Harry Tokarz - President, CUFORN
184 The Philadelphia Experiment
Dr J. Manson Valentine - oceanographer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer Bob Warth - research chemist; president, SITU James R. Wolfe - author, researcher John David Wood - president, Solarlogos Inc.
The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Tucson,
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Vista, Calif. Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, Pa. CUFORN, Inc., Willowdale, Ontario, Canada Duquesne University Library, Pittsburg, Pa. The Einstein-Steen Sticks and Stones Museum & Library, Tujunga, Calif.
The Herman Review, Herman, Minn. Matson Navigation Company. San Francisco. Calif. Minneapolis Public Library Morris Public Library, Morris, Minn. National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
National Archives, Washington, D.C. The New York Times National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Kensington, Md.
Sewickley Public Library, Sewickley, Pa. Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, Little Silver, N.J.
University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Minnesota Library, Morris, Minn. U.S. Department of the Navy U.S. Department of Commence
Acknowledgements Varo Corporation, Garland, Tex. and the many others who have offered help, information, or encouragement, but who, for one reason or another, must remain nameless in these pages. Appreciation is especially directed to Robert Markel, editor, whose prior interest in the Philadelphia Experiment was an important contribution to the publication or this book.
1947 Frank, Philip, Albert Einstein, his Life and Times.
New York: Alfred Knoff, 1947. 1955 Jessup, M. K., The Case for the UFO. Secaucus,
N.J.: Citadel Press, 1955. 1957 Hlavaty, Vaclar, Geometry of Einstein's Unified Field Theory. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1957.
1962 Crabb, Reilly H., M. K. Jessup, the Allende Letters and Gravity. Vista, Calif.: BSRF Publications, 1962.
1963 Barker, Gray, The Strange Case of Dr. M. K. Jessup. Clarksburg, W. Va.: Saucerian Press, 1963.
1964 Caddis, Vincent, Invisible Horizons. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company, 1964. 1964 Barnothy, Madelene P., The Effects of Magnetic Fields. New York: Plenum Co., 1964. 1967 Steiger, Brad, "Fantastic Key to the Flying Saucer Mystery," Saga, November 1967.
1967 Sanderson, Ivan T., Uninvited Visitors: A Biologist Looks at UFOs. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.,
1967 1968 Binder, Otto, Flying Saucers are Watching Us. New York: Tower Books, 1968,1970.
1969 Sanderson, Ivan T., "M. K. Jessup," Pursuit, September 30, 1968.
1968 O'Connell, Joan W., and Steiger, Brad, New UFO Breakthrough. New York: Award Books, 1968.
1969 Lorenzen, James, and Coral, Ed., A.P.R.O. Bulletin, July-August 1969. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Tucson, Ariz.
1970 Le Poer Trench, Brinsley, Flying Saucers Have Arrived. New York: World Publishing Co., 1970.
1971 Flammonde, Paris, The Age of Flying Saucers. New York: Hawthorne Books, 1971.
1973 Jessup, M. K., and Barker, Gray, The Case for the UFO, Va.ro Annotated Edition, facsimile. Clarksburg, W. Va.: Saucerian Press, 1973.
1973 von Buttlar, Johannes, Journey to Infinity. London:
Wm. Collins Sons & Co., 1973.
1974 Salisbury, Dr. P. H., The Utah UFO Display. Old
Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair, 1974. 1974 Sladek, Vincent, The New Apocrypha. New York: Stein & Day, 1974.
1974 Berlitz, Charles p., The Bermuda Triangle. London: Souvenir Press, 1975.
1975 Brennan, J. H., Beyond the 4th Dimension. London: Futura Publications, 1978.
1975 Santesson, H- S_, "More on Jessup and the Allende Case," Pursuit, April
1976 Strong, B. R-, "The Allende Letters," Official UFO, April 1976.
1976 Elliott, A, "Were the Allende Letters a College Prank?"Pursuit, April 1976.
1976 Cohen, Daniel, Mysterious Disappearances. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.,
1977 Berlitz, Charles p., Without a Trace. London: Souvenir Press, 1977.
1977 Jeffrey, Adi-Kent T., Parallel Universe. New York: Warner Books, 1977.
1977 ---------"New Evidence-Top Secret, Government-Alien Liason?" VFO Pulse
Analyzer, May 1977.
1977 Helms, Harry L., Jr., "The Carlos Allende Letters, Key to tie UFO Mystery?" Argosy UFO Magazine, Winter 1977-8.
1978 Simson, George E., and Burger, Neal R., Thin Air. New York: E»ell Publishing Co., 1978. (Fiction).
1978 Barker, Gray, ed., "Carlos Allende Speaks," tape. Clarksburg, V^. Va.: Saucerian Press.
1978 Moore, William X., "The Wizard of Electro-Gravity," Saga UFO R-eport, May 1978. Excerpts used in this book by kind permission of Gambi Publications, Div. of Web Offset Industries, Brooklyn, N.Y.
The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility Page 18