Dark Demon (Demon Assassin Series Book 2)

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Dark Demon (Demon Assassin Series Book 2) Page 3

by A C Wilds

  I scoff as I continue to the back of the property. Ari takes flight, causing a breeze to ruffle my hair. I can hear the clanging of swords and grunts. Uriel is sitting on the fence, watching Nox and Anima duel.

  Their fighting is beautiful. A dance befitting a king and his princess. With each movement, she counters his bow, floating away as if she’s defying gravity.

  “Use your power,” Uriel laughs from the sidelines. He’s enjoying watching Nox get his ass handed to him.

  Anima sends out a blast, and she spins out of the way. Nox lands on his ass and groans.

  Bringing her arms to the sky, she shouts a battle cry. Her sword shines in the sunlight, and I can’t help to fall for her a little more.

  “You’ve bested me once. That does not make you a master. Let’s go again.” Nox says, brushing dirt off his pants.

  I come upon Uriel and lean over the post, ready to watch her take him down again.

  “You sure about that, old man? When was the last time you battled with a worthy opponent? You forget I’ve been fighting my entire life. There was no reprieve for me back home,” she taunts.

  Pride beams out of her. Her life has been hard, but there is nothing she can’t overcome.

  “She’s wonderful. If you fuck this up, I will blast you so my holy magic until your body disintegrates to sand. There will be no trace of you left,” Uriel whispers so only I can hear.

  Normally, a threat like that would raise my hackles, but I would agree to anything for Anima.

  “You have my word I will treat her with the respect she’s owed. I will live and breathe for her. She is my world now, and nothing can stop me from protecting her. I’m a sunken ship, Uriel, and she is my life raft.”

  A choking sound comes from the ring as Anima stubbles and barely misses a blow from Nox. She darts away, glaring at me. I may have spoken loud enough to let her hear me.

  “I will remind you every chance I get to honor your words. She is part of my soul, and now that she is here with Nox and me, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”

  He pushes off the fence and jumps to the ground, walking over to the two warriors. His sword appears at his side, and a whooshing sound calls out a battle cry.

  “Let’s see how rusty you are, Nox. Anima, ready to take on the king of the Dark?” Uriel asks, stepping up to her side.

  She watches with apprehension, not sure what to make of him.

  “I think Nox is the one who needs help. Allow me to take on both of my soul-merge. I think you will regret it.”

  An evil smile crosses over her as her smoke leaks down her arm and merges with her sword. Uriel and Nox turn to each other, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen two beings look this happy.

  “Prepare yourself, tri-bred. This will hurt,” Nox says before charging her.

  Uriel’s wings burst out, and his sword catches flame as he rises to the sky. Reading his charge, he rushes to the ground, but Anima expects his blow and disappears before he can touch down.

  She lands a kick to Nox’s back, making the two collide. Bouncing back on her feet, she holds the position.

  “You are rusty. Have you forgotten how to fight a witch?” she taunts. Spells cast on her lips as she moves, circling them.

  A ring of fire engulfs them, and she readies her next attack. What she doesn’t see is Nox inhaling the energy. The king of the Dark’s powers are very particular. He can absorb energy in any form, just as I’m able to control the blood of others.

  He blasts her with the consumed energy, and she goes flying back into the tree line. Uriel is there in a moment, bringing his sword down on her. As he’s about to make contact, she rolls away from him.

  Nox’s shadow snakes out to grab hold of her, but she bounces off the ground and disappears again. I must ask her how to do that. It’s something that could come in handy.

  His smoke hits the ground and disappears. It’s her turn to use the smoke, except it lights up with gold magic this time, making it purple. A solid whip comes off her left hand, and she throws it at the angel flying above her.

  It catches him around the ankle, and he falls to the ground with a thud. Dust flies all around him, and he coughs as the air blasts out of his lung.

  “You’re becoming a menace,” Nox says in annoyance.

  Chuckling, I watch in amazement as she bests him with her sword and whip. She’s so focused she doesn’t see Uriel come behind her. When he wrap his holy magic around her, she’s forced to release the whip.

