Simply Sex

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Simply Sex Page 22

by Dawn Atkins

  And Kay was late, which annoyed him more. He wanted to get back to Lulu…and moping.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  At the familiar voice, his gaze shot up to find Kylie looking down at him. He lunged to his feet, making his chair scrape against the floor. “Kay” was obviously “K.” Jane was something else.

  Air crackled around her and men watched her like the first time, but she only had eyes for him. A loose dress danced around her body like the mischief dancing in her eyes, still the shiniest he’d ever seen. Mischief and something else that stopped his heart.


  “No problem,” he said, struggling to control his voice and his hopes. “In my experience, the best dates start a little late.”

  “I’m sorry to inform you that your date couldn’t make it tonight,” Kylie said, moving closer. “Will I do?”

  “Absolutely.” She was the song in his heart, the light in his life, just as Gail had described her husband. He hauled her close and kissed her deeply, surprised at how fiercely she returned the embrace. This was new. This was strong. He realized with happy relief that she’d been holding back all along. Right now she was squeezing him so tightly she might have a cracked rib.

  She broke off the kiss and looked at him with eyes hot with love. “Cole.” She seemed to taste the word on her tongue. “How did that sound?”

  “Like you love me.” She’d said his name as if her life depended on him. He wanted it to.

  “I want to wake up Sunday mornings smiling into your eyes.”

  Where had she got that…? From his video. “Hell, I thought I told Gail to erase that part.”

  “I loved it, Cole. Every desperate and embarrassing word.”

  “Then I guess I made that tape for you.”

  “We need each other,” she said. “To do it right. To know when it’s time for Friday Night Stand-Up or at least to tape it for watching later. To know when to order Mexican food.”

  “Whenever I smell frying lard, I long for you.” He was so happy he wanted to whoop out loud.

  “I was thinking maybe we could get a dog?”

  “Already done. Lulu. She could be Radar’s twin. I’m training her to deposit her opinions outside, however. What about L.A., Kylie?”

  “I’m staying here. Keeping K. Falls PR. I’ll do contract work for S-Mickey-B, but I don’t need some big firm to validate my abilities. You helped me see that. I’ll still have travel and I won’t have much time for charity balls or volunteer boards of directors or—”

  “Who cares? I’ll be too busy planting your garden. How do you feel about decorative cabbage? And you’ll be taking more baths. Long, long, hot baths. And not alone.”

  Kylie looked into Cole’s eyes and for the first time let herself accept his love. She didn’t shut down after a few scary seconds. She took it in and let it swirl through her, despite the fear, the risk, the worry.

  Since her talk with Janie, Kylie had let herself slow down, let in the world and her reactions to it. It wasn’t easy and it involved some pain, but it also made life more vivid. And nothing was more vivid to her than the love she felt for Cole.

  “I was scared to love you, scared it wouldn’t work out. Janie helped me see that.”

  “I told you she was wise.”

  “Yeah.” She’d begun to see Janie’s business through new eyes, too, and had some innovative promotion ideas to go with it. Though Janie hardly needed help. The rebuttal news piece had gone so well, the phone was ringing off the hook with new clients.

  She no longer saw Personal Touch as silly and desperate and sickeningly romantic. It was sweet and serious and sturdy with hope. For every sappy song playing overhead, Janie had a sensible file folder with compatibility scores. Head in the clouds, feet on the ground. That was how Janie approached love. And it was how Kylie would approach it, too.

  “Help me be brave, okay?” she said to Cole.

  “I’ll consider it my life’s quest,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “Along with making you happy. And making you the best chile relleno you’ve ever tasted.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’re a self-starter and a team player, right?”

  They laughed together, the sound like magic, like heaven. There were no guarantees, as Janie said, but they had faith and work and love. Tons of that.

  Then they kissed and she became vaguely aware of applause. They separated and found three waiters clustered around their table with the small candlelit cake she’d requested.

  “What’s this?” Cole said, his eyes shining with love and surprise.

  “Our anniversary—one-month to the day that we had our mistake date.”

  “Best mistake I ever made,” Cole said.

  Together they leaned over and blew out the candle. And Kylie knew without guessing that their wishes were a perfect match.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5945-8


  Copyright © 2005 by Daphne Atkeson.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15




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