Anti-war songs, 56
Antoinette Music Productions
(Canada), 202, 223
Apartheid, 201–2
Apollo, 45
Arc Records, 66, 67
Arista Records, 182
Armstrong, Louis, 115, 118
Astair, Fred, 149
Atlanta mega-festival, 107–8
Baldry, Long John, 67
Band, The, 106
Bargeron, Dave, 99, 178, 179, 180, 185, 245
Barris Kustom Industries, 139
Basie, Count, 118, 147
Basket houses, 73–74
Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra
(BRSO), 222–23
Beartracks studio, 244
Beatles, 55, 56, 76, 118
Bennett, Murphy, 149, 150
Bennett, Tony, 309
Bernstein, Leonard, 99
Bernstein, Sid, 214
Bigland Agency, 57–58, 61
Bitter End, 74
Blood Sweat & Tears (BS&T)
Amsterdam tragedy, 188–90, 192
“And When I Die,” 85, 94, 103, 180
and anti-war politics, 117–20, 131–32
awards, 115–16, 132
Blood Sweat & Tears album, 85–86
Blood Sweat & Tears 3 album, 131
“Blues Part Two,” 85
Brand New Day album, 182
breakup, 163–69
BS&T 4 album, 141
Canadian BS&T, 197–204
Child Is Father to the Man album, 78, 81
under Colomby, 170, 175–85
early members, 81–91, 93–101, 215,309–10
Grammys, 115
“I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know,” 82, 85
infighting, 79, 81–82, 163–68
later editions, 170, 175–85, 187–90, 197–204, 217–68
life on the road, 220–21, 226–27, 237–38
local gigs, 230–31
“More and More,” 85
More Than Ever album, 181
New Blood album, 170
New City album, 181
New York City musicians, 254
nostalgia circuit, 220, 253–54, 266
Nuclear Blues album, 201, 272, 274
orchestra concerts, 221–23
original band, 78–79, 93–101
ownership of BS&T name, 93, 164, 168, 169, 216–18, 245, 246–48, 266
production team, 225–26, 266 “Sometimes in Winter,” 85
“Spinning Wheel,” 65, 66–67, 85, 95, 96–97. 103, 180, 299, 304
Stadthalle tours, 220–21
tours, 109–10, 117–18, 121–22, 125–31, 187–89, 202–3, 220–27
“You Made Me So Very Happy,” 85, 103, 180
Bloomfield, Mike, 69
Bluenote, 45–46, 47
Blues (R&B), 30–31, 37–40
Blues Project, 87
Bo Diddley, 43
Bolshoi Ballet, 118
Bondurant School, 140
“Boom Boom,” 47, 67
Bossmen, 55–61
Bottom Line, 74
Brando, Marlon, 8
Breau, Lenny, 55
Brecker, Randy, 83, 98, 245
Brecker brothers, 184
Brooks, Harvey, 79
Brown, James, 37, 38, 215 Bruce, Jack, 86
Buchtel, Forrest, 178, 193
Buckeye Jazz Festival, 108
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, 222
Buffalo Springfield, 63
“Buggy-line” protocol, 18–17
Bull Gang, 16
Burwash Industrial Farm, 25–32
Butterfield Blues Band, 69
Caesars Palace, 142, 145, 146, 147–48
Cafe Au Go Go, 68–69, 74, 84–85
Café El Patio, 63–64
California earthquake (1972), 159–60
Canada Wire and Cable, 36–37, 40
Canadian Music Hall of Fame, 255
Canadian National Exhibition, 305 Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, 65, 255, 299
Cannonball Adderley Quintet, 110
Carnegie Hall, 55
Cash, Johnny, 30, 31, 37
Cassidy, Bruce, 199, 200, 201, 213, 255–56, 274–75
Cavett, Dick, 116–17
C.C. Riders, 178 Charles, Ray, 40, 302, 310
Charlottetown Jazz Festival, 299
Chicago (band), 166
Chino penitentiary concert, 90–91
Christine (DCT’s eldest daughter), 36, 52, 69–70, 306–7
CHUM Radio, 47, 56
“Circle Game, The,” 65
Clapton, Eric, 75, 76, 86
Clarke, Terry, 272
Clayton-Thomas, Ashleigh (DCT’s daughter), 209–11, 213, 216, 217, 224, 230, 231, 233–34, 242, 255, 263, 272–72, 280
