The Truth She Knew

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The Truth She Knew Page 17

by J. A. Owenby

  I eyed my phone and decided after I settled in that I’d call Walker. It was after 9 p.m., but unlike Mama, Susan didn’t care what time I called.

  I shook out all my bedding and tossed everything into the corner. I went to the family room and grabbed the vacuum cleaner. If I was going to sleep on the floor, then it was going to be clean. The carpet was dark brown and I couldn’t see the spiders and tiny scorpions half the time, but I could suck the little bastards up.

  Twenty minutes later I had a clean floor and brushed teeth, and I slipped into my sleeping bag. I dialed Walker’s number and counted the rings.


  “Hey, Walker.”

  “Are you okay?”

  I could almost imagine him sitting up and grabbing his wallet and shoes in case he needed to come get me.

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just miss you. I’m in bed and you’re not next to me. It sucks.”

  “Okay good, and yes, it does suck. I’ve missed you all day. How are you? How did things go tonight?”

  “Excellent, actually. I cleaned up and made dinner. Then we watched the movie Big with Tom Hanks. I bet your mom would like it.”

  “Yeah? Things actually went okay?”

  “They really did. It was so nice, too. It almost makes me think that maybe Mama being sick made her act crazy and that’s what it really was.”

  “Lace, I want you to be okay and safe, but one night doesn’t make everything okay. She hasn’t been sick for years and she’s treated you like shit since you were thirteen.”

  “Wow, thanks!” I snapped.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. If anyone deserves to be treated well, it’s you, baby. I’m just worried about you. I’m concerned that you’re going to let things slide because she got sick. What you need to remember is that she has the choice to get better. She can follow a health program and work with the doctors to get better. So just don’t . . . don’t.”

  “I know—you don’t have to say anything else. As much as I want things to get better, I realize they might not. Until then, I’ll do whatever I can on my part.”

  Walker sighed.

  I didn’t want to fight with him, regardless if I agreed with him or not. I would have to deal with Mama on my own after he left, so it was my choice and my decision to make.

  “I’m glad you had a good night, but I wish you were here instead.”

  “Me too. I will be tomorrow night, though.”

  “You should be here every night until I leave.”

  “I’ll give you as many as I can,” I promised.

  We made plans for tomorrow and I hung up the phone. The house was quiet as I lay in my sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 37

  I woke up to a peaceful morning. I made my way upstairs and found Mama and Patsy drinking coffee on the back deck. I grabbed the blanket off the rocking chair and joined them.

  The trees behind the house had turned red and yellow. Although the morning air was crisp and almost cold, it was worth it to sit outside and drink coffee.

  Everyone was calm. It was almost eerie. As much as I wanted things to get better, I couldn’t help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

  Patsy left to run errands and grocery shop while Mama rested. I figured it was a perfect time to catch up on my homework before the party tonight. I’d completely forgotten to mention it to Mama, but I wasn’t going to wake her up over it. She needed to rest.

  I finished my English paper and packed my books for Monday. I could relax the rest of the weekend with it out of the way. I also called work and updated them about Mama. They said another week off was fine. Not only could I be here if Mama needed me, but I could spend more time with Walker before he left next weekend.

  My heart sank as I counted the days we had left together. He would leave next weekend. He would walk out of his house and not return for six weeks. His room would be empty, his clothes gone, and his car parked in the driveway. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it without him.

  I glanced at the clock and reminded myself that he wasn’t gone yet, and tonight we had a party to go to.

  I packed my bag for the night and headed for the shower. I took my time getting ready. I’d stopped at Victoria’s Secret and picked up something special for tonight and next weekend. I was bound and determined that Walker wouldn’t be thinking about anyone else while he was at boot camp.

  After double checking that I had everything I needed, I ascended the stairs. Mama was in her recliner reading.

  “Hi, Mama,” I said and kissed her on the cheek.

  “You look nice,” she said and peered over her reading glasses.

