Take Me Now

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Take Me Now Page 13

by Sullivan, Faith

  “Are you the girl from the paper? Laurie…Laurel…?” Despite the danger I’m in, anger surges through me at being mistaken for my evil employer.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not Lauren.” I put as much venom as I can muster into my retort.

  “Well hold up there, miss. I mean no disrespect. It’s just that you’re all dressed up and Eric was supposed to be doing something with some hoity-toity from the Gazette tonight. At least, that’s what I read. We don’t often talk about his private life. Most of the time, we don’t even talk at all.” My heart contracts when I see how it hurts the man to make such an admission. Whoever he is, he seems to care about Eric. It makes me want to lower my guard and find out his identity.

  “I’m Ivy.” I put down the shears and extend my hand in greeting. “I’m no hoity-toity. I’m just pretending to be.”

  It’s then that Shep comes hustling out of the office before sitting at the man’s feet. Okay, now I’m confused. My puzzled expression gives the man cause to chuckle and I scrunch my brow in consternation. I may be a little slow on the uptake, but he doesn’t have to laugh at me.

  “You’re a little dynamo, aren’t you?” He scrutinizes me with begrudging admiration as Shep’s tail begins to wag. “What, did you walk all the way out here in the dark?”

  “And why do you suppose that?” Sure, it’s the second time I’ve found myself stranded at the garden center, but I’m not completely incapable of making a rational decision.

  “From the looks of it, your shoes started out black, but with that heavy coating of dust they’re now a lovely shade of gray.” He chuckles again, jiggling the suspenders that are holding up his pants.

  “Hey now, watch it, mister. There’s no need to go insulting me. I came in here because Eric’s a friend…an acquaintance…a colleague of mine. I’m an intern at the Gazette and I was doing a story on him. I needed to use a phone and the door was open. I didn’t think he’d mind.” I don’t have to tell this mysterious stranger that I’m actually running away from Eric. There’s no reason to complicate things. Shep comes over and licks my hand, causing the man to raise an eyebrow.

  “I guess your story rings true if Shep knows you. He doesn’t take to many people. He usually tries to run them off the property. Right, boy?” He pats his leg and Shep returns to his side.

  “It seems Shep’s pretty taken with you as well.” I’m itching to ask the man who he is, but for some reason I don’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  “He better be. I’m his grandpa.” He strokes the top of Shep’s head as the dog closes his eyes in a state of complete relaxation.

  “What?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “Maybe I should rephrase what I’m trying to say. I’m Eric’s father.” He dips his head and my cheeks redden. I threatened him with a sharp object in his son’s place of business. He must think I’m a lunatic.

  “Sir, I’m so sorry…” I bumble through an attempt at an apology.

  “Frank. Call me, Frank. And no need to apologize. I shouldn’t leave the front door open when I’m in the back doing the books. I deserve to be burst in on. It’s just that I’m not here that often and old habits die hard. I never lock the doors at home probably because I don’t have anything worth stealing.” He sways back on his heels like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I guess we’re both members of an exclusive club, having both been inside Eric’s house.” The minute the words leave my mouth I want nothing more than to take them back. I can’t believe how presumptuous that sounds—like I’ve bedded Eric and I’m damn proud of it.

  “Not many get that privilege. I’m glad to hear he’s opening up a bit more. This shutting himself off from everyone just wasn’t working for him.” Frank removes his glasses and wipes the lenses with a handkerchief from his pocket.

  “I don’t mean to imply anything by what I said. In fact, I think the Lauren you were referring to earlier is fast on the way to joining our ranks.” I can’t hide my disappointment, even from his father. The image of Eric kissing Lauren is still too fresh in my mind.

  “I’d hate to see that happen. I think he’s already made a significant breakthrough with you. No need to go spreading himself around.” He shakes his head before sliding his glasses back on.

  “My thoughts exactly, but I guess we don’t know him as well as we think.” Huffing, I stroll over to the window and glance out at the stars. I’d make a wish. Too bad it won’t come true.

