The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior

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The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  Ken and Pixie watched the display and there were two brilliant orange flashes and when the display recovered, the planet was gone. Ken looked at Sprigly and pushed a button on his console. Ken looked back at the display and saw the ship hanging above the planet again. Suddenly thousands of warships appeared around it firing beams and missiles at it. Thousands of bright orange beams fired out of the silver ship’s hull along with a wide orange beam aimed at the planet. The warships were instantly vaporized and the planet imploded on itself and disappeared. The gas and debris from the warships instantly flew at the position of the former planet and disappeared.

  Pixie said, “They collapsed the planet and warships.”

  Sprigly nodded, “I’ve analyzed the recording and there is a tiny black hole where the planet was located.”

  Ken stared at the screen and said, “That’s why the moon didn’t fly off. The black hole has the same mass as the planet so the gravity didn’t change.”

  “Actually, it’s much stronger as you move closer to it but it remained the same at the moon’s distance. The three moons will continue their orbit around the star circling something that can’t be seen.”

  Ken looked at Sprigly, “Do you think the Hornets can withstand that beam?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Pixie said, “This species does not take prisoners. Every living thing on that planet and in their ships was destroyed. There is no possibility of life making a comeback on a planet that has been collapsed.”

  Ken looked at the silver ship that was back on the display and saw that its hull was smooth. The hull was used to fire the orange beams. It reminded him of the Realm’s ships. Ken turned said, “Sprigly, what was the time between the planet’s first warship’s arrival and the beam that destroyed it?”

  “For all intents and purposes, it was instantaneous.”

  Ken said, “Slow it down again.” Ken watched the first ship appear and the beam reach out and hit it. The chronometer said less than ten thousandth of second elapsed. Ken looked at Sprigly, “What would happen if a Captor Ball is collapsed?”

  “One of two things; it could form a neutron particle in that energy collapsing is not the same as collapsing a physical structure; or it could collapse and explode with more than a million times its normal force.”

  “If you were forced to choose which one, what would be your choice?”

  “If the ball has not started to explode, I believe it will form a neutron particle.”

  “And if it has started detonation?”

  “That will be something to truly behold.”

  Ken looked at Pixie and then turned back to Sprigly, “We may not need the Hornets.”

  “That is a possibility.”

  “We need to find out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Have you found them yet?”

  “No, I haven’t, Sam. However, I’m taking my personal ship out to see if I can track them.”

  “Why do you need that ship?”

  “It’s faster than anything the Realm possesses and it has better tracking systems. I’ll keep you informed of what I find.”

  “Do you know if she’s still alive?”

  “I have no way of knowing. If she is, I’ll find her.”

  Sam hugged Jixie, “Be careful, I couldn’t live if I lost both of you.”

  Jixie nodded and disappeared.

  • • •

  “Pixie, can you feed your thoughts into the recorder?”

  “I can. I’ll keep an eye on the Silver Ship’s home world. You need to follow what happens to our ship once it launches the ball.”

  “I’m having it teleport here after three jumps.”

  “Are you ready?”

  Ken took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, “Send the activate frequency.”

  Pixie nodded and focused on the small grey ship hanging in open space. “You know it’s a shame we can’t have a probe at the starting location.”

  “It could be traced back to the Realm.”

  Pixie nodded and sent the frequency.”

  • • •

  The planet was located in a star system with a large sun. It was far out from the large star and was located in the habitation zone. Its surface only had a third of it covered in oceans and the land masses were huge. Most of them had been covered with extensive buildings and the population numbered close to a trillion beings. Pixie watched and Ken saw her thoughts. The Captor Ball emerged into normal space already glowing brightly from the blast that had started inside the teleport field. It was instantly struck by a bright orange beam and the brilliance of the ensuing blast was blinding. The shock wave rolled out and hit the planet melting it. The temperature of the planet sky rocketed and exceeded the temperature necessary to start a fusion reaction. The planet exploded and began burning. Pixie saw thousands of silver warships blown away from the blast but they were not destroyed.

  Ken turned his attention to the space outside the layer they were in and saw the small grey ship arrive four seconds after the ball was teleported. A second later ten Silver Ships arrived and fired on the small ship collapsing it into nothingness. The ten ships were joined by a thousand others and Ken watched as the ships all oriented themselves in different directions. Pixie joined Ken and said, “They’re scanning creation for ships like the one they destroyed.”

  Ken shook his head, “It’s a good thing we didn’t make any more. I thought the Silver Ships would have been destroyed by the blast.”

  “They were pushed aside. The planet was too massive to move and took the full force of the explosion.”

  Ken shook his head, “It looks like we’ll have to use the Hornets.”

  “I don’t see how we can avoid it. Even if we destroy all their planets, the ships will still be able to start a massive attack on the rest of Creation.” Pixie stared at the Silver Ships scanning creation and sighed, “We need to go.”

  Ken nodded and jumped out of the layer.

