Book Read Free

Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

Page 34

by Amber Lacie

  “I guess I feel out of place. I’m not used to this.”

  “Okay. Tomorrow will be breakfast in the kitchen. We can save the dining room for dinner, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  Rebecca places a plate of toast, yogurt and granola in front of me. My stomach rumbles, as I glance from my plate to Theron’s. He has toast, eggs, bacon, and two links of sausage.

  “I thought you might not feel well. Is your food okay?”

  “It’s fine. It’s just that you have bacon.”

  “You want my bacon?”


  “Not happening.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I don’t share.”

  “I call bullshit. I’m pregnant. I claim all rights to bacon within five feet of me.”

  “Fine.” Theron hands me a piece of bacon, grabs his plate, and heads into the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You said within five feet. There’s no way you are getting the rest of my bacon. I’m eating in here.”

  I let out a loud laugh. This man is crazy protective over some bacon. I have just finished my toast, as he takes his place back at the table.

  “How was the bacon?”

  “Delicious. Thank you. I want to talk to you about tomorrow. When I went to the doctor, she scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow morning at nine. Do you want to come?”

  “Does she think something is wrong?”

  “No. It’s just to see how far along I am.”

  “Do you want me there?”

  I slip my hand into his and stare deep into his colorful eyes. My heart flutters in my chest. I wonder if I will always feel this way when I look at him. “Yes.”

  “Okay, then I’ll go. Evan is ready for you whenever you are. Promise me that you won’t go anywhere without him.”

  “I said I wouldn’t.” I lean across the table and softly place a kiss on Theron’s lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Have a good day, beautiful.”

  Standing, I push my chair back from the table. As I walk towards the front door, I can’t help but be thankful for how agreeable he is being this morning. I have a huge smile on my face, as I approach Evan’s car.

  “Are we not taking my car or Theron’s?”

  “I thought it would be best if we went in my car today. It’s most likely less recognizable to whoever is leaving the notes.”

  “Oh.” I slip into the back seat and buckle my seat belt. I thought this was Isa’s car. Maybe it was, and it is Evan’s now. I don’t bother asking because it doesn’t matter anymore since Isa is gone.

  Evan hasn’t said anything more about her. Although with everything going on, I haven’t taken the time to ask. “How are things, Evan? I worry about you.”

  “You don’t need to. I’m just working on breathing right now. Besides, you’ve definitely kept me busy the past couple of days.”

  If you were going to look at the positive side of things, at least I have kept Evan distracted.

  The drive is quiet. There is no music, no conversation, but lots of room left for thoughts.

  As we pull up to the bookstore, it starts to rain. Evan opens my door and holds an umbrella over my head. It’s not necessary, but I don’t bother arguing.

  “Eve, I’ll just be outside.”

  I stop, as I open the door. He can’t be serious.

  “You’re going to wait all day in the car? Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”

  “I’ll be close.” He slides into his car and shuts the door. I would hate to be anyone going up against him. He is huge and grouchy. That cannot be a good combination.

  “Olivia?” The doors open, but there are no lights on in the front of the store. Where is she? “Olivia?”

  “I’m in the back!”

  I walk into the backroom to see Olivia surrounded by boxes of books, tools, and something that is supposed to resemble a bookshelf. “What is all of this?”

  “Well, I ordered some new shelves, but I have to put them together. There are instructions in the box, but I was trying to wing it. I think I need the instructions.”

  “You definitely need something. Let me turn the lights on and I’ll help you.”

  It doesn’t take long for me to figure out the instructions. Olivia watches me, as I start taking apart the shelf and start organizing the pieces.

  Wiping sweat from my forehead, I look to check the clock and notice that it’s almost noon. Kayla should be here for lunch soon.

  Olivia and I have already put together three bookshelves. I am sure we could have gotten a couple more done, but taking apart the first one took a little bit longer than I wanted.

