The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior

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The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “Why do you need to go there?”

  “To find the weapons for our armor and I would suggest that you go with us.” Mitch stared at Russell. “You should also have the weapons matched to your armor to get full benefit of them.”

  Mitch nodded and said, “I’ll get you approval and notify me when you’re ready to go.” Russell nodded and the display darkened.

  • • •

  The Company of Life Warriors along with Mitch and Russell moved around the armory listening for the weapons that sang to them. After eight hours the final weapons were found and the Company formed up in the landing bay. Mitch looked at Russell and said, “I’m still hearing something.”

  Russell nodded, “It’s faint. I didn’t hear it when the other weapons were calling us.” He looked around and said, “Whatever it is, it’s not on this floor.” He looked at the Company and said, “At ease. Wait here.” He turned and moved toward the elevators. Mitch followed him. Russell went up one floor and the music grew fainter. He stopped it and started moving down. As it dropped to the facilities lower levels the music grew louder. Mitch looked at him, “The lower floors house all the ancient weapons.” Russell nodded and the elevator finally stopped on the lowest floor in the giant armory.

  Russell stepped out and looked around. He moved left and turned the corner of a huge wall of old gunpowder arms. He continued past them and arrived at a wall that had thousands of swords hanging in their scabbards. He turned right and moved down the long wall until the music was at its highest and stopped in front of thousands of Cainth Short Swords.

  Mitch looked at him and Russell said, “We must arm our warriors with these swords.”


  “I don’t know. But these swords know.”

  “These aren’t even the swords the Cainth eventually chose. This is one of the earliest types they used.”

  Russell looked at Mitch, “What’s the difference?”

  “These swords have a collapsible rod in the handle that can be extended to make them a spear.”

  Russell picked one up and felt it vibrating in his hand. It was extremely light and when he pushed the slide on the handle, a ten foot rod extended. He looked at Mitch and said, “I’ll need these camouflaged and the scabbard attached to the Warriors uniforms. I don’t know what purpose they’ll serve but I sense we need to do it.”

  Mitch stared at Russell and moved to the left and picked out a sword that called to him. It felt perfect in his hand. He pressed his wrist unit and said, “D Company, report to the first level.”

  Mitch slowly shook his head and wondered what was going on.

  • • •

  Russell began D Company’s training the next day and continued it for twelve hours a day. He decided that the only way the sword could be used was to deactivate the Warrior’s armor. They spent two days deactivating their armor on command and using their camouflage uniforms to immediately disappear. The Warriors wondered what was going on but were soon able to do it in less than a second.

  Russell called the Company into ranks and said, “I know you’re wondering about why I’m having you deactivate your armor. I wish I had a good answer, but the only thing I’ve been able to come up with is that we might encounter an enemy that can see us even in invisibility mode. If that happens, we’ll be open to be hit from orbit. I’m proud of the progress you’ve made with the maneuver patterns and you’re close to the level I want.” Russell hesitated and said, “But you’re not there yet. We will participate in a Regimental exercise in two weeks and you will have these patterns ingrained to the point where you will not have to think about it. Is that clear!”

  “YES SIR!”

  Officers, take your platoons and work your units until everyone knows them. Then combine your units and do it together. Now get to work.”

  Russell moved among the four platoons and gave praise where warranted and criticism where needed. The Company was coming together and Russell saw the teams were melding into something special.

  • • •

  Pixie sat on a hill observing the Company. Most of the other companies in the Regiment thought the Company Commander was a sadist. They were glad they had not been put in his command. Pixie watched and saw a symmetry develop in their maneuvers that was different. She was curious about how they were going to perform in the coming exercise. She watched Russell and saw his Warriors were gaining respect for their commander. They thought he was tough but he was also fair. She looked at Russell’s thoughts and saw he didn’t care how others viewed him. He was determined that his Warriors were ready for any situation and have a chance of survival. The thing she found really interesting was that he was making them train without them using the music to guide them. She knew he was doing it because some of his units might be separated from him and not have it. “What are you doing?”

  Pixie turned around and saw Mitch, “I’m watching D Company train.”

  Mitch looked out at the fields and said, “What have you determined?”

  “You should treat that Company like you would a Scout.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Pixie turned to Mitch and said, “You don’t have another company that can match them. You should just turn them loose and let them do as much damage as possible while the others hold positions. Putting them in ranks and restricting their mobility would be a mistake.”

  “Do you really think they’re that good?”

  “Mitch, he’s training them without music. They could take any company now. With the music they could probably take out the battalion.”

  Mitch stared at the field and Pixie said, “If you make this a competition between you and Russell, you will be hurting yourself. I hope you can see that.”


  Pixie looked at Mitch and began to wonder if she really knew him. Something had changed. He looked at her, saw her expression, and sighed. “I can feel myself doing it and I’m having difficulty setting his company up for being distinguished.”

  “You’re worried that he’ll pass you in rank?”

  “I guess I am.”

  “This coming from someone that thought they didn’t merit a promotion.”

