Take Me Now

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Take Me Now Page 15

by Sullivan, Faith

  “I can’t fucking wait to do that again,” she cries as I nibble her earlobe.

  “Who said anything about waiting?” I smile against her cheek as my hips start to move again.

  “You are something else, Eric Young,” she giggles. “But this time, you’re going to be on top.” She carefully slides off of me and rolls onto the floor, dragging a nearby blanket with her. As she is sprawled out naked before me, I crawl on my knees before I hover over her.

  “I aim to please,” I confess as I tease her by propping myself above her without touching her.

  “Oh, really?” She asks, raising her eyebrows as her arms surround my waist as she tries to pull me on top of her. My biceps shake as she wraps her legs around me as well. Succumbing to her demands, I lower myself on top of her and get to work. We have a long night ahead of us and I intend to enjoy every moment.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  We’re tangled together in the blanket, barely aware of our surroundings, groggy after staying up all night. I admit we dozed off once or twice, but I made sure to wake Eric up whenever I caught him falling asleep. The blanket is soft, but the floor is hard. There was no way I was getting comfortable enough to snooze through what remained of the predawn hours. My thoughts are beyond scattered, and just feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of Eric’s chest beneath my head has me too wound up to get any shut-eye.

  It’s definitely morning but the sky is grey with the threat of dark clouds hanging in the air. It’s unusual to get a thunderstorm at this time of day. It’s a bad omen I don’t want to consider. Last night was perfect, and the thought of reality intruding back into our lives makes me want to snuggle even closer to Eric. But Shep’s whining at the front door and one of us is going to have to get up and let him out. It may as well be me.

  “Where are you going?” Eric mumbles as I sit up, clutching the blanket around me. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so shy around him, especially after all of the things we did last night. But in the light of day, I feel self-conscious parading around his house without any clothes on. No matter how great the sex was, we’re still at the point in our relationship where we’re getting to know each other. For the most part, I’m not particularly confident about my body. I don’t even strut around my dorm room naked.

  “Shep needs assistance,” I joke, grabbing the nearest item of clothing—Eric’s shirt—and covering myself with it. His hand encircles my ankle when I try to walk away from him. “I’ll be right back. I’m not going anywhere. I swear.” It looks like he’s quickly coming to the same realization—we can’t stay in this cocoon any longer. We’re about to dive head first into a firestorm.

  Shep jumps up, begging me to open the door. As soon as I do, he flies outside, regardless of the wind that’s beginning to deposit giant raindrops on the roof. I stand there and wait for him. There’s no way I’m leaving Shep out in this. He does his business and comes scampering back. I shut the door, and he shakes off whatever water droplets are clinging to his fur.

  Eric is propped up against the base of the couch. He looks so unbelievably sexy with his tousled hair and bare chest. How did I get so lucky? We have a lot of stuff to figure out but he wants me to stay here with him. This could all be mine. I have to pinch myself to believe this is actually happening.

  “How did Shep get out last night anyway? Do you know?” Eric scratches his dog behind the ears while trying to keep his exuberance to a minimum. His ribs are still hurting him and his bruises have deepened to an ugly shade of purple.

  “He was with your dad in the garden center. He took off when I let him out and I followed him up here. Oh my God, Sophie!” I completely forgot about her. Did she ever make it to Riverside Gardens? She must want to kill me after she drove a half hour in the dark to get me.

  “Who’s Sophie?” Eric’s confused. There’s so much about my life he doesn’t know. It sort of freaks me out that I’ve never mentioned Sophie to him before now.

  “She lives in my dorm. She was going to give me a ride and I bailed on her. She must be wondering what the hell happened to me. Can I use your phone?” I’m panicked as I race across the carpet in my bare feet, Eric’s shirt whipping against my knees.

  “Ivy, relax. My father probably told her where you went. And she didn’t come up to the house…so, you know…” He gives me a sideways look, and I don’t know what’s more traumatizing—Eric’s dad knowing we had sex or Sophie knowing.

  “Oh jeez, the cat’s out of the bag now, huh?” I can’t resist heckling Eric as I join him on the floor. A crack of thunder echoes through the house, and I scoot closer to him.

  “What? Are you scared?” He teases me, pinching my side.

  “You could say that. I know it’s Saturday but I have to reclaim my phone and get my car fixed. And both of those tasks mean facing Lauren, something I wish I could put off…forever.” I nestle against his shoulder as he rests his cheek on top of my head.

  “You’re not going to have to deal with this alone. I’m going with you.” By his tone, it’s clear he intends to accompany me but I can’t let him do that.

  “Eric, I need to do this on my own. No doubt she’s going to fire me. I’m prepared for that. I know now that it would hurt a hell of a lot more to lose you.” I bend over and lightly kiss his lips. “I’m ready to sever all ties with that family. I gave it my best shot. I tried, but it’s over. There’s no point crying over something that turned into such chaos. I’m just glad it brought me to you.”

  “I’m sorry it has to end like this.” He buries a hand in my hair, massaging my temple with his thumb. “Do you have any idea what you’re going to do now? Because I have something in mind.”

