Crown's Law

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Crown's Law Page 35

by Wolf Wootan

  “Not on this baby,” said Ziggy. He handed Sam a black, folded phone. “It’s a highly encrypted satellite phone. Can’t be detected because it uses burst technology—changes frequency on each burst. You can talk safely on that little bugger! I was told to give it to you so you could stay in touch. Punch speed dial number one to reach Raven.”

  Sam opened the phone and thought for a moment.

  I’m not sure who this guy Ziggy is—some hired hand, or someone who really knows who Raven is? And I can’t let Bo know for now. How to handle this call? Hmm. I have to keep my end of the conversation cryptic.

  He turned on the phone and selected speed dial one. The phone was answered on the first ring.

  “Raven here.”

  “Sam here. We’re airborne. Thanks for the ride,” said Sam.

  “I assume you’ll have a good explanation for me later,” replied Raven. “I also assume Bo is listening. Don’t let her know who I am. At least, not for now. Where are you heading now?”

  “Right about the first question. As for the second, I don’t know. How long do we have Ziggy for?”

  “As long as you need him—within reason. You can trust him by the way. He goes way back. Do you have your backup credit cards?”

  “Luckily, I have one with me. I’ll need it to rent some wheels. I want to lie low for a couple of days while you do some checking for me. If you check your sources, you’ll find out about a chopper crash south of Durango yesterday. Those guys were after either me or my companion. I can’t think of any reason they would be after me. Nobody knew I was even there,” explained Sam.

  Raven replied, “You think maybe it revolves around Bo and whatever she’s working on?”

  “Yes. A second chopper was dogging us this morning, and it had some high tech monitoring equipment.”

  “Hmm. Government? FBI? CIA? NSA? Alphabet agencies have those kind of gizmos. Also, a few other agencies you don’t want to know about. I’ll nose around. I’ll check out Agent Bo and see what she’s up to.”

  Sam glanced at Bo, who was watching him as she sipped her beer, and said, “Good. I just thought of a place to stay for a couple of days. How about the lodge?”

  The lodge was a cabin in Big Bear Lake owned by Sam’s mother. She had inherited it from a sister and had never gotten around to changing the deed, so it was recorded in the name of her sister’s married name. Not even a furious search by the FBI would ever find a Sam Crown staying in a cabin owned by a Mrs. Lucinda Lowenstein.

  “Good choice. Call me when you’re settled. Maybe I’ll have something by then. We’ve moved to a safe spot. Becky’s fine. I have some people watching our backs. Be careful, Sam. Something is screwy here!”

  The line went dead. Sam folded the phone and stuffed it into his jacket pocket.

  Sam asked Ziggy, “How far can you fly in this crate?”

  Ziggy said, “Where do you need to go?”

  “Big Bear Lake, California.”

  Ziggy checked his fuel gauge, fiddled with some navigation gear, then answered, “That’s some 650 miles. I could make it, but I suggest we put down in Phoenix and refuel. Then I’ll file a new VFR flight plan to some place like San Bernardino, or San Diego. I’ll drop you off in Big Bear on the way and no one will be the wiser.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” said Sam. “How far to Phoenix? I’m starved. How about you, Bo?”

  “Famished!” she smiled.

  “About 315 miles or so. Say an hour forty-five. But if you’re hungry, there’s some ham and cheese sandwiches in the console cooler. My wife made them this morning. Help yourself.”

  “Thanks, Ziggy,” said Sam. “I think I will.”

  As they sipped beer and ate sandwiches, Bo’s mind was churning.

  What in hell is going on here? Who is this Ziggy? This plane is outfitted in leather everything, built-in fridge. Looks like a dope runner’s rig! And who is Raven? What is Sam up to? Who is Sam really? This is spooking me! I need to find out some things, but can I really talk in front of Ziggy? Crap! What to do?

  She smiled at Sam and asked, “So we’re going to Big Bear Lake? Why there? Why not Capo Beach?”

  “I want us to completely disappear for a couple of days while we figure out what’s happening. No one will be officially looking for us for a few more days. We’re on vacation, remember? If some super-alphabet agency is looking for us, they’d find us right away in Capo Beach. They’ll never find us where I’m taking you.”

