Book Read Free


Page 26

by Charley Dee Brown

  I thought it would all be over once Reed was gone, how wrong was I….another one of my boys has become a Judas….I know I have killed….only in defence….I also realise how angry Billy was with Archie…however his anger had turned into an obsession. To shoot Archie in the back …having watched Reed shoot him first….you can only die once for goodness sake…And now I had to tell my mother, who had turned to the supernatural to save her son…Archie had been demonised…Billy was aware of the spirits of the dead, he’d seen Lance…he may not have been a valid believer…nevertheless he knew it occurred…after my mother had told me Archie was free of his demons, I’d thought of sending him abroad…living with the knowledge of the hideous crimes he’d been forced to enact, would be punishment enough….however now, Billy’s fate lies with my mother…..

  Jack had watched the agony etched in Crimson’s face, as she’d had to observe the life of her brother ebb away. He’d let her down, he should never have hesitated when she’d asked who’d shot Archie…nevertheless in that split second he’d felt between a rock and a hard place…he could see her pain, yet he understood Billy’s anger…although he knew he would never have shot the lad in the back…for fuck’s sake he’d been shot already. Watching her reactions to her brother’s death was gut wrenching, he loved her so much….the goon he’d knocked unconscious was stirring…he knew Billy would have taken him out….but he wasn’t Billy….the goon was just a lad….so Jack interrogated him…he was begging for his life….Jack found his driving licence, which proved he’d never worked in the underworld before….no one carried ID…..he’d met Reed in a bar and been offered a monkey to shoot someone…he’d been paid half up front…Jack had rifled through Reed’s pockets and found a wad…he handed it to the goon, with the threat to keep his fucking nose clean…..Jack knew what it was like to be desperate..He’d keep an eye on the fucker……

  And then in the doorway stood Johnboy, Rudy and Larry….trying to absorb the mayhem in front of them…Johnboy went straight to the girl….Jack knew immediately why she’d turned him down…he could see the love radiating between these two…why hadn’t he realised…did anyone else know? He was struck with envy…not hatred, or jealousy….but he knew Johnboy had what he’d wanted….

  ‘What the fuck happened here?’ Johnboy asked as he removed the coats from the heads of the two bodies, that Crimson had thrown over them. ‘And where the fuck is Billy?’He continued………

  As the story unfolded of what had taken place at Clouds and in the office, it was a joint decision that Weaver’s, Reed’s and McRoy’s bodies would go to the scrap yard. There was no way you could dump the bodies, for women to find. Archie’s would be down to my mother.

  ‘Why the hell didn’t security assist, I mean two gunshots?’ Rudy quizzed. ‘What the fuck do we pay these bastards for?’

  ‘I think I have the answer to that. Who employs security, and gives the orders….Billy…..’

  ‘So you’re saying he stopped anyone coming into the office.’ Rudy added.

  ‘That’s the only answer. So has the feud ended now we’re rid of Reed, Weaver and McRoy…or has another one just begun?’ I stated bluntly.

  As Johnboy cleaned up, he’d listened intently to the conversation. He’d always been the quiet, laid back man of few words.

  Now it was time for change…retaliation…enough was enough….he had to step up….

  Telling my mother of Archie’s death, was probably the hardest task I would ever have to face. Johnboy, Jack and Rudy were still at the scrap yard. I lost count of how many times I picked up the phone and started to dial the Hampstead number…then I realised I could go over to the house, they were all gone…was I free at last? I’d been into Janet’s office after the invasion…she’d already left, which was odd, as she must of heard the chaos…had Billy taken her? Would I see her again? More unanswered questions, flashing through my mind….I had a bath, and decided to drive over to the Hampstead house, free at last…there was only George to deal with now….tomorrow?

  I pulled up at the front of the house, this was the easy part, finding the right words was soul searching. Going through the entrance gates I saw Alfie Rose coming towards me. ‘Hi Alfie, just finished for the night?’ I asked.

  ‘No girl finished for good.’ He replied despondently.

  ‘What on earth do you mean?’

  ‘Billy’s fired all the security, we were told a couple of hours ago. ‘He added.