  He squeezes, wrapping the vines tighter around her. She thrashes and tries to break free, but he’s got her in a hold.

  “Submit, young one. There’s nothing that breaks holy vines,” Uriel taunts her.

  She relaxes, and the vines fall away. “I will learn how to get out. You can trust that as my word.”

  Nox gets up from the floor, and all three walk over to where I stand. Dirt and grime cover them, but the smiles on their faces say it was worth it.

  Once she notices me, a frown overcomes her. Not the welcome I was expecting.

  “You should be in bed,” she says.

  “I couldn’t stay in that room. I’m not good at idling. I need action.”

  “I bet you do,” she retorts, taking a sip from a skein of water. Her silver eyes catch the light, and a weird feeling forms in my stomach as I watch her gulp down the water.

  Nox flicks me in the ear. “Enough, Blood.”

  I can’t help but beam at him. “She is my mate.”

  Anima spits out some water. “Stop telling everyone. Between the two of you, billboards will be plastered everywhere. Haven’t you heard of the element of surprise?”

  “I care not for what people think. I’m proud to call you my mate, whether or not you hide the fact. We will be together. Mark my words.”

  I turn from the trio to make my way back into the house. I’m getting weary of her objection, and I will wear her down. That is my promise to the universe.

  Anima will be mine.



  After a shower and some food, I go in search of Namir. There are some things we need to discuss before we can move forward with our plans.

  Scur is still a danger to us all, and I know he won’t let what we did to his army camp go. I also have a promise to fulfill. Before my life ends, he will die.

  The tyger lies on the grass in an open field behind the training arena. His white coat glistens off the sun, and a lazy aura hangs in the air. He’s at peace, and I’m a little envious.

  Come lie with me. The sun is the right temperature for a nap.

  He stretches out, yawning, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

  “We need to strategize on how to deal with Scur. He’s the immediate threat. Rahna will have to wait until we deal with him,” I say aloud.

  I plop down on his side and lean back. His heat seeps through me instantly, and my muscles relax. He chuffs in satisfaction, and my mind eases.

  Scur is an arrogant ruler. He will find out where we are and attack. Suggest to the Dark king that you must return to his home. It’s a stronghold compared to this shack. We won’t survive here.

  “Is his castle far? Will it be another trek as before?”

  No, it lies on the border of the Dark and Deathlands. Maybe a few days from here on nuckaleeves, but I’m sure he has a portal somewhere. I can’t see the king riding through the forest.

  He chuckles, sending a vibration through his body. It’s like being in a giant massage chair. I close my eyes and tip my head to the sun. The rays burn into my eyelids, making everything turn red for a moment.

  I wish things could be this simple always. Lying in the sun with a giant cat. While it’s nothing normal, I’d take this over killing any day. And yet, as the thought crosses my mind, shock rears its head. I’ve never been one to slack on my duties, but killing my kind doesn’t have the same appeal as before.

  Rahna manipulated me. She knew my soul was half-demon, and my powers weren’t strictly a witch�
��s. My past has been a lie, and I’m tired of letting others dictate my values.

  You’re thinking too loudly. Try to enjoy this time we have.

  “It’s unfair what they’ve done to me. Their lies shaped who I’ve become, and now I’m stuck in a war I didn’t want but have to fight in.”

  The realms are never kind to those who protect it. You choose if you want to be a victim or if you want to be its salvation.

  “If honesty is what you seek, I want neither.”

  His laugher floats through the bond. Trust yourself, soul-bonded. It will do you good to let go of all the rules. Just be within the moment the Fates have created for you. Nothing is impossible; you are proof of that.

  A branch breaks in the distance, and both Namir and I raise our heads in curiosity. Nox breaks from the trees, then sits with us. His face is vulnerable, something I didn’t think the king of the Dark was capable of.

  “Namir says we should leave this place. We must prepare for when Scur will find us. We have no defenses against his army here,” I say, leaning back into Namir once again.