  • • •

  Ken hit the communication panel and said, “Sprigly, we’re going to stay away from your lab. Since we won’t be piloting one of the ships we’re going to lose, it’s not worth the risk of continuing to come to your location.”

  “That is a very wise decision.”

  Ken heard the thought and said, “They’re there, aren’t they?”

  “The King’s son is here.”

  “Are you going to be able to build what we need?”

  “It’s already been done. I knew we’d need a different ship from the one used in the trial so I had several factories produce eight thousand of them.”

  Pixie said, “Eight thousand!?!”

  Ken nodded and said, “We’re going to have to make the Silver Ships go to the Hornet’s galaxy.” He thought back to Sprigly, “Where are they?”

  “They will be activated with the same frequency you used on the other ship. Ten of them will launch a Captor ball and start teleporting to different locations.”

  Ken shook his head, “You are without doubt the most amazing being I have ever encountered. It was the building of those ships that got you caught.”

  “It was and I’m currently awaiting the arrival of the Senior Elder of my species. I will not be able to put him off like I have the Prince so if you’re going to do this it should be done quickly.”

  “Where are you sending the extras?”

  “The first ship activated will send you the coordinates.”

  “Thanks, Sprigly.”

  • • •

  The Elder Algean arrived in Sprigly’s lab along with Sam and Admiral Mirabal. Sprigly’s leaves turned light brown and knew that the time for deception was over. He might delay the leaders of the Realm but he could not deceive the leader of his species.

  The Elder looked at Sprigly, “You’ve been doing something without getting approval from our allies.”

  “I have.”

  “What have you been doing?”

  “Before I answer, I must ask if
you’re going to do anything about it?”

  “That is not your concern.”

  “I don’t want to disagree with you, Eldest, but it does concern me.”

  Suddenly Eyes and Vremel appeared in the lab and Eyes said, “He’s telling the truth. You really should stay out of this.”

  Sam said, “Why would we do that?”

  “Because your interference could lead to every being in the Realm being killed; are you willing to take on that responsibility?”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Mica who was also surprised by the statement. The Eldest said, “What if we agree to do nothing?”

  Eyes looked at Sam and Mica, “I believe that you would keep that promise but the humans will not.”

  Mica said, “How can you say that?”

  “Because we know you and you have never stayed out of events that threaten you even when you knew the odds were stacked against you. You act impulsively and that could get everyone killed.”

  Mica stared at Eyes, “Everyone?”

  Vremel said, “Every living being in the Realm and all their planets will die if you intervene.”

  Sam stared at the two giant creatures then turned to Mica, “Can we agree to stay out of this until it’s resolved?”

  Mica looked at the Zord and said, “An advanced species is being attacked.”

  “It is.”

  “And if we are seen by them, we will be attacked.”

  “Not by them.”

  Mica’s eyes furrowed and he turned to Sam, “Uncle, the Crown will follow your suggestions on this. I’m out of my league on this.”

  Sam looked at Eyes and said, “How long will this take to resolve?”

  “We’ll know within a two days.”

  “Then tell me what’s going on and I’ll give my oath that we’ll not do anything until this is over.”

  Eyes looked at Vremel and saw him nod. “Commodores Clarke and Pixie Robbins are currently launching an attack on the most powerful aggressive civilization in Creation. They have already caused the destruction of two civilizations that were starting an expansion into Creation. This last species will complete the removal of the most powerful enemies of the Realm.”

  “How are they able to do this?”

  “They lured the first two into a galaxy that is inhabited by a species that will destroy any life form that enters their domain. The first two were lured there and they were completely eradicated. Commodore Clarke is a special creation of our Mother that cannot be seen by the creatures in that galaxy. If any being or ship from the Realm enters their Galaxy, their civilization will be destroyed. Only Commodore Clarke is able to remain invisible to them and he is currently starting an attack that will lure the final species into that galaxy.”

  Sam his fear grab his heart, “Are you saying that Pixie would be seen by these creatures?”

  “Only Commodore Clarke is invisible to them. As long as Pixie remains beside him she will be protected by the field he produces.”

  Mica saw Sam’s expression and said, “What’s wrong?”

  “Jixie is out looking for Pixie.”

  Eyes looked at Vremel and said, “She must be stopped.” He turned to Sam and said, “Tell her to come back. Do it now!”

  Sam shook his head, “I can’t see her when she’s hiding. No one can but Pixie or her species. I have no way to get in touch with her or her people.”

  Eyes shook his head, “Why did she go?”

  Sam blew out a breath, “I was worried about Pixie. She went because of my fear.”

  Vremel stared at Sam and said, “What ship is Jixie in?”

  “She’s using the one she came here in originally.”

  Eyes said, “Then the Realm will probably not be attacked but her species will if they see her. Every one of her people will be killed.”

  “But Jixie is in a human body.”

  Vremel shook his head, “Those creatures read the frequency given off by any being. Even though she’s in a human body, she still gives off the frequency of her species. If she were in a ship built in the Realm, every ship would be destroyed but the people on the planets would be ignored. Since she’s in a ship that was built by her species, they will be the ones attacked.”

