A View to a Kill: (A Bird Shifter Novella) (King of Prey Book 2)

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A View to a Kill: (A Bird Shifter Novella) (King of Prey Book 2) Page 3

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Yes, Sachin. Yes!”

  He pumped vigorously. She had been made to fit him, of that he was sure. Fearful Paige would open her eyes and see him for what he truly was, Sachin planted kisses on her eyelids as he continued to move in and out of her. He lost hold of what little control he had and rooted himself deep within her, coming in waves. Each time seed sprung forth from his body and into hers, he felt as if he were sharing his soul with her. Sachin’s magik rose up around them. Additional feathers formed on his lower back, signaling he was on the verge of a full shift. Static energy surrounded them but Sachin was unsure why. Something niggled at the back of his mind. Something important. He couldn’t focus. All he knew was that it felt as if strings were wrapping from his heart to hers—binding them.

  Paige put her legs around his waist, panting and holding tight to him. The second her foot bumped one of his long, feathered wings, Sachin knew he had to end the moment. He pulled out, still dripping seed, the proof of her innocence smeared on his shaft. He took flight, leaving his clothing and Paige behind. He waited until he was far from her to look back with his preternatural eyesight. Paige was sitting up, staring around, looking confused and hurt. As much as Sachin wanted to fly back and comfort her, he could not. Humans weren’t to know of his kind. He’d been wrong for finding pleasure in her and this was his punishment.

  Chapter Four

  Accipitridae Realm — One Year Later…

  Sachin spun, bringing his sword up and meeting his opponent head-on. The clank of metal meeting metal vibrated through him but he held strong. Centuries of battles and training left him conditioned for almost anything. His skills and his body were honed, as with any warrior worth his weight in gold. His senses spiked and the smells of battle moved over him. His opponent held fear.

  As it should be.

  He twisted once more, meeting another attack and thrusting away danger. It was almost too easy. Where was the challenge in it all? Deep, steady breaths were all Sachin drew in. His opponent’s breaths were choppy, shallow and as ill-timed as the man’s swings. Fatigue was the main cause. This man should have posed a greater threat than he did. In Sachin’s current state of mind, nothing was as dangerous as he was.

  Crossing his feet, Sachin’s opponent committed a cardinal sin in fighting. It would have been too easy to toss the man off balance and put a finish to it all. The burning not only in his muscles but deep in his chest refused to allow Sachin to end the session so soon. His mind was still reeling with the need to focus on anything other than what currently robbed him of sleep. He should have been sluggish, dead on his feet. He was anything but. He’d become a caged beast, in search of diversions allowing him to unleash his rage. They were fewer than he wished so he took to creating them.

  His opponent, a guard under his command, dropped his sword and slumped his shoulders, looking defeated. “My lord, your mood is foul and your strength great. I wish not to test my life by training further with you on this morn.”

  The guard’s honesty was refreshing but not what Sachin wanted to hear. Normally it was he who was the bearer of sobering news. Since his mood had indeed soured over the last several moons, he was not sought after for his wise words. If anything, his best friend and king of Accipitridae, Kabril, often jested that seeking guidance from an injured boar would prove more appealing than he. Sachin could hardly argue the point for he would rather be in the company of a boar as well, instead of himself.

  Sachin’s sleep had been fitful at best as of late and the overwhelming need to leave the Accipitridae Realm all but consumed him. His brotherly love for Kabril and Kabril’s mate, Rayna, kept him from doing what he normally did when the need to visit Earth struck—take off without question, heading to a realm he should not enjoy as much as he did. His place was alongside his king, not frolicking about in a realm full of people who lacked wings. Full of humans. Full of her.

  He shook his head, desperate to keep his thoughts free of her. He had important matters to attend to here. There was no room for anything beyond his sworn duties to his king and queen. No space for somber reflections of past deeds he could not change.

