Welcome to Dunvegas

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Welcome to Dunvegas Page 12

by Meankitty Publishing

  “Such a shame.” He made a rueful pout. “Allow me to—”

  A large, male hand appeared on the man’s shoulder, tugging him back, away from Sherry.

  “Leave her alone, Dimitri.”

  The voice was deep, masculine, and rough in a way the other man’s hadn’t been. It freed Sherry from the spell that had kept her immobile and she stepped back, away from the man called Dimitri. She looked over his shoulder to see an even taller man stepping forward. He had brown hair and the warmest, chocolate-brown eyes she’d ever seen. Where Dimitri was slick and suave, this man was all rough edges. He seemed more genuine to Sherry, and much more likable, though he looked every bit as dangerous.

  “You dare challenge me, pup?” The first man turned on the newcomer.

  “She’s not part of the entertainment, old friend. It’s obvious she doesn’t know what she’s stumbled into. I’ve been watching her since she stopped in front of the moat.”

  “Moat?” Sherry asked with a puzzled frown.

  “See?” the new man said with a raised eyebrow.

  Dimitri shook his head, frowning, but moved off. But now the second man was facing her, a forbidding frown on his face.

  “You just had a close call, little lamb.”

  “My name is Sherry.” She didn’t know why she felt compelled to tell him that, but the words were out before she could censor her thoughts. “Thanks for your help, but I’ll be fine now.”

  “What are you doing in Dunvegas, Sherry? This is no place for someone like you.”

  She took exception to his tone, preparing to stalk off, but she’d give him a piece of her mind first. “I’ll go where I damned well please. I’m sick of being told where to go, what to do, how to dress, and how to speak, so don’t you even try. Who the hell are you, anyway?”

  The man reached into his pocket and flipped open a badge. “Chet Davis, head of Dunvegas Security, ma’am. Like I said, I’ve been watching you since you stopped outside the moat.”

  “I didn’t see any moat.” The badge seemed legit and the man was big enough to be a professional football player or a cop. He was tall and muscular, like many of the other men she’d seen in the casino, but he seemed a cut above the rest. A little taller, a little broader, a little sharper-eyed.

  His smile almost stole her breath. “Why don’t I escort you to the front door and you can see what I mean?”

  “Are you throwing me out?” Something about him riled her, though she was usually a quiet kind of person, not given to confrontation. But this man dared her to say no, just for the fun of it.

  Strange, she’d never thought of confrontation as fun before, but the sparkle in his dark brown eyes made her shiver, and it wasn’t from cold. No, this was a shiver of awareness of her own fragility next to this giant man’s strength. He could crush her, or weigh her down in the most delicious way possible.

  Where were these scandalous thoughts coming from? She was a librarian, for goodness sake! She wasn’t one to ogle strange men, even if they did look good enough to eat. She did her best not to blush, but she could feel the heat of a flush rise to her fair cheeks. Chet smiled in a way she could only term wolfish.

  “On the contrary, I wouldn’t throw out a pretty little thing like you, Red.”

  Suddenly, Sherry was glad of her dark red hair that refused to be tamed. Normally it was the bane of her existence, but this man seemed to like it, if the searing appreciation in his gaze was any indication.

  “But we’ve got a convention going on here and you stick out like a sore thumb,” he continued. “I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t keep an eye on you. So tell me, why did you come in here of all the casinos on the Strip?”

  Something told her he really wanted to know. She shrugged. “I was walking. It got dark and I realized I was hungry, so I stopped and I was outside the castle. I didn’t really look at the place before I came in. I was just seeking some warmth, a change of clothes and a meal.”

  “Clothes? That’s why you were in the Bondage Boutique?”

  She blushed again. “I didn’t realize what kind of store it was ’til I saw what was inside.”

  “But some of those outfits intrigued you.” He didn’t phrase it as a question and the dancing light in his eyes told her he really had been watching her finger a few of those outfits longingly.

  A lump formed in her throat despite his warm expression. “I guess so, but I have nobody to wear them for now.”

