You Know I Do (Curtain Call Book 2)

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You Know I Do (Curtain Call Book 2) Page 3

by Laura Greenwood

  “What about you? Is being a camera man all you dreamed it would be?” I asked, followed by a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood as much as I could. Plus, I was curious. I’d never talked to anyone that worked in TV before.

  “You realise I’m not just a camera man, right?” He had a glint in his eye that told me he hadn’t taken offence; at least, not yet. Sometimes I really wished that I had more of a filter.

  “You’re not?”

  “No, I just do that to save on the manpower needed to film for the show. I’m actually an assistant producer.”

  “Like Belle?”

  “No, nothing like Belle. I have far less power than she does, and have absolutely nothing to do with placing people, or making sure they’re wearing the right thing. I mostly just make sure that we have good footage, and that the other camera men are filming at the right angle, that kind of stuff.” He shrugged, like it wasn’t impressive to have that kind of position at his age. After all, he wasn’t much older than me and Belle were, and I was an unemployed student, while she did graphic design stuff. Basically, we were both far away from fulfilling either of our true dreams.

  “So why was it you that filmed me with my costumes? You didn’t do the interviews with the cast and crew before that.” All of the main cast and crew, including me and Belle, had been interviewed before the main filming had begun. It had been particularly frustrating because John had decided to use our studio as a backdrop, so I hadn’t been able to do anything useful for an entire day.

  “Honestly?” I nodded, and it was his turn to look a little embarrassed, though I wasn’t sure why. David sighed. “Because I asked to do it.”

  “What?” I half-shouted, not quite understanding.

  “Well I hadn’t had a reason to talk to you, and I wanted to…”

  “So, you made up an entire interview?” I interrupted, not sure if I should be weirded out, or flattered, that he’d do something like that.

  “No, we needed the interview. I’d seen you about and just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”

  “I think that’s sweet?” I smiled at him and he relaxed slightly, letting us slip back into the comfortable conversation we’d been having before that.

  After we’d finished, I was shocked to see it was already nearly six, and with an assignment due on Tuesday, I knew that I had to do the annoyingly sensible thing of calling it a night. He took me home, again on the bike, and walked me to the door of mine and Belle’s flat.

  “I had a really great time today,” I told him, fiddling with my keys as I chided myself for being so cliché. That line in Hitch about a woman fiddling with her keys when she wanted to be kissed? Well, I was starting to believe that it was true.

  “Me, too,” he said softly, taking a step towards me and slipping an arm around my waist. I went to him willingly, and he dipped his head down, our mouths just inches apart. The tension mounted as the gap closed and his lips brushed mine, warm and tasting faintly of the chocolate cake we’d had earlier. I pressed my lips against his, and deepened the kiss; wanting more from it, but knowing that I couldn’t have it.

  Eventually, we pulled apart, both of us breathing a little more heavily than we really should be. But that was the best first kiss I’d had in my life, so, it could be excused.

  “Goodnight, Hayley,” he said softly, not moving his arm from around my waist.

  “Night, David.”

  We stood there a few moments more, just looking at each other and not moving. After what seemed like an age, he kissed my lips again, just a quick one this time, and pulled away. When he was half way down the corridor, he turned back and smiled at me. I gave him a little wave, and watched as he made his way out of the building.

  Chapter 4

  “A Mr. Toby Withers.” My heart nearly stopped beating as John read from a scrunched-up bit of paper in his hand. I glanced around, trying to make sure that no one from the camera team was here for the inevitable fall out. Even though David had told me they weren’t in today, I was in protective mode, and nothing would stop me. John had basically just announced, in front of the entire cast and crew, that Belle’s ex was going to come and interview us about the show. And, despite how together Belle seemed on the outside, I knew that she must be crumbling on the inside.

  “Annabelle, are you okay? You look pale?” Jack asked from his seat on the other side of her. I wasn’t sure why he called her Annabelle, instead of Belle like the rest of us did, but I found it kind of sweet, and I knew that she liked it. Which was all that really mattered as far as I was concerned. I watched carefully as guilt and panic warred on her face. In a potentially vain attempt to soothe her, I stroked my thumb over the back of her hand without saying a word.

  “Sorry, I forgot to have breakfast this morning.” I gave her a funny look. While I was grateful that she wasn’t having a panic attack, I was confused because I definitely remember her having breakfast; she’d had the last cherry yoghurt from the fridge, and I remembered because she hated them.

  “Here.” Jack handed her a banana, and we both gave him confused looks. “I get hungry, and you should always be prepared.”

  “You’re such a nerd,” I shot at him, receiving a smile back. We’d grown comfortable with each other, especially now the two of them had been dating a while, and I liked it. I liked him. He was good for her. Belle offered the half-eaten banana back to him, some colour already returning to her face. Jack just shook his head.

  “It’s worth going hungry if it wins me the girl.”

  I could almost see the walls around Belle’s heart cracking. Or more accurately, I could almost see her realising that they were. Belle glanced around, and I wondered who she was looking for. Taking both me and Jack completely by surprise, she leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to Jack’s lips, leaving him grinning like the lovesick fool that he was, but had every right to. That one kiss was a massive step for Belle.

