Flirting with Finn

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Flirting with Finn Page 5

by Violet Vaughn

  “I like that plan, but—” He kisses me with a desperate passion that weakens my knees, and I nearly fall anyway. Thankfully, Finn is holding tight, and when he stops, he says, “I needed to warm up before hitting the water again.”

  I touch my throbbing lips. “Did it work?”

  “That heat wave I was talking about? It’s here.” He dives into the water, and I smile as I follow him with the intention of burning up in my sheets.

  Chapter 9

  When Finn and I get to land, we put clothes on over our wet swimsuits quickly. His grip is firm when I grab his hand to lead him to my bed. Once we get inside my cabin, I slow down because I want to savor my first time with him.

  The lock on my door clicks shut, and I turn to him as every inch of me yearns to be in contact with his body. He smiles slowly as water drips down his face from his wet hair. I walk toward him and slide my hands up under his shirt. His skin is warm on my fingers, and I notice he trembles a little under my palms. It turns me on a little more to know how I affect him.

  Finn ducks his head so I can remove his tee. “I love the way it feels when you touch me,” he says as he reaches for the hem of my shirt to remove it too.

  I lift my arms to help him, and the air on my wet bathing suit chills me and makes my nipples harden more. He gazes down at my breasts with adoration, and I arch my back and tilt my head as I say, “Please.”

  Finn unties the halter top of my suit and lowers it before he cups my breasts with his hands and moves to lick me. He nips a tender bud lightly and sends the shooting heat of pleasure through my veins, causing me to let out a small mewling sound. The man is not in any rush. He worships me before he drops to his knees and begins to work on the button of my shorts. Wet cotton sticks to my skin as he removes the rest of my clothing.

  The old Meg would have been too shy to stand naked in front of him, so I’m not letting her out. The look in Finn’s eyes as he gazes up at me tempts me into a peacock moment. I thrust my hip out and pose proudly. It helps that he mutters, “Fucking gorgeous.” Finn makes me feel like an attractive woman in a sensual, curvy way, so I bask in his attention as he takes the rest of his clothing off.

  I have no shame when I peruse his physique with my gaze, and I let out a few appreciative noises of my own. I even let myself express my thoughts. “You are even better than I imagined.”

  Finn flexes as he asks, “Yeah?”

  I chuckle as I step forward and wrap my hand around his firm cock. “Yes. And I want to experience all you have to offer.”

  “That could take years.” He reaches between my legs, and I inhale sharply when he slides a finger into me. “What do you think about that?”

  Before I think about the implications of my words, I answer, “I’d like that.” Blood rushes to my cheeks when I realize I’d just told him I’d like him to be mine long term, and I’m tempted to break the lock of his gaze, but I stand strong. I’m not the cowering wallflower of a girl I was in college any longer. I know what I want, and I’ve learned the best way to get it is to go after it.

  I begin to stroke him, and unintelligible words come from Finn as he thrusts his hips toward me. “Oh,” he pants out. He pulls away abruptly. “I need you on the bed, Meg. Now.”

  His tone is urgent, but I don’t feel pressured because I think he’s as ramped up as I am and probably trying to maintain control. I lie down and put my hand behind my head as I—and I hate to admit I’m going there, but—I give him a nude selfie pose worthy of sexting.

  “Jesus fu—“ He lets out a rush of air. “I feel like the librarian just let down her hair.” Finn crawls onto the end of the bed. “You’re taking my fantasies to a whole new level.” He slides his hands up my legs while spreading them. “And now I’m going to do my best to take yours there too.”

  He feathers light kisses on my inner thigh, and I quiver with the anticipation of where he’s headed. His hair is soft as silk in my fingers as I reach down and comb my fingers through it. When he moves his mouth to my tender folds, I let out a small cry. His tongue works magic that makes me slip into a state of semi-consciousness. When he adds his fingers, my orgasm explodes with bliss that threatens to consume me.