  “Don’t lump me in that category just yet, young lady. Eric’s been down on his luck for quite a while. He’s still learning what it’s like to be on the upside of things again. But if there’s one thing I do know, it’s that his heart is true.” His pride in his son is evident, no matter how misplaced.

  “Well what do you make of him kissing one girl while making plans with another to spend the night? That sounds like one conflicted heart to me.” My statements are bold but I’m able to utter them because my back is turned. Yet I still catch Frank’s reaction in the glass even though he can’t see my face.

  “I’d say that doesn’t sound like my son. Maybe you don’t have all the facts.” He rubs his brow. My words are distressing him. I should just shut up and deal instead of dragging him into it.

  “Yeah, maybe.” I’m noncommittal at best.

  “Listen, dear. I know my son will go to great lengths to save the ones he loves. I assume you’re familiar with what happened to Cassidy. He tried to move heaven and earth to keep her with him, and when he failed, I thought he’d never come back to us. But little by little, he started turning things around. He finished the house. He reopened the garden center. He got Shep. If he’s given you any reason to place your faith in him, don’t be so quick to remove it.” With every aspect of my being, I want to believe what he’s saying, but I don’t know if I can. What excuse can Eric possibly have for making out with Lauren? And his father would definitely place Eric’s best interests ahead of mine. Is he just trying to soothe my jangled nerves to cover for his son? I need a break from all of this. I have to get away.

  “Do you mind if I use your phone to call for a ride home?” I spin around, and he seems sad that his advice had such little effect on me.

  “Be my guest, Ivy. If you’ll excuse me, I have to return to sorting out the accounts. But I’ll be in the back if you need me.” He appears defeated as he strolls away with Shep padding along behind him.

  “Jeez, don’t make me feel like the bad guy because your son turned out to be such an asshole,” I mutter under the clicking of my heels as I stomp behind the counter. Dialing Sophie’s number, I intend to make this quick.

  “Hello?” Ut oh, she sounds like she’s half asleep. But she picked up, so that’s a good sign.

  “Sophie, it’s Ivy. Listen. I’m stranded up at Riverside Gardens. I know it’s a lot to ask, but do you think you can come get me?” If she turns me down…no, I won’t even go there.

  “Ivy, I have a full schedule of guided tours at the museum tomorrow starting at nine o’clock. What the heck are you doing there anyway?” Her thoughts are becoming more coherent as she shakes off her drowsiness.

  “It’s a long story. One I’d rather not get into over the phone. Can you give me a lift or what?” She’s a tough cookie and sometimes responds better to a firm hand rather than a light touch.

  “All right. But I’d really like to kill you right now.” I hear the creaking of her bed frame as she tosses back the covers.

  “Trust me, I get it. You can kill me once you get me safely back to the dorm. I promise.” We were never super close during all of the semesters we shared together but she’s turning out to be a better friend than I expected. Who knew a drinking buddy like Sophie would be the one to come to my rescue?

  “I’ll sharpen my knife.” She deadpans before giggling on the other end. “I’ll see you in about a half hour, okay?”

  “Do you know where to go?” She doesn’t strike me as the type at being good at

  “Yeah, the guy with the dead fiancée’s place, right?” Her question is meant to be off-the-cuff but it still knocks me for a loop. I hate how Eric is referred to around here, his one tragic moment in the spotlight forever tainting his existence.

  “That’s the one.” I’m too tired to set the record straight. And besides, after the way he behaved tonight, I’m none too eager to defend Eric against the labels people stick on him. Let him fight his own battles when it comes to his public image. I’m through.

  “Hang tight, chickadee. I’ll be there in two shakes of a dog’s tail,” she barks into the receiver.

  “You better,” I urge before hanging up.

  I stare out the window again, picturing how this night could have turned out differently. I could be in Eric’s featherbed right now. Instead, I’m forced to look at a sign proclaiming a half-off sale on manure. Yeah, life certainly sucks.

