Fantasies Unveiled: Invasion

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Fantasies Unveiled: Invasion Page 1

by Red Rose Publishing

  Fantasies Unveiled:



  Mechele Wade


  To my loving husband

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Fantasies Unveiled: Invasion

  Red Rose Publishing

  Copyright© 2007 Mechele Wade

  ISBN: 978-1-60435-064-7

  ISBN: 1-60435-064-4

  Cover Artist: Red Rose Publishing

  Editor: Dee Gentle

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.

  Red Rose Publishing

  Forestport, NY 13338

  Fantasies Unveiled:



  Mechele Wade

  Chapter 1

  Christy was glad it was Friday and the beginning of the weekend. A time to relax and regroup, after the week she had, she sure needed it. It seemed that whatever she did during the week it was never good enough for her boss and with one mishap after another made for a very long work week.

  It was the weekend and she planned to do nothing but relax and that would start when she got home. She would begin with a nice long, hot shower, just letting the water beat down on her shoulders and back, relaxing and loosening the muscles. She was thinking about a nice cool drink as well and after that, maybe a trip to the toy closet was in order for even more relaxation.

  Christy pulled into her driveway, noticing the light was on in the living room. “I thought I turned that light off this morning? Who knows with me running around crazy looking for my car keys, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve left it on.”

  Climbing out of the car, she walked up the sidewalk looking in her purse for the keys. Paying no attention to her surroundings, she didn’t hear the footsteps until she was opening her door, but by then it was too late.

  Christy was shoved into her house, the door slamming behind her. She was unable to turn around as the attacker pushed her into the house and crossed her arms over her body holding her hands tight in his. Shock rendered Christy speechless and unable to put up a struggle. Recovering only a few seconds later, by then it was already too late.

  Suddenly a hand was covering her eyes but her hands were still being held. She whipped her head from side to side to dislodge the hand but it was no use as a blindfold was forced over her head and down covering her eyes. The attacker’s hand trailed slowly over her face, neck and continued down her body, finally leaving— as it reached her jeans.

  Christy started to struggle in earnest now kicking, twisting, screaming as loud as she could, “Help! NO!” Driving her head back, she tried to hit her attacker’s chin or face with the back of her head but falling short of her mark she hit him in the chest. Her attacker grunted in surprise as her head slammed into his chest.

  Her screaming only lasted a second or two before it was cut off with a ball gag forced in her mouth and buckled behind her head. She still tried to scream but only muffled sounds came out. Christy was still trying to get away but now tears were beginning to soak the blindfold. It only took her abductors a few seconds to capture her wrists into cuffs and lock them behind her back.

  Even though this only took a minute or two to accomplish, time seemed to slow down for Christy, her abductors complete silence unnerved her. It was as if they had done this before and no amount of pleading fazed them.

  Christy tried to calm down so she could figure a way out of this. She needed to know how many were in her house, and then try to formulate a plan to get away from them.

  She was forced from the hall into the living room, struggling, she tried to drag her feet as she had no idea what would happen once there. When forced to a stop, she felt someone brush by her, and the front door opened then shut. She tried to pull away from the person holding her arm but as soon as she took a step the hand on her arm tightened, jerking her back a little to stumble against a broad chest.

  The front door was opening again. Whoever walked out came back into the house without a care in the world, like they belonged there and no one would question them. Calm down, calm down, you need to figure out how many are in the house so you know what you’re up against. Take a calming breath, now, and listen. Straining to hear, she felt the breath of the captor on her neck, and some rustling off somewhere else. So just the one holding me and the one that left the house, only one brushed by me and only one set of footsteps came back inside. She knew at that moment only two had forced their way into her house.

  Christy was trying to figure out what they had done to her living room as she knew a chair should be where she was standing. Suddenly she was pushed forward, stumbling, she tried to right herself but fell anyway. She was jerked up by her hair, letting out a scream of pain; it felt as if her hair was being pulled out. Her screams of pain were muffled, but she felt the rumbles in his chest shaking from his laughter, the sound breaking the silence of her captors.

  Chapter 2

  Her abductors were still not talking and she wondered what exactly they had planned for her. She didn’t have too long a wait to find out.

  Once standing, she was pulled a few more feet before being stopped by her hair being pulled again. It seemed they had a thing for pulling hair as Christy was about to experience.

  Hmm... I wonder if Christy is a natural red head. Well, I won’t have to wait long to find out for sure, Robert lowered his lips to her ear.

  He spoke softly, “Stand very still and don’t move so much as a muscle. I would really hate for you to be cut as your clothes are being sliced off.”

  Christy started trembling and couldn’t seem to stop. She was praying whoever it was would not hurt her. She was jerked out of her thoughts as she was slapped across the face.

  “Don’t move! Not even a quiver out of you!” Robert said.

  Someone then proceeded to slice the buttons off her shirt one at a time. .

