Lilah's List

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Lilah's List Page 14

by Robyn Amos

  He had to set up a meeting with Lilah and Reggie. Tyler didn’t want to be the reason Lilah couldn’t complete her list. When he could have gotten Reggie to show up whenever he’d wanted, Tyler had kept him away. Now that he wanted Reggie to get together with Lilah, the kid was nowhere to be found.

  With Reggie in this mood, there was no telling how a meeting with Lilah would go. If he did show up, he might sulk and barely speak to her, or Reggie might throw him under the bus by telling her that Tyler hadn’t worked that hard to arrange a meeting.

  Tyler paced the room. Lilah’s birthday was Saturday, so he had to sort this out immediately. Picking up his keys, he headed out the door. There wasn’t time to waste. He had to go find his brother right now.

  Lilah came out of Tyler’s kitchen and sat beside him on 4the sofa. “That talking stove is pretty tricky, but I think I’ve figured it out. The roast has about fifteen more minutes, then we can eat.”


  “What’s the matter, Tyler? You’ve been preoccupied all evening.”

  He squeezed her knee. “I’m sorry, Lilah. I didn’t mean to neglect you. It’s Reggie. He’s giving me the cold shoulder. He’s still not talking to me.”

  “He’s still upset about the tour thing you told me about?”

  “Yeah, can you believe when I went over to his apartment today, he wouldn’t even open the door?”

  “Wow, are you serious?” She began kneading the tension out of his shoulder muscles. “Don’t let it get to you. I’m sure he’ll calm down in a few days.”

  Tyler sighed heavily. “You don’t have a few days. I don’t know how I can arrange a meeting between the two of you if he won’t even see me.”

  “Don’t worry about that. My list isn’t that important. To be honest with you, it’s fairly ridiculous for me to think I need a date with a celebrity I barely know. These last two weeks have shown me that each individual item on The List isn’t what matters. What matters is that I know when I put my mind to something, I can make it happen. After all the great adventures I’ve had, I couldn’t care less whether I ever get a date with Reggie Martin. I’d much rather date you.”

  Tyler reached back and squeezed her hands. “I hear what you’re saying, but that’s not good enough for me. I’d hate to send you home to D.C. knowing that you didn’t complete The List because of me.”

  “It wouldn’t be your fault, Tyler.”

  “Actually, it would be. Lilah—”

  She climbed onto his lap, forcing his back against the cushions. “You’re stressing yourself out. I’m going to have to insist that you relax.”

  “But I wanted to—”

  “Shh. We’ve only got fifteen minutes, so that doesn’t leave any time for talking,” she said, pulling her sweater over her head and pressing her lips to his.

  Chapter 20

  “What do you want for your birthday, Lilah?” Tyler asked as the two of them lay in bed that night.

  “I don’t know,” Lilah said, propping herself up on one arm. “I honestly can’t think of anything that I need.”

  “Birthday presents aren’t about what you need. They’re about what you want. Isn’t there anything you want?”

  Lilah thought about that for a few minutes. “Actually, Angie is throwing me a ‘wild’ party on Saturday. I think I’d like to have a special evening with just the two of us before then.”

  Tyler smiled. “I can do that. We’ll do whatever you want. Do you have a restaurant you’ve been wanting to try?”

  “I’m a huge fan of the Food Network show Iron Chef America, and I’d love to eat at Morimoto.”

  “Done. Anything else you’d like to do for your birthday?”

  A wicked smiled came to her lips. “We can definitely revisit item number 38. But, before that, I’d love to go dancing. As much as we’ve been out on the town, there hasn’t been any dancing.”

  “What kind of dancing do you mean? Ballroom or booty-shaking.”

  “Definitely booty-shaking. I’d like to learn ballroom dance, but I’ll save that for the next list.”

  “Then it’s a date. Since Reggie’s still hung up on working with Jermaine Dupri in Atlanta, I’m trying to hook him up with a big-name producer locally. I’ve got a meeting with Pernell Weathers Friday evening, so can we do your birthday dinner tomorrow night?”