  “Thank you,” I said and smiled. “I’m off to Joss’s house for the night. I was so excited you were coming home I forgot to tell you we’re having a going-away party tonight for Walker. He leaves next weekend for boot camp.”

  “A party? You think you’re going to a party, Lacey?” she asked, her voice clipped with anger.

  I bit my lip at the thought of how many parties I’d already gone too.

  “Mama, don’t get upset,” I said and sat down on the couch. “Joss’s mom will be there. Emma’s coming and a few of Walker’s friends, that’s all.”

  “You’re lying! As soon as I get home you’re pulling the same shit! I can’t believe it. You’re going over there to get drunk and party.”

  “Mama, take a breath. I’m telling you the truth. You can call Joss’s mom if you want to talk to her. She’s going to be there.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if she’s there or not, you’re not going to a party. I don’t give a rat’s ass who it’s for!”

  I chewed on my lip as I stood up. Walker was right: it hadn’t lasted. Even though Mama had been diagnosed with high blood pressure, there was more to it. She’d been under a doctor’s care for a few weeks, her blood pressure was doing better, but she was still tearing me to pieces.

  “Mama, I love you very much and I’m not going to argue with you. Your health is important to me, but you need to understand that I love Walker. He’s going to be gone for six weeks, and I’m going to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves. That includes tonight.”

  I turned away and walked out the front door, leaving Mama fuming alone in her chair.

  I gripped the steering wheel and willed my hands to stop shaking, but they shook the entire forty-five minutes I drove to Walker’s house. I’d never stood up to Mama like that. I had no idea what to expect when I went home tomorrow either, but I would deal with that then. For the next week, I planned on telling her I was working or at someone’s house. I’d also tell her I was with Walker and deal with the aftermath when he was gone.

  I knocked on the door as I opened it. Walker was on the phone in the kitchen. Surprise crossed his face when I came in.

  I tilted my head and questioned what was going on. He was acting weird.

  “Yeah, thanks, bye,” he said and hung up the phone.

  “What was that all about? You jumped when I walked in the door.”

  “Nothing, sorry, you just caught me off guard.”

  “What’s going on? Was it another girl?”

  Frustration filled me at his secretiveness. As hard as I tried not to, I still worried about him finding someone else. Maybe that was stupid, but he was with Brittany for a long time. Even the list Garrett provided was half girls, and some of them would be there tonight.

  “What? No, no, nothing like that. I was just talking to Aunt Linda about some stuff with Mom. I promise there’s no one else for me, only you,” he said and smiled.


  “Promise,” he said and kissed me hello.

  “Mmmm, okay,” I whispered between kisses as I mentally pushed the fear away. “You smell magnificent. I could take you to your bedroom right now,” I said, laughing.

  “No dinner first?”

  “Yes, so sorry, I’ll take you out to eat first and then I’ll take you to
your bedroom.”

  “That makes me a happy man all the way around,” he said and smiled.

  I’d told him I was treating him to dinner, but on the way, I planned to make an excuse that I needed to stop by Joss’s house first. He had no clue what we were really doing, which made me happy enough to forget my earlier concern about him finding someone else.

  We left the house and I mentioned I needed to stop by Joss’s house. I almost panicked when I pulled into her driveway. There weren’t any cars there except hers and her mom’s. Had I gotten the night wrong? I was pretty sure it was tonight. In fact, we’d confirmed everything yesterday at school, so where was everyone?

  We got out of the car and I knocked on the door as I opened it, pulling Walker into the dark living room.

  “Surprise!” The lights came on, music started blasting, and an entire room of twenty-five people stood there, beaming.

  I thought I was prepared, but I screamed like a little girl. I stepped backward, right onto Walker’s foot, and then burst into nervous giggles.

  I turned around and hugged him as he acknowledged all his friends. Joss and Emma had done a fantastic job with the “Good Luck,” “We’ll Miss You,” and “Kick Some Ass” banners throughout the living and dining room. Red, yellow, and blue balloons were tied to the lamps and some floated close to the ceiling. The house was already full of people.

