Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 39

by Amber Lacie

  My beautiful Eve is strapped to a bed. There are metal handcuffs on her ankles and cloth straps tying her to the bedframe. Her face is mauled, bloody, and swollen. I can barely recognize her. Her left leg is twisted and blue. Without a doubt, I know that it is broken. It’s positioning is completely unnatural. Her hair is strewn around her head, some of it laying in vomit.

  Jesus Christ. My heart stops and starts a million times. They have broken her. She has been mutilated. If it wasn’t for the police standing in the door way, I would find my way to Anne. I would make her pay for all of this.

  Walking over to the bed, I try to brush some of her hair off her forehead. I fall to my knees, as I see how destroyed she is. My strong beautiful girl is lying broken and shattered in a bed, all because of someone else’s greed.

  Someone drags me away. A gut-wrenching sob rips through my soul, as I watch medics move around her. They carefully untie her limbs and check her breathing. They start yelling things to each other, as I watch one grab a bag from the floor.

  Tears fall from my eyes, as I hear someone yell, “She isn’t breathing!” and watch them check for her heartbeat. One person starts doing chests compressions, while someone else breathes into her mouth.

  Cutting her dress off, I hear the sound of the paddles before I see them.


  I can’t watch anymore. I drop my head to the side and pray to God they can save her. If she goes, I will follow. I can’t breathe without her.

  “She’s back. We’ve got her back. Get her ready and onto the stretcher.” They rush around her, bracing her neck and leg before carefully lifting her onto the stretcher. I stand on my feet, moving into a corner, so that they can move her down the stairs.

  Someone grasps my shoulder and I turn to see Detective Hallows standing beside me.

  “They will take her to the hospital in town, but I’m sure she’s going to be airlifted from there to Chicago. Come on, I’ll drive.”

  I follow him down the stairs and into the cool night air. Phillip is holding her brother, Robert, back as he screams for her. I have seen too many people break in my lifetime.

  I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him. He clings to me, begging me to tell him that she is all right. I can’t find the words. I can’t lie to him. All I can say is, “She’s breathing.” It is all that I have to offer him.

  Phillip takes Robert with him to get the girls. I slide into the detective’s car and we follow the ambulance. The bright red and blue lights flash across my face. Sirens blare into the night, and I am silent, as we follow the love of my life to the hospital.

  Doctors meet the ambulance as it pulls up, rushing her inside. I am pacing in the waiting area. They won’t let me back there with her. I am told that she crashed once on the ride over. They are going to stabilize her and then she will be airlifted to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I am also informed that I can’t ride with her in the helicopter. Only patients and the medical team are allowed.

  I call Evan, telling him to pack a bag for Eve and I. I am not leaving her side. I’m going with her, even if I have to follow by car.

  Once she is stable, they load her into the helicopter. The medevac nurse gives me the floor and room number where she will be, once she is stable and has been evaluated. Grabbing a pen from a clipboard, I write the numbers on the back of my hand.

  Hearing someone ask if I’m related to her, I open my mouth to speak, but the detective speaks up for me.

  “This is her husband. He’s to go where she goes.” He winks at me, as he nods his head and shakes my hand before walking away. I couldn’t be more grateful for his little white lie and for his help. I watch, as the medevac lifts from the roof of the hospital, taking my life with it.

  Evan is waiting for me outside the emergency room. This man is my savior. He has everything I have asked for.

  Sliding into the car, we drive into the darkness, headed towards Chicago.

  I don’t go to church, and I am not a religious man. I don’t know if God exists or not, but I pray anyway. I pray to anyone who will listen during the long drive. I pray they bring her back to me and pray for the life we created together. I offer my body up to take their place. I would offer my life for hers, but I can’t. I’m just an empty shell because my life is soaring in the clouds above us, fighting for hers.


  The room is full of cool and calming colors. It’s as if they know I might break soon. They tell me that she is stable now.