  “That sounds like a story I need to hear.” He crossed his arms, shifting his weight back to regard her. “How about you tell me over dinner?”

  Chet silently prodded her to accept. He’d scented her the moment she’d passed the casino on her lonely walk. He’d left it to fate as to whether she’d come in, but when she had, he’d known fate was on his side. Destiny had finally brought his mate to him.

  To say he was surprised by the little red-haired mortal would be an understatement, but he was infatuated with her every move and her scent was ripe and luscious. Ambrosia. She would be his and he wouldn’t hear anything against it. The trick was getting her to agree. He wasn’t a vampire like Dimitri, able to spin veils of enticement over his prey. What he was, was an alpha werewolf, with only natural pheromones to call on and the certainty that this fragile little creature was his destined mate.

  He could tell by her scent. She probably smelled just like any other female to the rest of the were population, but to him, she was the finest of aphrodisiacs, the rarest of vintages. She was his. Plain and simple. She smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat.

  “I am kind of hungry,” she admitted.

  “Well, we can fix that easily enough. I’m off duty for the night, so we can order up a feast. Why don’t you finish your shopping while I make the arrangements?” He pointed her toward a more vanilla clothing boutique while he tapped the small headset that connected him to his team and the rest of the hotel. The first thing he did was put his beta in charge for the night, and then he contacted room service and ordered a meal sent up to his suite.

  He also contacted Sadie, who ran the Bondage Boutique, and had the outfits Sherry had lingered over gift wrapped and sent up. Those would be gifts for later, after they’d had a chance to get to know one another and he’d put his mark on her. He’d enjoy seeing her in those skimpy leather numbers, knowing they’d reveal his bite marks once he got the chance to put them on her shoulder. That would come…later tonight if he had any say in the matter.

  Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know it yet, but she was definitely on the menu. Chet couldn’t wait for desert.


  Sherry splurged on a red dress that made her feel sexy and daring. She put it on in the dressing room of the small store and wore it out. No way was she going to dinner with this handsome man dressed like a ragamuffin. She took a minute to fix her hair and makeup as best she could with the items she had in her purse before walking out to face the head of security, only he wasn’t alone.

  A tall, sandy haired man stood with an equally statuesque blonde woman at his side. Both wore the headsets of hotel security and these also had discrete pins on their chests with the logo of the casino. A niggling little question was answered in Sherry’s mind. This guy really was who he claimed. It was certain he was giving these two orders. She heard the tail end of his instructions for “guarding the perimeter” as she approached.

  He sniffed, then turned his head. The smile that lit his handsome face was worth every exorbitant penny she’d spent on the most daring dress she’d ever owned. She heard a wolf whistle from the other man, but it cut off abruptly as Chet elbowed him in the ribs.

  “Sherry, this is my sister, Cara, and my second in command, Tony. Guys, this is Sherry.”

  The woman towered over Sherry, but her eyes were the same chocolate brown as Chet’s and they were welcoming, as was her smile. “Welcome to Dunvegas, Sherry. I’m sure my brother will take good care of you, but if you have any questions, feel free to call me.” So saying, she
handed Sherry a business card with the casino logo and her name, number and title—Security, Chief Communications Officer. Sherry was impressed. She thanked Cara for the odd offer and the woman took her leave, breezing through the casino as men stopped to stare. She was gorgeous, after all.

  Sherry tried not to feel inferior, but the tall blonde was so far out of Sherry’s league looks-wise, she felt like a wallflower. One look in Chet’s eyes, though, cleared that right up. He gazed at her as if he wanted to lick her all over, though where that thought came from, she had no idea. Heat flooded her cheeks again as she stared into his warm chocolate eyes.

  “I’ll just leave you two alone,” Tony said, utterly forgotten for the moment, though he stood at Chet’s side.

  “Sorry, T.” Chet shrugged as he broke the stare and turned to his friend. “You know how it is.”

