Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 19

by Amber Lacie

  I flop back down on my back, throwing my arms over my face. This sucks. Theron sucks. Everything sucks ass right now. "Fine. I'll go, but I'm not happy about being shipped off."

  "No one is asking you to be happy. We just want you to eat and possibly shower. You're an adult, and you need to start figuring out where you are going from here."

  Refusing to look at my mom, I hear her sigh and leave the room. Deciding to just get this over with, I grab some clothes, and head to the shower.

  It helps a little, but it’s nothing like Theron's shower. I'm going to have to find a job that pays well because I need a better shower. I've been spoiled.

  I'm going through the bag my mom packed me, and double-checking my purse for everything I need when Robert walks in. Not saying a word, he sits at the end of the bed. I look around my room once more. It was my bedroom for nineteen years, but it feels so strange to me. I walk over to my closet to shut the doors when I notice a box on the floor labeled ‘Matt's’.

  "What's this?"

  Robert closes his eyes, looking down towards the floor. He sighs, "That would be a box."

  I glare at him. "I know it's a box."

  "It's from Matt. He had it in his closet, the other side has Evelyn written on it. I figured you wouldn't want it in the garage, so I brought it in here."

  "Oh." I stare at it for a few minutes, chewing on my bottom lip. "Did you open it? Do you know what's in it?"

  "No, my name isn't on the box."

  "Oh." My stomach feels sick. Wiping off my sweaty palms on my jeans, I pick up the box.

  "Stop! You shouldn't lift it with your hand."

  I turn around holding it with my good hand. "It's fine. It's very light."

  "Are you taking it?"

  "I don't know." I just stand there holding the box looking at Robert. Neither of us speak. Grabbing my bag, he slings my purse over his shoulder, causing a laugh to escape my lips. "That looks good on you. It really brings out the color in your eyes."

  "Shut up, Eve. Just carry your box and keep your comments to yourself." Turning around, he walks through the door with me following close behind. We are walking through the living room towards the front door when my dad spots us.

  "Robert, I have to say that's a rather nice purse you have." I giggle again, and Robert turns to look at me over his shoulder. His stare is deadly, and I quickly break eye contact.

  "Evelyn, let him put your things in the car while we talk for a few minutes." I roll my eyes. I don't want to talk about anything.

  Robert takes the box from my arms and loads everything into my car. "Say what you need to say, Dad."

  "I want you to know, your mother and I both love you very much. I'm not sure what happened between you and Theron, but maybe you should just take some time to yourself for a while. Maybe you guys rushed into things. It's just something to think about." He wraps me in his arms, squeezing me tightly. "I love you, sweet pea."

  "I love you too." He lets me go as my mom walks up beside him. She gives me an encouraging smile as I leave. I slide into my car and give Robert a nod of my head.

  I follow him to his house, which surprisingly isn't that far. My parents live close to the beach, but not on it. It's a good ten-minute walk from their back porch to the beach. Robert's house is directly on the beach. His driveway is steep, so I make sure to use my emergency brake as I park. It's a quaint two-story beach house. It has a small garage and a wraparound porch. There's a set of wooden steps off the side of the porch that lead to the back of the house and bottom of the sand dune.

  As I lean against my car, I notice how quiet it is, despite being so close to a public beach. Of course, it's only spring, so it's likely to change once summer comes. Robert parked in the garage and is pulling the door down as I unlock my trunk. There's no sense in waiting for him. I don't have much since I am now stretched between three separate houses. I should probably get my things from Theron, but I would have to talk to him and I'm not ready for that.

  I follow Robert into the house and set my stuff down on the bench in the mudroom as we walk in. Slipping off my shoes, I walk into a small kitchen. It has a little breakfast nook tucked in the corner by a window.

  "I'll give you a quick tour, and then you will be on your own for a bit. I'm giving an online class to some new employees in about an hour. I have to make sure I have my computer on and program open by then. This is the kitchen. That's the fridge and there's the stove."