  “It’s like a drug. It has a way of consuming you.”

  “You are either going to grow and become the brilliant tactician I know you can be or you are going to lose yourself in your pride. You need to decide which it’s going to be.”

  Pixie teleported away and Mitch stared at Russell directing his company as light faded and night took the field.

  Chapter Nine

  Baron Slade went into the guest scheduling office and found Ana sending a young couple on a tour of the Royal Grounds. He waited until they left with their guide and Ana stood and bowed, “Good morning, Your Highness.”

  “Please rise and good morning, Ana. I know I’ve told you before but you have done an outstanding job of taking care of my citizens that visit us. You have made a huge difference in the staff’s organization.”

  Ana smiled and said, “That comes from being a Warrior’s wife, Your Highness.”

  “I’ve been asked to go to Bristone and I want you and your daughter to go with me.”

  Ana was surprised by the request, “Thank you but I have a lot to do here.”

  “I’ve assigned Jacob to handle things in your absence. I’ve been notified that the Crown wishes to recognize those that died during the last battle. I know you would want to be there to see the honor being given.”

  Ana looked sad and said, “I’m not sure if I can handle it.”

  Russ slowly shook his head and said, “Joe deserves your presence there.”

  Ana looked up quickly and then nodded.

  “We’re leaving in the morning. See Kelly about what you need to take with you for a visit to the capital.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  • • •

  The Baron’s ship arrived in orbit above Bristone and Russ turned to Ana. “Both of you are quite beautiful

  Ana smiled and said, “Genia could make anyone look good, Your Highness, but thank you.”

  “Are you ready?”

  Ana sighed, forced a smile, picked up Genia and said, “I guess so.” Russ looked at his navigator and said, “Teleport us to the coordinates.”

  Ana suddenly appeared in a giant room that was filled to capacity. She looked around and saw hundreds of high ranking military officers as well as thousands of members of the Royalty. She looked around and saw the King and Queen of the Bristone Realm sitting in front of her on their thrones. She immediately put Genia down and bowed.

  “Please rise, Mrs. Tarver.” Ana straightened up and felt fear at being the object of the Royal Couple’s attention. Suddenly she heard, “Officers, Attenshun!”

  Every officer in the room stood and saluted her. What was going on?

  King Jon Robbins stood and said, “Mrs. Tarver, thank you for coming on such short notice. We are here today to pay honor to Private Joe Tarver and the contribution he made to the defense of the Bristone Realm. He is being awarded the Realm’s highest honor; the Bristone Star. His actions in saving his partner during the last battle led to the survival of more than eight thousand of our Warriors and he is deserving of all that the Realm can do to recognize his bravery. He will be brought here and interred with the other heroes and honored by a grateful Realm.”

  Jon stepped down and came to Ana and placed the medal around her neck. Ana was stunned by what was happening. “You will be given the pay of an Admiral for the rest of your life and your daughter will have all of her care and education paid for by the Realm. We know your loss is great and we share your sorrow. I know that you are proud of your husband and the Realm wants you to know that we share your pride.”

  The Room stood and cheered and Ana felt her tears but didn’t know what to say. Finally she managed to say, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Queen Miranda Robbins came down and picked up Genia, “You have a beautiful daughter.”

  Genia tucked her head into her shoulders and giggled. Ana looked at her and said, “Yes, I do.”

  Jon looked out and said, “Please come and welcome the wife of a Hero of the Realm.”

  The crowd rushed forward and Ana was overwhelmed by their joy for her.

  • • •

  Finally Ana and Russ teleported back to his ship after they had finished the parade through the streets to receive the cheers of the gathered crowds. She looked at Russ and said, “Does this mean I have to leave now?”

  Russ smiled at Ana, “There will always be a place in my home for you, Ana. I was really hoping you would stay. I’ve come to depend on you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” They sat down and Ana said, “I don’t understand.”

  Russ looked at her, “What?”

  “Joe didn’t save those Warriors. He was killed early in the conflict.”

  Russ took a deep breath and said, “The Warrior he died saving is the one that saved them. If he had not done that, everyone would have died that day.”

  “Did that Warrior receive a medal?” Russ stared at Ana saying nothing. “Did he?”

  “He refused it, Ana.”


  “He felt that he was undeserving. He insisted that without Joe saving him, his actions would have never happened and the King agreed with him.”

  “I want to meet him.”

  Russ said, “He can’t come to my home.”

  “Why not?”

  Russ stared at Ana and after a long moment said, “Your husband’s partner was my son. I’ve stripped him of his title and told him to never come back.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He put his life ahead of other Warriors. He was not what he should have been.”

  Ana stared at Russ and said, “Where did you get the idea to hire me?”

  Russ looked her in the eyes and said, “Russell contacted me and told me that the wrong Warrior had been killed and he begged me to see that you and Genia were given the money he was given for his title. Your refusal convinced me that you were someone worthy of being helped. Getting you to come to work in my home was my idea.”