  “My parents will be looking for us! Remember our empty tent! They will be really worried—stir things up with law enforcement people.”

  “You’re right. Why don’t you use this safe phone to call them. Tell them you’re safe and on an FBI thing and can’t give them any details. No one knows that was our tent except your folks. Make sure they don’t tell anybody that they have heard from you. You know the drill. By the way, I put the raft in the water, so everyone will be looking downstream.”

  Bo said, “I didn’t know that. At least they’ll think we’re alive. Possibly.”

  Sam handed her the phone and she called her dad and calmed him down, assuring him that all was well. She told him that she would call him later and explain things. She hung up and gave the phone back to Sam.

  “They were really going out of their minds. Thanks for letting me do that.”

  Sam smiled and patted her knee.

  Bo began to wonder about the man she was falling in love with. Who was the mysterious Raven? Who was Ziggy? Was Sam somehow involved with powerful criminals? The Mafia? Something even more sinister? She didn’t know that private detectives could do what Sam had done with one phone call. And a safe house?

  She knew she should call her superiors and get an FBI team on this, but Sam would never let her do that. She would have to wait for the right opportunity. Maybe in Phoenix.

  Bo said, “Sam, when we’re alone, we need to talk. I have a zillion questions!”

  “You’re right. So do I.”


  Bo never got a chance to make a call in Phoenix. Sam never left her side except when they used the restrooms while Ziggy got the Piper refueled. They were airborne again a few minutes before 4 o’clock. Ziggy touched down at the airport in Big Bear City at 5:55 P.M. He taxied to a spot where Bo and Sam could safely exit the aircraft, and they did so while the engine still idled. They took their duffel and the Winchester and walked toward the building where they could rent a car. Ziggy got clearance from the tower and disappeared into the evening sky. They were on their own again.

  Chapter 48

  Saturday, July 7, 2001

  Big Bear Lake, CA

  Using a credit card with the name Samuel Hammer, and a driver’s license with the same name, Sam rented a 4-wheel drive Tahoe and they drove through Big Bear City and into Big Bear Lake.

  Sam said, “I’m starved—and could use a stiff drink! How about you, Bo?”

  “Good suggestion! Do you know this place well?” she replied with enthusiasm.

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve been coming here since I was a kid—off and on. The best food in town is at the Teddy Bear Restaurant, but you can’t get hard booze there. Just up ahead there’s La Montaña if you want Mexican or the Captain’s Anchorage if you want prime rib or a steak. They have seafood, too. Both restaurants have full bars.”

  “I could eat a cow! Let’s go for the prime rib! And a baked potato with all the fixin’s!” laughed Bo. “To hell with my diet!”

  “You and your damned diet! You never gain weight! A few pounds on you wouldn’t hurt.”

  “You mean up top, don’t you?” laughed Bo.

  “I love your top just the way it is! Each a perfect mouthful!”

  “Come on, now! They’re bigger than that!”

  “You always tell me that I have a big mouth!”


  The hostess at the Captain’s Anchorage seated them in a comfortable booth near the fireplace, and Sam ordered a double Cutty and water and Bo opted for a double vodka on t
he rocks with several olives. Bo had smoked a cigarette on the way from the airport, but she wished she had one now. She felt that she needed to lean on Sam about what was happening, but it made her nervous. She didn’t want to alienate him and possibly lose any chance she had with him in the future.

  I really love you and want you, Sam, but I don’t know who you are right now! she thought. Nothing like this was in your background check.

  Bo took a large swig of her vodka, felt the courage rush through her veins, then said, “Sam, how did you happen to have a credit card and driver’s license in the name of Samuel Hammer?”

  Sam shrugged with a laugh, “I go undercover a lot. The ‘Sam’ is for Sam Spade, and the ‘Hammer’ is for Mike Hammer, two of my favorite private eyes. Plus, keeping the first name the same gives me one less thing to remember. Don’t you use aliases when you go undercover?”

