Dark Demon (Demon Assassin Series Book 2)

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Dark Demon (Demon Assassin Series Book 2) Page 8

by A C Wilds

  “She didn’t say. She’s pissed at him. She may have overheard him telling me that being mated is an advantage for the kingdoms.”

  Uriel closes his eyes. When he opens them, hellfire burns. He flips off his fluff-layered coat and takes to the sky. “Try not to cause a war while I’m gone,” he says before following Anima into the woods.


  The woods behind the castle are sinister. Dark shadows consume secrets, causing a chill down my bare arms. My only solace is Hubris and my SIG.

  The beating of wings has me tilting my head to the sky. Black wings flap overhead with a remarkably familiar angel between them. He lands behind me, but I don’t wait for him to catch up. I’m too pissed to stay still.

  “Being mad at your mate is pointless.”

  “That’s fucking ridiculous coming from the angel we found in a shack in the Bloodlands.”

  “Nox and I have a lot more behind us than you and Torque. This is new, and you’re new to the realm and life. You’re barely thirty years old. We’re ancient compared to you.”

  I whirl around, stepping into his space. “You all should know better than that. I’m not a puppet for Nox or Torque to show off in court. I won’t be used.”

  “Being of royal blood and having a royal mate comes with responsibilities. Blame it on me. I wasn’t there to raise you. I should have made sure the soul merge was safe. I shouldn’t have ran.”

  “Don’t be the martyr. We all know who is to blame, and she will die, but that doesn’t mean the rest of you get to show off your shiny prize now. Look at me.” I hold my hands wide. “I look ridiculous in this dress.”

  “You’re lovely. The color is perfect for your skin.”

  “We take you to court, and you’re suddenly like one of the guys from Queer Eye.”

  “I don’t know what that is.”

  “It’s an old TV show in the Mortal Realm. The joke isn’t funny if I have to explain it to you.”

  I sigh. “It’s not just the clothes and all the demons bowing to me when I walk into the room. It’s that everyone is watching me to see what I’ll do. What makes me so special. It’s a lot.”

  “They did it to me when Nox and I first mated. He’s a demon, I’m an angel, and we’re both males. It was as if we took all of their happy lives and turned them upside down. We were quite the scandal.”

  “How did you do it? Get over all the stares and expectations?”

  “We did it together. The one thing Nox is always true about is his loyalty. Regardless of the fights and the separation, he’d always be there for me if I needed him.”

  “I’ve never even had a boyfriend. I don’t think I’m mate material. What can I offer him? I know nothing about court life or even dresses.”

  I fluff out the ridiculous train. Frustrated, I want to take it off and throw it on the ground to stomp on it.

  “You are more than you think. Special doesn’t even describe what you’re capable of. Anima, you are a prize.”

  A giggle comes free, the anger slowly seeping out of me. “I love Torque.”

  To admit it out loud is crushing me, but there’s no point in denying it anymore. He’s seated inside of my heart. A part of me I could never shake.

  “Does he know that?” Uriel takes a seat on a fallen tree, patting the wood next to him.

  “No. I didn’t even believe it until I said it. It’s not a traditional head-over-heels love. It’s more like he’s an extension of me. Our essences are carved into one another for all time. It’s scary as fuck.”

  “Fated mates are rare. You’re lucky—some demons or angels don’t find their person in their entire lives.”

  “I don’t want to be lucky. I want to be free. Uriel, I’ve always had someone to control me, guide me, command me. I’ve never lived a life for myself. Once we take care of Rahna, I’m leaving. No more Dark or Blood kingdoms. I’m done.”

  “We have to survive first, but you’re right. You should be able to do what you want. I can’t imagine all that death has been good for you. It’s the requirements of a warrior, but when there are no more wars to fight…”

  “When that time comes, then I will decide what to do. There’s too much to do now. I could die, and this conversation would be pointless.”

  He places his hand around my shoulder, guiding me to lean into him. His warmth puts some of my nerves at ease, but it will never be okay, not for an assassin.