  ‘I don’t think so Alfie, I run this business and I pay your wages. No one is being fired, and that’s final.’

  ‘That’s a relief lass, I’ve got a family to take care of.’

  ‘Don’t worry Alfie I’ll sort this out, call into the office for a chat on Monday morning. Meanwhile stay up here at the house.’ I assured.

  ‘I know I don’t have the right to say, but be careful of Billy, he’s a rough diamond.’ Alfie said cautiously, as he made his way back to the security hut.

  ‘Thanks Alfie.’ So it seems another feud has just begun, this one will have to be nipped in the bud…tonight! Suddenly my grief had been surpassed by stewing hostility.

  Once inside the house I was greeted with hugs from everyone, plus a knowing gaze from Matilda. My time was limited so I grabbed my mother, asking for a word in private. ‘If you have something to tell me honey, please just say.’ She said directly.

  ‘The feud came to a head tonight mum, why don’t you sit down.’ I mumbled.

  ‘Crimson please say what you’ve come to say, you should know by now, nothing shocks me.’

  ‘Archie…Archie got caught up in the chaos……

  ‘He’s dead, please don’t try and soften the blow honey, just tell me who killed my boy.’

  My mother is the only person that can make me anxious, probably because I try so hard not to upset her. So I fumbled through the events of the afternoon, ending with. ‘You decide the retribution mum, and I’ll comply with your wishes.’ My mother was furiously scribbling on a sheet of paper, which she handed to me. ‘I’d like to be alone now honey.’ She kissed me on the cheek, and I left her room. Matilda walked to the door with me. ‘Be careful lass he’s waiting out there, somewhere. You know you can’t fight a man with a gun.’

  I kissed Matilda on the cheek, how I loved this woman, she was as much family to me as my mother. I decided not to mention the note; I would read that once I was outside. When I slipped back behind the wheel of my car, I looked at the now crumpled note, which read simply….Go home honey, I’ll deal with Billy…..even with sadness, I forced a smile…what on earth was my mother going to do? A cross and the supernatural wouldn’t stop Billy!

  When all the bodies had been disposed of in the boots of various old bangers, Johnboy shook Dougie’s hand. ‘Let’s hope that’s the last of the bastards Doug, the garbage has gone.’

  ‘Best bit of machinery old Harry bought, was that crusher.’ Dougie gave a lopsided smile. ‘Let’s hope the girl gets some peace now.’

  Johnboy had decided not to mention Billy to Dougie. As they drove out of the scrap yard he said to Jack and Rudy. ‘Let’s take a look around for Billy. ‘They both nodded in agreement. After an hour of searching, they headed back to The Docket, Johnboy realised Crimson was on her own…..

  Would Billy attempt …what Seb failed?

  Billy knew he’d overstepped the mark, not only had he shot her brother in the back, but he’d left her, and Jack both held at gunpoint in the office. He’d gone too far, so no turning back, he knew he could put a bullet in her , the one thing stopping him was Janet….he didn’t want Janet to hate him…because she loved Crimson like a sister. Why had he turned against the girl who’d been so fucking good to him….She’d taken too fucking long to rid the world of the bastard George….and he fancied his chances at running the gaff, he knew he could do it….after Harry A scaring the shit out of him, he knew he had to get a grip…Harry was dead…he couldn’t touch him now! So there was no turning back. He knew Johnboy would be looking for him, he was th
e only one who knew he was shagging the girl….so he chose to lay low till dawn… then he’d go to Clouds and finish the vile bastard off…and then he’d plan his next move…..

  I looked for Billy on my way back to the office, I called at their house, and no sign of Janet even…by the time the boys returned it was just on midnight. ‘Tomorrow morning then at Clouds, say six o’clock, it’s D Day for George.’ I said bluntly. ‘Are you sure you want to be there Rudy?’

  ‘No problem lass, he stopped being my old man the day he took Ava.’

  ‘There’s no sign of Billy, I went to their house, nothing.’ I didn’t want to add what my mother had said, as they’d all laugh at her, and I couldn’t stand that, she meant well. ‘Time we got some sleep then. See you all at five thirty.’ With that we all made our way down to the basement….so tomorrow George would be gone, the end of an era…or would it be?