Clayton-Thomas, David (DCT) abused by father, 3–10
advice to young musicians, 311
Ashleigh (daughter), relationship with, 209–11, 216, 217, 230, 231, 233–34, 288, 306
automobiles, love of, 139–40, 194, 200
bad-boy image, 60, 63–64, 87–89, 90–91, 116–17, 120–22
bankruptcy, 191–92
birth, 2
Bossmen, 55–61
boxing experience, 18, 19
Christine (daughter), relationship with, 52, 69–70, 306–7
David Clayton-Thomas
Combine, 63–64
deported from US, 79
digital songwriting, 241–43
drug use, 77, 81, 167, 188, 190
and the Fabulous Shays, 43, 45, 47–48, 49, 52
father, relationship with, 1–10, 19, 22–23, 48–49, 112, 113, 210–11, 283–88
financial investments, 263–64
frustration with BS&T, 246–51
girlfriends, 9, 75–76, 120–22, 153–55, 175, 176, 177, 184, 234–38
imprisonment, 25–33
introduction to BS&T, 78–79
Jennifer Goodson (third wife), relationship with, 203–4, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216–17
leaving BS&T, 250–51, 253–58, 264–67
mother, relationship with, 3, 49, 112, 113, 231–33
musical talent discovered, 29–33
name change, 43
Nancy Hewitt (first wife), relationship with, 35–37, 40, 42–43, 52, 69–70
as new member of BS&T, 81–91
parole violation, 19
partying, 42, 76–78
paternity suits, 133
Portland Mason, relationship with, 153–55, 163, 167
price of fame, 133–34, 157–59
reformatory experience, 13–23
return from California, 175–77
return from New York, 261–64, 271–80
with Ronnie Hawkins Band, 38–42
second stint with BS&T, 177–85
solo career, 177-178, 213–17
stepmother, relationship with, 284–85
as street kid, 10, 13
Suzanne (fourth wife), relationship with, 235–36
Terry Nusyna (second wife), relationship with, 175, 176, 177, 184, 194
Toronto big band, 274–75, 279–80, 299, 300, 305–6
touring, 57–61, 214–27, 257
“A Blues for Doc,” 298, 302
“A Visit from the Blues,” 24
“Ashleigh’s Song,” 206
Aurora, 272–73
Bloodlines, unreleased album, 244–46, 247–48, 273
Blue Plate Special, 244
“Brainwashed,” 54, 56, 63
Christmas album, unreleased, 249–50
Clayton, 184–85
David Clayton-Thomas in Concert album, 276, 291 “Donnybrook,” 44
“Doubletalk,” 240
“Evergreens, The,” 274, 290, 292, 300–1
“Fantasy Stage,” 186
“Fifteen Minutes,” 152
“Friday the Thirteenth Child,” 80
“Go Down Gamblin’,” 144
Harmony Junction, 171
“Hell or High Wat
er,” 124
“High Road, The,” 282
“I Can’t Complain,” 12
“It’s Only a Song,” 212
“Last Chance,” 136
“Lights of Broadway, The,” 252, 256–57
“Lucretia MacEvil,” 65, 114, 131, 180
“Me and Amaretto,” 34
“Mercy Lord Above,” 260
“Nobody Calls Me Prophet,” 92, 171
Nuclear Blues album, 201, 272, 274
“Oh Angelina,” 62
“Redemption,” 196
“Secretive Child,” 72
Soul Ballards, 310
“Spinning Wheel,” 65, 66–67, 85, 95, 96–97, 103, 180, 299, 304
“Suzie’s Got Her Big Hair on Tonight,” 228
Tequila Sunrise, 170
“Walk That Walk,” 49
“We Were the Children,” 102
“Wild Women and Po’ Boys,” 270
“Yesterday’s Music,” 162
“You’re the One,” 174, 177, 184
You’re the One album and TV special, 276
Clegg, Johnny, 202, 203
Cochran, Wayne, 178
Cole, Nat King, 149
Coleman, Ornette, 243–44
Collacott, Tony, 55, 58, 59, 61, 79
Collins, Judy, 78
Colomby, Bobby, 78, 81, 82–83, 86–87, 100, 141, 164, 167, 168, 169, 178, 180, 181, 184, 185, 215, 217, 218, 224, 245, 247, 248, 254, 266, 310
Colomby, Harry, 86