  When he cut off the last one her shirt gaped open, exposing the lacy blue bra. Next he moved on to her jeans and instead of unbuttoning them, he whispered, “We’re going to cut your jeans off as well, so do exactly as you’re told.”

  Christy started to tremble again, her chest heaving as she began crying and trying to move away. But it was no use as someone grabbed her hair pulling her head back, causing Christy to arch her back, thrusting her breasts out. Laughter erupted from the captors again this time leaving a chill running down her spine.

  Next thing she knew someone was wedging a foot between hers forcing her legs apart, “Keep them apart, just like this!” She didn’t have a chance to move before she felt the tip of the knife running up and down the inside of her thighs.

  The knife moved slowly from her right thigh down the inside of her leg to her knee. It moved back and forth over her knee before moving down her calf, coming to the bottom of her jeans. The knife didn’t stop there, she felt a little prick as the tip moved under her jeans. Oh shit… clinching her hands as the knife started moving up her leg cutting her jeans to her knee, leaving a light scratch.

  Oh shit, oh shit.. please. Feeling the air hitting her leg, she started trembling, making the knife glide unsteadily up her leg leaving little dots between the scratch from the blade point.

  Christy tried sagging in relief when she felt the knife leave h
er body, but she couldn’t as the bastard still had her hair clutched in his fist and pulled up when she started down. Chills ran down her spine all the way to her feet from the chuckles emitting from her abductors.

  This time one of the voices sounded familiar but she didn’t get a chance to think on it long as once again she felt the knife at her other ankle. Whoever was doing the cutting did it exactly as the other side was done. Why leave them like this, just hanging off my body? I hope I’m not bleeding… Oh, no, what is Dave going to think? What am I going to tell him? Once this was done, the person standing behind her moved up effectively blocking her from moving backwards, still with his hand in her hair jerking her head back and down effectively making her arch her back without touching him and forcing her breasts through the opening in her shirt. Ohhhh… now what...

  More chuckling ensued and she felt the hair puller behind her move, but he didn’t let go of her hair. She felt the other brush by her, then whispers. Catching a word here or there, she heard something about a thong and a bet. Why are they talking about a thong.. do they know me? Why would they think I’m wearing one? What the hell? After more whispered words the hair puller eased up on her hair letting her straighten up while the other moved in front of her again.

  Kneeling, he, knife man, she starts to think of him, took her right foot into his hands. Seizing the opportunity she kicked that foot forward hoping to connect with something and push him off balance.

  The kick worked as he let go of her foot, but her head was jerked back by hair puller, leaving her whimpering in pain. Shit! That hurts and here I thought I liked my hair pulled but not sure anymore.

  She heard the knife man moving in front of her but there was nothing she could do to stop him from taking off her other shoe then socks. She wasn’t sure what would happen next since the hair puller was still holding her hair up, causing her to stand on her tiptoes to keep her balance.

  “Don’t move.” He whispered in her ear as he released his hold on her hair letting her ease back down on her heels. He pulled the lobe into his mouth biting it, making her jerk, and moaning in pain as his teeth scrapped her ear lobe. Chuckling, he bit her ear lobe again.

  Christy tried screaming and jerking her head to the side, “No!... Don’t!..”, which didn’t quite come out that way with the gag in her mouth.

  Hair puller still had her ear lobe in his mouth, sucking on it. Please, please..don’t let them realize I’m starting to like this. In next moment her ear lobe feels like it has been bitten off, and her nipples are grabbed and pinched hard. Screaming and withering in pain, trying to turn, twist, anything to get him to release her nipples and ear lobe. He releases her ear lobe, which only makes him add pressure to her nipples and giving them a vicious twist, then suddenly let go. NO!, I can’t like this!..

  Dave was still kneeling in front of Christy and he reached into the opening of her jeans with both hands running them from her hip to her waist. He moved his left hand to her ass, feeling her. She was trying to move away from the hand that was squeezing her ass.

  His hand was like glue, it didn’t move from its intended purpose of roaming her naked ass checks and running up and down the crack of her ass. His right hand was slowly moving under the front of her thong, running his fingers into her curls. At once, he pulled the hair and Robert squeezed Christy’s nipples, both pulling away from her body at the same time. Christy screamed in pain.

  Christy couldn’t take too much more of this without the abductor kneeling at her feet realizing how turned on she was becoming. Christy knew she liked it a little rough every now and then, but didn’t realize being held by two men, blindfold, and cuffed in her own home would arouse her almost to the point of begging. Her mind kept drifting to when she confided in her boyfriend Dave, about a fantasy like this several months ago. In fact, it didn’t seem to turn him on at all.

  Dave and Robert glanced at each other both releasing her nipples and pussy hair at the same time. Christy hung limply in Robert’s arms, breathing harshly through her nose and making whimpering sounds.