  Chapter 26

  Billy had slept on the sofa, Janet had shut herself in the bedroom, her anger was inexorable. He’d heard someone knocking on the door late the night before, and he knew that would have been Johnboy. He wasn’t ready for a showdown yet, he had a job to do first, and it was just before five o’clock. Grabbing the clothes he’d worn last night, he headed to the bathroom for a piss, once dressed he left the house. He looked and felt a mess. Lighting a fag he started up the engine, that old bastard George would be headed for the gateway to hell within minutes….As he neared Clouds he chose to park in the side street, just in case the others were about, he doubted it though. This would be a big day for the girl…her need for revenge had been festering for years….and he was going to fuck that up, she’d waited too long, and now he was going to show her how it was done…Billy smirked as he ambled round to the back of the club….he was in charge now…and then without warning the gunshot cracked in the air like thunder… then the pain..Throbbing in his guts…like someone’s hands were squeezing his organs…he rose unsteadily to his feet, and on impulse reached for his gun…..too late…then the black waves folded over him…as he fell he was startled to see the face that was glaring back at him……that would be Billy’s last memory…..

  I’d been up for over an hour, after a restless few hours, constantly twisting and turning. This was the day to avenge a modicum of justice for seventeen years of suffering….George Brook, he was pure evil, like some villains are, he never pretended to be anything other than what he was…he enjoyed it…he didn’t care who got hurt, because his passion was power…the need to control …Sin is a sort of bog…the further you go in the more swampy it gets….only now he’s drowning in the swamp. I dressed quickly and then went up to the kitchens and made a large pot of coffee, I knew the boys were as eager as me, to finally see the end of this depraved devil. The ansaphone was flashing a message, I wondered if it was Billy, but then why would he leave a message, the traitor? Pressing the recall button, Larry’s voice blasted out, apologising for not being there, he’d been called to the Hampstead house….why? By the time the boys joined me in the office, Larry had vanished from my thoughts. We all drank our coffee in silence, checking the clock, it was time to move. Johnboy picked up the keys and we trooped out to the car park. There were only three boys with me today….now Billy was missing. We all squeezed in the front seat, and then Jack asked the most apparent question. ‘Who is going to do the deed girl?’

  ‘I am of course.’ I replied emphatically.

  ‘But lass you’ve never used a gun.’ Rudy added.

  ‘Oh believe me I won’t miss, I can’t fight a man who can’t stand up.’ I added with sarcasm. Johnboy stayed quiet as usual, the rest of the short journey continued in silence. As we drove around the back of the club, Rudy remarked out loud. ‘The fucking doors open again, who’s been in there now?’

  ‘We’ll soon find out.’ Jack affirmed as we all got out of the van.

  Whoever had been, or was inside, certainly hadn’t opened the door fully. Johnboy booted the door open. It was at that moment that I heard her voice….my mother.

  We all stood in the doorway of the main room, the sight that met our eyes was extreme….George was propped up on the old stained settee and my mother was hovering over him with a gun…

  The shot blasted out, hitting George in the shoulder. ‘That’s for killing my Harry!’ Ava yelled.

  ‘Take the gun off her Johnboy!’ I screamed.

  ‘No! Don’t you dare!, my mother was looking at us all now. I’ve waited seventeen years to do this, sixteen as his prisoner, and one to plan today!’

  The second shot hit him in the crutch. ‘And that’s for years of raping me!’ Suddenly George’s eyes opened wide as though he’d seen her for the first time.

  ‘Ava!’ he yelled in a croaky distant voice.

  Had my father lent a spiritual hand in this?

  She moved closer to him, her hand was steady….and this one is for killing my father Eddie Jackson….the shot went into his heart…and the blood gushed with sickening determination…the monster was on his way to hell….Ava’s hand fell to her side….Johnboy threw a sack over the grotesque corpse on the settee…

  So this vile depraved monster had killed my grandfather, and my father …and raped my mother…I went to take the gun from my mother’s hand. ‘No lass that’s mine, you never know when I may need it again.’

  I was desperately trying to absorb the facts my mother had declared, this quiet beautiful, unassuming lady had been…. turned into Annie Oakley……through the evil doings of this vile creature….

