The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1

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The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1 Page 4

by Shadahyah Elizabeth

  “I’m glad you asked,” Hugo said, as he leaned back in the chair and folded his arms across his chest. He knew that he had Thomas right where he wanted him. He had that effect on people. Most of the time, he could get a person to tell them what he wanted to hear with just a look or a smile, because he knew how to intimidate people and his reputation spoke for itself. “Are you hiding anything from me?”

  Thomas shook his head no. “I’m not hiding anything?” His voice went up an octave higher as he spoke. Though he wasn’t hiding anything, the mere accusation alone made him feel as if he were a child being scolded by his parents in the worst way possible.

  “Really, is that why there is sweat on your brow, sir?” Hugo asked, toying with him.

  Thomas quickly got out of his chair and kneeled before Hugo. Though a part of him knew, the Duke was only toying with him, he couldn’t risk being wrong, so placing both hands on the floor, he began to beg for forgiveness. “Please forgive your foolish servant, sire, I mean not to offend, I have no secret hidden from you, but if my life is compensation for my crime, please take it.”

  Hugo laughed, “Arise Thomas, you have proven to be a man of honor, and therefore have passed the test.”

  Thomas took in a deep breath of relief. He was right. “Thank you, sire.” Thomas stood up then sat back down in his chair. His eyes locked on the desk in front of him, fearful that if he looked up at the Duke, he would die.

  “Now the reason for our visit is because we have gotten word that a traitor was hiding in this village.” Hugo informed Thomas. His tone was still filled with amusement, which made it hard for Thomas to understand if he was being serious or not. However, the way he was looking at him, told Thomas, that if he didn’t give him a proper response, he would be Hugo’s next victim.

  “Trrraaaiittttoooorr?” Thomas stuttered as if it were hard to speak. “Are you sure, sire?” Though it wasn’t the way he wanted it to sound, he figured that this reaction would convince Hugo, that he was a good guy and that he was willing to help if this was true.

  “Yes, and it's very important that we find this person. The king is willing to reward you handsomely for your cooperation.” Hugo replied, looking as if he were studying Thomas’ face, trying to make sure that he was really as clueless as he claimed to be.

  “I’ll do whatever I can.” Thomas assured him. He had no quarrel with the king, and was willing to do anything if it meant his village would be safe.

  “Good to hear that Thomas!” Hugo said, as he sat up in the chair and leaned close “Now,” He continued. “What I'm going to need you to do is get all of your people together, and instruct them to hand over their daughters—preferably the ones 17-18.”

  Startled, Thomas stood up and looked Hugo square in the eye. “Why would you want their daughters? What do they have to do with the traitor?” Thomas asked confused.

  “That is none of your concern, Mr. Black”, Hugo snapped, “Now, are you going to do what I am ordering you to do?” The irritation in his voice was enough to make Thomas quiver and return his attention to the floor. He did not want any trouble, however, the thought of asking his people to surrender their daughters without any explanation, went against everything that he believed in.

  Maybe if I explain to him or get him to explain to me why the king needed them, we could come to some kind of agreement. Thomas thought to himself, though a part of him knew that Hugo was going to have his way one way or another. Calming his heart, and keeping his attention to the floor, Thomas spoke, this time in a much calmer, almost gentle tone. “I will do as you command my lord, but could you tell me why sending them to the king is so important?”

  “As I have said before, that is none of your concern. Your only job is to convince them. Besides, having them do as I have ordered will help us flush out the traitor.” Hugo informed him.

  Thomas’ head popped up like a spring and he looked at Hugo with a puzzled look across his face. How could teenage girls, lead to the traitor? But instead of getting all the words out, all he could say was, “How?”

  “You shall see.” Hugo explained.

  “Understood.” Thomas grabbed a small bell that was resting on his desk, he then stood up and walked to the door. Caleb and Zach moved to block his way, but Thomas could tell that Caleb didn’t want to do it, he was just following orders. Poor soldier. He thought. He then turned around and saw Hugo behind him, glaring at him like he was ready to stab him with his sword.

  “Where are you going?” Hugo asked in a voice that sounded like a hunter stalking his prey.

  “Nowhere sire, I just have to ring the bell in order to get everyone’s attention.” Thomas informed him.

  “Bell?” Hugo asked curious.

  “Yes sire, that golden bell on the top of the building is our way of alerting the people to come to the village square for a meeting.” Thomas stuttered. The last thing he wanted to do was ring that bell, however, he knew that if he didn’t listen to the Duke, then he would die, because that was the kind of man Grand Duke Hugo was.

  Caleb and Zach opened the door and Thomas walked through. He then rang his small bell and three men in long white blue and green robes approached him. Each man’s head was covered by a hood and their heads were down in order to avoid eye contact with the mayor and his guest.

  “Yes sir.” One of the men asked in a deep raspy voice.