  Dave couldn’t believe how turned on Christy was becoming from all of this. When she told him about this particular fantasy of hers months ago, he wasn’t interested in playing it out. He wasn’t one to let another man see or touch his girlfriend while she was naked. But now he was letting a friend of his do just that and would be doing so much more before the fantasy was played out. He just hoped Christy didn’t hate him when it was over.

  They let her hang there for a few moments while the blood returned back to her nipples, causing her to moan in pain. Dave picked up the knife to finish cutting off her clothes. He knew he would have to buy her new clothes for destroying the ones she was wearing but he didn’t care. He was enjoying this far too much and the bulge in his jeans was proof of that. He slid his glance to Robert and noticed he wasn’t in any better shape either, especially after that little demonstration from Christy.

  Chapter 3

  Robert now had Christy pressed up against his body letting her know just how turned on he was, while running his hands over her breasts and tweaking a nipple every now and then left Christy moaning. They didn’t know if the moan was from pleasure or pain or a mixture of both.

  Christy felt the bulge at her waist and knew it wasn’t Dave. She didn’t know who it was and she was pretty much past the point of caring. All she wanted was whoever it was to finish what they started, and that was getting her horny and turned on beyond belief.

  She didn’t care how either, she just wanted his cock inside of her. She tried standing on her tiptoes wiggling her butt in the process to feel more of that wonderful cock but he pinched a nipple whenever she tried, causing her to fall flat on her feet.

  Dave stood there watching her with the knife in his hand. He looked up at Robert, catching his eye and holding the knife up. Signaling for him to make sure Christy didn’t move.

  “Christy, I need you to be very still now. We are going to finish cutting your jeans and shirt off then once they are gone, the bra and thong.” Robert told her. His next words caused her to shiver, “Feet apart! More! Now don’t move.”

  Christy was having a very hard time not moving as her legs were forced wide apart. She wasn’t sure what to expect or what they would cut off of her first. She felt the knife on her stomach and she flinched trying to take in more air through her nose, trying to stay calm. She didn’t want a permanent reminder of this night.

  Dave was having fun with the knife, gliding it over her chest down to her waist, leaving her wondering which would be cut off first. Not that it really mattered as she would be naked in a few moments. Finally after a few minutes of teasing he swiftly cut one side of the waistband then the other, letting her jeans fall to the floor.

  Robert glanced down smiling at Dave. He couldn’t believe he’d been asked to play a role in Christy’s fantasy. At first he was hesitant to accept the offer from Dave, but after several attempts, he caved and was glad. He was having the time of his life, getting to play with Christy. He knew more would come as Dave told him they would be at it for hours, bringing her close to climax then backing off and taking her up once more before finally giving her the orgasm. He couldn’t wait until they were able to put into effect what Dave had been fantasying of doing. Of course, Robert wasn’t complaining, far from it, he was enjoying it just as much as Christy and Dave seemed to be.

  Christy felt the jeans fall from her waist, feeling someone’s breath on her pussy. The person was kneeling so close. She shivered as the knife glided over her pussy before being leaving her body. She was turned around, gripped by the upper arms and steadied as she felt the knife on her ass running up and down the crack over the material of her thong. She was whimpering and knew not to move even though it was nearly impossible to stand still. She felt the knife move from her ass lightly stroking up her spine only to move back down again.

  Dave looked at Robert and signaled for him to take hold of her waist. Dave moved the knife to just below her neck
and was running the knife back and forth. He was pleased to see Christy had goose bumps and was moving a little with the knife trying to get the most out of the spots that drove her crazy.

  Once Robert had his hands around her waist, Dave moved the knife to the cuff of her shirt. He slid the knife under it, moving up her arm to her shoulder then the neck of the shirt, cutting it. Once the collar was cut the shirt fell away from her body leaving it hanging off her other shoulder. Dave ran the knife over her shoulder then down her arm. Once again he cut the shirt from the cuff to collar letting it fall to the floor.

  Robert felt Christy shiver and sway as the shirt was cut off. He couldn’t believe how responsive she was to all of this. Seeing how hard her nipples were he brushed his chest against hers, making her moan.

  Dave looked at Robert when he heard Christy moaning, raising an eyebrow. Robert gave him a cheeky smile and Dave watched him lean forward again brushing against Christy’s nipples. Dave just grinned and swiftly cut the straps of her bra from each shoulder, then the back, not bothering with the clasps. The bra didn’t fall off but clung to her. Dave was ready to have Christy naked but he wanted to play just a little more with the knife. Signaling Robert, who wasted no time in getting Christy into position.

  Robert turned Christy around so fast she stumbled, causing the bra to fall off her breasts leaving her nipples exposed and very hard. Dave hadn’t seen them so hard before.

  Chapter 4

  Before Christy knew what was happening, she was pushed forward and bent over with someone catching her cuffed wrists to keep her from falling flat on her face. While trying to get her balance and stand up, Robert’s hands held her in place bent over. This is the position they wanted her in for the moment.


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