Columbia Records, 66, 67, 78, 81, 84, 85, 87, 90, 131, 169, 170–71, 178, 181, 182
Comaneci, Nadia, 182
Convocation Hall, 302
Cooke, Sam, 38
Coryell, Larry, 142
Couples, Fred, 78
Cream, 75
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, 109
Danko, Rick, 38
David Clayton-Thomas Combine, 63–64
Davis, Clive, 66, 81, 84, 168, 170, 182
Davis, Miles, 55, 86, 108, 109–10, 111–12
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 147–51
DeGennaro, Frank, 225–26, 242
DeLong, Paul, 294
Devil’s Den, 51
“Dick, the,” 16
DiFazio, Albert, 229–30
Dixon, Willie, 37, 43, 63
Dr. Music, 199
Domingo, Plácido, 302
Dorge, Vernon, 199
Dorothy (DCT’s stepmother), 283–85, 287
Dorr, Larry, 214–15, 217, 218, 219, 224, 226, 243, 246, 247, 248–50, 254, 257–58, 264–67, 278, 279, 310
DownBeat magazine, 169
Dreams (band), 98
Dunbar, Aynsley, 97
Dylan, Bob, 39, 41, 56, 106
Eastern European tour, 125–31
Economou, Bobby, 185, 199
Edison Hotel, 37
Electric Flag, 69
Ellington, Duke, 118, 147
Fabulous Shays. See Shays
Famous Flames, 38
Fielder, Jim, 78, 81, 85, 97–98, 129, 140, 141, 169, 309
“Fire and Rain,” 94
Fisher, Brent, 30, 31
Fisher, Jerry, 179
Fontana North/Universal, 292
Four Tops, 37
Fran’s Restaurant, 48
Friar’s Tavern, 48
Fuller, Buckminster, 53
Garland, Judy, 149
Gaslight, 74
Glotzer, Bennett, 106, 142
“God Bless the Child,” 94, 103, 108–10
Goldblatt, Larry, 142, 165–66, 167, 168–69, 172
Goldstein, Jerry, 199, 203
Goodman, Benny, 118
Goodson, Jennifer (DCT’s third wife), 203–4, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216–17
Greek Theater, 147–48
Greenwich Village, 49, 68–69, 73–75, 104
Grossman, Albert, 106
Groupies, 42, 120–22, 221, 237–38
Guelph Reformatory, 14–23
Guercio, James William, 85
Guthrie, Woody, 30
Guttman, Steve, 219, 221 222, 225, 226, 249, 254
Halee, Roy, 141
Halligan, Dick, 93–94, 126, 129, 169, 309
Hammond, John, Jr., 74, 75
Hardin, Tim, 74
Haugesund International Jazz Festival, 279
Havens, Richie, 74, 75
Hawkins, Ronnie, 38–42
Hawks, the, 38–39. See also
Hawkins, Ronnie
Heller, Fred, 178, 179, 181, 189, 197, 198, 199, 208, 213, 215
Helm, Levon, 38, 39, 105
Hemingway, Ernest, 53
Hendrix, Jimi, 50, 75, 76, 77, 86, 107
Herbert, Gregory, 181, 187, 188–89 Hewitt, Nancy (DCT’s first wife), 35–37, 40, 42–43, 52, 69–70
“Hi De Ho,” 131, 183
Hill Street Blues, 170
Hoffman, Abbie, 131 Holiday, Billie, 108, 109
Holloway, Brenda, 103
Holmes, Groove, 46 Homosexuality, prison, 20–21
Honest Ed’s, 13
Hooker, John Lee, 47, 67–68
Hopkins, Sam, 47, 68
Hound, the (DJ), 8
House, Son, 51
House of Blues (Los Angeles), 214
Houston, Thelma, 202
Howe, Deering, 76–78, 236, 267, 300
Howlin’ Wolf, 47, 63
Hudson, Garth, 38 Hullabaloo, 49–50
Hyman, Jerry, 98–99
Ike and Tina Turner Revue, 37, 38
Inmate code, 14–21
Irish Regiment of Canada, 21
Isolation, 26–27
Jackson, Michael, 159
Jagger, Mick, 77, 94
James, Rick, 52
Jazz, 55–56
Jimi Hendrix Experience, 75
Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, 50. See also Hendrix, Jimi
John, Elton, 147
Johnson, Lonnie, 55
Johnson, Robert, 31
Jones, Philly Joe, 86
Jones, Will “Pop,” 38
Joplin, Janis, 86, 106, 137–38
Justin Time Records, 272, 276, 292, 293
Katz, Dennis, 87, 93, 106, 142
Katz, Steve, 82–83, 85, 87–90, 91, 93, 99, 118, 141–42, 147, 164–66, 169, 178, 267, 310
