by Anita Waller
So, Susan Hampson, Tara Lyons, Joanna Levy, Diane Cunningham and Jo Batchelor – you’re all in here, and I didn’t turn any of you into a corpse!
Bloodhound Books, under the ownership of Fred and Betsy Freeman, will always have my gratitude. They support, encourage, and listen to my moans, unfailingly cheering me along the way.
I am part of a four-part group called Wordsmiths, and we communicate via Messenger. They are brilliant. They make suggestions, boost my confidence when it takes a dip, and come up with information at the drop of a hat. Donna Maria McCarthy, Audrina Lane and Rita Ames, thank you. You’re awesome.
My family play such an important role in my writing, especially Kirsty. She is super-critical, a damn good writer in her own right, and always spot-on in any suggestions she makes. I’m a very lucky Mum! Thank you, Kess.
As always, my huge thanks go to Dave. He is so proud of my achievements, and constantly tells everyone. And all of this from a man who wouldn’t normally read the genre I write!
And finally, I have to thank you, the readers. 34 Days sold remarkably well; many thousands of them are now distributed around the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is thanks to these readers Strategy exists. I had no thought of writing a sequel when I finished 34 Days, but it soon became clear from reviews a follow-up was needed. Here it is. I hope it is a fitting tribute to Anna and Jenny’s story.
Anita Waller
7 May 2017, Sheffield UK