  “That works for me. I can’t wait.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to save this makeover for Saturday?” Angie asked Lilah while they sat side by side getting pedicures.

  “No, I want to look great for Tyler tonight. I’m going to be leaving town on Sunday, and I want to make sure I leave an impression on him. We haven’t talked about the future, but I want him thinking of me when I’m gone.”

  “With or without the makeover, I think he’s pretty serious about you. Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?”

  “I’m not sure how I feel.”

  Angie snorted. “We didn’t just meet yesterday. I know you. You’re completely gaga over this guy. Why won’t you just admit it?”

  “Because I thought I was completely gaga over Chuck once, and we both know how that turned out.”

  “Nonsense. Tyler couldn’t be more different from Chuck. Chuck sucked the life out of you. It’s about time you were with a man who wasn’t threatened by a confident woman.”

  Lilah sighed heavily. “I just can’t think too far into the future. I’m just trying to concentrate on right now. And tonight I want Tyler to see the very best in me in every way. Did you finish the dress?”

  “Of course. When we’re done here, I’ll go back to my apartment and get it while you check out of your hotel.”

  Angie had convinced Lilah to spend her birthday weekend in the penthouse suite at the Grande hotel, where her party would take place. While Lilah had been reluctant at first, she was now very excited about it.

  These were the last days of her twenties. Why not live it up?

  After the manicure, pedicure, massage and body polish, Lilah was getting her hair styled. She was apprehensive when Monroe, the stylist, suggested she try red highlights and a layered cut, but she decided to cross her fingers and go for it.

  The result was better than she could have imagined. Monroe had added some warm red tones to her honey-colored hair, then had cut in some deep layers. When she shook her head, her curls bounced and swirled like the women in shampoo commercials.

  Monroe whistled at her as he removed the drape. “Now, girl, that is a real New York hairstyle. You are ready to work it. I hope you have a banging outfit to wear to really set it off.”

  “I sure do. That’s my designer over there,” she said, pointing to Angie who was waiting in the lounge. “She made a fantastic dress just for me. Angela Snow. Watch out for her. She’s going to be the next big name in fashion. You just wait.”

  “Well okay, girl. You go get ’em.”

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving us like this,” Maureen wailed as Lilah stood before her with her luggage at her feet.

  “I’m sorry. Believe me, I had a wonderful stay here at the Casablanca. I’ll definitely come back.”

  “At least I’ll see you at your birthday party Saturday night. I told my boyfriend and he can’t believe we’re going to be in the penthouse of the Grande hotel.”

  “I’m just glad you’re going to be there. To be honest with you, I’m not even sure who, if anyone, is going to show up.”

  Maureen looked sly. “Oh, I think there will be a lot more than you think.”

  Lilah leaned forward to study the other woman. “Why? What do you know?”

  She closed her lips and shook her head, as if to say she’d never tell. “You look fantastic, by the way. Didn’t I tell you Monroe is a genius?”

  “You’ve never steered me wrong, Maureen. I can’t imagine what I would have done without you.”

  Maureen came around the desk to hug her goodbye, the bellman carried her bags out to the car where Sanjay was waiting.

bsp; Lilah didn’t know why, but she felt like she was about to embark on yet another adventure within her adventure.

  Standing in front of the mirror in her luxury suite, Lilah felt like a princess.

  With all the beauty preparations she’d made today, she felt like she was getting ready for an important occasion. In her mind, she knew it was one.

  Lilah didn’t want to go back to D.C. without telling Tyler that she loved him. If she’d learned anything during this time in New York, it was that life was meant to be lived, not watched.

  She wanted to create a romantic memory of the first time she said the words out loud to him. And she hoped her feelings would be returned.

  Everything was working out perfectly so far.

  She’d worried whether her new hairstyle would maintain its salon sheen into the evening, and it was still hanging in radiant waves to her shoulders.

  “I knew it,” Angie said, entering the room. “The dress is perfect on you.”

