Broken Road

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Broken Road Page 11

by Addison Kline

  “True. Which one do you like better? The dusty blue or the soft rose?”

  “Is this your backwards way of asking me if I want a boy or a girl?”

  “If you want to take it like that.”

  “I want a healthy baby.”

  “Names… Do you have names?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh, my God! You and your surprises.”

  “It’s exciting, Shell! When you have your babies, you can announce to the world what you’re having and what you’re naming your rug rats.”

  “I’m sure we’ll have at least a Timothy, Jr.”

  “You have names picked out already…”

  “I’m a planner. I love to plan ahead.”

  “You’re one of those women… who plan their wedding when they don’t even have a boyfriend.”

  “You know I’ve had my wedding planned since I was eight!”

  “That’s scary. Don’t tell Tim that,” Averi said as she laughed.

  “It’s sweet!”

  Shaking her head, Averi smirked as she said, “You know, I think we better go with a neutral color, instead.”

  The look on Shelly’s face turned from amusement to rage.

  “Why won’t you let me tell you?!”

  “I will find out in February.”

  Shelly let out a squeal in frustration. Barkley, who was asleep at her feet, picked up his head and stared at Shelly as if she had five heads.

  “What? Go back to sleep, lazy,” Shelly said to the dog, and with a huff, he slumped back down and nodded off to sleep.

  As soon as the pup’s eyes closed, they flew open again, having heard Tim’s truck coming up the driveway.

  “They’re finally home,” Averi said as she glanced out the window. “All crammed into Tim’s truck… What the hell.”

  “Whoa…What happened to Randy’s truck?”

  “I have no idea… Oh, he’s bleeding!” Averi said as she rushed from the window and sped down the stairs as fast as her swollen legs would carry her.

  She reached the front door as Colt swung it open with his keys in one hand. She kissed him on the cheek, but immediately reached for Randy to make sure he was okay.

  “I’m alright, I’m fine…” Randy said waving her off.

  “You’re bleeding! You’re not fine!”

  “What happened?” Shelly asked Colt.

  “Mayhem. Total mayhem. This one crashed his truck into the wall of the Devils Head Quarters…”

  “You did what?!”

  “Not intentionally. They shot out my front tires.”

  “Anyway, about thirty of them showed up at the gym, fully armed and looking for a fight.”

  “Oh, my God… Did anybody get hurt?”

  “A little banged up. Nothing to write home about,” Colt said acting as if the injuries were nothing more severe than a paper cut.

  “They are way worse than we are. Uncle Shawn showed up. Took a bunch of them out in cuffs.”

  “We need to shower up, then we can figure out dinner.”

  “I need to make a call,” Randy said as he scooted out the back door and headed to his house.

  “So what’s the deal with Cheyenne?”

  Tim shook his head as Colt made a wary face.

  “All I know is that Trent was chasing her down through the streets in Oakeley.”

  “What kind of trouble is she in?”

  “Not really sure. We never caught up with her. Let me tell you though, she was spooked.”

  “I’m sure. He’s a creepy guy.”

  “I know… with the sun glasses, the creepy smile and those tattoos on his knuckles…” Shelly said.

  “Knuckles?” Averi asked, her face as white as a ghost. “Did you say knuckle tattoos?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Babe, what’s wrong?”

  “They spell out the word devil?”

  “Yeah. They do,” Colt said with a concerned look on his face. “Why?”

  “The guy that took me that night… He had knuckle tattoos that spelled out devil.”

  Averi could see the anger in Colt’s eyes. He was trying to hide it. He was trying to maintain his composure.

  With an even voice, he said, “Excuse me,” as he headed upstairs to cool off with a shower.”

  Just as promised, Trent, Jimmy and Gunnar Rhoades would be handled accordingly.


  “Isn’t there anywhere we can eat other than in town?” Shelly asked, nervous about going back into Oakeley after the trouble that had stirred up today.

  “Yeah, but it’s not close and Averi needs to go grocery shopping.”

  “Let’s just go to the diner and we can stop at the Green Grocer just on Monument Avenue.”

