “How powerful is he?”

  “He is almost as old as I,” Devlin replied, “and, very likely, almost as powerful.”

  Talia stared at hi
m in shock. As news went, it rarely got worse. She was tough, but at the end of the day she was still mostly human. It was impossible for her to kill something as strong as Devlin. She might hate her demon lover but never, even in her wildest fantasies of revenge, had she deceived herself into thinking she had the slightest chance of physically harming him.

  In one sentence he had forever destroyed her dreams of killing the man responsible for her shattered childhood.

  “Why did you come?” she demanded painfully. “Is this merely some new torment to inflict on me?”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “I would never hurt you.”

  She laughed bitterly, knowing the words for the lies they were. “I can’t kill something as powerful as you. Now I will never be able to avenge my family. It would have been far kinder to let me live in ignorance.”

  “You cannot fight him, it’s true,” Devlin said softly. “But I can.”

  Talia looked at him sharply. “What?”

  “You can sense him. You can track him. When you find him, I will kill him.”

  A shock too deep to be hidden showed on her face. “Why?” she asked, for once the old anger gone from her voice. “If he is as strong as you say, it will be dangerous for you. He might even be able to kill you. No demon puts himself at risk in such a way. Why would you?”

  A self-deprecating smile twisted his lips. “He hurt you,” he answered simply. “That is reason enough.”

  It was too much. Before her sat the hero from her girlish dreams, not the monster she had hated all her adult life. She couldn’t handle the dichotomy. Talia pushed herself out of the chair, needing to put some distance between them. She paced across the room until she was as far away from him as she could get. Was he telling the truth? Would he honestly risk his life to kill the man who had hurt her? Why?

  Maybe it was restitution, she mused. But his actions didn’t fit with her image of him as a selfish demon who took what he wanted without consideration for who he hurt. Why would he wound her so badly in the past only to show up now as her saviour?

  She turned back to face him from across the room. “I don’t understand why you would do this.”


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