Kay, John, 52
Keeler, Fred, 43
Kelly, Brian, 17–18, 19
Kelly, Gene, 149
Kent, Luther, 179
Kent State shootings, 117
Keystone Jazz Festival, 108
Khan, Chaka, 182, 299
King, B.B., 37, 108, 111
King, Carole, 131
Klatka, Tony, 181–82, 187–88, 189, 245
Klondike Days, 57, 61
Koffman, Moe, 55
Koller, George, 272
Kooper, Al, 69, 82–83, 87, 310
Kristofferson, Kris, 39
LaBarge, Bernie, 294
LaCroix, Jerry, 179
Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 203
Lang, Michael, 105
Langley, Jake, 272
Las Vegas showrooms, 145–47
Last Waltz, The, 251
Le Coq d’Or, 39–40, 41
Leadbelly, 31
Lipsius, Fred, 84, 93, 94–96, 140, 141, 169, 245, 309
Little, Russ, 299
Long Beach Symphony Orchestra, 222
Long & McQuade, 37
Longhorn Jazz Festival, 108
Lovin’ Spoonful, 75
Manny’s Music, 68
Manuel, Richard, 38
Maple Leaf Gardens, 49, 113
Marco, Kenny, 170
Martin, Dean, 147
Martin, George, 55
Mary Wilson Act, 266–67
Mason, James, 154–55
Mason, Portland, 153–55, 163, 167
Massey Hall, 305–6
Mayall, John, 67
McCormick-Deering, 76
McCurdy, Roy, 110, 185
McGhee, Brownie, 51
br /> McLuhan, Marshall, 53
McQueen, Steve, 140
Meinema, Nick, 277–78
Mel Bay’s Guitar Chords, 30
Metropolitan Opera House, 99
Milbrook, 32
Mitchell, Joni, 51, 52, 64–65, 299
Monk, Thelonious, 86, 108
Montreal Jazz Festival, 276
Montreal Olympics, 182–83
Motherlode, 170
Mothers of Invention, 97
Muddy Waters Band, 37
Murray, Anne, 302 Murray, Stuart, 209 Music business, 308–9
Hollywood-centred, 75, 132–33, 308–9
Internet, impact of, 291–97
New York–centred, 74–75
New York City musicians, 254
record companies, 66–67, 132, 292–97
retail industry, 292–93
royalties, 293–94
National General Pictures, 129
National Jazz Awards, 299
Newport Jazz Festival, 108
Newport tour, 108–10
“Night Time Is the Right Time,” 40
9/11 terrorist attacks, 256–57
Nusyna, Terry (DCT’s second wife), 175, 176, 177, 184, 194
Nyro, Laura, 85, 94, 103
Odetta, 86
Opera House theatre (Toronto), 276
Orwell, George, 53
Parker, Colonel Tom, 158, 159
Pastorius, Jaco, 181
Paterson, Joe, 27–28, 31
Patty (groupie), 120–22, 133
Paul, Steve, 75
Penny Farthing, 51
Perkins, Carl, 37
Peterson, Oscar, 55
Pickett, Wilson, 38, 43
Piltch, Dave, 199
Piltch, Rob, 199, 200, 272
Poland tour, 130–31
Pomanti, Lou, 199, 310
Post, Mike, 170
Presley, Elvis, 158–59
Pugliese, Bill, 7–8, 10, 35–36, 192, 199, 207–8, 231, 255, 261–63, 273–74
Pugliese, Sam, 7
Purple Onion, 51
Quibell brothers, 201, 202
Race, racism, 108–12, 201–3
Rascals, 75
RCA, 171
Redding, Otis, 38, 43, 310
Reed, Jimmy, 31, 40, 68
Rhodes, George, 149, 150
Richards, Keith, 94
Richards, Scott, 43
Richardson, Jack, 184
Riley, Doug (Doc), 46–47, 199, 209, 223, 231, 244, 245, 250, 255–56, 272, 273, 274–75, 294, 299–303
Rio Song Festival, 171
Riverboat, 51, 64, 67
Robertson, Robbie, 38, 39, 251
Rolling Stone magazine, 119, 142–43
Rolling Stones, 49, 76, 141
Roman, Duff, 47, 49, 56, 66
Roman Records, 56, 66
Romania, Ceauşescu’s, 126–30
Royal Canadian Signal corps, 2
Royal Conservatory, 46
Sadiola, Mali, 261
“St. James Infirmary Blues,” 29
Sam the Record Man, 292
San Antonio Symphony, 222
Sanborn, Dave, 184
Sault Ste Marie brawl, 58–60
Savuka, 203
Scribner, Ron, 57, 61
Sedaka, Neil, 309
Seger, Bob, 302
Blood, Sweat and Tears Page 27