  “Otherwise, we’re going to be out all night.”

  “Let’s go,” said Colt as he set the house alarm and opened the front door.


  “Sit down and shut up!” Officer Dixon yelled at Jimmy as he ran his mouth in the interrogation room.

  “You got the wrong one in the hot seat, son!” Jimmy shouted at the officer.

  “Let me tell ya something, kid! I’m not your momma! I don’t want to hear none of your lip. What the hell was that all about down at the gym?”

  “Randy crashed his truck into my building.”

  “Your building? City records state that the building is presently under the ownership of Thomas McClain.”

  “I’m his son. It’s mine.”

  “Not according to the State of Texas… and according to eye witnesses, you shot out the tires of Randy’s truck.”

  “He damn near ran my associate over.”

  “Trent. Correct?”


  “The drug dealer.”


  Officer Dix rolled his eyes as he sat his coffee mug on the table.

  “What’s this I hear you made threats against a pregnant woman?”

  “What?! He’s lying!”

  “He’s lying…”

  “He threatened to kill me! Why isn’t he in here?!”

  “Look Jimmy, your track record so far isn’t so hot.”

  “He said that he wouldn’t need weapons… He’d kill me with his bare hands.”

  “Why would he say that?”

  Jimmy shrugged.

  “Because you threatened his wife.”

  Jimmy was silent.

  “My associate was also threatened. By Randy.”

  “Your associate… the drug dealer?”



  “He said he would put a bullet in his brain.”

  Officer Dix rolled his eyes. He felt like a hall monitor at an elementary school.

  “And why did he say that?”

  Jimmy again was silent.

  “Look. Your so-called associate has been let go. You, on the other hand, have some explaining to do.”

  “I want my attorney.”

  “Wait here.”

  As Officer Dix slammed the door to the interrogation room shut a smug look crossed Jimmy’s face. As Officer Dix walked down the hall, Officer Michael Riley walked in with a smug look on his face.

  “Well if it isn’t the son of the devil himself.”

  “Hey, Mike… Whatcha say about taking these cuffs off of me.”

  Signing off on an official police form, Mike ripped his pen across the page.

  “You, my friend,” Mike said as he unlocked Jimmy’s cuffs, “Are free to go. Try to stay out of trouble, ya hear?”

  Jimmy’s smug look didn’t fade that night as he walked out of the precinct a free man.


  Randy was the first to walk into the diner. He scanned the crowd for any sign of Cheyenne, but he didn’t see her anywhere.

  “How many?” an older waitress with a ruby red blow out and a name tag that read Cora asked.

  “Five, please,” Colt said.

  He led Averi into the dining room with
a careful hand on her back. He took her jacket from her and hung it up before taking the seat beside her. Shelly and Tim slinked down in the booth opposite them and Randy pulled up a chair to sit on the end. Randy saw Jax, Harlen and Torian a few tables over and waved. They nodded their heads and went back to shoveling food into their mouths.

  “What can I get y’all tonight?”

  “We’re just going to share a couple pizzas. Keep it simple,” said Averi. “One plain, one pepperoni, and a large pitcher of iced tea.”

  “Beer for you fellas?”

  In unison, Randy, Colt and Tim said, “Please.”

  Averi and Shelly tried to keep the conversation light and lively but they could tell that the guys were on edge. Cora brought their beverages and set their steaming hot pizzas on the tables.

  “Watch ya hands and ya elbows! It’s hot!”

  Shelly couldn’t help but laugh. There was steam rising from the pizzas. She wanted to say out loud, “Thank you, Captain Obvious!”

  Colt took a slice of pepperoni and plopped a slice of cheese on Averi’s plate. But before he had the chance to even take a bite the diner door swung open and two police officers walked in. They strolled through the diner casually, but it was clear that they were looking for someone. As Officers Riley and Devlin approached their booth, Colt and Randy both let out a sigh. Not putting up a fight Colt stood up from the booth, gave Averi a kiss on the head, and presented his wrists for Officer Devlin. Calling over to Jax, “Take care of my girl. There’s bail money in my dresser! I’m serious!”