  I stepped to the side and let Walker get smacked on the back and put into headlocks by all the guys. I rolled my eyes at the girls who hugged him longer than I would’ve liked. I made my way to the snacks, where Joss and Emma stood waiting.

  “You two are amazing!” I yelled above the music and hugged them both. “Where the hell did everyone park? I thought I’d gotten the wrong night!”

  “They’re all up the road in the empty pasture,” Joss said, laughing.

  Arms encircled my waist and a kiss landed on my cheek.

  “That had better be Walker or I’m going to punch someone square in the nose,” I said.

  “Thank you,” Walker said.

  “You’re so welcome, and I’m sorry I stepped on your foot. Are you okay?” I giggled again.

  “I’m alright.”

  Emma cleared her throat and smiled at me.

  “I’m sorry, Emma. Walker, you’ve met Joss, and this is Emma. She’s my other best friend who I’ve told everything to. She and her family have let me stay with them on several occasions.”

  “Thank you, Emma, for being there for Lacey. She’ll be okay while I’m gone as long as she has both of you.”

  “She’s gonna be just fine,” Joss promised. Her warm smile reassured us all.

  More of Walker’s friends showed up and pulled him away. The beer started flowing, along with the vodka and rum. I waved at Joss’s mom across the room and blew her a kiss. I’d get through all the people eventually and hug her.

  People stopped streaming in a few hours later and the house was at full capacity. Walker was having a great time, but every twenty minutes or so he’d come over for a kiss and check if I was doing okay before he got pulled away again. I was perfectly happy hanging out with Joss and Emma. I loved watching him laugh and have fun. Joss always remembered to take pictures, too, which was another reason she was so great. She remembered the important details.

  A few couples found some dark corners in the living room and started making out while others started dancing.

  Then one of Walker’s good friends, James, turned the music off and started chanting, “Speech, speech, speech, speech!” Everyone joined in until Walker stepped up and quieted the room. I joined the others as everyone settled into their seats. I hadn’t seen Walker with a large group of people before. The girls stared at him completely mesmerized and the guys settled down the minute Walker asked. Apparently he had the ability to lead, which shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. I just hadn’t been around him in high school.

  I leaned against the wall, a little more in awe of him. Joss and Emma joined me.

  “I can’t thank everyone enough for showing up,” Walker said, addressing the room. “This has been amazing. I wasn’t sure I was going to have the opportunity to say goodbye to a lot of you before I left . . . Joss, Emma, Lacey, thank you for making this happen.” He grinned at us.

  “Some of you have already heard that I leave next Sunday for boot camp in Texas. I’ll be gone for six weeks. My mom and brother will stay here, of course, and I’ll come back home as soon as I can. The hope is that I’ll get stationed in Little Rock so I’ll be close to my family. I won’t be far.”

  He paused for a moment before continuing.

  “After I’d already enlisted, something happened. I met someone.” He glanced my way.

  Everyone sat still as Walker talked, but some of the girls he’d attended high school with whispered and giggled. I’d forgotten how catty it could be.

  “I’d like everyone to meet my girlfriend, Lacey,” he said as he motioned for me to join him.

  I could feel the heat on my cheeks as everyone stared. I glanced back at Joss and Emma for support. They met me with broad smiles. I turned to focus on Walker and took a breath. I didn’t do well in front of large groups. It didn’t come as naturally for me as it did him.

  “Lacey,” he said as he turned to face me.

  He reached his hand out to James and took something, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

  “Lace, I love you. You’re beautiful, generous, and caring. You stole my heart in this very living room and I haven’t been the same since. You’re the strongest person I know other than my mom,” he paused as he lowered himself to one knee and flipped open a little box.

  “Lacey Anne Beaumont, will you marry me?”

  I’m not sure who gasped louder: the girls in the group or me.