  Sam said, “We’ve got to stop her.”

  Eyes shouted, “You can’t!! If the species that is being lured to that galaxy sees one of our ships they will send one of their ships here and destroy everything. You can’t even go and look for her without endangering the entire Realm.” Sam’s expression was clear to everyone present and Eyes said, “You have disregarded our warnings in the past and still just barreled ahead doing what you thought you should. That is why we’ve not shared what was happening with the Realm. You are uncontrollable and even now you’re willing to put every planet in the Realm at risk for your own selfish reasons. You will not go looking for her.”

  Sam was feeling desperate. Mica reached over and grabbed his arm, “Sam, your duty to the Realm comes first. Are you willing to kill every citizen on Ross for this?”

  Sam shook his head from side to side and said, “It’s my fault.”

  Vremel said, “Don’t make it worse than it already is. You will remain here with us until this is resolved.”

  Sam took a deep breath and slowly nodded.

  • • •

  Pixie looked at Ken, “Are you ready?”

  “I am. Send the first frequency and when the ten ships disappear, wait four seconds and send the frequency again.”

  “Are you sure Sprigly set it up that way?”

  “The pattern is clear and I know it will operate just like I would do it.”

  “How are you so sure?”

  “Because I am not the only one created to use against those species. I was activated first but if something happened to me, Sprigly would have been used to carry out the plan. He sees patterns just like I do.”

  Pixie slowly nodded and sent the first frequency. She waited four seconds and sent the frequency again. “Done.”

  Ken jumped the ship into the layer in the Hornet’s galaxy inside a star system with a blue and green planet circling the star in the habitation zone. Three seconds after their arrival, more than four thousand orange ships arrived in orbit around the planet.

  Jixie stared at the Silver Ships planets and waited. Suddenly ten of them exploded and she jumped into the layer around the first one to explode. She watched thousands of ships disappear and she followed them out into deep space where they were joined by thousands of other Silver Ships. She arrived as the last small orange ship was destroyed. She watched as the thousands of ships began maneuvering.

  • • •

  Pixie watched the Silver Ships start orienting in space to scan Creation and saw one of them suddenly turn bright silver. All of the others stopped moving and oriented in the same direction as the single bright ship. Pixie said, “A Hornet has arrived.”

  The giant creature arrived at the planet and began scanning the orange ships around it. Right after its arrival, more than a hundred thousand Silver Ships arrived and they began attacking the ships around the planet as well as the Hornet. Ten orange beams hit the Hornet and its purple field expanded as it collapsed.

  Ken said, “Do you know what things will cause a nest of hornets to attack?” Pixie turned to Ken and shook her head. “Usually motion close to their nest will trigger an attack. It goes without saying that any contact with the nest will also cause them to attack. However, when a hornet is killed it releases a pheromone that when smelled by other hornets will cause a vicious attack. I suspect that the purple field that expanded just before that Hornet died is the equivalent of releasing pheromones.”

  The Silver Ships gave chase to the small orange ships that began randomly teleporting around the galaxy. The fifty thousand Silver Ships holding station above the planet saw that there was no sign of a civilization on the planet and were trying to determine what to do next. The decision was made for them when half a million Hornets appeared i
n their mist and began destroying them with white energy balls. The battle was on and it appeared to be even. Thousands of Silver Ships appeared and the fight took on a savagery that was incredible.

  Pixie shook her head, “The Hornets may not win this.” Ken nodded but then the Hornets went to a speed that was unbelievable. He looked at his panel and saw that they were moving close to light speed and the Silver Ships were having tremendous difficulty targeting them.

  Ken saw one of the Hornets suddenly stop and appear to be scanning an area of empty space. Why would it do that? Suddenly he knew. “Pixie, I’m going to drop my field for an instant. Tell me what you see that Hornet scanning.”

  Pixie looked surprised but when the field dropped she yelled, “MOM! GET OUT OF HERE!!”

  “What, what.”


  Jixie felt the horror and fear in Pixie’s thoughts and jumped away. Ken saw the huge creature turn and start to give chase but it stopped and turned back to the fight with the Silver Ships.

  Pixie looked at Ken with her fear evident, “Do you think it…”

  Ken slowly nodded, “It saw her.”

  Pixie put her hand on her throat, “On my God.”

  “We’ll have to deal with this after this is over.” Ken had turned on the communication system to contact another ship and he suddenly noticed the high pitched sound coming out of the speakers. He turned the volume up and the sound was like a high frequency chain saw cutting down a giant tree. Pixie raised her eyebrows and Ken said, “That’s the sound of a Hornet attack.”

  They turned back to the battle and saw that the Silver Ships were being destroyed at an alarming rate. Ken said, “Let’s go find your mother.” Pixie nodded and the small ship jumped out of the Hornet’s galaxy.

  • • •

  Pixie was almost in hysterics and Ken said, “You need to pull yourself together. We need to see what happens and we are going to need your Mother’s help. She is going to need your support to get through this.”


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