The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set Page 13

by KT Morrison

  Kate turned her head, and smiled at her, said “Yeah, I am. I’m good, Kiley. Please show Mitch a good time, will you?”

  “Yeah, we’re heading out now, I think.”

  “Make him happy, take his mind off of all this for me.”

  Kiley nodded and left Kate to her bath, she said, I will, then closed the door behind her.

  There was something sexy about him. A casual confidence, always taking care of business. Capable, that was it. He might not have the biggest thing between his legs but he was one cool customer. He just got on with it. He had the world by the balls, she figured.

  He was tall, handsome, and had that killer head of hair, but here he was sat up on the couch, soft and pale looking and she couldn’t shake seeing him at his worst these last two nights. Seeing him witness his wife being wrecked, absolutely wrecked by Omar. Seeing the love of his life fucking another man, and she being so in to it. It unnerved Kiley too.

  Mitch could definitely endure, it was admirable. He was taking this like a champ. She didn’t buy that he was into it. She didn’t think this whole escapade was turning him on at all. He got aroused in the moment, but it seemed like it was in spite of himself. He was conflicted. He had an iron chin this guy.

  She sat on the big padded hotel arm chair. The room was totally silent, not even the sounds of guests down at the pool. The sun was almost down and the sky was a beautiful painting of soft feathery clouds in orange and magenta. She looked down at her hands folded in her lap, her freshly shaved, shining legs framed in the open slit of her dress. She crossed her legs over for him, even though he wasn’t even looking, the soft shuffle of satin breaking the quiet. He stared at the bed. He was a strange one.

  She’d put her hair up, parted to one side and five pale frangipani pinned over her ear. She’d laboured over her makeup, dark around her eyes, dark red on her lips. She should have been impossible to ignore.

  She crossed her legs over again the other way now, more slowly this time, it was there for him to see if he’d look. She was bare under this long, green, tropical flowered dress. Nothing. She smiled at him as he nursed his cocktail, still staring into the floor. He was a strange one, that’s for sure.

  “We going to go, Mitch?”

  “Yeah, just thinking.”

  “You all right, mate?” Knew he wasn’t.

  “Why solo, do you think?”

  She stood up, went to him, and held out her hand, towering over him in her heels. “To have fun, Mitch. Let’s go have fun.”

  “What do you think they’re going to be doing?” Ignoring her.

  Her hand still held out, “They’re going to have fun, Mitch, come show me a good time.” She helped him up and he put his drink on the table.

  He stopped at the door and put his jacket on. She helped him with it, straightened it for him. She looked at him, felt for him, could see he was troubled. “Hey,” she said. “Look at me...”

  He looked into her eyes, she said, “No, look at me,” stepped back and posed for him, one long tanned leg peeking out from the slit in her dress. “Don’t ignore me, I want this time with you.” The worst thing she could do for him, for herself, even for Kate, was to just be his babysitter for the night. She didn’t want to take him out to play while his mommy went and got a real good fucking. That stench would stay with him forever if she didn’t shake him out of this. She put her hands on his warm cheeks. “You’re a good-looking hunk that’s going to take me out to dinner and then we’re going to play around all night. We’re going to have a good time. A really good time.” He bucked up, said Yeah, but she knew he was acting. She’d have to lift his spirits.

  “You look good.” she said. He did too. If he took some more colour on his skin he’d turn some heads for sure. His suit was beautiful. Navy linen, white open collared shirt, she ran her hands over his chest, adjusted his lapel. “Really good.”

  He nodded, and put his hand on the small of her back as they left for dinner.

  The cab Kate was in hurtled down the Bodden Town Road, heading out to the far end of the island, out to the east. The little SUV, yellow with green doors and a little taxi sign on the roof, putting down that rubber hiss, cast a long shadow out in front of them and Kate watched it swish over the long grass along the shoulder.

  Before she left, alone in the suite, she watched herself in the mirror. She put the dress Mitch bought her yesterday morning, with the pretty little bustier, sliding it over her bare oiled body. No panties, no bra. Sitting in the cab now, completely naked but for the soft, thin layer of silk.