  “Tonight is about you. As much as Torque is trying to pull you together, many more demons need to be aware of your existence. We’re going to need allies in this war, Anima. You can’t hide out here while your father campaigns.”

  I stand from the log. “I’m not hiding. I know nothing of strategies of war. My skills are with a blade. All of this is suffocating.”

  “It is, but you must learn. You’re still young. There will be other wars, and we may not be around to help you lead them.”

  “Now who’s talking doom and gloom? Are you the more reasonable father? I figured Nox would be the one to let me get away with everything.”

  He laughs and comes to stand with me, pulling me into a hug. “For you, Anima, I will be anything. My heart is finally whole after all these years. I don’t care how you were created or the rest of it. I only know you are the most important being in my life. You’re more precious to me than I could ever say.”

  It takes all of me not to start bawling on his shirt. No one has ever said these things to me. Coming from Torque, it feels different. This love, because that’s what I feel, is unconditional. The kind where you are accepted for anything and everything.

  I clear my throat, ducking underneath all the feathers to untangle myself. “Let’s go see what awaits the princess of the Darklands.”



  Uriel and I walk back into the ballroom arm in arm. His proud posture makes me smile. He reminds me of a fluffy peacock, ready to stake his claim.

  “Where have you two been?” Nox asks, coming down from his throne.

  He kisses Uriel’s cheek, and the mood changes at his slight rejection. Something is going on with them.

  “We toured the gardens. Anima needed a moment.”

  Nox looks me over, trying to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong.

  “I’m fine. There are too many demons here.” I glance behind me to find the room filled with demons—laughing, dancing, and eating. It’s like a normal party, except it’s filled with the one supernatural I’ve hunted for most of my life.

  “This is the Demon Realm, and you’re a demon princess,” Nox says plainly.

  “Answer me this. How many of these demons would be happy to learn about my day job?”

  Sighing, he grabs my hand in his. “You weren’t given a choice. She took you from us, then brainwashed you into thinking all demons are horrible. It will take time to accept, but you will find that not all of us are killers.”

  “Let’s not debate tonight. We have certain lords to win over. We need troops, and this isn’t the way to do it,” Uriel says, bringing us back to the present.

  “Yes, Anima, please have a seat so we can start.”

  I go to object, but Uriel squeezes my arm and shakes his head. “It’s not the time. Do this for your mortals. Without them, everyone will be dead.”

  This makes me see the real problem I haven’t thought about. Rahna will have an army of witches. She’ll make them all believe her lies. This isn’t something Hallowed Grounds and I can take on alone. We need these demons.

  I take Nox’s offered arm, and we walk together up to the two impressive chairs. Umbra meets us and sits to Nox’s left. If someone were to look at all three of us, they’d see a family. We’re all so similar it’s hard to deny it any longer.

  The crowd quiets as Togmerin announces us. Curious eyes stare at me, making me feel like a piece of meat at the market. Judging and assessing to see if I’m worthy.

  I sit up straighter in my chair, gazing out into the crowd. Torque and Mammon are in a
n alcove by the balcony doors. Torque’s ruby eyes bore into me, and I can’t help but feel sorrow.

  After Togmerin finishes speaking, a line forms as guests come to greet their absent king and the long-lost princess.

  The first family approaches us. Two young boys cling to their mother’s dress. “Your Majesty, Your Highnesses. It humbles us to be in your presence. Such a delight to have a new heiress to the throne. We welcome you to court, my lady,” says the man.

  “Lord Toller, thank you for coming. It’s good to see you and with two boys,” Nox says.

  Lord Toller stands proud, beaming. “This is Mortis and Turner. Only three years old, but they have the fire of warriors inside. I hope they will serve the crown one day.”

  He bows as his wife hands Umbra a small box. She nods, taking the offering with a smile.

  The whole interaction is foreign to me. It’s as if this is all normal when it’s anything but.

  After an hour of greeting people, accepting gifts, and fending off proposals, I can’t stand to sit here another moment.

