Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 26

by Amber Lacie

  “I have a right as your ex-fiancé. I was a part of this family once.”

  I bite my tongue, holding back my words of contempt for her. Theron pulls me into him, eliminating any space between us. I lay my hand on his chest, softly tracing the design in his tie.

  Glancing down at me, he gives me a soft smile. As his gaze moves back towards Bridgette, all of the light in his eyes fades. His stare is cold, angry, and murderous.

  Theron opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

  “That’s it though, isn’t it? You used to be a part of his family, but you no longer hold any position even closely related to be an acquaintance with Theron now. So, why are you here, Bridgette?”

  Her eyes narrow, as she sneers at me. “Why are you speaking to me? I’m not here for you.”

  I can feel Theron’s heart pounding in his chest. He doesn’t want her. It’s obvious, so why won’t she go? Theron moves his hand to my back, pulling me against his body, shielding me from her. I use this second to revel in his touch, knowing she’s not going to get what she wants.

  “Bridgette, you need to leave. You are not wanted or needed here. In fact, you were never wanted or needed. I have despised you since the first lie fell from your lips. Don’t try to better yourself in my eyes by showing up with some lame excuse of sympathy. Please, see yourself out before I have you escorted out.” Theron’s voice is flat and full of disdain.

  Her gaping mouth opens and closes like a fish. We turn away from her, leaving her floundering in waves of our disgust. Theron looks down at me. I return his gaze, with a corner of my mouth sneaking into a spiteful smile. He shakes his head at me as we walk away.

  “No, Eve.”

  “No?” Looking up at him with confusion, I stop walking.

  “No, Eve. I know that felt good. I know you feel like you’ve won against her. That feeling is addicting. You are sweet and pure. I don’t want you tainted by her. Don’t darken your soul because you are reveling in her demise.” Theron gently lifts my chin with his fingers. Beautifully colored eyes look back at me. I hate that they are dull with only a few specks of light left. I don’t want to be the reason they go out.

  “I’m sorry. I was just so angry. I don’t want her anywhere near you. She’s vile. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s plotting against us as we speak.”

  “She probably is. It’s what she does best, but I can’t handle losing you. I wouldn’t make it through the pain this time.” Theron’s eyes darken as he looks at me.

  “Hey. Stop. I’ve already told you, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You say that, but I’m afraid it won’t be under your control.”

  “Baby, just stop. Okay?”

  An older couple approaches us. Knowing they want to give their regards to Theron, I step away.

  I’m sitting outside on the bench getting some fresh air, when Kayla sits beside me. She lays her head on my shoulder. I know this move. She is going to turn into my mom.


  “Hey, yourself.”

  “So, how are you handling all of this? I swear your life has gone from ordinary to crazy over the last couple of months.”

  “I’m okay. I’m not worried about me.”

  “When’s the last time you ate anything?”

  “I had a banana this morning. I also had coffee and a muffin in the lounge.”

  Kayla sighs, rolling her eyes. It might not be the response she wanted, but it’s the one she got.

  “You need to take care of yourself first, or you won’t be able to take care of him.”

  “I know.” I stand to make my way inside when I notice another note on my car. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Seriously?”


  Kayla follows me over to my car. I snatch the note from underneath the wiper blade. I cannot believe she had the balls to leave another note on my car at a funeral home. Who the hell does that? I’m fuming, as I read the note.

  Shit. I don’t need any more stress. I already feel like a rubber band ready to snap.

  I start pacing back and forth, but Kayla stops me with her hand, grasping my shoulder. She spins me around to look at her. She must think I’ve lost my mind.

  “What the hell are you mumbling about? What’s on the note, Eve?”

  “Bridgette. God, I hate her. She keeps leaving these little snarky notes on my car.” Handing Kayla the note, her cheeks redden as she reads it.

  “Are you sure this is from her?”

  “Who else would leave a note threatening my relationship with Theron?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it was his dad. He seems devious enough to do it.”