  “I know you’re not going to believe me, but this dress is way better than the designer dress we bought. I love it so much, I may never take it off.”

  Angie had constructed a perfect optical illusion. The lilac fabric appeared to be transparent, but when Lilah moved it shimmered and sparkled in the light with tiny beads. The delicate beaded straps fastened behind her neck, narrowing into a sparkling broach, like a built-in necklace. The bodice branched into endless layers of diaphanous fabric.

  It was elegant and feminine, like Lilah, with hints of Angie’s edgy over-the-top flair. Lilah had picked up a matching clutch in the hotel gift shop that afternoon, and had carried it to the register without a glance at the price tag. Another list item complete.

  “I’m ignoring the blasphemy that just came out of your mouth, because I’m too busy admiring my own genius.”

  “I’m paying for this. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Before Angie could rehash their argument, Lilah’s cell phone started ringing.


  There was a pause on the line, leading Lilah to think she might have a prank caller.


  “Lilah, I have bad news,” Tyler said.

  Her heart immediately leaped into her throat. “What is it?”

  “Pernell Weathers is getting on a plane for the West Coast tomorrow. I can’t talk to him unless I catch up with him tonight.”

  Her heart sank and she immediately felt the sting of tears in her eyes. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  “I’m so sorry, Lilah. Normally, I’d blow it off, but Reggie’s still upset with me, and you still need to meet with him, so…”

  “You don’t have to explain. I really do understand.” She’d been looking forward to this evening more than her actual birthday, but she didn’t want Tyler to feel worse. His voice was already heavy with remorse.

  “No, seriously, I feel terrible. I’ll call you as soon as I get out of this meeting. Unfortunately, I don’t know how long it will take.”

  “Stop worrying. It’s fine. It’s not as if you’re missing my real birthday. As long as you’re there on Saturday, that’s all that matters.”

  “I’ll make this up to you. I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Angie stood with her hands on her hips. “What happened?”

  Lilah tucked her phone into her purse. “Do you want to have dinner at Morimoto with me tonight?”

  “Just as soon as I can change.”

  Angie, not to be outdone by Lilah’s blinging attire, returned from her apartment wearing a crimson catsuit with a plunging neckline and flared pant legs.

  When the two women headed down to the lobby for their night out, Lilah was shocked to discover that Sanjay had arrived in a black stretch limousine.

  “Ladies,” he said, holding the door open for them.

  Angie slid right in, but Lilah stopped and grabbed Sanjay’s shoulder. “You’ve upgraded your ride. How did this happen?”

  Sanjay dropped his professional facade and swung Lilah into a big hug. “This is all thanks to you, Lilah. Several customers read about me in your blog and have been asking my brother about my services. He was so impressed, he’s agreed to let me drive his limousines on a trial basis.”

  Lilah gave him a high five. “Congratulations, Sanjay. I knew you could do it. But I don’t understand how my blog could have helped you. There couldn’t be enough people—”

  “Didn’t you see it?”

  “Didn’t we see what?” Angie asked.

  “The Manhattan Underground.” Sanjay dug under his front seat then passed a copy to them through the glass partition.

  And there it was, a small blurb on the lower left corner of the page, touting Lilah’s List as a quirky new must-read blog.

  “I can’t believe this. Is this a joke?”

  Angie shook her head. “I think one of Tyler’s friends from the karaoke bar mentioned The Manhattan Underground. She must have been the one to write you up. This calls for a toast,” Angie said, reaching for the flutes in the minibar.

  Angie and Lilah had a terrific time riding in the back of the limousine, blasting hip-hop music and drinking champagne. The only thing missing was Tyler. She couldn’t wait to tell him all about it later that night.

  After a spectacular dinner, Sanjay drove them to Monarch. The trendy new nightclub that Tyler had promised to take her to.

  Lilah spotted the line winding around the block, and grabbed Angie’s hand. “Uh, oh, déjà vu. Are we going to be able to get into this place without Tyler?”