  “Yes, of course, but each case is unique. I’m issued ID for the job, then I turn it in afterwards. I don’t carry it around with me,” replied Bo.

  “I tote mine around for emergencies. Situations like this.”

  You have a lot of situations like this? she mused.

  Bo took another sip of vodka, then blurted, “Who is Ziggy? Who is Raven?”

  Sam put his own drink to his lips and mulled over her questions. How much to tell her? He was too fond of her to lie to her, but he still wasn’t sure what she was involved in.

  “I’ve never seen Ziggy before. He’s just someone Raven sent to pick us up. As for Raven . . .”

  Bo interrupted, “That Ziggy was not your ordinary do-your-friend-a-favor pilot. He pointed a damned gun at us for Chrissakes! And what was that password crap? You could have let me in on that! He looked like a drug runner to me!”

  Sam smiled at her outburst and put his hand over hers.

  “Maybe he was,” Sam smiled. “I don’t know, but I doubt it. Raven doesn’t consort with overtly criminal elements. The gun and password were to make sure we were the right people to pick up. I’m sorry I didn’t clue you in. Ziggy got us out of there, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, and quite professionally, I have to admit. Now, tell me about the mysterious Raven. Is he who you called from the ranger tower?” urged Bo.

  Sam now saw a way out of his dilemma without lying to her.

  “I called my father. He’s the only one I could think of that I trust. During his CIA days, he amassed a large number of favors owed. I asked him to spend one for us, and he did.”

  Bo’s mind began racing again. Is Ziggy really CIA? And Raven is CIA? This is crazy! I have to know!

  “Sam, are you saying that Ziggy and Raven are CIA?”

  “I would say probably not. Maybe ex-CIA, or CIA contractors. I doubt if active CIA agents are at my father’s beck and call,” shrugged Sam, but he wasn’t completely sure about that himself.

  “Jeez, Sam! You’re scary! What about this safe house? On loan from the spooks?”

  “Oh, no! It belongs to my mother,” chuckled Sam. “Nothing sinister. It’s not in the Crown name, though, so it won’t show up in a property search. We’ll be safe there—at least for awhile. Only my dad knows that we’ll be there. I’ll call him on the secure phone when we get settled in. He’ll want to know that we got out safely.”

  The waiter appeared before Bo could continue her interrogation. She discovered that she was famished! She ordered a large, rare prime rib and a baked potato with the works. Sam opted for the same, then they got up and went to the salad bar and built themselves large salads.

  Back at the booth, Bo asked, “Are you telling me the truth, Sam Crown?”

  Sam peered into her beautiful eyes and replied, “Yes, Bo, as much as I can. My father is a mysterious man. I have no idea how much covert power he still has. Now for you. What are you working on, Bo? I think our problem may be related to something you’re involved in.”

  Bo knew this was coming. She couldn’t tell him very much without violating her security clearance, and a whole bunch of regulations.

  “Sam, you know I’m not allowed to tell you very much. It’s not secret that I’m a member of JTFE—Joint Task Force Espionage. I obviously work in the area of espionage.”

  “That would include ferreting out moles in government agencies, right? People with big, black choppers,” interjected Sam.

  “Among other things,” evaded Bo. “Sam! You know I’ll violate security if I tell you anything! Give me a break!”

  Sam sympathized with her. He hadn’t been exactly forthcoming with her either. He had a big decision to make. He was on the verge of losing her forever. Is that what he wanted? He never shared his innermost feelings with anyone. Was now the time?

  “OK, Bo. I’ll lay off for now. Let’s enjoy our dinner. Then there’s something we need to do when we get to the cabin,” said Sam.

  “I know what you want to do!” smiled Bo.

  Sam shrugged and laughed. “Ah, yes! That. Don’t you?”

  She lowered her eyes. “I admit it. I do. You’ve converted me into a sex addict.”

  “Good! But that’s not what I was talking about. We need to talk about trust. I think we are going to need it before this nightmare is over.”

  “I’m all for trust. I like trust. But don’t ask me to break my oath.”

  He smiled. “We’ll talk later. Now, I could use another drink.”