  “Father, may I be excused?” My smile is saccharine sweet, and Umbra hides a scoff underneath her delicate hands.

  “Of course, my darling. Go dance and have something to eat. You look famished.”

  Narrowing my eyes at his comeback, I rise off the throne and go in search of anything other than a certain demon who smells like brimstone and whiskey.

  The food and drink table overflow with an abundance of delicious things. I take a plate, then fill it up with fruits. If I can’t identify it, I won’t chance eating it. Who knows what it could be.

  A servant pours me a glass of what looks like wine, and I make my way over to a high table in the room’s corner. All of this seems surreal—a Tenebris witch playing princess. If someone had told me this a few months ago, there would be no way I’d believe them.

  “Hello,” says a voice so smooth it doesn’t sound real.

  I look up from my platter, coming face to face with a gorgeous demon. One I would have pegged for human except his eyes. They shine like sapphires in the light.

  “Hi,” I say, meekly wiping my mouth on a napkin.

  “I’m Caine.” He holds his hand out.

  Slipping mine inside his, I say, “Anima.” I pick up the glass of wine and take another sip, needing something to break up the awkward. I’m not good at making friends.

  “How do you like court?” He smirks like this is a joke.

  “Honestly, this is all too much. I’m not one for fanfare.”

  “Something we have in common. How would you spend your perfect night then?”

  “Probably killing something,” I deadpan. His laughter is so loud that demons turn to see what’s so amusing.

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment. I need to get out of here.

  “More alike than I originally thought.” He steps closer to the table, placing his glass alongside mine.

  “What is it you do here?” I ask, waving my fork in a circle before taking another bite of fruit.

  “I’m the son of Lord Basrik. I’m also a commander of my house’s military.”

  “Really? Wouldn’t have guessed it.”

  “Which part?” A smile plays on his face.

  “Being a commander—unless they do it differently in the Demon Realm. You have no calluses on your hands. You don’t pick up a sword much, do you?”

  At first, I think he’s going to throw his wine in my face, but then he grins widely. It’s not friendly. I definitely went too far with this one.

  “Very observant. And here I thought you were just a pretty demon in a sexy red dress.”

  I flick my gaze to Nox, then over to Torque. Neither is looking. I stab my fork through Caine’s hand, pinning him to the table. He cries out in pain. This time, people pay attention.

  “I might be pretty, but never underestimate what I’m capable of.”

  A growl sounds behind me, and I feel his heat pressed against me. I don’t need saving, but it feels good to have someone else looking out for me for once. Life at the citadel was lonely. It was only when I met Shelley that I knew things could be different.

  “Step away, Caine,” Torque grits out.

  “The king-who-isn’t. You are in no position to tell me what to do. You hold no power in this court.”

  Besides being a misogynistic twatwaffle, Caine is also an entitled asshole.

  Torque takes a step forward, and Caine has the excellent sense to step back, holding his hand to his chest. A trickle of blood pours from the wound to stain his gray jacket.

  “I told you not to stab people,” Uriel says, moving in front of Torque to cut off his view of Caine.

  “He called me a pretty demon in a sexy dress.” I sneer, causing Caine to jump.

  I don’t think Uriel’s eyes could roll more into the back of his head than they do. He gives me a disapproving fatherly frown before escorting Caine out of the ballroom, hopefully to kick him out.

  “That guy has always been an asshole,” Torque says, picking up my wineglass and taking a sip.

  I scowl, but I don’t say how much I enjoy watching him put his lips on the glass I used.

  “Why are you here? We’re fighting, remember?”

  He leans on the table and gets right in my face, close enough to kiss but far enough away to leave the rest up to me.

  “We’re not fighting. You’re mad because you overheard the wrong thing and stomped off without letting me explain.”

  He trails his fingertip up the crook of my arm and back again. Goose bumps crawl through my body… and I try to suppress the shudder. It doesn’t work, and he knows it.