  I nearly scream when I feel something cold and wet moving against my hand. Peering down, I’m relieved that it’s just Shep’s nose, no doubt searching for a treat. “I haven’t got anything for you, boy. I’m all tapped out.” He whines at my side before raising his paw to my hip in supplication. What’s Shep doing here anyway? Shouldn’t he be up at the house? The garden center’s closed and Eric never leaves him here alone. Frank must have gone up to fetch him in order to spend some quality time with his ‘grand-dog.’

  Shep circles next to the door, a surefire indication that he has to go out. I don’t think Frank will mind if I let him loose to relieve himself. Opening the front door, I watch Shep scamper out, but he doesn’t stay in the parking area. Instead, he takes off howling, charging up the grassy hill in the direction of Eric’s house.

  Chapter Twenty


  I have no clue how long I’m out when I hear Shep yelping in the distance. I sense the vibration of his paws galloping toward me before he’s licking my face, trying to revive me. I roll onto my back and taste the blood seeping from my busted lip. It’s the exclamation of surprise that follows that I don’t expect.

  “Oh my God, Eric!” And then, like out of a dream, Ivy’s beside me, her eyes full of concern. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “I knew you’d end up here. It’s where you said you’d be.” I give her a crooked smile even though it hurts to move my mouth. All I envisioned was spending the night kissing her, and it seems like that reality keeps getting further and further beyond my reach. What I wouldn’t give to start this day over again.

  “Eric, concentrate. Who did this to you?” She lifts my bruised and battered head carefully placing it in her lap. I don’t care what else happens to me. With her simple gesture, I’ve finally come home. This is what I want. There is where I belong, in her embrace, under her care, around her heart.

  “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy.” I make an attempt at a joke but she’s not buying it. I can’t say that I blame her. It’s the lamest line in the book. And I’m not even that macho when it comes to bragging rights.

  “Who was it, Eric? Tell me.” Her tone refuses to brook any opposition. It’s not like I can keep it from her. She’s going to find out eventually.

  “It was Ryan. Where is the little bastard anyway? What, did he just up and run?” I grimace when it seems like my brain wants to pulsate out of my skull.

  “Ryan? You’ve got to be kidding me!” I don’t blame her for being upset for learning that I got into a fight with her friend. “Has he completely lost it?” But I am surprised that she’s taking my side.

  “Yeah, he made some unsavory remarks about you and I wasn’t about to sit back and let them slide.” I hate to break up our reunion but I’m going to need some ice or something. My entire body is begging for relief. I try to stand up but she resists my attempt.

  “You’re such an idiot. You might have a concussion. Stay where you are. Why did you have to go after him for running off his mouth? I can take care of myself, you know. I already handled him earlier today.” She’s biting her lip as she begins to shake. I knew there was more to this than Ryan was letting on.

  “What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?” I groan just imagining what a creep like that is capable of, especially having her alone with him in his car.

  “Like I said, I took care of it. I can fight my own battles. You don’t have to go fighting them for me, especially when he’s the stepbrother of your fuck buddy or however you two define yourselves.” I can feel the pent-up anger in her voice. I know what it did to me just envisioning her doing stuff with Ryan. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like for her to actually see me kiss Lauren.

  “Ivy, it’s not what you think. She was blackmailing me to go along with her.” This is a conversation I’d rather not have right now, but there’s no avoiding it. She needs to know the truth.

  “How dumb do you think I am, Eric? I get it. You were in league with Lauren all along and this was the grand finale where the two of you got to shove it in my face. Well, mission accomplished because you succeeded in breaking my heart.” I can tell she wants nothing more than to run away from me. She’s only staying because I’m injured. Her good nature is getting the better of her survival instincts.

  “Ivy, please. Hear me out.” I reach for her hand but I move my head too quickly and my vision gets fuzzy. I collapse back onto her lap, wincing.