  “Olivia, do you mind if I take a lunch? I was going to wait for Kayla, but I’m starving.”

  “Sure, dear. Go ahead. Are you going to one of the food trucks?”

  “Yep. You want something?”

  “Just bring me back a sandwich of some kind. Take a twenty out of the cash register. Lunch is on me.”

  I love this woman.

  My grandparents on my dad’s side live in Florida, and I hardly see them. My mom’s parents are retired in Arizona. What is with old people and warm weather? If I could choose Olivia as an adoptive grandparent, I would.

  As I leave the store, I look for Evan, but I don’t see him anywhere close. It catches me off guard, and knots form in my stomach, as I walk towards the courtyard where the food trucks are parked.

  I order Olivia and me each a sandwich and I grab a bag of chips for me. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand on end, as I pay for our meal. Turning around, I slam into a large broad chest. “What the hell?”

  “I should be asking you that.” I look up to see Evan glaring at me. He is pissed. I have never noticed before, but when Evan is mad, his nostrils tend to flare out like a bull. He grabs my elbow and pulls me alongside him, as we walk back towards the store.

  “I was hungry. I looked for you and you weren’t around.”

  “I was around. I was across the street. I watched you come over here. You could have texted me or even called me. I would have brought you lunch.”

  “Olivia sent me for sandwiches. I don’t want to freak her out by having some big brute deliver us lunch because I’m afraid to leave the store. You know, because that would look so normal.” I roll my eyes for added effort just to make sure he catches onto my sarcasm.

  “Next time, you let me know.” He drops my arm and stomps off in a hurry back towards the store, leaving me trailing behind him. He is so frustrating.

  When I get back to the store, I see Evan through the window talking with Olivia. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen.

  The bells chime as I walk through the door. Olivia greets me with a big smile.

  “Eve, why didn’t you tell me you had such handsome friends?”

  “Because I don’t. Evan feels the need to follow me around.” I quickly walk past Evan, hoping that if I ignore him, he will go away.

  “I’m just doing my job, Miss Evelyn.”

  I quickly turn around on my heel. “Knock off the ‘Miss’ bullshit, Evan. I agreed to you taking me today. I didn’t agree to you following me into my workplace, and harassing my boss.”

  “Calm down. We were just discussing how much of a help you are. She tells me you were building shelves this morning. Should you be doing heavy lifting?” Evan leans back across the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, and raises an eyebrow. I hate playing chess with him.

  Olivia’s gaze travels back and forth between Evan and me with a worried look in her eyes. “Eve, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, it’s fine.”

  “Actually, Olivia, it’s not. My friend, Theron, is Eve’s boyfriend. I’m sure you’ve heard his name mentioned.”

  “Once or twice. I over hear Eve and her girlfriend gossip sometimes. Not that I’m listening, Eve, it’s just you’re so loud.”

  The needle in my bullshit meter is al
l the way in the red. She overhears, my ass. I have caught her snooping before.

  “Evan get to the point. Why are you in here?”

  “No. I’m talking with Olivia, not you. Olivia, did you know Eve shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting?”

  “I wasn’t. They are bookshelves made from composite wood, Evan. It’s not like they weigh all that much.”

  “Okay. Everyone stop. You two are making my head swim. Evan, why are you here bothering my sweet, Eve? Shouldn’t you be off doing something else?”

  Ha! I knew she loved me. Olivia stands at the plate ready to take on whatever Evan throws at her.

  “Well, at first I came to see if she was hungry, but it looks like she has that taken care of. She should eat, and quit moving heavy things. Especially in her condition.” Evan winds his arm, and throws the first pitch across the plate. It looks like this is going to be a fast one.

  “Quit trying to lead this discussion, just tell me what you want to say. Do not play chess with me, boy.” Olivia hits it, but it is a foul ball. Strike one.

  Evan winds up again. You can see the look of determination written on his face. “Okay. Eve is pregnant. She hasn’t been feeling well the past couple of mornings, so Theron, her boyfriend, who also happens to be my employer, sent me to keep an eye on her today.” He has just thrown a curve ball.

