Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing Page 10

by Kyleigh Drake

  Blake and Kim went back and there Myka was sitting up just a little and taking a sip of water. The nurse left them alone so they could be with her.

  “Oh, baby. I’m so glad you’re awake. Are you feeling okay?” Blake asked, kissing her cheek. She nodded her head and then looked at Kim, a little confused.

  “Myka, do you remember what happened?” Myka nodded her head slowly as she was trying to think, and then she quickly jerked her head back to Blake. Kim immediately intervened because she knew Myka would listen to her before hearing what Blake had to say. Kim gently pushed Blake out of the way and sat on the side of the bed, holding Myka’s hand. “Myka, you know who I am, right?”

  “Yes,” she answered hoarsely.

  “I want you to listen carefully to me, okay?” Myka nodded again and looked like she was trying to concentrate.

  “You know I would never lie to you, right? And I promise that every word I’m telling you is true. Myka, what you remember about Blake and Miranda is not true, sweetie. It was all a lie. We were wrong. Blake loves you, not Miranda, so you don’t need to be mad at him because he didn’t do anything wrong. Miranda was the one who was lying, not Blake. Do you understand what I’m telling you? You believe me, right?”

  “Yes, I believe you,” she said as a tear ran down her face. “Blake?”

  Kim moved so Blake could take her place next to Myka.

  “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry. I just want you to get better, okay. I need to take you home so I can take care of you there. I love you, Myka Lambert, and I really need you to get better.”

  “I–I’m sorry I ran away, Blake. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

  “I will always want you, sweetheart. Don’t you ever forget that. You need to try and get some rest though, right now.”

  “I love you, Blake,” she whispered as she started to drift off asleep again.

  As Blake and Kim started to walk out, Blake pulled her back by her arm and hugged her tightly. “Thank you for that, Kim. I don’t think she would’ve believed me, and she just would’ve gotten upset.”

  “You are absolutely correct, Blake, so I’m glad I was there. Now maybe she can rest easy and not worry. C’mon, let’s go tell the guys.”

  The dark cloud was now gone, and the four were now able to laugh and lighten the mood a little. Myka was being moved to a private room later in the day, so now they could sit in there with her all the time, which put their minds at ease.

  Chapter 11

  Myka was released from the hospital later on in the week. Blake took her home and got her settled, making sure she had everything she could possibly need. Myka was happy to be back home with Blake. Blake had explained everything that had happened with Miranda, and she no longer had any doubts.

  Blake was more than just attentive. He spent all his time with her and made sure she wanted for nothing. It took about another week before she could get around on her own, and she was glad that she was getting a little more self-sufficient. Being in the house all the time was driving her crazy, so she was thrilled when Blake suggested she go visit with Kim while he went and did some work at the club.

  When Myka walked outside, she saw a car in the driveway beside Blake’s truck. It looked brand-new. It was a blue Subaru Impreza. “Whose car?” Myka asked.

  “That would be yours, sweetheart.”

  “Mine? What about my Camaro?”

  “You don’t have a Camaro anymore, Myka. Now get in the truck.”

  “But I want my Camaro, Blake,” she said with a pout.

  “I’m sure you do, princess, but you’re not driving a Camaro anymore. The Impreza is very safe, and it’s really nice inside. You’ll like it just fine once you get to drive it.”

  Myka crossed her arms over her chest and didn’t say anything.

  “Pouting or crying isn’t going to change my mind, baby. I saw the police report. It said you were going over a hundred miles per hour. I believe I warned you about speeding, did I not?”

  “You said if I got three tickets!”

  Blake’s voice became much louder, which grabbed her attention immediately. “You were in a fucking wreck because you were driving so fast, so I don’t give a damn what I told you—you no longer have a Camaro, and that is the end of it. Am I clear?”

  Myka sat there staring straight ahead.

  “I asked you a question, and I expect an answer.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now let’s get you over to Kim’s.”

  They drove in silence all the way to the ranch. Once they arrived, Blake helped her out of the truck and walked her up to the porch. He then turned her around so she was facing him. “When I get back, I expect a changed attitude.” He then pulled her forward and kissed her hard, causing her to breathe heavily. He then walked off, leaving her standing there and thinking to herself how much she missed his touch. He had not touched her at all since she returned from the hospital, afraid he would hurt her, but she hoped that tonight, he would give her the attention she so desperately craved.

  Myka spent several hours at Kim’s, and the men cooked them steaks for supper. When Blake arrived later in the evening, Myka was tired and ready to go home. Once they got into the truck, Myka laid her head on his shoulder, his hand resting on her knee.

  “I see you’ve gotten over your little mad spell.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, hoping he would hear the desire in her voice.

  “I missed you, Myka.”

  “I missed you, too, Blake.”

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “Yeah, I always have a good time with Kim.”

  “I heard your friend, Sheila, is coming to see you.”

  “I know. I’m really excited. She won’t be here until the weekend, though, ’cause she couldn’t get away. Do you think we could introduce her to Adriano?”

  “Boy, you don’t waste any time, do ya?”

  “He would really like her, Blake. I know he would. Maybe he could use her at the gym and we could get her to move down here, too. We’ll all just be one big happy family.”