  Ana slowly nodded and said, “So now that you’ve made a stance, you’re too proud to do the right thing.” Russ’ eyes narrowed and Ana said, “My husband was just honored for what your son did. They both should have been honored and if you tell me you’re not proud of what he did I’ll know you’re not being honest or the man I know you are. I want to meet him and I want to meet him in my new home. If you won’t allow me that one honor, I’m leaving.”

  Russ stared at Ana and saw she meant it. He took a deep breath and lifted his wrist unit. He spoke for a moment and listened. He turned to Ana and said, “He will be at your quarters tonight.”

  Ana smiled and said, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  • • •

  Russell completed the training exercises and felt his wrist unit vibrate. He looked at it and saw the Division Commander on it, “Yes Sir.”

  “You will leave and go to your home to meet with Joe Tarver’s wife in two hours.”

  “Sir, I’m not allowed to go home.”

  “The Baron has made the request personally and the wife of the newest recipient of the Bristone Star will have her request honored. She has requested a meeting with you and you will be there. Is that clear, Captain?”

  Russell felt his tears, “Joe received the Star?”

  The General smiled, “That he did. You should honor him and be there.” Russell nodded and turned the company over to Sgt. Major Semy. He teleported to his quarters and entered the shower. Two hours later he was in his dress uniform and wishing there was a way to avoid going. Mitch came to his room fifteen minutes before his scheduled departure and saw his expression. “You don’t want to be late.”

  “Sir, I killed her husband.”

  “No you didn’t; the enemy blaster killed him.”

  “But I was stupid. I should have seen it.”

  Mitch saw Russell’s agony and said, “You’ve really got it wrong.”

  Russell looked at him, “How?”

  “The Warriors that were assigned to that blaster initially failed in their assignment. You know how difficult it was to see them until you were right on top of them. If the ones assigned to take it out had done their task, it wouldn’t have happened. Joe died because of the luck of the draw. It was his turn to teleport first or you would be the one dead.” Russell stared at Mitch. “Did you and Joe take out your assigned target?” Russell nodded. “You prevented it from killing other Warriors. Who decided to take the initial teleport?”

  “Joe made that decision.”

  “If you had made the initial teleport, it would have been you saving Joe and don’t stand there and say you wouldn’t have done it. I’ve seen your misery at his loss. You would have done it without thinking; just like he did.”

  Russell lowered his head and took a deep breath. He looked at Mitch and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You need to go tell his wife how important his sacrifice was. It might bring her peace.”

  Russell went to attention and saluted Mitch. Mitch returned his salute and Russell teleported away. Pixie teleported into Mitch’s room and said, “How do you feel about him now?”

  Mitch looked at Pixie and slowly shook his head, “The truth is I probably don’t deserve him, just like I don’t deserve you.”

  Pixie’s smile was huge, “Now that’s the man I know.” She rushed forward and kissed him. Mitch held her and suddenly plans began running through his mind that weren’t there before. He smiled and said, “Let’s go win us an exercise.”

  “Not until you kiss me back.”

  Mitch smiled and pulled her close.

  • • •

  Russell arrived at the entrance to the Slade’s Royal Residence and was greeted by Jacob. “Good evening, Sir; if you will follow me.” Russell followed Jacob to the main portal and Jacob entered the destination. They st
epped through and Russell was led to a housing unit on the main grounds. Jacob pushed the door control and heard a female voice say, “Yes, who is it?”

  “Madam Tarver, Captain Slade is here.”

  The door opened and Russell saw a beautiful brown haired woman holding a young girl. She looked at him with brown eyes that were sparkling and said, “I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

  “I almost backed out.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Come in, I have a meal waiting for you.” Ana looked at Jacob and said, “Thank you for showing him here.”

  “It is my pleasure. Enjoy your meal.”

  • • •

  Russ sat in the tower looking down at the grounds and saw Russell arrive. He looked different. He had put on weight and it was clear that it wasn’t fat. Russell entered the door and Russ sat and stared at Ana’s quarters.

  • • •

  Russell said, “I’m so sorry about Joe.”

  Ana put her finger on his lips, “There is not going to be any sorrow tonight. I know Joe would want me to make sure you understood that you have no reason for self-blame or sorrow. I’ve seen the recording of what happened and you had nothing to do with his death.”

  “Then why did you want to see me?”

  “To thank you for your efforts to make sure Genia and I were cared for and protected. You didn’t have to do that and that tells me how much Joe meant to you. I have a meal and I want to know all about you. I also want you to tell me your memories of Joe.”

  Russell smiled and sat down with Ana. “He was a joker extraordinaire.”

  “Oh I know that.”

  The time literally flew and finally Russell glanced at his wrist unit and said, “Oh my gosh, I have to go. We have a major exercise tomorrow.”

  Ana stood and went with him to the door. They had put Genia to bed hours earlier and Ana opened the door for him. Russell’s eyes widened and Ana turned and saw the Baron standing in the entrance. “Father?”

  “Russell, I want you to know that I’m proud of what you’ve done. You’ve surprised me and I feel I have wronged you in my actions.”


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