  “You do?” I smile at him even though my world is falling apart around me. Just having him on my side makes me feel like I can pull through anything.

  “Get out of that damn internship. Take the loss. Hell, take the semester off. Stay here with me.” I lower my eyes, but he tilts my chin up for me to look at him. “I’m not saying you walk away from earning your degree. Just take some time to regroup. Lauren screwed up your plans. Let me help you find another internship and get back on track.”

  “You make it sound so easy.” I shrug, holding up my hands. “But there’s so much at stake. We’re talking about my future here.”

  “I know.” He cups my face in both of his hands. “I only want what’s best for you. But please don’t walk away from me. If you head off to the main campus, we’ll never see each other. I don’t think I can make it through the next year or so without you, especially after last night.”

  This is serious. It’s the dilemma ambitious young women everywhere are forced to confront—their love life versus their career. And Eric is already asking me to choose. Even if I did say yes to him and eventually got my degree, there aren’t too many jobs in journalism in this neck of the woods. I always thought I’d go test the water after graduation and see where I ended up. Depending on the leads I received, I was willing to travel anywhere in the country to start my life as a reporter. Now the freedom to pick up and go isn’t there. I already feel bound to this man. How can I turn my back on something so good?

  “We don’t have to make any decisions now. I still have a couple more weeks before the fall semester starts. Once Lauren pulls out of my internship, I’ll need to talk to my advisor and find out what can be done.” I’m starting to feel a little sick inside, but with Eric’s arm around me, at least I have a safety net to fall back on if things don’t work out. It terrifies me to think that I’ll be without a job or a place to live if I can’t move on to the main campus. This is serious.

  “Too bad I got into it with Ryan. He might have been able to persuade Lauren to at least sign off on your credits.” The look he gives me is searching, like he wants to reveal something more but he’s holding back.

  “Ryan caused so much trouble last night that it hurts my head to think about it.” I cringe at the memory as a flash of lightning illuminates the gloo

  “What exactly did he do to you?” The defensive tone is back in Eric’s voice, and I don’t even want to contemplate what Ryan might have told him about me.

  “You don’t want to know.” I try to put some space between us but Eric pulls me back to his side.

  “I think I do. Did he hurt you?” He starts rubbing my shoulders to ease the tension, so at least I’m facing away from him. I can’t have him looking at me when I tell him the details.

  “He got a little carried away. It got rough, but I handled it.” Eric’s hands pause in their motion, cradling my neck. “Let’s just say he’s not the person I thought he was.”

  “How far did things go if he had your panties in his back pocket?” I can’t stand to hear the mixture of jealousy and bloodlust coming from Eric’s mouth. He wanted to avenge my honor in that fight. Too bad he was a little late.

  “He tried to force himself on me in the Jeep. He had me pinned down but I got away. I think he felt sorry about it afterwards. He made a remark like he thought I wanted it or something. Maybe I was giving him mixed signals by trying to be his friend. I don’t know.” I shake my head, wondering if I had any part in leading him on. I never thought he’d turn violent though.

  “Ivy, you should have called the cops and reported him. What if he tries it again with some other girl?” The heat in Eric’s words is blazing. If Ryan were with us right now, there’s no doubt in my mind that Eric would finish the job he started last night.

  “There’s no way I’m pressing charges on my oldest friend, Eric. He was just confused, that’s all.” At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. “Besides, the cops aren’t going to buy my story when they find out who is family is. It’d just be one big scandal with me on the losing end of it.”

  “But that doesn’t mean he should get away with it.” He drops his hands from my shoulders and I twist around to confront him.

  “Eric, you already beat the crap out of him. What more can you possibly do?” I’m worried that he’s going to do something stupid.

  “I can teach him a lesson.” Malice glints in his eyes and I draw away from him.

  “How? You won’t get anywhere near him after last night.” I try to see where he’s going with this, but I’m coming up empty.

  “I’ll bide my time. There’s always a way.” He seems so certain. How can he be so sure?

  “Well, I want to get you patched up from this round first. How about we call your doctor and see if he can examine you today?” I cast a worried glance over his battered appearance and he groans, closing his eyes.

  “But it’s Saturday. I have to open the garden center. It’s the busiest day of the week.” He’s going to fight me on this, but I don’t intend to budge.

  “I don’t care. I’m sure your customers will understand if you open up a few hours late. Your health is more important. Besides, it’s raining out anyway.” I stand regardless of his entreaties for me to sit down. “What’s your doctor’s name? I’m calling him right now.”

  “Carter,” he mutters under duress. “The number is on the magnet on the fridge.”

  At first, I get the answering service so I leave a message, and five minutes later Dr. Carter calls back. He’s going to come in and see Eric in his office. He’s known Eric since he was a child and was there for the family when everything was going down with Cassidy.

  The next person I call is Eric’s dad, who agrees to take his son to the appointment. He doesn’t sound the least bit surprised that I’m calling from Eric’s house. I try not to blush on the other end of the line.

  After that, I dial Sophie. She chews me out at first but then she admits that she’s glad that I’m okay and that I owe her for coming all that way for nothing. She’s driving to the museum to begin her marathon of guided tours so I don’t keep her long.