  She did her makeup for the first time since they got here. Perfume, colour on her lips, lotion on her skin, all over. She and Kiley had spent the morning at the salon in the resort. Got her nails done, deep burgundy, and a clear coat on her toes.

  All that effort, but in the end when she stood to look at her reflection to see how it all came together, she couldn’t face herself. Just watched her feet as she slipped them into the little ballerinas, then she switched off the light, grabbed her purse and left.

  “Jesus Christ, Mitch, you’re bumming me out.”

  He said Sorry, poking through his lobster, not eating. He’d put back two double Glenlivets when they got there and he had a rum cocktail brought with his dinner.

  They were on the second floor of an old plantation house, on a veranda looking right over the ocean. The place was elegant, and Mitch looked right at home here.

  He’d kept looking at his watch. Rose gold yacht-master. Yeah, she noticed. She’d told him to knock it off and he’d almost stopped doing it by the time their food arrived.

  The waiter had picked up on their weirdness and hung around making small talk, putting on a show for them. Mitch was polite but anyone at another table would wonder why these two came for a romantic night out right after a funeral.

  “You mad at me?”

  He looked at her, earnestly, watery-eyed, and told her emphatically No he wasn’t.

  “You mad at her?”

  “No,” he said. “I’m still trying to figure out if I should be, you know. I want to be but I’m really not. Shouldn’t I be?”

  “Nah,” she said, “You know I’m on the inside with her, and I can tell you, right from the source, that you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  He took a sip of his drink, said “Sometimes they just seem kind of close.”

  “That’ll wear off, trust me.”

  “You’re not worried you’ll lose him?”

  Hmm, tough one here. “No,” she said, “Not in the slightest.”

  He nodded, swirling the end of the cocktail around the glass. “What if it’s not him that I should worry about, what if when we’re home, she has a taste for this sort of thing...”

  “For swapping?” she said.

  “Yeah, it’s definitely not for me, I couldn’t—”

  “Thanks, Mitch.”

  “What?” he said.

  “Go on, I’m all right, I know my worth.”

  “Oh sorry, you know what I mean. That’s not a lifestyle for me. I’m not that guy.”

  “I know that.”

  “Yeah, but if I’m not that guy—and I’m not really her type of guy—what’s to say that this sort of thing couldn’t continue.” He rubbed his forehead, said “You know, behind my back.”

  Kiley could see his worry. But Kiley knew Kate wouldn’t. Of course, a year ago she would have said this current scenario was also impossible. It was a shock to her when she’d hinted around. Kiley had been into it, but she was a bit incredulous for a week or two. She was used to the idea now, Mitch wasn’t, this was all a fresh slap to him. “Yeah, I get you,” she said. “Kate’s not going to do that, Mitch, from my heart, mate.” She picked up his hand. “Not the Kate I know.”

  “You sure you know her? Kate from this weekend?”

  “Yeah, it’s a surprise. But I think she surprised herself too. You know, my own feeling, I don’t think she likes this.”

  “Yeah, me too. I hope not.�

  Mitch leaned back in his chair, pulling at his cheeks with one hand, still thinking. He looked out at the view. Night, but still enough colour in the sky to see the black silhouettes of the palm trees at the foot of the ocean.

  He said, “I don’t think she likes this either. I just wish I knew for sure what she wanted from it.”

  “You don’t know?” Kiley said, raising one sly eyebrow.

  “I don’t think it’s so obvious. I don’t even think she knows. I think,” he looked around, “You know, what she says it is,” motioning with his index fingers a distance roughly as long as Omar, “Is only a piece of the puzzle.”

  He could be right. She could see that. Mitch was definitely sexy when he was at work. He was a lot more man than any of the guys she’d dated.

  “What do you think?”

  She lifted her chin up stretching out her neck, looking around. She’d kicked off her shoes under the table and she lifted up a bare foot and placed it between his legs. “I think you and I should maybe get right to the fucking.”