  “I’ve been planning it since you showed up. I thought nothing less of the imposter king when I saw Torque lying motionless on my front porch.” A quirk of a smile shows on his face.

  “When do we leave? I don’t want to waste time getting to safety.”

  “Tonight. Torque is well enough to travel. We will go to my castle. It’s fortified to withstand an attack. My army sits there and my sister.”

  “Sister? I have an aunt?” A surge of joy runs through me. A female relative.

  “Yes, Umbra. She’s been the acting ruler while I’ve been on my holiday.”

  “You mean since you’ve been moping in this cottage waiting for Uriel to come back.”

  He hits my leg in jest. Namir growls low underneath me, and I can’t help but let out a laugh. Teasing the Dark king might have become my favorite thing to do.

  “I do not mope. I was taking time to find myself.”

  This pushes me over the edge. I roll off Namir, tears in my eyes. My breath catches in my chest as a very unladylike cackle comes out of my mouth. My laughter is so infectious that even Nox laughs at himself.

  “What are the two of you laughing at?” Uriel asks, coming to join our party.

  “Nox was telling me the actual reason he took a sabbatical from being king,” I explain, wiping tears from my eyes.

  “Did he admit to moping?” Uriel’s question throws me into another fit of laughter. Before I know it, Namir kicks me off him and walks away. We’ve disturbed the tyger’s nap.

  Nox’s glare is everything, and Uriel comes to help me up off the ground. I grab at his hand, brushing the dirt from my pants and tunic.

  “I’ll leave you two. I will get everything ready for tonight. I’m sure the rest of the demons will love going to the Dark Palace.”

  Walking with purpose toward the cottage, I try to stop smiling, but happiness doesn't leave me for the first time in a long time.

  The cabin is quiet when I return. I’m not sure where the Bloods have gone, but I welcome the peace.

  In the kitchen, I pull out food and start preparing a snack. What appears to be roasted chicken and blocks of cheese lay on a platter. I grab some pickled peppers and bread from the side table.

  Moving over to the counter, I slice the bread and put strips of chicken and cheese between the slices. The acid from the vinegar in the peppers drip down the sides. It makes my mouth water. I don’t remember the last time I had a good meal.

  “Witch.” She says the word with disgust.

  I turn to find Vita standing over the table. Her back is rigid, and her hands dig into the back of the chair. Her scowl tells me all I need to know.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, taking my sandwich over to a stool in the room’s corner. My back is to the wall, but there is still enough room to maneuver if she tries to attack me.

  “You don’t belong with him. He’s mine,” she growls. Fangs descend, and her chocolate eyes turn ruby for a moment.

  I cock my head to the side, considering her for a moment. She’s beautiful—there is no doubt about that—but there is something sour about her, too. She’s tainted.

  “I’m not sure you understand what a fated mate is. There is no choice. It’s not like I planned on mating the princep.”

  She takes a step closer to me. If she ruins this sandwich, I’ll be angry.

  “I will kill you, and there will be no more bond.” Her voice is sure, but she makes no further attempt to attack me.

  I take a bite of the sandwich, then chew loudly. She clenches her jaw, staring daggers into me. It might be fun wrestling her to the ground.

  “You could try, or you could walk away and leave with all of your body in tack. If you continue, I will hurt you. Not kill you… but I will use you as a reminder that I do not forgive vampires who fuck with the Shadow Slayer. Your choice.”

  She growls, and her fingers turn into three-inch claws. Before she can rush me, I’m behind her. A simple trick I learned when I was small. I can use the smoke to cover myself. I appear invisible for a time. It’s extremely helpful in battle.

  I kick out, pushing her onto the stool I was occupying. She spins, claws ready to slice through me, but I’m ready for her. My smoke comes out, and I bind her by the neck.

  “Are you ready to stop?” I ask, loosening the binds so she can talk. The cheese is popping out of my sandwich, so I squish it back into place and lick the tip of my finger.

  “Never. I will see you dead.”