  “Yeah, well I’m not so sure Caleb, Logan, or myself can handle another one of your friends around here. I have a feeling you girls could get into a lot of trouble.”

  “Blake, you know that’s not true. Not, a lot anyway,” she said, laughing.

  “Uh-huh,” he said doubtfully.

  Once they got back to the house, Myka went into the bedroom to get ready for bed, while Blake was locking up. She had deliberately worn nothing and was in the bed, under the covers, before he even got in there. She watched him as he undressed then turned out the light and got into bed beside her. When he reached for her, he felt her naked body, but was silent for a few moments, before finally speaking. “Uh, princess?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir?” she answered with innocence.

  “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Well, I have to admit—I like what you’re saying.”

  “You do?” she asked, softly touching his now-stiff cock.

  “Oh, Myka,” he said, breathing heavily.

  “Yes, Sir?” she asked, now stroking him gently.

  “Myka, you’re still not completely well—yet,” he said in between sharp breaths. “I’ll touch you, but you can’t have my cock tonight…”

  “But, I want your cock—Sir.”

  “Dammit, Myka. I do love you touching me, but, baby, you gotta quit.” Blake was trying to hold his composure but was losing ground quickly.

  “But I don’t want to quit touching your big, hard cock. Sir.” She then threw back the covers and began to scoot herself down so that her mouth was directly over his swollen member. She took her tongue and touched the head gently before taking it in her mouth. Blake sucked in a sharp breath, and she looked up at him through her lashes and smiled. “Sir. I’ve been a very good girl. Can I please suck your cock?”

  “Oh, God.”

  “Is that a ‘yes,’
Sir?” she asked, taking him all the way in her mouth and going up and down on him once and then stopping for his answer.

  “Yes, dammit,” he said quickly.

  Myka immediately began to suck his cock, taking him in as far as she could go. She sucked harder with each moan she heard from Blake. She then licked his shaft from one end to the other, taking his balls into her mouth as well and massaging them with her tongue. Blake grabbed the headboard and closed his eyes. Myka was pleased with herself, and it made her want to suck harder just to see if she could get more reaction from him.

  She could tell he was close, and when his body tensed, he tried to push her away and tell her to stop, but she wouldn’t let him. She knew he couldn’t hold back, so she continued to suck harder and harder until she felt the warm substance shooting down the back of her throat. She swallowed and continued to suck slowly until he had nothing left. She then released him, licked her lips, and smiled. He was leaned back against the headboard, still unable to move.

  “Good God, woman, you were amazing.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said, fully satisfied with herself.

  “You are going to pay for that though,” he said wickedly as he pulled her up beside him.

  “Pay for what? You liked it, remember?”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like it, sweetheart. You’re going to pay for the fact that you didn’t listen to me when I tried to get you to stop. So, I think a little lesson in obedience is now in order.”

  “Blake, no!” she whined, knowing he would make her suffer.

  “Yes, ma’am. So let’s get to it, princess.”

  He raised her arms over her head gently and put the wrist restraints on. “Does that hurt, baby?”

  “Uh-uh” she said, feeling her pussy begin to throb.

  “You tell me if you start hurting, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He leaned down, licking and sucking her nipples over and over, causing a bolt of hot molten fire to shoot straight down to her now-aching pussy. “Blake, please.”

  “Your first instruction is no talking, Myka. No words. If you speak, I stop. You can moan or make noise, but no talking. Nod your head if you understand.” Myka nodded in response. “Good girl. Now, let’s get this party started.”

  He continued to use his tongue and nipped her nipples gently with his teeth before slowly licking down her stomach, so close toward her ache. She began to squirm and spread her legs for him. He made his way between her legs and then began to kiss the inside of her thighs. She moaned and arched her pussy toward his mouth.

  “Uh-uh,” he said, looking up at her. “Your next instruction is no moving. You will lie perfectly still and will not move at all. Am I clear?”

  “That’s not fair!” she yelled.

  “I believe those were words, princess. Now I’m just gonna have to stay right here for a while, just looking at your pretty, pink, wet pussy.”

  “Ahhh!” she moaned in protest.

  “I know, baby. It’s hard for you to obey me, isn’t it? But—obey me you will,” he said, grinning.

  He heard her let out a deep sigh, but she didn’t speak and she didn’t move. He spread the lips of her pussy and began to blow softly on her clit.

  She could feel the warmth of his breath on her pussy and thought she was going to die. Don’t move, don’t talk, don’t move, don’t talk. 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89, 88. Deep breaths. You can do it. Just keep your mouth shut.

  “Now, let’s try this again, princess, and see how you do, okay?”

  Thank God.

  He began to flick her clit with the end of his tongue, and she wanted to scream words, but didn’t. It felt so good to have him there, and she didn’t want him to stop again. He used his entire tongue and licked her up and down the middle then stopped to suck on her clit. Myka let out a moan as he continued to pleasure her. He took his finger and thrust it into her pussy, fucking her in and out. Her moan was a scream now, but still no words.

  “You’re being such a good girl, princess. I like it when you obey me. Would you like to come for me now?”

  Myka shut her eyes and nodded her head quickly.