  “Not yet,” Tony said with something like regret, “but I hope one day, I will.” He slapped Chet on the back and smiled at Sherry, moving away. “Lucky dog.” Tony gave a little laughing howl as he headed out across the crowded casino, but nobody seemed to think anything of it. Then again, this was Las Vegas, Sherry reasoned as she turned back to Chet. He was staring at her again, his eyes lit with what she thought was desire.

  It was unreasonable, after what she’d been through that day, but she felt an answering fire in her own blood. No way could she be so attracted to a stranger so soon after breaking up with Jeff, but apparently logic had little to do with her response to Chet. She wanted him and she was honest enough with herself to admit it—if only in the privacy of her own mind. Jeff didn’t even feel like a blip on her radar at the moment. She was focused solely on Chet.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said in a low, rumbling voice that set her insides on fire.

  “I’m glad you think so. I had to get out of that sundress. It was looking kind of bedraggled.”

  “You looked enchanting in white, but you’re even sexier in red, Red.”

  “It clashes with my hair a little.” She fingered a tendril of her curly hair.

  Chet touched her hair, stroking her like a puppy. “Not at all. Red is a good color for you. The hotter, the better.”

  “Thanks.” They stared into each other’s until a howl of joy from a nearby slot machine broke them apart as someone struck the jackpot.

  Chet seemed to come back to himself. “Come on, I’ve got dinner waiting. I hope you like filet mignon.”

  The perfect gentleman, he took her arm, escorting her to a private elevator. Sherry was surprised. She thought they’d be heading for one of the restaurants, but he was the head of hotel security. Perhaps they had a private dining room for employees.

  When he hit the button for the top floor, Sherry was surprised but willing to see where this magical evening—and man—would lead. She’d never done anything so daring in her entire life, but for once, she felt like taking a chance.

  The elevator stopped at the top and he led her to a penthouse suite that overlooked the Las Vegas Strip. The view from the crenellated stone parapet was breathtaking and the table just inside the glass doors was set for two. Candles flickered in the dim light and savory aromas wafted from the serving dishes that had been left on an electric warming cart. She looked around for whoever had laid the feast and prepared the table, but they were alone. Intimacy surrounded them and Sherry’s mouth dried with sudden nerves.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, her gaze glued on the view.

  Chet padded to her side and offered a crystal glass filled with champagne. She took it and turned to face him. He smiled and raised a matching glass.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  For the first time in her life, Sherry truly felt beautiful. This special man made her feel that way. It was completely crazy. They’d only just met and she was on the rebound, but somehow, it all made perfect sense.

  They ate a sumptuous dinner accompanied by one of the most expensive bottles of champagne Sherry had ever seen, much less drunk. The bubbles tickled her nose as the delicate flavor burst on her tongue. The wine, as well as the man, were pure magic.

  “And now for desert.” Chet licked his lips, staring hotly at the woman who would be his mate. Any minute now, the mating fever would kick into high gear…if he was right. It wasn’t the usual course of business for his kind, but Chet was something special among werefolk. He’d gone to work for Mr. Fritz, the wizard who owned Dunvegas, because of a prophecy and certain promises.

  Chet had agreed to let Mr. Fritz cast a spell, to draw his mate to here, to Dunvegas, so Chet could focus the energy he would have ordinarily put into a mate hunt on securing the premises. Chet had waited for the woman to come, but he hadn’t expected her to show up during the busiest time of the year, smack dab in the middle of the ParaPleasures Expo. Sure, they’d brought on extra security to deal with the convention itself, but the casino still needed guarding—more so with the increased activity and fully booked hotel. Vamps, weres and other supernaturals didn’t always play well together. It was Chet’s job—and that of his pack—to make sure not too much blood was spilled.

  And now here she was. Fritz had told him his destined mate would be human. Chet had prepared himself to accept a weaker female into his life. But Fritz hadn’t said how unutterably beautiful she’d be, or how alluring.

  He stood and went around the table, taking her hand and urging her gently to her feet.

  “I thought we were going to have desert.” Her voice was sultry and low, skating along Chet’s spine like fingernails scratching sensually through his pelt.