  “I thought about that, but he’s running a business. If he’s going to destroy us, or me for that matter, it’s not going to be by a note stuck to my windshield. It must be her. She was the only one here tonight.”

  “Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. What I don’t understand is why leave the notes?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe she thinks if she can scare me enough, I’ll leave. She’s wrong, you know. I won’t leave him again. I can’t. I tried and every day I felt like I was dying inside. I don’t want to feel that empty again.” Leaning against the hood of my car, I bury my face in my hands. I try to hold back the tears, but a few of them sneak down my cheeks.

  “Shhh. It’s alright. I’ll go with you so you can give the note to Theron and see what he thinks, okay?”

  I’m shaking my head back and forth before she even finishes her thought. “What? No, that’s not an option. Have you lost your mind? He’s been through so much, he’s already broken, and you want to try and tip the scales by giving him a note that may or may not be from his ex-fiancé? No. Nope. Not happening.”

  “You can’t keep this from him. What if it’s not from her? What if it’s from someone else? Have you even thought of that?”

  “Yes, I have. I’ll tell him eventually, if they keep happening, but for right now he doesn’t need the added stress.”

  “God, you are so stubborn.”

  “The same goes for you! I’m not giving him the damn notes.”

  “Fine. If you need me, I’ll be inside.”

  Kayla spins on her heels, stomping back to the front doors. I watch her blonde curls sway back and forth until she disappears through the doorway.

  Theron is holding my hand in his, as we say goodbye to the last of the guests. Tomorrow is the funeral. It’s going to take so much out of him.

  I look around for Evan, but I can’t find him. “Babe, where’s Evan?”

  “He left a little bit ago. He’s going to stay at his sister’s place tonight. I think staying at the house is too much for him. I don’t blame him. It’s almost too much for me.”

  I have no words to offer him, so I gently stroke my fingers up and down his arm.

  Stepping aside, I give Theron a few minutes alone with his Gram. The other rooms are now dark and locked. The hair on my neck stands on end and I shiver. Funeral homes are incredibly creepy in the dark.

  The doors open and I watch Theron walk towards me. He looks exhausted. His eyes are swollen and puffy, with dark circles under them. He looks so defeated.

  The drive home is short, but quiet. The thought of telling him about the notes enters my mind a couple of times, but I push it back. It’s not something we need to deal with right now.


  I’m sitting on the edge of Theron’s bed, watching him pace back and forth in his flannel pajama pants that hang so perfectly on his hips. I’m enjoying my view, but I swear he’s going to wear a hole in the carpet.

  “I don’t understand what the issue is. It has been three days. Surely, he has had enough time to go over the contract. He’s intentionally doing this just to piss me off!”

  My shoulders sag, as I let out a deep sigh. After Isa’s funeral, Theron took a week to himself. We mostly laid around the house. He was too depressed to eat, let alone go anywhere. I finally got him to eat a full meal after I threatened to
stay the night at Robert’s. Thank goodness my threat worked because there was no way I would have gone through with it.

  On Monday, he went into Isa’s office to get the files she had on Rowe Inc. He looked everything over in detail before setting up meetings with the last three remaining board members at Rowe, who had not signed contracts with G.I.L.F, yet. His first meeting was Tuesday morning with Howard. It didn’t take much convincing for him to sign the contract Theron presented him with.

  By three that afternoon, the contract and non-disclosure agreement were not only signed, but also properly filed away. It was the same day Theron also met with David. He was turning out to be quite the hard sell. He was extremely loyal. After all, Thomas had made him millions over the years. Who wouldn’t be loyal?

  Theron is an excellent chess player though. He knew every move David would make. Even before he touched his first pawn, David was outmaneuvered. However, he is proving to be difficult. He refuses to go out easily.

  Nothing I say is going to make a difference, but I offer my thoughts anyway. “Maybe, he just wants to make sure of every possible outcome before he signs. He’s probably just being cautious.”