  “Girl, you’ve got to have confidence. We can do this,” she said, pushing Lilah toward the door as Sanjay opened it for them.

  Lilah stepped onto the pavement right in front of the velvet rope. Two hulking guys were working the door, and there were two lines. One was clearly for the regular folks because it was long and wound around the corner. The other seemed to be for VIPs, but even they were being kept waiting.

  Lilah paused, rolling her eyes. “This is ridiculous.”

  Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and marched over to the two doormen standing between the two lines. The first guy, a tall gorgeous blond with a clipboard, barely glanced up.

  “Is your name on the list?”

  Lilah felt certain that it wasn’t. Still she said, “Absolutely, Lilah Banks.”

  The guy started searching his list, but she saw the other doorman beside him looking her up and down. “Lilah Banks. Are you Remy’s friend?”

  Hope leaped in her heart. “Yes!”

  The blonde’s head popped up from his clipboard. “Lilah of Lilah’s List? I’ve been reading your blog.”

  “You have?” Lilah asked incredulously.

  He was already opening the rope for her. “Come right in.” As he ushered them through the ropes, she heard him speak into his walkie-talkie, “We have filet mignon coming through.”

  From his spot at the back of the VIP line, Reggie Martin stared in surprise. “Who was that?”

  He’d been told no one but no one got into Monarch without waiting in line, celebrities and average Joes alike. But, suddenly, after a few words with the bouncers, this woman was being let through only seconds after stepping out of her limo.

  Reggie shook his head. Either he was an even bigger loser than he’d thought, or that woman was someone very special.

  Chapter 21

  The two women entered the club and a hostess met them in the hallway to take their coats. Angie grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear, “Did you hear that? They called us filet mignon. I told you it was real.”

  “I’m going to have to thank Remy for putting in a good word for us.”

  “Good word, nothing. Didn’t you hear him? He was reading your blog.”

  Lilah shook her head, still unable to comprehend the fact that word of her blog had spread so quickly. Her blog wasn’t anything special. In fact, it was one of millions on the Internet.

  With their coats checked
in the front, Lilah and Angie followed the woman into the swanky nightclub. Lilah didn’t want to look like a kid at an amusement park, but since visiting New York, she still hadn’t adjusted to the amazing interior designs her eyes had been feasting on.

  The room that spread out before them was made for elegant lounging. Plush chaises, plump, red, lip-shaped sofas, cubes and egglike capsules were arranged in clusters for perching and people-watching. Each cluster featured a brightly colored shaggy rug.

  A ring of neon-lit steps led to the round sunken dance floor area. The wall behind the DJ booth was a running waterfall, lit with bright lights that faded from deep pink, blue and green.

  But Angie and Lilah were led past all of this to a staircase beside the bar. At the top of the stairs, the woman introduced them to the two bouncers guarding the glass doors of the VIP lounge.

  Once inside, Lilah discovered a room decked out for an emperor, with its own bar, dance floor and DJ. Around the dance floor were gilt lounge chairs and ornately carved love seats. They were led past a Grecian-style fountain with nymphs pouring water from their marble pots.

  The woman they had been following led them to their area and took their drink orders. Exchanging looks, Lilah arranged herself on the recliner and Angie took the love seat. Seconds later, a bare-chested man wearing a toga and sandals, brought them a bowl of fresh fruit and goblets of water along with their drinks from the bar. It would have been perfect if Tyler had been there.

  Once they were alone, Angie picked up her cosmopolitan and took a sip. “Now this is the lifestyle to which I intend to become accustomed.”

  Lilah sat forward, too anxious to eat or drink anything. “I don’t know who they think we are, but I hope they don’t figure out that we’re frauds.”

  Angie shook her head. “Stop that. It’s not your connection to Remy, and it’s not a mistake. It’s you and your blog.”

  Lilah shook her head in disbelief, hearing the pulsing beat of music for the first time. Even though she’d planned to share this experience with Tyler, there was no reason not to have fun. “Come on, let’s dance.”


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