  “We are,” he all but growled, though he tried to keep a lid on his libido, but it was hard. Hell, he was hard.

  Chet lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. When she didn’t object, he flipped it over and ran his lips over her palm, holding her gaze all the while. Her nostrils flared slightly in pleasure and he moved to nibble on her fingers, sucking here and there as her breath started to speed. A minute later she was panting as he lifted her hand to his chest and wrapped one hand around her waist.

  He reeled her in and she came willingly. Her skin was hot, just as Fritz had said would happen when the mating fever hit, but there was one true test still left to perform. With great deliberation, Chet lowered his lips to hers, inch by inch. He drew the moment out, wanting to remember these next few minutes for the rest of their lives together, but she would have none of it.

  With surprising strength for such a tiny woman, she pulled him closer and, reaching up, dragged his mouth even closer to hers, locking them together in a deep, sensual kiss. She tasted like heaven itself. The feel of her hands petting his back, his shoulders, and running up into his hair was more than he ever could have imagined.

  He tore at the slinky straps of her stretchy red dress, glad there weren’t any buttons or zippers to deal with. Right now, his inner wolf needed her naked just as much as the man did.

  “I don’t understand any of this,” she gasped, coming up for air as he drew her dress off over her head. Her little fingers went to work on the buttons of his shirt the moment her hands were free. He liked that.

  “Don’t ever try to understand magic, my love. This was meant to be. I accept that. Now all you have to do is accept me.”

  She stilled. “I don’t even know you.” For a moment it looked like sanity was going to slow her down, but then her palms rubbed over his chest under the open shirt. Chet took it as a good sign, but he knew he had to get her full involvement and cooperation. Just seducing her senses wasn’t enough.

  “You’re right, but you know my soul, Sherry. Just as I know yours. I recognized you the moment I caught your scent. Didn’t you recognize me, too?”

  Her eyes turned dreamy. “I felt something when I saw you. You’re different, Chet. I realized that right away, but I don’t know what it is.”

  Chet took a deep breath. Should he reveal his inner nature now or later? She would find out sooner or later, of course, but how to tell her? She was only human.
He had to tread lightly.

  He stroked her hair as she rested in his arms. “I’m an alpha, sweetheart, and you’re my mate. Can’t you feel it? The mating heat has you in its grip, just as Fritz said would happen. His magic drew you here. To me. And once we join, we will never be apart.”

  “You want to marry me?” Confusion made her cute.

  “I do.” He placed nibbling kisses on her cheeks and mouth. “Don’t you want to be mine? Forever?”

  “I do. God help me, I do.” She lifted into his kiss once more as he unhooked her bra and slid her panties down curvy legs. She was so soft and pliant, so delectable in every way. He rid himself of his pants and shorts as quickly as possible, kicking shoes and socks in every direction until they were both naked, rubbing, yearning, together. When they broke apart for a moment, she whispered, “What’s an alpha?”

  Chet had to laugh, just once. She knew so little about the real world, but she would soon learn. “I’m the leader of my pack, the alpha wolf. And you’ll be my mate, Sherry. Tonight. I’m going to make love to you and bite your beautiful neck to place my mark. It will let every were in this town know you belong to me. And then I want you to wear one of the outfits I bought for you.” He cupped her breasts and squeezed, watching her eyes dilate in pleasure.

  “Outfits?” She seemed adorably confounded by his words, but she wasn’t objecting. The mating fever ran true, allowing her to accept—for now—things she didn’t fully understand yet. But she would. Soon. As soon as he got inside her.

  “While you were buying that little red number, I had the Bondage Boutique send up the things you looked at.” He smiled at the flush that rose on her soft cheeks. “There’s an even better selection in the convention hall. I’ll take you there tomorrow.” He liked the idea of showing her off to the whole para world and letting them see her, wearing his mark.

  The very idea made his inner wolf stand up and howl in joy. His mate was finally here, in his arms, naked and willing. She didn’t understand everything yet, but she would in time. The important part was to make her his in the most basic way.


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