  “Cautious? He signed the non-disclosure without hesitating. He didn’t even care to read it. It’s Friday. He’s not being cautious, he’s fucking with me! My final meeting is with Anthony on Monday. I swear, if I don’t have his signature by the time I have Anthony’s, he’s going to find me waiting in the parking lot for him. It would be rather difficult for him to walk his fat fucking ass around without any kneecaps.”

  My eyes widen at his harsh words. Normally, I would roll my eyes at anyone being so dramatic, but I’m not a hundred percent sure he’s not serious. Theron is a broken man, and broken people can become desperate. I need to distract him.

  “Orange isn’t your color.”

  Theron abruptly stops pacing, as he looks at me. “What?”

  “Orange isn’t your color. Prison life wouldn’t work out well for you, babe. I love you, but I’m not sure you could handle being someone’s bitch.” I raise my eyebrows at him, as he stares me down. The darkness, which had taken control of his features just seconds ago fades, as he looks at me.

  “Oh, beautiful, you have it all wrong. They would be my bitch.”

  “So, you’d rather have a prison bitch than me?” My words provoke him. I want a reaction out of him. I want him to show some kind of emotion towards me. Anger has consumed him, except when it comes to me.

  I’ve gotten nothing from him since the funeral. No kisses. No touching. He hasn’t even given me the slightest glimpse of the man I fell in love with. I know if I can distract him from all of this, even if just for a second, he would come back to me. Maybe it wouldn’t bring him completely back, but it would be a start.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Everything is hanging on the decision of one man, and you make a fucking prison joke. Then, you question whether I want you or not. What the fuck, Eve?” His words are hard. He’s so incredibly pissed, perhaps provoking him wasn’t my best idea.

  I wanted an emotion from him and I got it. It’s just not the one I wanted. My anger towards his words turns to anger towards myself. Hot tears run down my cheeks, as I turn my head away from him. Screw him. This is not at all what I wanted.

  “Oh, beautiful. What have I done?” Theron’s soft fingers lift my chin to look at him. He lowers himself to the floor, kneeling in front of me. Using his thumb, he brushes away my tears. “Please, don’t cry.”

  His words don’t help. They only cause me to cry harder. Climbing onto the bed, he pulls me with him. I bury my face in his chest, as my body shakes from my sobs. I feel so out of control. I’m upset, but this is ridiculous. I can’t stop crying.

  Trying my best to calm down, I take a couple of deep breaths.

  “Eve, please stop. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

  “No, it’s not that. I mean, yeah, you probably should reign your anger in a bit, but that’s not why I’m crying.”

  “Then why are you?”

  The heat from his hands moving up and down my back, send goosebumps racing across my skin. This is what I’ve wanted.

  “Because I need you.”

  “You have me.”

  “No, I need to feel you.”

  “Look at me.” He tilts my chin up, as I wipe my face and stare into his beautiful green and brown eyes. “I always need you. I always need to feel you. I’ve neglected you in all the craziness. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”


  “For starters, how about this?” His soft lips gently brush mine. A moan escapes me, as I open my mouth to him. His tongue sweeps across my lower lip before it tangles with mine. I arch my body into him, my breasts pressing against him as my nipples turn to hard peaks, and my panties are already wet with desire. I need him so bad. My hands wrap around his neck and grip onto his hair, pulling him on top of me.

  He disperses his weight by pushing himself up onto all fours with me beneath him. Dragging my bottom lip through my teeth, I take in the sight of his perfectly fit body hovering above me. The muscles in his arms and chest are enough to make someone drool, but it’s his perfectly cut stomach that makes me hot all over. I know where that ‘v’ leads to, and I can’t wait to feel it send me into utter bliss.

  “Do you like what you see?” He chuckles, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “God, yes. I need you so bad.” I dig my fingers into his shoulder trying to pull him back down, but his arms are locked straight.


  “No, not today. I need you to fuck me, Theron.”

  He seems happy, as he rears his head back with a loud booming laugh, but when he looks back down at me his eyes are dark and hungry. My sexy, gorgeous man is licking his lips as if he’s going to devour me.