  Finn grabs a condom from his shorts before he moves up to hover over me, and the look in his eyes as he gazes at me brings my emotions to the surface. They’re a combination of the feelings I have harbored for him all these years and the way he’s treating me like a goddess right now. I can’t believe I’m finally with Finn O’Connor.

  I reach up and place my hand on the side of his face, but I’m afraid to speak because my throat is thick with the urge to cry.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks. I shake my head, but a tear manages to escape. “Meg?”

  I swallow hard to stop myself from crying. “It’s nothing bad. I swear.” I reach for his cock and guide him toward my entrance.

  “No.” Finn takes my hand gently to remove it, and the mattress bounces when he flops down on the bed beside me. “Talk to me.”

  I turn to face him. I swallow to loosen my throat and wonder if I can get away with keeping my thoughts to myself. But when I see his concerned look, I realize I have to be honest or I’ll regret it later. There’s still an ache inside me from what happened in our past, and I’ve spent too much time wishing I could tell him how he made me feel.

  I take a deep breath before I say, “I had a huge crush on you in college and spent a lot of time imagining what we’d be like together. When I realized you had no interest in me, my heart broke. I guess I’m emotional because I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Finn scowls. “What do you mean I broke your heart? You’re the one that made it clear you had no interest in me and my frat boy ways.”


  “You probably don’t remember this. I knew you worked at the dorm desk on weekends, so I made sure to go out those nights so I could flirt with you. But no matter how hard I tried, you weren’t into me. I knew I should stop because you’d get uncomfortable when I’d tease you, but I couldn’t give up hope.”

  He sighs. “One time I begged you to come to a party so we could get the chance to hang out. I never expected you to show, and when you did, I was drunk.” He lets out a dry chuckle. “I tripped all over myself and rushed to get you a beer. But you wouldn’t make eye contact or speak to me, so I left you alone. I hoped that maybe the alcohol would loosen you up. I looked for you all night, but you were gone. I couldn’t hide the fact from myself—you wanted nothing to do with a wild boy when you were a serious science girl.”

  I replay that night in my head again and wonder how I got it so wrong. A knot forms in my stomach as I realize how I must have appeared to Finn. I was too shy to actually look him in the eye, and I couldn’t speak to him because I was afraid the words would come out wrong. It makes sense he’d think I didn’t like him. No wonder he ran from me to dance with the girl who asked him. I remember the way I watched them, and that he didn’t pay attention to her because he was distracted by the other women walking by. Or was he actually looking for me?

  My insecurities must have clouded my judgment so badly I assumed the worst. “I do recall that party,” I say. “What I remember is you got me a beer, and then some girl dragged you onto the dance floor before I could say anything. I thought you couldn’t get away from me fast enough.” My latent fears rush to my mind. I thought you were trying to escape the mouse of a girl who fantasized about the one who was too good for her.

  He pushes a strand of hair out of my face. “Wow. We both got each other so wrong. I wasn’t very good at reading people back then, and I wish I’d understood my shy girl. I missed my chance.”

  Maybe, but I wonder how successful our relationship would have been back when I struggled just to like myself. The first relationship I had was a disaster because I couldn’t open up to my boyfriend and wasn’t able to believe he liked me. I’d put Finn so high on a pedestal I couldn’t talk to him. If we’d managed to date, it would have been a
disaster. I shake my head. “No. I wasn’t ready for a guy like you.”

  Finn leans in so that our noses touch. “I wasn’t ready for a woman like you. But I am now.”

  I smile at him as I slide my leg between his thighs, and his butt is hard in my hand when I grab it. “I am too.”

  He thrusts his leg up higher to rub against me, and I ride him as we kiss. It doesn’t take long for us to heat up again, and this time when Finn rises over me, he sinks in slowly and lets out a moan as he fills me. “I’m so glad we found each other again, Meg.”

  I pull him down for a kiss as we begin to move, and we rock in a rhythm that’s all ours. My climax builds slowly, and when it washes over me, the pleasure consumes more than my body. My heart opens to Finn O’Connor too.