  “Eve, you’re pregnant?” Olivia swings at the pitch, but spins around completely missing it.

  “She is. I’m her bodyguard. I’m here to protect her and she left the building without me.” There it is folks, the very last pitch. It sneaks in right over the corner of the plate. Olivia doesn’t even have time to swing. She stands at the plate, as the ball rushes past, unable to respond.

  “Bodyguard? Eve, just who are you dating and why didn’t you tell me about the baby?”

  “Evan, this is exactly why you were supposed to stay outside. You want to play the employer card then fine. You are to leave this store at once. You will wait for me in the car for the duration of the day. If you cannot abide by those simple tasks, I will call Theron, letting him know I had to fend for myself and get lunch on my own. You left me unattended and alone, as I walked to the park, and had to carry everything back by myself. There’s no possible way I could have defended myself against anyone or anything with my hands full.” Checkmate. I cross my hands over my chest and tap my foot. I dare him to challenge me. Instead, his face turns completely red and he slams the front door behind him, as he stomps off towards his car.

  “Olivia, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he would be coming into the store. It was not my idea.”

  “Wait!” Olivia yells for me, as I walk into the back of the store. “Wait. Evelyn, didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s not nice to make an old woman run?”

  “No, they haven’t.” Laughing, I turn around to find Olivia all out of breath. I sit on the floor, pull out my sandwich, and take a bite. “Here.” Handing Olivia her sandwich, I take another bite of mine. So far today, I haven’t felt nauseous at all. I am going to take full advantage of it while I can.

  Olivia sits beside me, opening her sandwich. “Today was interesting.”

  “Yep.” The bells chime on the front door and I go to stand, but Olivia shakes her head at me.

  “If you need something we are in the back!” She yells out into the store. She is so trusting. Anyone could steal from her, and she wouldn’t be any wiser.

  “You got lunch without me. You’re such a hooker, Eve.”

  “Hello to you too, Kayla. Have a seat. We are having an interesting day today.”

  Kayla joins us on the floor, stealing my bag of chips. “You guys should invest in a table and chairs. This eating on the floor is for the birds. Also, what’s with the mess?”

  “We are building shelves. Want to help?”

  Kayla has never used a tool in her life. She looks at me like I’m speaking a foreign language. “No, I don’t want to help. Is that why there’s an angry Sasquatch in the parking lot? He seems pretty pissed off. What did you do?”

  “It was nothing. I didn’t see him, and yes I did look, so I went to get lunch from the food truck.”

  “By yourself? Theron is going to be pissed.”

  “Can someone please explain to me what is going on?” Olivia looks over at Kayla, when I won’t give her an answer.

  Kayla looks away, too excited to be able to tell someone all of this. “Okay. This is crazy, but here it is. Eve is dating Theron. They met when they were younger, but she didn’t remember him at first. His dad, Thomas, is the owner of Rowe Inc., or was…until recently, but he doesn’t know that yet. Someone has been leaving notes on Eve’s car and she thought it was Thomas, but it turns out that it wasn’t him.”

  Kayla takes my drink from me, and takes a huge sip. First my chips and now my drink; I love her, but she needs to back off my food.

  “By all means, go ahead and take a sip of my drink.”

  “I did and it was refreshing. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Thomas knows that Eve’s pregnant because he knocked up Theron’s ex-fiancé, Bridgette, who ran into Eve at the doctor’s office. Bridgette was also our boss for a couple of days, when Thomas purchased the company we worked for, so that he could separate Eve from Theron. He hates Theron, like really, really hates him. Anyway, we know it’s not Thomas because whoever it was followed us to lunch the other day and left a note saying that he knew Eve was pregnant, but he didn’t know that Bridgette was.” Kayla grabs my drink again, taking another sip. She goes to hand it back, but I just shake my head at her. She obviously needs it more than I do.