  Mitch looked around, nervous, said her name as an admonishment. At least he was smiling now.

  She was pushing her toes into him. “Go on and take it out,” she said, “there’s a tablecloth.”

  He stared at her and a big smile came across his face. He shook his head at her. Kiley smiled back, there we are now. He looked at the other tables while he had his hands under the table working at his fly.

  He had to sit up straight to get it to stick out of the fly, but she found it with her toes, and started kneading it. She felt him harden, and she worked the ball of her foot along the underside, pushing him against his body.

  “Take a look. I had a pedicure this morning.”

  He pushed the tablecloth away and looked at her pretty foot rubbing his exposed dick, he was looking at her trimmed nails, freshly painted.

  “Mitch, waiter,” she said, her foot stopping abruptly.

  He jumped and bunched the tablecloth against himself. He looked around wide-eyed but they were alone. Kiley smiled at him chewing a cocktail straw in the corner of her mouth, leaning back in her chair, one thin arm draped over it.

  “Make sure you come into that tablecloth,” she said, “I’d hate to see that beautiful suit ruined.”

  He let her play with it a bit more then paid the bill and got her to the Jeep with his suit jacket over his arm to cover his erection pushing against the thin fabric.

  Kate had the driver stop a block away from the hotel, pulled into the parking for a mini-golf. He asked her if she was all right.

  “Yeah, I just need a moment to think,” she said, biting her thumbnail. She looked down the road, saw the sign for the hotel where she was to meet him. Room 7G he texted her, said it was up front, ground level, facing the road.

  It was almost dark now, cars coming the other way lighting up the cab with their headlights. Daylight still clinging, orange and warm, shining low on the families coming off the putt-putt and back to their little rentals, taking their kids out for a little dinner then back to the hotel.

  She wanted to just give it all up, go home. She could do it. Just ask this guy to take her all the way back to Seven Mile. He wouldn’t care, he was headed back there anyway and she was the one paying. But she knew she wouldn’t. She was going to tell him, in just a few seconds, take her up there, drop her right off at the door. Then she was going to go in that room.

  Mitch struggled to keep the Jeep at the speed limit. People had flashed their lights, raced past him with a honk when they got a chance. Kiley had him entirely inside her mouth and Goddamnit she really knew what she was doing. He’d looked down, he wanted to see what it was she was actually doing, but he could only see her beautiful head of hair with the flowers pinned in it, gently rocking and twisting. He swore it felt better than fucking.

  His blinker was signalling left, he didn’t even remember his last turn. He switched it off looking for a place where he could stop. He was going to come, there was no doubt about it, and he didn’t want to be responsible for a vehicle when he did. He caught himself actually quietly grunting with each twist of her mouth. If that was what she was doing down there. What was she doing? He’d never felt anything like it.

  He pulled into a parking area under a tall iron archway and looked for a spot. People were milling around and there wasn’t much place to hide in the topless Jeep. He kept going, it would be clear to anyone what was happening in there if he happened to slow enough for them to see in. She was squeezing his balls now and he was sure it was about to happen. God not now, please. Then he was on the beach. That couldn’t be right could it? They wouldn’t just let you drive on the beach would they?

  Fuck it. He would come before the cops ever came and told them to move along. He stopped there on the beach in the sand. Could the Jeep get them out of there? He looked up at the stars, a lit up beachfront café off to their right. They wouldn’t see. There were people walking along the water, shapes of couples as they took a romantic stroll. They would understand. Just enjoy it Mitch. He felt her hand between his cheeks under his balls pressing into him massaging him there. A lot of force. He swelled in her mouth, he felt the hardest he’d been in forever. Her finger slipping then into his crack and he wasn’t going to stop her. Fuck what was proper. She slid a finger inside him, he felt it hook and she was pressing again. Pressing and rubbing and whatever she was doing with her mouth.