  Chapter 10

  When my morning alarm goes off, the first thing I notice as I reach for my phone is the warm body in my way. Finn. I smile as I crawl over him to turn off the music riff that wakes me every day. He lets out a low moan and wraps a large arm around me to pull me on top of his prone body. “How lucky am I to be in this bed?” he asks as he slides his hands down over my bottom. The stroking makes me want to purr like a cat.

  His morning erection is firm against my groin, and my insides twinge at the memory of the ways he pleasured me last night—things I’d like to repeat if I had the time. “Pretty damn lucky, because I have to go to work, and you don’t.”

  He flips me over, and I let out a yelp. “Can’t you be late?” he asks.

  “Finn, I—” The intoxicating scent of him fills my nose, and my resolve weakens. I’m the boss, so it’s not like I’d get in trouble, and my staff doesn’t need me there to start breakfast. I don’t have a good reason to say no, and I certainly don’t want to.

  “Okay.” Finn rewards me with a grin before he gives me a reason to smile too.

  I’m humming to myself as I make my way down the path to the kitchen. I hear birds singing in the trees and gaze up at the soft white clouds in the sky. Everything seems more intense, and when a breeze blows around me, my skin tingles with the memory of Finn touching me everywhere.

  I drag my fingers lightly over my neck and sigh before I notice Lexi coming toward me. She gives me the once-over with her gaze and says, “I think someone had a good night.”

  And a good morning. I think about the naked man in my bed as my insides melt a little more, and I mentally replay last night before I catch myself with what I’m sure is a sappy look on my face. “I sure did.”

  “And how did the class go?” she asks with a teasing tone.

  “That?” I chuckle. “It went well too.”

  She turns and grabs my arm to walk with me. “Tell me all about him.”

  I sigh as we saunter forward. “I think he really likes me, Lexi. He made me feel beautiful.”

  She punches my arm lightly. “Because you are. I knew this was going to work out. So what did you do?”

  “I took him swimming at the falls.”

  “Oh, sexy times in the waterfalls. That place is getting quite the reputation.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah. Well, it was a little cold for that.” I give her a sly smile. “But my cabin wasn’t.”

  “Oh my God!” Her eyes get huge. “You did it!”

  We reach the back door to the kitchen when I say, “Shhh.” I glance inside to see if anyone heard us. The handle is cool in my hand as I grab it to go inside. “Some things I don’t share.”

  “No need,” says Lexi as she begins to walk away. “I have a very active imagination.” She sings a rock song about getting lucky as she moves farther away.

  I yell after her, “You’re the worst!”

  Her voice rises as she waves her hand over her head without turning around. I chuckle as I enter the kitchen.

  When I enter, Ethan greets me. “Late night?” There’s a twinkle in his eye, and I have a feeling everyone knows I was with Finn.

  “I- I-” I snap my mouth shut because I’m not going to have that kind of discussion with a teenager. I give him my best boss glare. “I had something to take care of.” I walk to the back to change into work clothes before he can press for more.

  The door to the ladies’ changing room bangs shut behind me, and I grab a clean, smooth cotton shirt. When I take off my tee, I close my eyes for a moment and flash to Finn’s hands on my skin. It makes a shiver of desire run down my spine, and I stare off into space as I replay my night. When I realize I’ve been standing still for a while, I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

  I may be falling hard for Finn, but I still have a job to do, and right now, I need to get moving, or breakfast will be late. I rush to finish changing and get out to the kitchen to get to work.

  Breakfast flies by in a blur as I push through the preparations from memory. My mind wanders to Finn multiple times, and by the time lunch is over, I can’t wait until I see him again.

  I have an hour break before I have to start dinner, so I change and go sit on the end of the dock to dip my toes in the water. Camp canoes look like toy boats on the lake as I gaze toward the horizon, and I think about how, for the past few weeks, I spent this time on the phone with Finn. I gaze out at Blueberry Island and think about our picnic. As if I conjured him up, I hear feet pounding on the dock, and I turn to discover it’s him. “Hey.”