  Ava began to speak. ‘I would like to elucidate how this nightmare began.’

  ‘Aunt Ava, let’s go into the other room.’ Rudy suggested.

  I was grateful for Rudy’s notion, to leave this nauseating room; I knew Johnboy and Jack wanted to clean up and dump the garbage, however my mother had the need to speak, and I for one was eager to hear what she had to say….Once inside the club lounge, my mother sat at the desk, I chose to sit down, though the boys stood.

  ‘If I turn the clock back to 1956, the day my husband received the note, GOODBYE AVA, written in blood. On the day that note was written I had gone to the old house, my parent’s home, where I grew up. Since my father had disappeared I often visited my old home, I found it comforting. That morning I was sitting in my old bedroom, ruminating about my father. When without warning I heard voices, I moved to the doorway to listen. Apart from my parents, no one had a key to the house, and my mother had returned to Sweden, after my father had gone missing. The voices became louder, I took off my shoes and crept down the stairs, at the bottom of the staircase there was a bureau, which my parents had always used for mail. This prevented me from being seen. The voices were strong and familiar.’ Ava took a deep breath, and then continued. ‘Then I could see them both clearly, my father and George Brook.’

  ‘But surely granddad had been missing for a while?’ I questioned.

  ‘Listen honey, let me finish. My father looked weak, frail even. George started to push him around, shouting, mostly vile language. My father fell to his knees, in that second a scream tore through me like a shard of glass. My father struggled to his feet, as I started to run towards him….the sound of the gunshot reverberated through my ears, George had shot my father in the chest…. ‘Ava sobbed openly, the memory of a still raw wound…..emotional pain seeping out in her words. ‘I lay beside him, my heart was breaking. And then I felt myself being dragged away, George pushed me to one side; there should be a way to stop time, when one human being decides to take out another. I knew from that moment that I was in the hands of a monster. He tied my hands behind my back…and then I watched in horror as he wrote the note, GOODBYE AVA, in my father’s blood.’

  I rushed to my mother to console her; the memory was breaking her heart yet again, she was completely broken inside…. ‘No lass let me finish please.’ She took a deep breath….He also showed me the bodies of two young me he’d killed that day, Sean McRoy’s son, and Peter James, so he had three bodies to dispose of…you’ll n
ever know how much I prayed he’d kill me… From that day I became his slave, in every way possible. He was insanely jealous of Harry, his own brother, and now he had me, Harry’s wife….I became the victim, he incarcerated me for the rest of my natural, with no possibility of parole….and then the revulsion began….his course whisky tongue licked at my skin, stubby fingers groping my body…I was forced to watch his face light up with power and lust as he continually raped me…for sixteen years I endured this treatment…from my basement cell. I watched my children when they came to the club…through a slit window in the basement…. I endured my husband’s funeral cortege …knowing he’d killed him…oh he bragged of everything to me ….Jimmy Burns was kind to me….for that he lost his life, along with many others ….I knew how much Harry and my children had suffered…Crimson has given her life to keep me safe. The day after Harry’s funeral, when Rudy saved me, that was the day I started to plan my revenge. I’m fully aware you all thought I was quiet and weak, and should not be interrogated over my incarceration….Crimson, you went to extremes lengths to keep me safe…the reason George was paying Weaver to find me, he was aware I could reveal so much, he needed me dead. Today I’ve only divulged some of the revulsion, there’s no need for you to hear more….

  As you are aware Mattie has recorded my memoirs, my new best friend for life….all the time she was putting her strategy in place…Harry contacted her every night from the spirit world, she also knew he was keeping his eye on his evil brother George….The truth is, no one knew what I felt in my heart, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path….I was thirty two on that heinous day in 1956…and tomorrow I will be fifty….if you would like to hear all of the details of my imprisonment…Matilda has the recordings…if you desire to learn the full truth of the monster, then listen to them.’ Ava turned towards Rudy. ‘I’m so sorry you’ve had to listen to this lad, you are the only good thing that came from this evil monster. This club now belongs to you, and if you’ll let me I’ll help you build it to something worthwhile.’ She hugged him silently; there was no need for words…..


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