  I am pacing back and forth, waiting for an update on her. She was so badly beaten, I will never in my life forget how she looked tied to that bed, battered and broken.

  Eve’s parents arrived shortly after I did. Linda is beside herself. She keeps crying, mumbling about her baby. Phillip is sitting by her side with his arms around her shoulders. She keeps asking him questions, but she is crying so hard that he can’t understand her. It doesn’t matter. Nothing he could say would give her any solace.

  Robert is leaning against the wall next to the vending machine. He hasn’t said a word. I can feel him staring at me, as his eyes bore a hole into me. I know he hates me, but it is nowhere near the hatred and contempt that I feel for myself. I can’t look at him. I try not to look at any of them.

  My reflection catches me off guard, as I pace in front of the windows. The man I see before me is not someone I recognize. He is a hollow shell of who I used to be. There is nothing left in me without her. There is no hope, no light. There are only dark shadows twisting and consuming inside the hollow spot where my soul once was.

  Kayla went downstairs for some coffee. This must be so hard for her, since Eve is the only real friend she has left. When Evan said Anne was involved, I had my doubts. He had to be wrong, but when I saw her there, holding that gun to my face, I knew she was never the person that Eve thought she was.

  Someone in a white jacket walks past and we all hold our breath. As they pass us by, we collectively exhale, knowing there isn’t any news yet.

  Fuck. Why is this taking so long? This pacing is making me feel sick. I want to vomit.

  Sliding into a chair, I drop my elbows to my knees, hanging my head. My face stings from wiping it so much. I know men can cry, but damn. My gram told me when my mom passed, that love and heartache will cause grown men to cry. What she failed to tell me is how much I could love someone else. She didn’t mention losing the love of my life either, but then again, she didn’t know. I rub my hands over my face and through my hair.

  “God damn it! What the hell is taking them so long?” Robert kicks the garbage can beside him into the wall. If he wanted attention, he now has it. He starts pacing where I left off. I look up when a pair of black boots stop in front of me. Robert is standing over me, his fists clenched at his side. I know he wants to hit me, but I am not sure what is holding him back this time.

  I want him to hit me. I want him to pummel me until there is nothing left of me. I want to writhe in that pain, knowing I might catch a glimpse of what my Eve is going through.

  “I’m Doctor O’Connell.” My body jumps to its feet, as we all turn around to face the man in the long white coat. “If I could speak to Mrs. Davidson’s husband.”

  “I’m sorry?” Linda looks around confused. Robert catches on and starts to say something, but his dad kicks him in the leg.

  “I believe he means Theron.” Phillip pushes me forward and I follow the doctor to the other side of the room.

  “I’m sure you are aware of her multiple injuries. She’s been through a lot of trauma, and right now it doesn’t seem her body wants to wake up.”

  My ears are humming and I can barely make out what he is saying. I swallow, trying to regain my nerves. “I don’t follow. Can you be more specific?”

  He flips through papers on the clipboard in his hand. This can’t be good if he has to read them off. “There’s quite a lot. She has an isolated skull fracture with a cerebral contusion. In layman terms, it is bruising of the brain, most
likely caused by a blow to the head. She has some soft tissue abdominal bruising along her sides, as well as deep tissue bruising on her back. She has three fractured ribs and renal trauma. Her kidneys are most likely bruised from a severe blow to her back, which would also explain two of the fractured ribs. The other one is fractured on her chest. There is also more bruising along her ankles and wrists. Her shoulders will be sore from the state of the positioning she was kept. She also has a broken tibial plateau with a severe bicondylar fracture. She will have to have surgery and will most likely have screws put in place. Her knee is severely dislocated, as well as fractured. We were able to make her as comfortable as possible and she is stable. I want you to know that we have also run tests for traces of semen.”

  Shit. The ground sways under me. What the hell did that fat bastard do to her? If he wasn’t already dead, I would kill him myself.

  “Was she…did he…tell me she wasn’t raped.”