  “Be still.”

  I know better than to question his motives. I lie very still, barely breathing, waiting for his next move. His hand slides into my black yoga pants and my breath hitches, as his fingers skim the inside of my panties.

  Desire tugs at the knot between my legs, wanting to break free. “Please,” I whisper, begging for his touch.

  “Shhh, be still.” His hands roam underneath my shirt, lifting me just a little, as his fingers undo the clasp of my bra. “Hmm. What shall I do to you? Gentle or rough?”

  “Rough. Oh, God, please rough.” My back arches, as he pulls hard on my nipple, twisting it between his fingers, sending sparks flying through my body.

  “You are not very good at following directions tonight. Be still.”

  Grabbing the hem of my t-shirt, he pulls it over my head. With one quick grasp, he pulls my bra off, throwing it behind him.

  “I don’t want to leave any marks on your perfect skin, so I’m going to improvise. Don’t ask any questions.” He takes my shirt, pulling it tightly, and wraps it around my wrists, so I can no longer move my arms. His fingers brush against my legs, as he slowly pulls off my pants, then my panties.

  I am squirming. I can’t control it. If he doesn’t touch me soon, I’m going to die. “Please, Theron.”

  “Shh. I bought you something the night before you walked out on us. I think now would be a good time to give you that present. Close your eyes.”

  Drawers slide open and close. I can hear his feet pad along the soft carpet, and his breaths are calm. He’s so relaxed, and I’m a ball of exposed nerves, ready to explode from the slightest touch.

  “I want you to feel these first.”

  Something cold and metal brushes between my breasts, causing a chill to creep up my spine.

  “Cold.” The words escape my lips, before I can even finish processing the thought.


  My nipple stings and burns from the pleasure of his slap. I moan, from his rough touch.

  “Do not speak.” His voice is calm, and collected, but I know something dark lies just beneath the surface. “I originally bought these beautiful clamps for you
r delicious nipples, but you want me to fuck you. You want me to take my pain out on you. I don’t want to give you pain, I want to give you pleasure, but sometimes they come hand in hand. Pun intended.”

  I feel the cold metal of the clamps swirl around my nipples. There’s a slight pinch, but it doesn’t hurt like I thought. It’s more like pressure, constricting my blood flow, causing my nipples to plump.

  He slides a finger through my wet folds, circling my clit before thrusting it deep into my pussy. “Yes. More!”

  “I wanted to taste you, take my time with you, savoring every little bite, but I don’t think I’ll be able to last that long.” With a slight tug on the clamp, my nipple is released and blood rushes to my hard peaks. It feels incredible.

  A harsh breath escapes me, as I feel a clamp grasp one of the outer lips of my pussy. It squeezes me, pinching me, it’s rough, but I breathe through it.

  “Good girl. Take another breath.” Breathing deep, I feel another clamp clench onto the opposite side. He gives a soft tug on the chain. “Open your eyes.”

  Instantly, my eyes spring open, staring down at his hand holding tightly to the chain between my legs. He hooks the chain over his thumbs, pulling it taught, spreading my pussy open for him. My eyes roam his body. To my surprise, he’s completely nude. Disappointment fills me, knowing I wasn’t able to watch him shed his clothes. It’s quickly replaced with anticipation, when I feel the tip of his cock rub against my clit.

  “You are so fucking wet.” He slowly slides himself deep into my pussy. Closing my eyes, I let out a deep moan. “Open your eyes, Eve. I want you to watch me fuck you. I want you to watch how badly your body needs me, craves me, as I slide in and out of your slick cunt.”

  Holy hell. His words alone send my nerves shooting off in all different directions. I watch, as he slowly and steadily slides his hard cock in and out of my wet pussy. Our breaths are ragged and strained.

  My toes curl, as he leans down, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth, as he lightly nips at me. “Oh, God! Theron!” His name is a strangled cry, as my body explodes around his hard cock.


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