  I follow him as we walk down a hallway into a beautiful sunroom with floor to ceiling windows and a sliding door leading out onto the deck. There's a gray sectional sofa and a coffee table. He doesn't have anything on the walls or any decorations. I'm assuming it's because he's just moved in.

  I walk over to the window and place my palm on the glass. The view is breathtaking. I watch the waves slowly wash up on the shore.

  "So, the bathroom on this level doesn't have a shower. The one downstairs with the bedrooms does though." He walks back into the hallway and I follow him down the stairs across from the bathroom.

  Robert stops at the bottom in front of two doors, one on each side of the hall. "This one is mine," he points to the one on the right, "and this one is yours," he says as he points to the one on the left.

  I open the door to a rather dark room. It is charcoal gray, with dark hardwood floors, and a dark blue rug in front of a futon. Glancing up, I notice one window and a ceiling fan with a light.

  "There's no dresser?"

  "Nope. I'll have to figure that out later." He continues down the small hallway, which opens in to a large family room. There's a large flat screen television mounted above the fireplace and two leather couches. There are no tables, but an upside-down laundry basket next to a couch with a dirty cup on it.

  I raise my eyebrows at Robert, giving him a questioning look. "Don't judge me. I'm single and I just moved here. All my stuff is still in California. It's being packed up. Hopefully, it will arrive within the next couple of weeks."

  "I didn't say anything."

  "You didn't have to. You gave me the look mom gives me when she's questioning my choices."

  Shrugging my shoulders, I turn around, taking in all the spacious room. I point to a door in the corner, "What's in there?"

  "The bathroom. I have no clue why it's in the living room. The layout of this house is weird, but it's cheap for being a beach rental. There's a sliding door over there behind the curtains, which also leads to the beach. It's a private beach so you shouldn't have to worry about too many people being out there.”

  "What made you decide on renting a beach house? Why not just rent an apartment in Chicago?"

  "Because for what I would have paid for the apartment in Chicago, I could have rented two beach houses. I love the water. I don't like being so far from it. I will definitely miss surfing, though."

  "Yeah, the waves are definitely not big enough for that here."

  "So, that's the house. I need to get everything set up for my class. Feel free to do whatever. I would suggest a swim in the lake, but since it is April, I know you'll freeze your ass off."

  "Yeah, I'm not going in the lake anytime soon." I know from past experiences the water is almost always cold.

  "I was thinking we could watch some Netflix tonight. I'm going to order pizza for dinner. I noticed The Princess Bride was on there the other day, if you're interested."

  "I love that movie."

  "I know." He walks away leaving me with a little smile on my face. Maybe being here will be better than staying with my parents. I have nothing from Matt or Theron here, but then I remember the box. I'm suddenly curious to know its contents.

  I make my way back up the stairs to grab my stuff. Once I have it in my room, I try to make sense of it all.

  Leaving most of my clothes in my bag, I'm able to hang a few up since there were a couple of hangers in the closet. I take a couple of books I brought with me and set them in the windowsill by the bed. All that's left is the box that Matt left me. I wa
nt to go through it, but I stop myself.

  I flop down on the futon and close my eyes. Not even two minutes go by before I hear my phone buzzing in my purse. I don’t want to talk to anyone. Theron and Kayla have been texting me since Monday, but I ignore them.

  It buzzes again and I decide to check it. I grab my phone. It feels so heavy in my hand. My stomach sinks, taking a deep breath, I swipe open the screen to view my text messages. I now have seventeen unread texts from Theron and six from Kayla. The one I just got isn't from either of them. In fact, I don't recognize the number. I open it.

  Several questions quickly come to mind, but I dismiss the first one. I know how Isa got my number. Theron must have given it to her. The next question is more a cluster of questions. What exactly did Thomas do, how was it directed at Theron, and why does it include me? I shake my head. I need to be done with this. My dad is right. I need to take some time to myself.