  “You have to open your eyes, baby. I want you to see who’s making you come.”

  Myka opened her eyes and looked into his. “You’re going to come real good for me, Myka. The minute you do, you can move and you can talk, but not one second before. Do you understand?” Myka nodded, not taking her eyes off him.

  Blake then began to lick and finger-fuck her with purpose and determination. She started to shut her eyes, but blinked them open, not wanting him to delay her release. She saw him grin in satisfaction.

  Myka felt the heat rushing through her veins, her heart pounding, and her body getting so hot she could barely stand it.

  When it hit, he held her down securely. She began to scream his name, and her body attempted to writhe back and forth against him and the restraints. He continued to hold her and lick, until she had released it all and her body collapsed against the bed. Myka was motionless and lay there silently, unable to speak. Blake moved back up beside her and released her arms from the restraints.

  “You okay, princess?” he asked, kissing her nose.

  “Uh-huh” she mumbled quietly.

  “Who’s your Master, baby?” he asked with a grin.

  She smiled back and pulled him toward her. As she kissed him, she could taste herself in his mouth. They kissed for a full five minutes before she pulled away and said, looking directly into his eyes, “You, Blake Lawson, are definitely my Master.” Myka slept better that night than she had in quite a while. Again, all was right with the world, and she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  Chapter 12

  Sheila came for a visit as she had promised and apologized for not getting there sooner. Myka reassured her that being there was the important thing and that she was just happy to see her. Sheila stayed with Kim out at the ranch and was going to be able to stay for an entire week. The girls decided it would be good to cook out on the grill one afternoon and invite Adriano over as well.

  They spent two days planning it, and when the day arrived, everyone was excited. Sheila had her doubts because she had been disappointed by all the other men in her life and found it hard to believe that a good man really existed. Kim and Myka tried to explain to her that the men in Haven’s Crossing were different, but Sheila still wasn’t going to get her hopes up.

  The men she was used to were liars and cheaters. They didn’t really care about her, and they sure as hell never took care of her. It would be nice if what Kim and Myka described were actually true, but again, it didn’t sound like the reality she was so accustomed to. On the other hand, Blake, Logan, and Caleb did appear to be genuine. Could there possibly be one for her, too? She’d definitely have to be convinced.

  That afternoon, the girls got all the food together as the men started the grill. Blake had gone to get beer, and Adriano was going to be there in less than an hour. Kim and Myka were anxious, wanting Sheila and Adriano to hit it off, but they’d just have to wait and see.

  When Adriano pulled up in his truck and got out, Sheila sucked in a sharp breath. “Holy hell—he’s gorgeous,” she whispered to her friends.

  “Wait till you hear him talk, sister,” Myka replied with a grin.

  As he walked over to the men at the grill, Kim pushed Sheila in front, and the girls started walking in their direction. “C’mon, baby, let’s show him what you got.”

  When they got close, Kim said to Logan, “Hey, I think we need to introduce everyone, don’t you?”

  Logan smiled, knowing what his wife and Myka were up to. “Adriano, you know Myka, right?”

  “I have met the lovely Myka. That is correct,” Adriano replied, kissing her hand. “I am happy that you are well now. You had Blake very worried about you.”

  “Um, uh, thank you. I’m glad to be well,” Myka said.

  “And this is our wife, Kimberlee,�
� Logan said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

  “Ahhh, Kimberlee. Also a lovely name for such a vision of beauty,” he said, kissing her hand as well.

  “Th–thank you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Kim said in awe of the man standing before her.

  Logan grunted and then whispered in her ear, “You can close your mouth now, darlin’.” He then put his hand on Sheila’s shoulder, gently nudging her forward. “And this is their good friend, Sheila, who’s visiting us for the rest of the week.”

  Adriano was taken by surprise. He looked Sheila directly in the eyes and no words were said for several seconds. “Please, pardon my rudeness, Sheila. Your beauty has left me speechless. It is my greatest pleasure to meet you,” he said, slowly bringing her hand to his lips, kissing it softly and never taking his eyes off hers.

  “Thank you, Adriano. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  The other men looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Kim saw them and elbowed Caleb in the side of the ribs. “You two could learn some things from Adriano, thank you very much.”

  “I can promise you, sugar, that tonight, Adriano will be the last thing on your mind,” he replied with a wink and a swat on the bottom.

  Sheila and Adriano spent the evening talking, and it was obvious they had a connection. Myka and Kim sat watching, hoping it would all work out. How could it not? She was a tall, blonde personal trainer with the looks to go with it. Those two were made for each other.

  The next few days the girls spent together, shopping, going to the spa, and just hanging out. Sheila spent the evenings with Adriano.

  “So, you really like him, right?” Myka asked.

  “Are you crazy? Of course I like him. I’m just still not convinced he’s not a loser like the other men I tend to gravitate toward. You know how I am—he’s gonna have to prove himself to me, and that’s kinda hard to do in less than a week.”

  “So does that mean you’ll stay longer?” Myka asked hopefully.

  “Myka, you know I can’t stay longer right now, but I’ll see how the long-distance thing goes, and who knows. We’ll just have to see.”


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