  “The pair of you look like you just jumped each other,” I tried to keep the amusement out of my voice, but I couldn’t. I just felt too happy, and proud, for the pair of them.

  “No, it was better than that.” He didn’t look at me as he said it, but the sappy fool had me beaming anyway. “I’m sorry, Annabelle, I have to go rehearse.” He smiled at her, oblivious to me even being here. I could see Belle trying to decide whether to kiss him, but he left before she’d fully committed. She was watching him leave with a look on her face that I hadn’t seen since we were seventeen, not long after she’d first started dating Toby. Before we knew who he really was.

  “Well, I’d almost given up on seeing that look on your face again.” She looked at me, clearly confused.

  “What look?”

  “The look that says you love him.” Maybe she wasn’t actually ready to admit it, but I was her best friend. It was my job to make her realise things like this.

  “I don’t love him, Hayls. I could love him, but not yet.”

  “That’s what you think.” I smiled at her, knowing that I’d at least manage to get the idea churning in her head. Jack was being so patient and he was a genuinely good guy, and I was determined to work to get them what they wanted. Even if that meant telling Belle uncomfortable truths.

  “I’m not ready to love him.” She looked away from him and towards the stage where they’d begun practicing Masquerade. The dance that Belle and Jack had perfected was truly beautiful, made even more so by the fact that I knew they’d shared their first kiss while choreographing it.

  “I don’t think your heart will give you that choice, Belle,” I said, while thinking about my own burgeoning relationship. I liked David, but wasn’t sure I was ready for anything as big as what Jack and Belle clearly had going on. But like with Belle, I suspected that my heart wouldn’t actually give me much choice.

  Chapter 5

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” David asked, looking nervous, as he stood in the doorway to mine and Belle’s flat. We’d text a lot, and seen each other at the thea
tre, but hadn’t had time for much more one on one time. Unless you counted the stolen kisses, normally in the studio while Belle was out. The way I saw it, it was my turn to organise the date, especially after he’d refused to let me help pay for the last one. And on my budget, it was pizza and a film; so, here we were. Except that David didn’t seem particularly pleased with the idea.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I wasn’t just asking, I was genuinely curious as to why he didn’t want to spend our date in my flat. Most guys would probably be jumping at the opportunity.

  “Well, this would technically only be our second date, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” My heart fluttered; how could it not. Even if I wasn’t the girliest of girls, ignoring my love of fashion and pretty dresses, I still liked it when a guy said something like that. Plus, he was looking amazingly hot in jeans and a dark purple shirt. He was being a gentleman. That ticked a whole lot of boxes, if you asked me.

  “I’m not going to make you do anything you’re not ready for,” I deadpanned. Though I was now incredibly nervous; what if he didn’t like me as much as I liked him. Or what if he didn’t find me attractive at all? I mean, I’m nothing special, but I think I look alright. It’s the blonde hair and blue eyes combination, automatically seems to get me classed as cute, just without the body to be called sexy.

  “I didn’t think you would, but I don’t want you thinking I expect anything…” he trailed off looking sheepish, and I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes.

  “David, it’s pizza and a film; I can promise you that all we’ll do is kiss, if that makes you feel better.” A strange look crossed his face. Despite that, he stepped into the flat all the same and pulled me into his arms, giving me a swift kiss. I felt suitably reassured that I wasn’t in the slightest bit unattractive to him. We broke apart and just stood there for a few moments, and while I knew I’d been ribbing Belle and Jack about it, I was sure that we were sharing some of those looks right now.

  “What are we watching?” he said, breaking the silence in a low, husky voice. Yep, there was no chance this guy didn’t find me attractive.

  “It’s up to you, Belle has Netflix, so the choice is all yours.” I waved over to the TV, where I’d already loaded up Netflix and he moved over to take a look. I pulled up the pizza delivery page on my laptop screen, feeling a little guilty about the abandoned assignment that was spread out around it. Oh well, I’d do it tomorrow. “Pepperoni good?”

  “Yep, with garlic bread and wedges?” he half-asked, half-told me, and I smiled, adding them to the order. While I was still nervous about where this was going, I could definitely find myself getting used to it. I hit the order button and went to sit next to him on the sofa. He immediately held out his arm and I lay my head down on his shoulder, his hand resting comfortably on mine. I inhaled slowly, taking in the smell of him, and relaxing into it, as the film started.

  It only took a few minutes for him to lean down and kiss me; the film completely forgotten as we fell into a world of our own. I wouldn’t lie to myself; if he’d have tried to go for more, then I wouldn’t stop him. Nor would I have regretted it. Unfortunately, one of us seemed to remember the promise I’d made him at the beginning of the night.

  The rest of the film passed like that, with neither of us paying much attention and breaking for frequent kissing sessions. Well, along with the break for pizza that was, during which I made sure we both had some of the garlic bread, so we wouldn’t have to stop the kissing. If he wanted to wait to go further, then that was fine, but I’d take what I could get in the meantime. The film ended, but neither of us were ready for the night to, and we started another, making me eternally grateful for whoever it was that invented Netflix, and the ability to have hundreds of films at our fingertips.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go,” David murmured into our kiss, once he stood back in the doorway, ready to leave.