  Grabbing the business card out of my purse, I schedule an appointment for next week with the surgeon.

  "Hey, butthead." Robert is leaning against the doorframe. "I see you got all your crap."

  I throw my pillow at his face. "It's not crap."

  "I know. Do you have a few minutes?"

  "Sure. What's up?"

  "I just wanted to know what happened. What did he do?"

  "What do you mean what did he do?"

  I start pacing back and forth. So much for getting past this. "Did you know he already knew me? We met when we were younger at the beach. He hung out with us for a summer. I forgot, but he didn't. He followed me around for six months, before I finally ran into him at the laundromat. I should have questioned it when I saw his house, but the idea never came to me. I was too wrapped up in him. Then I find out my new boss, or should I say, my ex-boss, is his ex-fiancé. If he hid those things from me, what else did he hide?"

  "First off, stop. You are going to wear a hole in my new rug. Did you let him explain? Maybe he didn't tell you those things because he thought you would freak out and run. Does it matter if he was engaged before?"

  "Yes, it matters!" I'm furious. I stand in front of him clenching my fists at my side, my chest heaving with rage. How could it not matter? "He fucking lied to me!"

  "No, he didn't."

  "What?" I feel like I've been slapped across my face. Robert is defending him. This is bullshit.

  "He didn't lie. He should have probably told you those things, but you were going through something most people don't. I think he was worried it would break you."

  Wiping tears from my eyes, I slide down the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest. "Everyone loses someone eventually."

  "True, but how many people go through exactly what you did? Just because everyone loses someone eventually, doesn't mean it hurts any less. Listen, Theron asked me to go to the game with him on Saturday. He said you were supposed to go, but since you won't talk to him, he asked me."

  "Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to a baseball game with him after he lied to me?"

  "You know what, Eve? You need to grow the hell up. Everyone has been walking on eggshells around you. He didn't mean to hurt you. Pull your head out of your ass. Get your shit together and deal with all this." Robert stomps off, slamming my door behind him.

  He didn't lie to you. Robert's words keep replaying over and over in my head.

  I need to know exactly what happened. I only know two people who could explain everything to me. I refuse to talk to one of them. I'm not ready for that, so I decide to respond to Isa's text.

  I wait a few moments, but I get no response. Deciding I need a break from everything, I throw my phone in my purse and head upstairs. Maybe a drive will clear my head.

  Robert is sitting at the breakfast nook, eating cereal. Grabbing the box in front of him, I can't help but laugh, "Seriously? How old are you?"

  "Thirty-one. What's your point?" He snatches the box of cereal from my grasp.

  "I thought Trix were for kids?"

  "Screw off. I'm technically someone's kid. Besides, they're really good."

  I grab a bowl from the cabinet, taking a seat at the table as my phone starts to ring.


  "Ha! More for me." Robert has a huge grin on his face.

  I'm glad someone is happy about this. Reaching into my purse, I grab my phone.


  "Evelyn Davidson?"


  "This is Detective Marcus Cright. I'm calling in regards to the events involving a Matt Stephenson. If you'd like, we could discuss this matter in person. As you are a firsthand witness, we wanted to inform you of an update on the case. We have already spoken with the family, and were informed to call you personally."

  Everything around me comes to a complete halt. My lungs begin to burn. Realizing I'm not breathing, I take a deep breath.

  "Hello? Ma'am?"

  "Yes, I'm here. I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting your call."

  "Would you like to set up a time for a meeting?"

  "Is it necessary? I just…this is incredibly difficult as it is. Do I have to come in?" Turning my head, I cast a glance at Robert. He's sitting perfectly still. Everything is so eerily calm.

  "No, it's not required for you to come in. I wanted to personally give you my condolences. I'm so very sorry for your loss."

  "Thanks." Resting my elbow on the table, I rest my face in my hand while holding my phone with my other hand. I feel defeated. Every time I stand up and feel strong again, I get reminded of how frail I really am.