  “In the meantime, Eve found out that she was pregnant and hid the notes and the pregnancy from Theron. To be fair to Eve, she did plan on telling him, but Theron got a text telling him congrats on knocking up the gold digger. Which we believe was from Thomas. Evan is Theron’s head of security, and I’m guessing he’s now Eve’s babysitter.” Kayla folds in her legs, waiting for Olivia’s reaction.

  “Wow…I just…wow. I feel like I just sat through a recap of a soap opera.”

  I finish the last bite of my sandwich and wipe my hands on my pants, standing up from the floor. “Well, now that we have a detailed summary of my life, can we please get back to work?”

  “Eve, does Theron know you are building shelves?”

  “No, Kayla, he doesn’t, and since you seem so concerned that I am, I am leaving you back here with Olivia. You can help her with the shelves, and I’ll go man the front of the store. The Allen wrench is next to the box of shelves.”

  “The what wrench?”

  “Good luck!”

  I leave the ever-stunned Kayla in the back with Olivia. I spend the rest of my day, dusting and reorganizing shelves in the front of the bookstore. I have only had to help a few customers. It ended up being a pretty easy day.

  At five o’clock, Olivia and Kayla call it a day. I stay behind to sweep the floors and lock up the cash register. When I get outside, Evan is waiting for me. He opens the rear passenger door and I slide into the car. Beautiful music is playing through the speakers. I smile softly, when I recognize the song. It is from Simply Three. Theron loves this band.

  “Thank you for not leaving the store this afternoon.”

  “Let’s not talk, shall we? I looked for you. How was I supposed to know you were watching me from across the street? If you were watching me, obviously, I was still safe. I didn’t need you coming into my work, making me look helpless.”

  “Is that what you think I did?”

  “Yes, it’s exactly what you did.”

  “That’s not how I see it at all.”

  “Of course you don’t. Can we just go, please?”

  “No, we aren’t going anywhere until you hear me out.” I let out a loud sigh, and cross my arms over my chest, staring pointedly at him in the rearview mirror.


  “This is how I see it. Theron loves you, completely, and with everything he’s got. You make his world move. I know w
hat it’s like to lose someone like that. I loved Isa with everything I had to offer. She accepted my love graciously and returned it only in a way that she could. No one else will ever love me the way she did. I would do anything in my power to bring her back, if only for a moment, just so I could tell her how much I love her.”

  My heart sinks, as he continues with his sharp words. “If Theron loses you, he’s going to snap. That man is going to break, and no one, and I mean no one, will be able to bring him back. So, I see this as me protecting my friend’s world. I see this as me protecting the one thing that he can’t live without. I see this as me protecting someone who isn’t just dear to my friend, but dear to me. Someone who opened a door for me and took me in when I was broken and falling apart. Now let me ask you this, how do you see it?”

  Shit. That was one hell of a guilt trip he just laid out for me. I drop my stare and turn to the window. A tear rolls down my cheek, as I whisper, “Take me home, please.”


  We pull up to the house and Evan comes around to open my door. Taking his hand, I step out of the car. My heart breaks for him, as I replay his words in my head. Leaning up on my toes, I place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Evan.”

  “No problem, just doing my job.”

  I head into the house, yelling out for Theron, as I slip off my shoes, but I don’t get an answer. I make my way upstairs, so I can change out of my clothes. I softly bite my lip, as I reach the top of the stairs.

  Rose petals are sprinkled along the hallway leading me to our door. As I push it open, I notice even more rose petals covering our floor and our bed, with some trailing to the bathroom. The balcony door is open, and I can see Theron sitting in a little chair by a small table. Those are new.

  “Theron, what is all of this?”

  “Do you like it? I wanted to surprise you. Come out here. I want to show you something.”

  I step onto the balcony, and I am speechless. Lanterns have been hung around the garden, lighting up the pathways with a beautiful amber glow.


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