  “I thought I might find you here,” he says. “I knew it was your break time, and I remember this is where you usually went when you returned my call.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be playing Robin Hood right now?”

  Finn kicks off his shoes to sit next to me, and water splashes when he puts his feet in the lake. “I fear we’d have starved in pioneer times, unless you’re good with a bow. Even the largest animals would be safe from my arrows because I can’t hit the broad side of a barn.” He chuckles. “Besides, I missed you.”

  Warmth floods my heart at the way he’s talking about us as a couple, and I lean against him. “I missed you too.” I point out toward Blueberry Island, where we had our picnic. “I used to look out at that land when I talked to you. I think it’s appropriate that we had our first date there.”

  “I remembered you talking about that island. That’s why I chose it. It was all part of my plan to win you over.”

  “Well, it worked. You closed the deal on the second day.”

  “I know.” He reaches up and tugs on one of the hairpins holding my locks in a messy bun. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop.” He removes another pin, and the weight of my hair threatens to displace the third before he pulls out the last restraint. The curls are soft on my face when they tumble down around my shoulders. Finn winds his fingers through my hair as he leans in close. “I’ve learned that a relationship takes work, Meg. When we’re happy, it’s easy. But I need you to know that when we disagree, I plan to work it out. Are you willing to meet me halfway on that?”

  I frown as I wonder what brought this on and if I’ve done something to make him think I’m not serious about us. “Yes, Finn. I think we’re worth it, and I’m not going to run if we have a fight.” He nods, but his eyes are opaque, so I put my hand over his. “What is it?”

  He offers me a wry smile. “I’m sorry. I’m falling hard for you, Meg, and I think I’m scared you don’t feel the same way.”

  His hand is warm in my fingers when I grip it. “I’m in deep too, Finn. Neither one of us is getting out of this unscathed.”

  He grimaces, and it strikes me he must have been really hurt by someone in his past. My chest tightens as my heart swells with a mix of emotions that range from joy because he wants us to be serious, to fear that he’s not sure. “Wow,” I say. “I’m not very good at this. What I mean is I’m serious about making this work and I’ll do what it takes too.”

  Loud voices carry to us as the boaters return to shore. He smiles. “You’re fine. Will you be free again tonight around nine?”

  I nod as the dock shakes under our feet from an overzealous boater running into it. I think I n
eed to understand more about his pain, but this isn’t the place to have that discussion.

  Finn pulls his hand away. “I need to go, but I’ll come get you at your cabin.” He stands and reaches down to help me up.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I say.

  His eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles, and I’m relieved to see the mischief in his gaze. “Me too.”

  Chapter 11

  “Dirty Dancing?” I ask as I stare at the movie Finn has cued up on his computer. He came to my cabin with his laptop, popcorn, and beer for a night in.

  “Don’t you dare tell me you don’t like it,” he says. “Patrick Swayze?” I scowl at him, and his jaw drops. “You’re kidding! This gets the gold medal for the best chick flick ever.”

  “I agree, but I’m surprised you like it too.”

  “What’s not to like? It’s about a camp romance.” He lifts his beer and leans back on the love seat. “A camper and one of the staff falling in love.” He raises his eyebrows with a sly smile.

  That sounds like Internet search terms to me. “Wait a minute. Have you ever seen it?”

  He gives me a sheepish smile. “No.”

  I chuckle. “You are so in for it. I’m going to make you watch the whole thing, and I’m even going to look over to see if you tear up at the end.”

  “I don’t cry at movies.”

  I hit the play button and move back to the love seat to cuddle into him. “That’s too bad, because I like a guy who’s in touch with his emotions.”

  Finn nuzzles my hair, and his warm breath tickles my ear as he whispers, “I’ll show you touching and emotions.”

  I tilt my head away from him. “Don’t make me go sit on the other couch, because you are watching this entire movie.”


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