  “Ring the bell, I have news.” Thomas ordered. The men bowed, then turned and walked swiftly down the long hallway. Thomas walked back in the room and both Zach and Caleb closed the door. A few moments later, the bell rang and Thomas walked towards the balcony, with Hugo following behind him. “What should I say to them?” He asked Hugo.

  “You’re the mayor, think of something,” Hugo replied condescendingly.

  Upon hearing the sound, all the villagers expect Elizabeth and her father stopped what they were doing and came to the square.

  My good people, I have just received news from these fine soldiers, that the king will be holding a ball for Crown Prince Joshua in the next couple of days.” He paused. He was trying to make sure that he could get his lie out without alarming anyone. He then looked back at Hugo, who was standing behind him with an evil look on his face, and piercing eyes that screamed: “IF YOU DON’T FINISH, YOU WILL DIE!”

  In order to avoid death, Thomas put on a big smile and continued, “That being said, they would like for all the young eligible women, preferable between the ages of 17 and 18, to come with them back to the castle tonight. If you would please get your daughters ready for the trip, the carriages will pull out soon. That is all.”

  After he had finished speaking, all the people rushed home in order to get their daughters ready for what they believed would be a blissful occasion.

  Thomas slowly backed away from the balcony and into the room, letting the door shut behind him. In that moment he felt lower than a slave in the castle. All he wanted was to open up that door and tell his people to run. But from what? This man had yet to give him an explanation as to why the king wanted these girls, and his gut was telling him that whatever the reason was, it couldn’t be good and he should avoid asking anymore questions. However, his duty as the town mayor and his own guilty conscious was eating away at him like a virus of some sort, and that could only be cured by asking the one question he knew he shouldn’t.

  In the midst of Thomas’ thoughts, Hugo joyously walked over to him with the same look on his own face, saying “you’ve done well, Thomas.”

  Hugo replied while placing a hand firmly on Thomas’ shoulder, as if they were friends who hadn’t seen each other in years.

  Thomas looked up at Hugo as if he were a baby lamb separated from its mother and Hugo was the predator lion, just waiting for and opening to kill his prey. Thomas knew he was going to die, it was only a matter of time before Hugo or one of his men took their swords and rammed it through his chest. Still, Thomas needed to know, he couldn’t die without learning the reason for his death, so against his better jud
gment Thomas spoke, “Why are you looking for girls, when it is the traitor that you are after?”

  Hugo smiled. He then took his sword and ran it through Thomas’ chest. “That is none of your concern.” He said, as Thomas fell to the floor, dying with the sword still in his chest.

  As his blood oozed out of him, he couldn’t help but think about the last words his wife said to him. She had told him that he was going to be a father again and this time she believed it to be that boy that he had always wanted. Her face was the last thing he wanted to see before he died, smiling back at him and joining him in the afterlife when they were older; however, that dream was no more. He would never get that opportunity, nor would he ever see the face of his unborn son.

  As the noise began to fade and the room grew dark, Thomas looked over towards the soldiers standing by the door. The younger one seemed familiar, only Thomas couldn’t place his face, and his words couldn’t escape his lips.

  Suddenly the room was dark and Thomas was lying on the floor, dead with a sword in his chest; eyes still staring at the young soldier with the same curiosity they had when he was alive.

  “Did you have to do that? He was being cooperative.” Caleb asked, angrily. After working under him for so many years, Caleb had grown used to Hugo’s rude behavior and lack of sympathy for people he deemed less than him. However, this was too much. The fact that he had to stand there and watch Hugo insult the mayor of that town was one thing, but to actually watch him kill the man for no other reason but because he felt like it, completely baffled Caleb and made him hate Hugo even more.

  “Now Prince Caleb, when you become captain one day, you can decide who lives and dies. But until then, shut up and follow my orders.” Hugo said, annoyed and walking towards the door.

  “Your orders were to find the traitor and the criminals, not kill the town mayor because he asked you a question.” Caleb retorted. His eyes were filled with both rage and anger. Anger at Hugo for killing the poor man, and anger at himself for letting him. One thing was for sure, he had no plans of letting Hugo get away with that.

  “My orders were to do whatever I had to bring them back to the castle. His death was necessary and I’m sure your uncle would agree, cousin.” Hugo said spiteful. Why the king decided to take in the son of his traitorous brother, he didn’t know, but one thing was for sure, he was going to get rid of him even if he had to dirty his own hands in order to do it.

  “Right.” Caleb said, in disbelief and turning away from him.

  “Where are you going?” Hugo asked as he pulled the sword out of Thomas, before he wiped it clean.

  “To find them, I’m pretty sure if your spies were indeed telling the truth, they would be halfway out of town by now.” With that he walked out of the room, leaving Hugo and Devon standing their speechless.

  “There is only so much I can take.” Hugo said to Devon.

  “Would you like us to deal with it now?” Devon asked with his head bowed and eyes glued to the floor.

  “No, now is not the time. We have to find the perfect opportunity to attack or everything that I have worked for will be destroyed. So until I give the order, do not attack.” Hugo ordered.