  “No, she wasn’t. We had some concerns when we saw the bruising on the inside of her thighs, along with her fingernails missing, it leads us to believe that she was defending herself. As I said, there were no traces or any injuries to that specific part of her body. We did run some bloodwork, x-rays and labs. Were you aware that your wife is pregnant?”

  “What?” Robert yells from across the room. “Are you fucking kidding me? She is pregnant and you let this happen to her. I’ll fucking kill you!” Leaping onto a chair, he knocks it over, as he jumps towards me.

  I don’t move, I’m frozen in place. Kayla and Paul come back just in time for Paul to help hold Robert back. Paul and Phillip are holding onto Robert’s arms. He is yelling, spit flying from his mouth. He looks like a deranged, rabid animal.

  “Do I need to call security?” The doctor is looking at us, as if we have all gone insane.

  “No, I’m sorry. As you can see we all love her very much, and we are deeply worried. “You said, ‘is pregnant.’ Is the baby okay?”

  “We did an ultrasound and everything seems to be okay. We will keep a close eye on her and monitor any changes while she is here. The orthopedic surgeon and anesthesiologist are with her now. Once she is out of surgery, and we make sure everything is as comfortable as possible for her, we will take her to her room. I was informed that you already have her room number.”

  “I do. I wrote it down before they took her in the helicopter.”

  “Good. You may wait here until she is settled. Anyone wishing to visit her, must be signed in. No one may stay overnight, apart from you, since you are her husband. As I said earlier, her body has been through a lot of trauma and she doesn’t seem to want to wake up right now. She is breathing on her own, which is a good sign. Sometimes the body puts itself into a coma. It is her own way of healing. I can’t guarantee you when she will wake up, but I do know it will be on her own terms.”

  “What do I do now?”

  “You wait. That is all any of you can do. Once she’s in her room, I will send a nurse to collect you.” He shakes my hand and gives a nod of his head to everyone else.

  I watch as he walks out of the room and down the hallway, disappearing from my view. I turn around to face everyone, now staring at me. I am sure they heard most of what he said, but I feel the urge to explain a little.

  “Eve’s knee is pretty fucked up. They are taking her back to surgery now. She has some broken ribs, a skull fracture, and lots of bruising.” All I see are eyes staring back at me, waiting for me to tell them a miracle, but I can’t. I am praying for one as well.

  “The baby is fine, but Eve is in a coma. The doctor told me that it’s her way of healing, and she will wake up when she’s ready.”

  Linda starts to softly sob, as Phillip embraces her in his arms. Kayla falls into a chair, burying her face in her hands. She’s not sobbing, but I know that she’s crying. Paul sits beside her, rubbing her back. I look back over at Robert. He looks as if he has seen death himself. He walks past me, as if I’m not even there. Sliding down the wall next to me, bending my knees up to my chest, I sit on the floor. Now we wait.

  Time slowly creeps by. No one has left the waiting room, besides to use the bathroom. I have no idea how long I have been sitting on the floor, but my legs are stretched out in front of me, completely numb. A nurse in pink scrubs walks into the room. My legs wobble, as I clumsily try to stand.

  “Mr. Davidson, if you’d like to follow me, I can take you to her now.”

  “Wait just a moment, please.” I walk over to Linda, placing my hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to go see her now. Will you come with me? I can’t do this alone.” Her head lifts with confusion and her eyes searching me for something. I have nothing to offer her, but my fear of what I will find waiting for me in that room.

  She takes my hand and kisses her husband and son on the cheek, before stopping to pat Kayla’s back.

  We head down the bright hallways, following the nurse. When we get to her room, and I push open the door. There are two nurses in blue scrubs moving machines, and propping Eve’s knee up on pillows. Despite her outer appearance, she looks peaceful as she sleeps.

  Her face is different hues of purples and blues; some are mixed together, creating new colors. Her leg is in a cast-type brace that is almost the entire length of her leg.

