Sullivan's Ridge: A Christmas Tale
Page 7
“I might, for a price.”
“What…” she was having trouble concentrating. “What price?’
“I want to court you, Miss Connie.” He kissed her throat. “I’m pretty sure your father would’ve approved, you think?”
“Mmmmm,” was as close as she could get to agreeing.
“I’m going to court you, Miss Connie. Because I think you’re right that having a husband will make running Sullivan’s Ridge easier. I’ve got the experience, and I love this place. Almost as much as I love you.” Would she ever get tired of hearing that? “I’m going to court you, and I’m persistent. And after you agree to marry me, I’m going to make the sweetest love to you, just like I’ve been dreaming about.”
She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her. She thought of how lucky she was, to know such a good man, and to know that he loved her. He’d even forgiven her lies, acknowledging that she’d had valid reasons. And he wanted her, as much as she’d been dreaming about.
His blue eyes were cloudy with passion, but she read the question in them.
“What do you say to my plan, Miss Connie?”
“I think that, all things considered, you should just call me ‘Connie’.”
“So you’re saying that you’re going to let me court you?”
She reached up and gently stroked one cheek, reveling in the heat and the stubble beneath her fingers. “I’m saying, Nick,” she smiled as she thought of their future together, “That you don’t need to court me at all. I’ll marry you.”
Joy lit up his eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out her mother’s ring.
“I love you, Connie.”
“And I love you, Nicholas Anderson. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Sullivan’s Ridge—and to me.”
He gently lifted her left hand and slipped the ring onto her fourth finger. They were both still smiling when their lips met.
Merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year!
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