  "A warrant was issued for the arrest of Patrick Jennet. After running his prints through our database, we were able to find an immediate match. He has two prior warrants issued for public intoxication, assault, and theft. He was picked up yesterday. He will be held in the county jail without bail. Would you like to be notified of any court dates?"

  "Do I have to attend?"

  "Not now. If it comes to a jury, you could be subpoenaed as a witness."

  "Okay. Can you just keep me updated?"

  "Of course, ma'am. Have a good day."

  "You too." I tap to end the call on my screen. Gently laying down my phone on the table, I begin to cry. I feel Robert's hand softly rub my back. Wiping my eyes, I look over at Robert, his solemn expression comforting me. He's not going to push me. He's going to let me deal with this as I need to.

  "It was the police."

  "I guessed as much. What did they find?"

  "They were able to match prints against the knife and have someone being held in county jail. He has other warrants so he's being held without bail. They will notify me of any future court dates, or if they will need me as a witness."

  "I don't know what to say to make this better for you. I wish I could trade you places." He squeezes my shoulder, and I do my best to return a faint smile.

  "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."

  Staring at the empty cereal bowl in front of me, makes me realize how empty I feel inside. Theron was a way to make me feel, but now that he's gone, I feel hollow. I don't want to rely on someone else to make me feel again. I need to learn how to handle this on my own. Before all of this happened, I would lose myself in books, and let them ease my stress, clearing my mind. With that thought, I decide a trip to the bookstore is in order.

  "Robert, I'm going to go out for a bit. I just need to clear my mind. You know?"

  "You sure you don't need me?"

  "No. I'll be fine. I'm just going to browse at the bookstore."

  "Okay. I hope you find something good to read."

  "Me too." I grab my purse and sling it over my shoulder as I head out the door.

  The familiar ring of the bell announces my presence as I walk into the store. The smell of old and new books, assault my nose. Inhaling deeply, I head to the counter. I've missed this place.

  It's strangely quiet, not seeing Olivia or Harold moving about, I decide to take a walk through the store. I hear a noise in the back. I freeze all my movements until I
hear it again. It sounds like someone is pushing boxes across the floor.

  "Hello?" I call out to anyone who may hear me.

  "Yes, I'm in the back. I'll be right with you. Sorry, I'm just a bit short-handed today"

  Olivia comes walking out of the back-brushing dust and cardboard remnants from her slacks. "Evelyn, what a pleasant surprise. I haven't seen you in a few weeks. I was starting to wonder if you finally had enough books."

  "That, Olivia, is not a thing. You can never have too many books. I have had a rough couple of weeks, and I was hoping you could lead me to a smile."

  "If you don't mind me asking, are your rough weeks related to the Stephenson boy? I saw his name in the papers. Poor thing, he was always such a sweet boy."

  "He was one of my best friends."

  "I'm so sorry dear. If I had known, I would have sent a card or flowers to the funeral home."

  "It's okay. There were so many arrangements, I'm not sure I even know who they came from."

  "Yes, well, that's another matter. I've been rather bombarded here lately, and I'm having a hard time keeping track of what's what."

  "Where's Harold?"

  "He was trying to prove to me he didn’t need any help reaching some of the boxes in the back. He lost his footing, fell off his ladder, and broke his leg. He's resting at home, while I try to make a go of things by myself. I wish I had help, but I don't want to post any ads. I have no idea how long it will be, before he's back to his normal self."

  An idea occurs to me, sending a bubble of hope straight to my heart.

  THUMP! I press my palm to my chest and I feel it beating.

  THUMP! I know I just felt that on the inside as well.

  "Olivia, what if I help you? I recently quit my job, and I need something to help me pay bills between jobs. Could I help you out while I work on my resume?"

  "Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to. I'm not sure I could pay you what you were making before."

  "It doesn't matter. Anything is more than I'm making right now. When can I start?"


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