  “As you wish, sire.” With that they walked out of the room. Once outside, Hugo and Devon witnessed the people loaded up their daughters onto the carriages that the soldiers had brought with them, while Caleb wandered around, aimlessly searching for his father or traces of him having been there.

  “Excuse me.” Caleb politely said to one of the women in the village. Her name was Martha, and she was short with golden blonde hair and blue eyes and she was an even bigger gossiper than Renee. Whatever happened in that village, she was the first to know, which was why everyone went to her if they wanted to know the ins and outs of the town.

  “Yes sir.” She said, smiling back at Caleb.

  “Are these all of the young women in the village?”

  She thought about it for a second then shook her head, yes. “I think so.”” She replied unsure.

  “Oh. Thanks.” He said, as he hung his head in disappointment, while thinking to himself, why did I come here? I should have listened to Joshua when he said it was another wild goose chase. He then turned to walk away, but was stopped by her calling out to him.

  “Everyone is not here.” She informed him.

  “How many people are missing?” Caleb asked, hoping she would say what he wanted her to say. The fact that there were people missing, was enough for him to feel as if after so many years, his search was finally over. All he needed now was for her to tell him if one of the people missing was a man that many, including his uncle, claimed looked a lot like him.

  “There are a total of three families missing, sir.”

  Having overheard the conversation, Hugo decided to walk over towards the two. “Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude but did you say that some people were missing?” He asked, with a smile. To her it sounded harmless; however, his eyes screamed of anger and irritation; a look that Caleb had known all too well.

  “Yes, your grace, Caroline Gibson, Cara Harrison and John Kimache's family are not here.” She replied.

  Caleb’s eyes widened as he found it hard to contain himself. One of these families or even all of them could end their search for his father and the criminals. “Any idea where they live?” Caleb demanded.

  “At the top of the hill, their houses are the biggest ones.” Martha replied.

  “Thank you, ma'am.” Hugo and Caleb started to walk away.

  “Sir.” Martha said, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Yes ma'am.” Hugo asked, turning around to face her.

  “Why are you so interested in them?” Martha asked, she did not want anyone but her daughter to be chosen, and the fact that he was asking about people who weren’t there, bothered her.

  “Well the invite is for all the young eligible women in this town. How would they feel if they were left out?” He said. “Speaking of which, they do have daughters, right?”

  Martha thought to herself about whether or not to tell them about the girls. She could lie and say no, but then she would get into trouble for lying to a Duke, and her chances of being the mother in law to the crown prince would be over. Then again, who says they would find out? After a minute of thinking about it, she finally answered his question. “Yes, John has one, and she's 18, Caroline has 4, and the oldest girl is 18, and Cara has 3, and the middle one is 18 also. Come to think of it, they turned eighteen today.” She said, after realizing what day it was.

  “Really?” He asked, both excited and annoyed that he might have found what he was looking for.

  “Yes, your grace.” She replied.

  “Thank you, ma'am, you've been very helpful.

  “You’re welcome your grace. You know, you look a lot like John.” Martha said, smiling at Caleb.

  Caleb looked at her shocked. “Come again?” He asked her.

  “John, you look a lot like him. Are you two related?” She asked innocently.

  “We’ll know once we see him.” Hugo explained. With that, they walked away.

  “He’s here.” Caleb said, excited.

  “Of course he is, my spies would never lie to me.” Hugo said as they made their way back towards their horses.

  “Let’s just hope he’s still here. I’m sure our arrival sent him back into hiding.” Caleb warned.

  “Even if he went back into hiding, at least we have what we came for.” Hugo argued.

  Caleb laughed. “Do you really think my father would leave something so valuable out in the open? Trust me, they are with him.” He explained.

  “Unless you have proof, keep your opinion to yourself.” Hugo ordered as they made it back to their men who were standing by the horses, awaiting further instruction. “There are three more girls up that hill. You men come with me.” He said, pointing to a group of soldiers, including Caleb, “The rest of you burn this place to the ground.” He ordered as he got back on his horse.

sp; “What??” Caleb asked, shocked. “On whose authority?”

  “The kings’.” Hugo informed him.

  Caleb’s eyes widened as he tightened his grip on the reins. “There is no way my uncle ordered this. And there is no way that I will stand by and allow you to murder these innocent people. For as long as he had worked under Hugo, he has seen firsthand how ruthless he could be—always taken things that didn’t belong to him, including women, and killing those that got in his way Caleb had tolerated as much as he could, but this was his breaking point.

  “If you don’t want to see it, take nine men with you and search the houses up that hill.” Hugo ordered. This was not the first time that Caleb had questioned his authority in the field and Hugo knew that as long as he was alive, this would not be the last. The only thing left to do, was figure out the perfect way to get rid of him, without getting caught.

  “Do you really think I’d go up there and allow you to kill these innocent people?” Caleb asked sharply. It was in that moment that he decided that it would be the last time he ever worked under Hugo. He would ask his uncle to move him to another squad, anything to get away from his scheming cousin.


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