  Now my only problems are getting a ride to the office and finding something halfway decent to wear. I examine the back of my dress. Eric effectively tore it in half. There’s no possibility of salvaging it.

  “Eric, do you sell any other type of clothing besides clogs?” He raises an eyebrow as he potters around next to me in the kitchen.

  “I have touristy items like t-shirts with the name of the town on them and those plaid shorts that look more like pajama bottoms.” He pours me a glass of juice before handing it to me.

  “That’ll work.” I slide a piece of bread into the toaster, my mind figuring out the next step. I’ll probably call a cab from the garden center then.

  “I didn’t think I did such a number on your dress.” He grins wryly at me while getting a box of cereal out of the cupboard.

  “Are you kidding? What you did was so unbelievably hot. It’s not every day that a girl gets ripped out of her clothes.” I reach back and snap the waistband of his boxer briefs, and he hits me in the rear end with a dishtowel. And then it’s on as he grabs me around the waist, placing me on top of the stove. “There’s no time for this. Your father’s going to be here any minute.” I make excuses against his lips as he devours me.

  Sighing in frustration, he releases me when the doorbell rings. “He would have to be early.”

  “He’s probably just worried about you. I know I would be.” He’s wearing nothing but his underwear when he answers the door, expecting his father. But I feel a chill run through me when I hear someone else’s voice greet him.

  No, it can’t be…

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “I thought you guys should see this,” Will announces before brushing past me and waltzing into my house. Funny, I don’t remember inviting him in. He’s brandishing a copy of today’s Gazette as Ivy hurries out of the kitchen, her face white. Will lets his gaze roam hungrily across her body, taking in how few of the buttons are fastened on the shirt she’s wearing…which just so happens to be mine. The paper is wet from the rain that’s coming down outside, but I can clearly read the headline from where I’m standing. And it makes my blood boil.


  “What?” Ivy snatches the paper out of Will’s hands and frantically begins to read. “Ivy Thompson, 21, a recently released intern at the Independent Gazette, is expected to be charged with the statutory rape of an underage co-worker, according to a source at the police department.”

  Will doesn’t appear all that concerned as Ivy sinks to her knees, dropping the newspaper in the process. I shove him out of the way and take her in my arms. “I can’t believe they did this, but it’s going to be okay. There’s not a shred of truth to what they’re saying.”

  “I can’t read anymore.” Her voice shakes as she tries to hold back her tears in front of Will, who seems to be rather bored by her reaction.

  “I’ll give you the gist of it then.” Will nonchalantly bends over to pick up the offending article, tucking the paper under his arm. “They’re saying that Ivy attacked Ryan last night, came on a little too strong or something. Apparently, he has the bruises to prove it along with a piece of Ivy’s lingerie. Of course, the cops could probably care less about a boy and a girl getting frisky in a car, but based on the last name the kid has and the fact that he’s seventeen complicates matters. It’s going to be a classic ‘he said, she said’ battle royale, and since Ivy doesn’t have the funds to mount a capable legal defense, it doesn’t look good, especially with his stepsister running the biggest media outlet in town.”

  “Why did you come here, Will? I’m sure we would’ve found out about it ourselves.” I stare him down as Ivy shudders beside me.

  “Because I’m the one who wrote the story.” Will laughs, and all I want to do is shut him up, but Ivy’s clinging to me with everything she’s got. “Hold on, let me explain. You already did a number on Ryan. I don’t want to be your next victim. Although judging by how you look, the kid must’ve put up one hell of a fight.”

  “So you know I didn’t do it.” Ivy glances up at Will, unshed tears threatening to fall.

f course I do. But when Lauren offered me the chance to work with her uncle on an upcoming project, how could I refuse? I do have some communication courses under my belt, like news writing, and she needed someone outside the paper to write it so there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest.” Will strolls into the kitchen and selects an empty mug off the counter. “Lauren basically dictated every word anyway, just using my name for the byline. She was in a rage when she saw the condition Ryan was in when he got back to the theater. Why she didn’t target Eric directly? I have no idea.”

  “Because she’s still in love with him,” Ivy states robotically. I’d rather she didn’t say anything in front of Will, but it’s too late now. “It figures she’d get the story all wrong. Ryan’s the one who tried to rape me.”

  Will whistles through his teeth before filling the mug with coffee. It’s grating on my nerves that he has started helping himself without even asking. The arrogance of this guy is unbelievable. “And Eric found out about it and wanted to settle the score, huh?” Will asks, tipping his mug in my direction.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d stop referring to me in the third person since we’re obviously in the same room.” My outburst causes him to smirk. He likes pushing my buttons. I can’t let him see that he’s getting to me.

  “Well, my man. All I know is your little girlfriend here is in a shitload of trouble because of you. So what do you intend to do about it?” He squares his shoulders, challenging me head on.

  “I certainly wouldn’t tell you.” I hate being the one to have to back down, but there’s no way I’m revealing anything to this snitch. He’s just playing both sides to his advantage. He’s probably here because Lauren expects a full report on how we plan to deal with the situation.


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