  “Then don’t?” I replied hopefully, but not expecting much. We broke apart, our faces still almost touching, and his arms were around me.

  “I can’t, Hayley. There’s no chance I’d be able to restrain myself if I did.” I wanted to ask him why he had to, but managed to stop myself. If that’s the way it had to be, then that’s the way it had to be. However, some of my question must have shown on my face, because David’s look softened, and he brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. His fingers lingered as he pulled his hand back. “I want to make it special for you.” Well there went just about any chance of me arguing my case. What girl could actually argue with that?

  “Dream of me at least?” I cringed inwardly, was that really the best I could come up with? Must be too much time spent around Jack and his smooth talking.

  “Always.” He kissed me again, and waved goodnight, leaving me to forget that we’d only really been on two dates. Somehow, it felt more than that, and that scared me.

  Chapter 6

  I was surprised to find a smiling David outside, with his bike and a box of my favourite chocolates, once I’d finished college for the day. A girl could get used to this. He drove the two of us back to my flat, and I once again got to enjoy the exhilaration of being on the bike. He pulled me tight to him as we walked through the building, his arm a reassuring weight around my waist. Laughing and joking, we both stopped dead when we reached my front door, surprised to discover Jack, leaning against it, with his head in his hands. Or at least, I hoped it was Jack, he was the only blonde man likely to be at our flat.

  “Jack?” He looked up, startled by the sound of my voice.

  “Hayley,” he sounded almost in pain, and I was a little scared to ask why. Especially because he wasn’t with Belle. It took a moment, but my worry kicked into overdrive once I realised she wasn’t about. The look on Jack’s face really wasn’t helping matters. David shuffled nervously in his spot behind me, not quite sure what to do with himself. “Did you hear?” I shook my head.

  “Hear what?” That didn’t sound good. That didn’t sound good at all.

  “Let me in and I’ll show you.” Dread built up, as everything bad I could possibly think of ran through my head. I tried to tell myself that it wasn’t too bad. After all, Jack was still functioning, even if he wasn’t quite with it. But it also couldn’t be anything good if he was in this state in the first place.

  Hastily, I unlocked the door and let him in. I flashed an apologetic smile at David, who sat himself down on the sofa, but only after trailing a reassuring hand across my back. Now might not be the right time to tell him, but the gesture was more reassuring than I expected. Jack went straight for Belle’s laptop, booting it up and typing in her password in record time. Huh, even I didn’t know that.

  “Here.” He hit play, and I listened in horror as Belle’s voice filled the room, interspersed with Toby’s. It sounded like she was being interviewed by him about the show. Though some of the questions seemed surprisingly personal, and I may have been imagining it, but I was sure I could hear the threat in Toby’s voice. Saying that, the strength and surety that was coming from Belle made me feel incredibly proud of my best friend; she’s truly one of the strongest people I know. One look at Jack’s drawn face told me that I shouldn’t be punching the air just yet though.

  “What the…” David began to say, but Jack cut him off.

  “Did you know?” He asked quietly.

  “Of course not!” I was shocked that he even thought I would.

  “What the hell happened, Hayley?” He half shouted this time.

  “I have no idea; I’m just as surprised as you are!” I shot back at him.

  “How could he do that to her?” He looked pained even as he said it, and part of me really wanted to comfort him. But I held off, not wanting to give in to him quite that easily. I’m not even sure why. I already knew that he cared about Belle, but part of me was still trying to look out for her. And completely forgetting that there were two of us sharing that job now.

  “He doesn’t know, Jack, why would he?” I assumed he was
talking about John, if we knew nothing about the interview, then it was a safe bet that it was him who’d organised it. After all, it was pretty clear that Toby was willing to do just about anything to hurt Belle. “We’re the only two people she’s ever told; did you know that?” He looked surprised, almost as if he hadn’t realised.

  “I just want to protect her.” He slumped onto the sofa, and David moved over so that I could sit between them.

  “I know you do.” His feelings for Belle were plain to anyone that knew about them, and several people who didn’t, come to think of it. “I do too.” I finally gave in to the urge to comfort him, and slipped an arm around his shoulders.

  “I only found out when I heard her on the radio.”

  “Me too,” I said softly. Well, technically that wasn’t a lie. I hadn’t known about the interview until Jack played it for me, which was more or less the same thing.

  “Did it occur to either of you that I didn’t actually know myself?” I looked up, surprised to find Belle stood there, with her arms folded, and clearly unimpressed with the two of us. Beside me, David coughed.

  “Oh, yeah, Belle came home.” I gave David a look that I hoped said I wasn’t impressed with him either, but he shrugged it off. To be fair, he had a point. If the two of us hadn’t heard her coming in, then it really was on us.

  I shuffled towards David, letting my arm slip from around Jack’s shoulders to make room on the sofa for Belle, though admittedly my motives weren’t entirely altruistic. Especially not when David started to trace patterns on my lower back with his hand. Belle surprised me, instead of squeezing onto the sofa with us, she sat herself straight on Jack’s knee and wrapped her arms around his neck.


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