  I stared at him on one knee as the question sank in. He was asking me to marry him, be his wife, and wear an engagement ring while he was gone.

  Holy shit.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you!” I squealed.

  My hands shook as I reached for him. He stood and picked me up in one motion and kissed me in front of everyone.

  “I love you muches and muches and muches,” he whispered as he put me down. He reached for my hand and the group cheered as he slid the diamond ring onto my finger.

  Chapter 38

  I stared at the ring on my finger in shock. I had no clue what Walker had been up to. It was beautiful. Lacey Anne Farren. I could deal with that. I could totally deal with it.

  I peered at him and grinned from ear to ear. “So, when I walked into your house earlier and you were acting funny, were you talking to James about tonight?”

  “Yeah, you almost caught me talking about proposing. James had picked up the ring for me and I was making sure everything was in place.”

  “Wait! You knew? You knew about the party?”

  “Have I told you my brother can’t keep a secret?” Walker said, laughing.

  “Ohhhh! He’s in trouble! He promised he could keep his mouth shut. But, you! I had no clue you had any idea.”

  “Yeah, I’m much better at keeping secrets,” he said as he pulled me close and kissed me. “Mrs. Walker Farren. You’re going to wear it well.”

  “Yes I am,” I said, returning his kiss.

  We made our way to the other side of the house with Joss and Emma. Joss hugged me tight and confessed that she’d known the whole time. Emma did as well; they were all in on it. We were supposed to surprise Walker, not me.

  Emma needed to leave and I walked her outside. The chill of the night air greeted me as we stepped outside. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to ward it off.

  “Are you really going to get married?” Emma asked as we walked to the field and located her car. The flashlight revealed what could have been mistaken for a used car lot. The cars had multiplied like gremlins.

  Well, it had started out to be a small party, I thought.

  “I love him. He shocked the shit out of me, but I’d marry him in
a New York second.”

  “Promise me you’ll wait for a while, though.”

  “What’s the matter? Are you not supporting us?”

  I was confused. She’d helped Walker set everything up—didn’t that mean she was on board?

  “I’m not saying that at all. I think Walker’s a great guy, but you both have a lot going on. He’s leaving next weekend, his mom is sick, and so is yours. All I’m asking is that you wait to set a date for a while, that’s all.”

  “That’s fair. I mean, I understand what you’re saying. We won’t make any big plans until after boot camp is over and he gets stationed somewhere. We’ll know more then, okay? I love you for caring, Emma,” I said as I reached out and hugged her. “Thank you so much for helping tonight.”

  “You’re very welcome,” she said as she hugged me back.

  “Be safe going home,” I said and shut the car door behind her.

  I stood in the cold as she pulled out onto the road. Everything had happened so fast that I hadn’t digested it yet. I considered what Emma had said, but we had plenty of time to talk about it. There wasn’t any real rush, except Susan. He would want Susan to be there, and so would I.

  My stomach flipped at the thought of getting married in a few weeks. It was fast. It scared me, and on top of that, how in the hell would I tell Mama? I didn’t have to worry about that tonight, though. Tonight I was with Walker, and we were engaged.

  I found Walker in the middle of a group of girls who were congratulating him. They didn’t have their hands on him, so there wasn’t a need to leave a solitaire imprint on their face. I finally made my way to Joss’s mom and hugged her. She fussed over me and my new ring. We made plans to talk about the wedding while Walker was away.

  I glanced at the clock—midnight had arrived fast. Most everyone had left for other parties or gone home. I’d laughed as the girls quickly funneled out the door after the proposal. I was ready to go as well. All the excitement had me anxious to talk to Walker and find out more about where his thoughts were concerning a date.

  I made my way into Joss’s bedroom and grabbed my purse. We’d spent many nights laughing together and discussing life in this room. I hoped I wouldn’t lose that when I got married. I pulled her bedroom door closed behind me as James walked out of the bathroom.


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