  A hand squeezes mine, and I turn my head to see Linda with tears sliding down her cheeks. “What did they do to my baby? Why Theron? Why would anyone ever hurt her? She is so sweet and gentle. She’d never hurt a soul.” Another sob escapes her and she places her hand over her mouth, trying to catch it as she walks over to Eve’s bed. The nurse brings Linda a chair, and I help her into it.

  Brushing Eve’s hair out of her face, she turns to look at me. “I know this isn’t your fault. I don’t care how you are connected to it. It is not your fault. I see the way you look at her, you love her. She needs you now, even more so with the baby on the way. She’s going to be broken and sore, not just physically either. It’s your job to put her back together, and give her whatever she needs to survive this. Don’t forget to love her. This is going to be hard, but you must be the one who holds everything together. Can I count on you to do that?”

  “Yes ma’am. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have loved her since I was fourteen. I have never stopped loving her, and I always will.”

  “Good. Let me sit with her just a few minutes longer, and then I’ll leave you two be. I will let everyone else know that they can come back in the morning. Do you need anything?”

  “No. I’ll let Evan know to bring my things up.”

  Linda gently places a kiss on Eve’s hand, just above her bandages.

  “How is Evan?”

  “He’s doing as well as expected.”

  “Give him my condolences, please. I know this must be a hard time for him.”

  “You knew?”

  “Your Gram came by the house with him. She wanted my permission to contact Evelyn, so she could explain some things. I watched them together. I could tell something was there, you could see it in the way he looked at her.” I watch, as Linda checks over Eve with one hand, gently touching her bruises and arms. She wipes away her tears, while still holding Eve’s hand, never letting it go.

  “I believe that I’m exhausted. I think I’ll head home now. Call me immediately if anything changes, good or bad. I want to be the first to know.”

  “Yes ma’am.” She stands and briefly kisses me on the cheek. Then she leaves me alone with my sleeping beauty.

  I send Evan a text, letting him know that I need our luggage brought up. Making myself comfortable in the chair, I take her hand in mine, and watch her as she sleeps.

  It’s not long before Evan comes into the room with the bags that I asked for. He doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t need to. Nothing he could say could make this any better, so he just stands beside me. After a few minutes, he squeezes my shoulder and then leaves me alone with Eve. I should never have left her alone. I wish I would have gotten to her sooner. I also wi
sh that Anne hadn’t shot Ben. I wanted to be the one to pull the trigger.

  A nurse comes into the room and records some stuff onto Eve’s chart. I suddenly feel exhausted. I excuse myself into the bathroom and change my clothes.

  When I come out, the nurse is gone. She laid out a blanket and a pillow for me on the blue couch by the window. It takes me a couple of seconds before I figure out how to pull it out into a bed. It’s not very big. In fact, I am too long for it.

  I try to make myself as comfortable as possible. Turning onto my side to face Eve, I lay quietly just listening to the beeps of the machine and her breathing. I don’t know how long I lay there waiting for sleep to claim me, but eventually it does.

  Nurses came in and out all throughout the night. Sleep seems pointless. Even without the constant stirring of people, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. Worry, and the feeling of helplessness is eating away at me.

  Giving up around five in the morning, I get dressed. I have just finished brushing my teeth, when I hear a knock on the door. I step out of the bathroom, as a young doctor walks in.

  “How is our patient this morning?”

  “Asleep. She looks like hell, and she’s still asleep.” I don’t mean to come off as an asshole, but it happens. I don’t care how I’m perceived or about anything else around me, except for my girl.

  “I know how frustrating this can be. She’s healing, and the rest is exactly what her body needs right now. I’m going to check the sutures on her leg. The swelling in her face has gone down immensely, which is a great improvement.”

  Anger seeps through me, as I watch him check her vitals and inspect her injuries. If I could get my hands-on Anne…I would burn her alive. I would light the match and take joy in watching her body burn to ashes. I want to hear her scream, knowing that I am the cause of her pain. She deserves every second of torture at the mercy of my hands.


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