  “Yes, we are. You have done nothing by lie and withhold information since we’ve met. You don’t see me as your equal. No, you see me as a tool.”

  He rises from the table and places his hands on my forearms, pulling me into him more. “That’s not true. Before I knew you were my mate, I may have held things back for the safety of my people, but now all I want is to live the rest of my life with you.”

  “How can we make this work if you’re not honest with me? I’m drowning here, Torque, and you haven’t even offered to help me navigate this whole thing. It would have been nice to have someone explain what this is all about.”

  After I check around us to make sure no one is listening, I whisper, “And this entire place is a fucking maze I don’t know how to navigate. I need someone on my side who wants nothing from me.”

  “Anima, I will always be that for you. Please, let me explain everything. Come back to my suite, and we’ll talk. I promise you no more lies.”

  I want to punch him in the face. Show everyone I’m a badass assassin, but part of me wants to need him. I’m so tired it would be nice to have someone help me carry them.

  “You promise not to try anything?”

  His smile reaches up to his eyes, “No, I could never promise that. But I will say I’ll follow your lead. I want you begging when we finally come together.”

  A burst of heat goes straight to my core. Pictures of his perfect naked body underneath me flash inside my mind, and the pressure gets worse. I need to walk away.

  Finding Nox is easy. He and Umbra are still on the dais, except Uriel is draped in the chair I was in and the line of subjects has left.

  I wave to them as I slip out the door with Torque behind me. Nox doesn’t look pleased, but Uriel gives me a coy smile. Damn angel.

  Torque grabs my hand, and I let him. The comfort of his touch is nice against the anxiety I was feeling. It’s taking too much energy to be mad at him.

  He leads me down a few corridors until we get to his suite. It’s just as nice as mine except there are two bedrooms instead of one. Soft snoring comes from the other room.

  “Mammon is here?” I ask, nervous he’ll hear us.

  “He drank too much blood wine, so I sent him to bed. He’s a little rowdy when he’s drinking. I didn’t want to see him start a fight.”

  He drags me into his b
edroom, then closes the door. I’m instantly hit with the thought we are in a room with an enormous bed. Nothing to stop us now. But I need reassurances.

  A huge fire rages from the corner of the room. It’s cozy and warm in here. Blood-red sheets cover the bed, similar to the color of my dress. Two high-back chairs face one another by the balcony, and a soft breeze comes in through the open door.

  The contrast between the heat and the cool night gives the room the perfect temperature. I sit in one seat and sigh. Tonight has been nothing more than a ball of nerves.

  “Here,” he says, handing me a glass of amber liquid. He discards his jacket and tie, throwing both on the bed.

  His shoes and socks are next, and he’s left in his pants and a white shirt. Popping the first few buttons open and rolling up the sleeves leaves his tattoos on display. For a moment, I forget what we were fighting about.

  He folds his body in the chair opposite of me with a gigantic smile. “Are you okay?” he says, teasing.

  “I’m fine.” I snap, taking a huge sip out of my glass.

  A soft chuckle comes from his mouth, and it draws my attention to how beautiful he is. This is a mistake. I can’t be in here anymore. It’s all too much.

  He leans forward, placing a hand on my leg. “You look like a scared deer. Don’t be nervous. I won’t bite.”

  He flashes his fangs, and it brings back the reasons I’d like to punch him. It’s like cold water dumped on my head.

  “Let’s get down to it then. Tell me everything. I want to know the entire plan and why you dragged me into all this. Not for one second do I think it was all a coincidence.”

  He sighs, taking his hand off my leg, and leans back in the chair. “I’ll start from the beginning. You know most, but this will clear up the parts I’ve left out.”

  “Conveniently left out from the beginning—when you dragged me here without telling me the whole truth.”

  “Anima, I’m sorry. The mate bond didn’t appear until you got all your demon powers. If it happened before, I would have told you everything.”

  “You needed the mating bond as an excuse to tell me about the mission I was going on? The one where I stuck my neck out and trusted you to guide me?”


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