  The cabin was a 4-bedroom, 4-bath, 3000-square-foot Tudor design with a great view of the lake down below. It was nestled in a stand of tall Jeffrey pines.

  “This is not a cabin!” exclaimed Bo when she saw it. “It’s a mansion in the mountains!”

  “To my family, it’s a cabin,” replied Sam as he fished out his key ring and opened the front door.

  Sam got a roaring fire going in the den’s fireplace—not because it was super cold, but because it was something he enjoyed when he was here—and found some of his father’s expensive French cognac. He poured some in two snifters, one for each of them, and they settled on the couch in front of the fire. They clinked glasses and then sipped for several moments in silence, Bo smoking as she stared at the crackling fire, her feet tucked up on the couch. Sam had told her she could smoke in the cabin because the Lowensteins had always done so.

  Bo broke the silence. “First things first, Sam. We left quite a bit of carnage back there and if I don’t call my boss and let him put a lid on it, we could be in big trouble. Besides, he has the resources to find out who they are.”

  Sam waited a beat, then answered, “I guess you’re right. Do you trust your boss?”

  “Yes. He couldn’t be involved in that attack!”

  “Hmm. I told my father I would call him as soon as we were settled in here. Let me call him first,” replied Sam.

  John told Sam that as far as his contacts could determine, there were no rogue alphabet agencies involved, and that JTFE was staffed with only the most trustworthy of agents. He suggested that Sam let Bo call her boss using the secure phone. He did so.

  Bo was on the phone for 30 minutes with her boss, whom she had caught at home just as he was going to bed. He said he would dispatch a team from Denver immediately to contain the situation, but he would have a ton of questions for her in the morning. She said she would call him back then. She hung up and looked at Sam.

  “Well, he’s not happy with me. He said I should have called earlier,” she said. “And he’ll want to talk to you, too. After all, you shot a man and downed the chopper. I told him we had no choice—we were under attack. Hopefully, everything will be routine.”

  Sam shrugged. “Well, I hope his crime scene guys can pin down who they were. I think the attack on the boat and this attack are related. That means I was probably the target, not you.”

  “How do you figure that? I was at both places, too. It could all be a coincidence.”

  “Do you believe in coincidences like this?”

  After a beat, “I guess not. What have you done that makes you think you’re the target? D
oes it have to do with those video tapes?”

  “Indirectly. It has to do with how I knew about that meeting in the park. I think. Is the FBI ready to move against Dynology yet?”

  Bo stared at Sam, not knowing what she should—or could—say. Sam sensed her dilemma.

  “Come on, Bo. We’ve been attacked twice! And if I’m right about this being Dynology, then Becky is in danger too! I promise you that if the Feds aren’t going to take care of them, I will!” exclaimed Sam.

  Hearing that Becky could be a target too really frightened Bo. She made a life-changing decision.

  “God, Sam! Becky? Where is she now? Is she safe?” gasped Bo.

  “Yes. She’s with my parents and they’ve moved hotels. They’re safe for the moment.”

  “All right! You win! We have to share information and do what we can to put an end to this. The Bureau hasn’t moved in because their surveillance hasn’t picked up anything incriminating yet. What conversations they pick up are inane ones, and the long-range high-tech listening device only picks up static. It’s as if they know we’re listening.”

  Sam shrugged. “Good assumption.”

  Then he told her about the bugs Becky had placed and his assumption that they had been found. He told her about D’Orr killing Winston and how he knew about the meeting in the park. Bo was angry at first that he had let Becky plant the bugs and the fact that he hadn’t shared any of this with her. It took him 5 minutes to get her calmed down. He explained his rationale for not telling her because not only was the data unusable in court, he was protecting Becky.

  Bo lit another cigarette while Sam poured them some more cognac.

  “OK,” she said finally. “I reserve the right to revisit your endangering Becky like that, but for now let’s move on. The Dynology people must definitely know they’re under surveillance. They probably have another place where they conduct their illegal business. We need to find out where that is. We picked up the FBI agent you caught on tape switching backpacks and she spilled her guts, but the Bureau needs corroboration for a solid court case. Some names she gave us are hearsay legally.”


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