  Minding his manners he told her he was going to come. She just quickened her pace and stroked his insides harder. He came, the most forceful he could ever remember, his cock stood up straight in her mouth and his anus gripped at her finger with each stream he shot into her. He let out a very embarrassing long low noise but he just couldn’t help it.

  His head pounded and his heart was racing. Couldn’t hear a thing over the pounding blood in his neck. He slumped back into the seat and he could feel Kiley still sucking on him. He looked out over the beach and just enjoyed her pushing on his prostate, squeezing out every drop into her mouth and swallowing it. He was still hard. He felt so satisfied. A little sleepy, but very satisfied. All his problems seemed washed away from the forefront, and he could see the glimmer of an idea on the horizon.

  Kiley sat up and looked at him. “That was hot,” she said, wiping at her bottom lip.

  Mitch covered his face, ashamed at how much he had enjoyed that, but he let her see him smiling.

  “Where are we?” she said, looking around.

  “I don’t really know,” he said, still slumped in his seat, just taking her in. This was worth it he thought.

  He could feel perspective for the first time. Felt like he was up in the sky now looking down at it all. He had the big picture.

  He touched her hair and stared at her, half-lidded. “You...” he felt high as a kite, “you are goddamn something.” He touched her chin. Maybe she blushed, he didn’t know, but she liked it, him complimenting her. “The restaurant was only a block from the hotel, but I just had to get off the road. We can’t be far.”

  She pulled the rear-view down towards her, checked herself out. “You better get us back. That was just the start.” She clicked the interior light on behind them and put her lipstick on. “Can I talk dirty for a moment?” she said, still looking in the mirror.

  He was putting himself away, zipping up his pants. Yeah, he was still hard. He said “All right.”

  “That felt really good. Having you come like that. You know, in my mouth that way.” It was unusual to see her shy or bashful. Struggling through a sentence like that. “God, what am I trying to say? I liked giving you pleasure. And by the way you came I feel like I did, you know?” She put her hand on his knee. She looked like she wanted to say more but knew she wasn’t making sense.

  “Let’s go back and have some real fun, yeah?”

  “That’s what I want,” she said. “You are okay to drive?”

  “I’m only on the beach because of what you were doing to me. I’m more sober right now th
an I have been in years. I feel like I can see more clearly than ever.”

  Omar did pushups in between the two double beds on the worn blue carpet of the Royal Hyacinth Motel. It was an inexpensive two-storey across from the ocean but it did have its own swimming pool.

  He went to the window and pulled a velour drape back, looked out into the lit up parking lot. Nothing yet. A man and a woman were arguing beside a Hyundai on the far side next to the main drag. The man had his arms folded, leaning against the car, and she just kept pointing at him.

  He sat down on the bed and flipped the TV on but turned it off again. He went through his messages on his phone but didn’t respond to any of them. He threw the phone on the bed and got a bottle of water.

  He felt bad for Mitch. He knew girls that liked cock and some that hadn’t really cared. Kate really loved cock. That wasn’t going to change and Mitch was never going to deliver. He wasn’t even average.

  Kate was just built for fucking. Five-three, petite with pretty little hands and feet, short-limbed but with the voluptuous build of a woman. Big, perfect shaped heavy breasts, soft-skinned, plump belly and ass. Small and compact, you could fold her up in any position and while she was tight she could eat up everything he could give her with the right stimulation.

  He took off his boxers and T-shirt, went through his duffel bag and found his silk robe. He put that on and tied it loosely at the waist. His phone chimed from the bed, frog sound. He went and read the screen, swiped it to respond.

  Mitch ran a hot bath when they got back to the hotel room. He told her he knew what he wanted to do with the time he had alone with her.

  “I want to put my hands on every part of you. I want to remember,” tapping his temple with one finger, “Record what you feel like. Your hair down to the soles of your feet.” He put his arms around her, caressed her and untied the straps of her dress. He let the dress slide down her body to the floor. He stepped back and admired her. God, Mitch, she thought, watching him watch her, you really know what to say. Her nipples hardened.


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