  “I’ll be with her til you get out.”

  Randy stood up reluctantly and let Officer Riley cuff him. Giving Averi a wink he said, “It’ll be alright. We’ll be in and out.”

  They had no idea that they were being taken in by a pair of corrupt cops who spent evenings at the Seventy Devils HQ.

  But as Randy and Colt were led through the diner in cuffs, an overwhelming sense of dread came over Averi. She met Colt’s eye as a tear streaked down her face. Passing Colt as he was led out the door was none other than Jimmy Hearns. He patted his half brother on the shoulder and Colt went rabid. Jimmy didn’t pay him any mind though, because he strolled right over to where Averi was sitting and leaned down to share a private message.

  “I told you I’d come for you…” Jimmy said looking into Averi’s eyes.

  In that moment, Averi’s mind catapulted back to the time she first knew that Jimmy’s interest in her was less than innocent.

  Tim put an arm around his sister as Shelly grabbed their things and headed for the door. They weren’t alone, though. Jax, Harlan and Torian had no plans on leaving them defenseless against the remaining Devils.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ten Years Earlier…

  The front doors of Oakeley Regional High School swung open as the three o’clock bell rang. It was the last day of school and there was a shock of excitement in the air. Students flooded from the classrooms and corridors, cries of glee rose out above the crowd and a teenage couple showcasing an obnoxious public display of affection played tonsil hockey right in the middle of the school yard for everyone to see.

  Randy Ford appeared to be giving Cheyenne West mouth-to-mouth as he navigated her mouth with his tongue. At age seventeen, the pair had been together for over a year – a tumultuous time filled with highs and lows, peaks and valleys. There was no shortage of passion, drama or teenage angst in the realm of their relationship. It was largely a physical relationship. The emotional intimacy and attachment would come later.

  Cheyenne’s long dark hair was permed and styled in tight ringlets that fell down her back. She wore a fitted black Metallica t-shirt and a pair of tight denim jeans, which Randy clasped onto with his right hand resting just above her ass. With his left hand, he tugged at one of her curls, just to annoy her. Playing his game, Cheyenne laughed as she flicked his baseball cap off his head revealing a full head of shaggy blond hair that needed to be cut. Randy had a boyish charm about him, beautiful blue eyes and a mouth that rivaled a sailor on shore-leave.

  Averi and Shelly sat on the bleachers about thirty feet away, watching Randy make out with his extremely steady girlfriend. While Averi looked bored, Shelly looked disgusted. Shelly fixed her jean skirt that was riding up her legs. She tugged it down and popped a piece of gum into her mouth. She chewed her gum noisily and blew a bright pink bubble. When it popped, she shouted across the school yard, “God, Randy! Get a room!”

  Cheyenne laughed as Randy continued to kiss her. Behind her back, Randy gave Shelly the finger.

  “Cocky jackass!” Shelly said to Averi, but Averi didn’t respond. With her hair pulled up in a high ponytail, not a stitch of makeup on her face and wearing a pastel blue sundress with white leggings, Averi was the picture of innocence. She had a downcast look in her eyes. Something was bothering her.

  Averi sighed. “I wish Colt would kiss me like that…” Averi said self-consciously. She ran her tongue across her braces.

  Shelly replied, “Maybe he’s shy…”

  Averi looked at Shelly as if she had lost her mind.

  “Colt is not shy.”

  Shelly shrugged, “Maybe he doesn’t feel the same way?”

  “Now you know that ain’t true…” a deep voice said from behind them. There was a “get real” tone to his voice. Colt jumped down off the bleacher bench behind them and landed between Shelly and Averi. He had a wide smile on his face and he gave Averi a sly wink causing her to blush.

  Colt wore his Dallas Cowboys hat backwards. His jeans were baggy falling over his perfectly white Reeboks. He wore a navy blue t-shirt that showed off his forming muscles. Averi could tell that he was hitting the gym. His arms were toned and he had lost his stocky build to a more athletic physique. He looked good. Colt grinned at Averi showing off his beautiful smile. Then he quickly glanced at Shelly with an annoyed expression.