  “All right, that’s enough. You’re going to have to stay here while I go inside and call for help. I’m not wasting any more time on this nonsense.” She whistles loudly through her teeth. “Shep! Come here, boy.” He dutifully obeys, striding over before reclining at her feet. “You’re going to watch over your master while I use the phone, okay?” Carefully, she lifts my head, placing it on top of Shep’s back. He whines softly but stays put as she walks quickly toward the house. Without needing a prompt from me, she bends down and picks up the key from underneath the mat. She remembered, and that makes my heart hurt more than my battered body.

  A light goes on inside and it casts a glow through the front window. She’ll be back soon but I’m already starting to miss her. What if I can’t convince Ivy that I was doing everything for her? What if she holds on to that image of me kissing Lauren? I have to come clean with her. She needs to know everything. I don’t want any more secrets hanging over us. I have to take the chance and risk losing her forever. As much as I hate to admit it, telling her is the only way we’re going to be able to move forward. It’s what I should have done from the very beginning instead of getting mixed up in this insanity.

  Shep’s fur feels comforting against my cheek. He’s going to need a bath when this is all over since he’s already covered in my blood. But why was he outside anyway? How did he get out of the house? I’m positive that I locked him inside before I left for the gala. I was in a hurry but I could have sworn that’s what I did.

  The door reopens and I see the shape of Ivy’s curves against the light. From this distance, she looks like a shadow, an outline of a shape. It’s like she’s already disappearing from my life, becoming nothing more than a figment of my imagination. The realization shocks me. I’m this close to losing her. These could be the final moments we spend together and I’m too messed up to make them count.

  “C’mon inside, and I’ll clean you up.” She offers me her hand and I grasp it with mine. It feels so small and delicate against my palm. She’s not strong enough to pull me up, but she gives it her best shot. I get to my knees before the scene starts to sway again. Bending to stop myself from falling, I throw my arms around her waist in order to steady myself. My face is pressed against her chest and I can hear her heart racing. “You can do this, Eric.” Her voice is encouraging, but there’s a tremor in it as well. She tucks her arm under my elbow and tries again to hoist me up.

  “Isn’t there an ambulance coming?” I don’t want to tax her to the limits if they’re just going to move me anyway. I may as well stay put and save her the trouble. She’s not strong enough to lift me, and I’m ruining h
er dress in the process.

  “No, they don’t think it’s serious enough. They said as long as you’re conscious, then I should just keep you awake until morning and monitor you for a possible concussion. None of the lacerations are that deep, so they think you can wait until tomorrow to see your family doctor.” She doesn’t sound like she agrees with this assessment. “I have half a mind to get you in your truck and drive you to the hospital myself.”

  “If they think I can wait, I’ll wait. Ryan really didn’t beat me up that bad.” I groan as I attempt to stand, trying not to place too much of my weight on her slim shoulders. “There isn’t a lot of blood coming from my mouth, so I don’t think I have any internal bleeding or anything. I’ll live. All I want to do is get in bed.”

  “All right, lean on me. Let’s see if I can get you inside.” Her cheeks are blushing profusely after my last comment, but I don’t know if it’s because of the exertion of her efforts or because of what I said.

  We shuffle at a snail’s pace toward the open door with Shep at our feet. The night air feels cool against my skin, reviving me. We somehow make it inside, and Ivy staggers as she props me against the doorframe for a minute.

  “I just need a breather before we tackle the stairs.” She wipes her brow and gazes at the challenge looming before us.

  “Don’t be silly, Ivy. Just get my sorry ass to the couch. That’s good enough.” I grimace as my feet start to give way beneath me. I have to remain standing. We can’t go back to square one with her dragging me off the floor. I’m determined to keep my footing even when my knees start to buckle.

  “Hold on to me, damn it. We can do this. We’re almost there.” Throwing my arm back across her shoulders, she urges me forward. A few times, I almost sink to the ground but somehow we make it to the living room. We both release a sigh when she deposits me on the couch before collapsing beside me. The effort of moving me was a strain on us both.


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