  I roll my eyes and walk out of the kitchen, leaving her tied up against the wall. Taking another bite of my sandwich, I go in search of Torque. He needs to solve this now.

  The three Bloods are outside the cottage on the porch. I can’t hear what they’re discussing, but their hushed tones don’t sound playful.

  The door creaks open, and three sets of eyes turn to me. “You need to get rid of the vampire. She tried to attack me. Apparently, you are hers, and she doesn’t want me in the way.”

  The bread of my sandwich is getting soggy. I take a few more bites, waiting for the princep to give me an answer.

  Torque closes his eyes for a moment. “Where is she?”

  “Held in the kitchen by my shadow smoke. I didn’t think it would be good to let her go. She seems incredibly determined to kill me.”

  He approaches me, grabs my sandwich, and takes a bite. I glare at him, but he only smiles and gets in my space.

  “Caymn, go retrieve Vita. I’ll create the portal for you to bring her back. She can’t stay,” he says, eyes never leaving my face.

  Smiling, I snatch my sandwich and take the last bite before dusting my hands off on my pants. Torque tries to crowd me into the door, but I give him a shove and sit in the rocking chair next to the window.

  “I can’t leave you here. There’s too much to do. The Dark surrounds you,” Caymn protests. He’s stepped onto the porch platform. Worry creases form on his brow.

  “The club needs a leader. With Mammon gone, that falls on you. The Mortal Realm isn’t secure, and I need you to protect our people.”

  Mammon comes up to Caymn, then puts a hand on his shoulder. Caymn turns toward him, and whatever was on his lips dies with the look Mammon gives him.

  “Fine.” He brushes past Torque on his way into the house.

  “Are you feeling up to opening a portal? I thought it took a lot of juice?” I ask. I remember how he was when we first came into the Demon Realm.

  “I’ve recovered.” He’s not as convincing as he wants to be, but I let it go. If he needs to be the macho man for his men, so be it.

  “Can you release her?” Caymn bellows from inside the house.

  “Oops.” When I release the magic, a thud sounds. A vampire on her ass never sounded so good.

  “That fucking bitch. I will kill her,” she screams before a breeze blows the door open, and she comes charging out. I remain seated.

  Mammon grabs her bef
ore she does anything stupid. This bitch is delusional.

  “You will stop this. You’re acting like a child. I was never yours, and I will never be. You should have accepted this when I banished you.”

  Torque’s voice is firm and unforgiving. Banishment. I heard that only happens when vampires are truly out of control. To not live with or near your demon is said to be soul-crushing.

  The Bloods move her into the forest as I remain on the porch. Seeing them leave like three men of power does something to me. For the first time in a long time, I’m not alone. Even if Mammon and Caymn aren’t here for me, it’s still good to have backup.



  A demon portal wasn’t what I imagined. I thought there would be a swirl of magic, wind blowing, and maybe even a roar of power. This is boring.

  “All we have to do is walk through the mirror. That’s it?” I ask.

  Nox places his hand on the frame of the giant floor-to-ceiling mirror in the cottage’s basement. It’s big enough to fit four bodies across or one giant tyger and a golden eagle.

  “Once I activate the mirror’s power, you will see the throne room. The barrier will weaken, and you only have to step through.”

  Nox’s instructions are so simplistic. How are there not a thousand mirrors all over the Demon Realm and at home? It would have been so easy to move around this way.

  “Will I be able to activate the glass?”

  “Yes, I’ll teach you the magic…”

  He’s interrupted by a very anxious demon. “Can we get on with this already? I don’t want to be in this basement any longer,” Mammon complains.

  “By all means, go through first if you can’t bear to wait,” Nox says, the mirror rippling underneath his magic. Our reflections disappear, and a marble throne room comes into view.

  A smirk appears on Nox’s face as Mammon takes a step back. Something passes between the two demons, but I ignore it.

  Seated at the largest throne's right is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her blonde hair cascades down her shoulder, ending at her hip. A small thin frame, like my own, perches forward in anticipation. Her face is alight with excitement.


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