  “Hi Shelly. Bye Shelly. I need to borrow your friend.”

  “Borrow? Will you give her back?”

  Colt leaned into Averi and gave her a smoldering smile.


  “Ugh! Whatever guys… Later! Ave… You’re still coming to the party tonight, right?”

  “I was going to sit this one out…”

  In unison both Shelly and Colt turned around and said, “What?! Why?”

  Averi’s eyes bugged. She felt like she was being tag-teamed.

  “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  “Ave! It’s the end of the school year!” Shelly said in an outburst, sounding hurt.

  Averi rolled her eyes, “And you’ll see me every weekend!”

  “What about me?” asked Colt, looking worried.

  Averi nudged him. “You’ve seen me every single day since we were babies. What are you so worried about?”

  Colt shrugged as he cast a gaze towards Randy. “Nothing.”

  “Ave!” Shelly continued protesting, “Just come!”

  Colt smiled at Averi. Crossing the line from friend to something more, he grabbed her hand. A live wire came alive in Averi’s body, the current coursing through her setting her every nerve on fire. Colt was surprised at how soft her hand was. For a girl who played tackle football, there was still something very innocent, very feminine about her. Averi couldn’t speak. They had skirted around their feelings for so long, but finally it was happening. Averi wanted to dance and barf at the same time. She looked into Colt’s eyes, finding herself getting lost in chocolate brown irises. They were soft and unassuming. As she looked deeper, she noticed that he had a subtle gold ring around the iris. Eyes on fire.

  Colt was lost in her eyes. Her eyes that he wanted to look into for so long and now that he was here, he didn’t want to leave. Her beautiful eyes that had witnessed so much tragedy but still managed to shine every time she saw him. Colt wanted to kiss her. She was gorgeous – a natural beauty who wore no make-up. She didn’t need it. But just as Colt was about to move in, Shelly reminded him that they weren’t al

  “Ahem…” she said clearing her throat.

  Colt smiled, but secretly he wanted to tell Shelly to scram.

  She spoke up again, “So are you going to come or what?!”

  “What?!” asked Averi, already red-faced from the close encounter with Colt.

  “To the party! Are you coming tonight?”

  “Oh,” said Averi as she let out a breath. Colt squeezed her hand.

  “Come. I’ll be there,” he said with a smile.

  Averi smiled back.

  “Guess I’ll see you at 8,” Averi said to Shelly while keeping her eyes transfixed on Colt’s.

  Shelly tried to convince Averi to come straight to her house so they could get ready for the party, but Averi was more interested in spending the afternoon alone with Colt.

  “You cannot be serious about wearing that tonight?!” Shelly said referring to Averi’s outfit which consisted of a light blue sun dress that came to her knees, a pair of white leggings and a beat up pair of blue Converses.

  “Why? She looks cute…” Colt’s face immediately turned beet red as he said it.

  Did I just call her cute? What a spazz! Colt thought to himself.

  Averi’s mouth turned up in a smirk as she saw how embarrassed Colt was.

  “Trust me, girl… I’ve got something for you to wear. C’mon.”

  Colt rolled his eyes, getting annoyed.

  Take a hint!

  “Shell. I’ll be there around 7,” Averi said laughing at the reaction on Colt’s face.

  With that, Averi and Colt walked away, hand in hand, leaving Shelly’s mouth gaping. Just when Shelly was about to get up and leave, Colt turned on his heel and addressed Shelly.

  “And Shelly?”

  “Yeah?” she asked looking confused.

  “I don’t kiss her like that in public because I have more respect for her than that.”

  Shelly smiled at him. She knew Colt was a decent guy.

  “But behind closed doors… all bets are off.”

  Averi had never turned so red before.

  Colt led Averi across the baseball field, holding her hand in his. He had an amused look on his face. He turned around to face her as he playfully pulled her closer to him.

  “You know your brothers are going to go nuts.”

  Averi shrugged, “They get to hang out with whoever they want. I will, too.”


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