  Rayna’s belly was swollen with Kabril’s child and she’d taken sick on more than one occasion. She and the babe were fine, according to doctors, but the news did nothing to lessen the need to stay on, assure the couple remained safe in the face of war. Their child marked the dawning of a new day for his people. For too long they’d been without the laughter of children or the pitter-patter of tiny feet scurrying about the halls of the castle. Centuries had gone by with no unions producing offspring. The longevity of their race of bird shifters meant they were, for lack of a better word, immortal, but even with that trait, wars throughout the realm had dwindled their numbers. The coming child was a sign from the Epopisdeus that hope lived. The bird gods were feared and worshiped by his people. This show of faith on their behalf was what was needed to lift spirits.

  I shall ensure their gift is protected.

  The Falco Peregrinus were the Buteos Regalis’s sworn enemies. Talk of a Falco attack had been circulating for some time. They had tried and almost succeeded in killing Rayna once before. Had one of the Falco’s own not defected, refusing to see harm come to Rayna, she would have died. Now wasn’t a time to waver in his duties. Sachin had to be vigilant.

  “My lord?” the guard asked, looking hopeful Sachin would end training early for the day.

  Taking pity on the man, Sachin nodded. “We are done here. Good fight.”

  “Good fight.” The guard bowed, touching Sachin’s shoulders and lowering his gaze, as was the custom between warrior allies, and then scurried off in the other direction.

  Sachin turned to walk away and found Rayna standing in the entrance to the castle. Her hand rested on her swollen belly and her blue eyes held mischief. She smiled, her long hair blowing in the slight breeze. A rosy glow overtook her. “Beating up on everyone already and it’s not even breakfast time.” She grinned. “Remind me not to bother you until lunch.”

  “My lady.” He inclined his head and attempted to go past her.

  Rayna caught his arm and halted his movement. He could break her hold with virtually no effort, but respected her too much to dare. “Sachin, don’t my lady me. I’m Rayna to you and you know it.”

  An exasperated breath fell free from his lips. “Very well, Rayna.”

  She gave him a cross look. “Are you planning to continue scaring your guards to the point they don’t want to be near you or are you going to tell me what’s eating at you?”

  Glancing around to assure himself they were alone, Sachin sighed and ran a hand over the back of his neck. Several kinks had settled there a couple of moons prior, and at the rate Sachin was going, they would become permanent. “There is naught amiss, my…erm…Rayna.” She was from Earth, and while she now dressed the part of queen, she refused to be bound by titles. She also continued to think of them as close friends rather than that of a head guard and his queen. Kabril seemed to encourage the behavior. It was pure madness around the castle anymore.

  Sachin had always assumed when Kabril finally took a mate he would keep her far from him—especially considering Sachin’s lust for Earth women. Kabril did the opposite. He encouraged Rayna to seek Sachin out. All had remained platonic.

  Rayna kept her hand on him. “Sachin, Kabril’s worried about you. So am I.”

  “I am fine.” It was an untruth, but one he was willing to stand by.

  She pursed her lips. “I never took you for a liar, Sachin. I guess I’ll have to throw my weight around, huh?”

  Confused, he simply stared at her. Even though he spent a good deal of time in the human realm, he found there were some sayings Rayna used that he was unaware of their actual meaning. Throwing her weight was one of them. She had indeed increased in size since her arrival, but that was due to the fact she was heavy with child. Did she think she could throw herself at him and perhaps sit on him until he conceded his days had grown dark and his mo
od sour? Even she was not large enough to pose any threat to him.

  “Sachin, you are to take one week’s leave, effective immediately.” Her eyes twinkled as she continued to rub her distended belly. “And you must take the time off on Earth.”

  He baulked. “Rayna, you cannot think I would leave you and Kabril undefended when—”

  She motioned to the hundreds upon hundreds of guards heading back to their homes. “They don’t count? And I’ve seen my husband fight. He’s a force to be reckoned with when he’s pissed. So, unless you want to ignore your queen’s orders, you should really get going.” Rayna spun on her heels and left him to stare dumbfounded in her wake.

  A hearty laugh drew his attention and he found Kabril walking towards him. Kabril’s golden gaze locked firmly on Sachin. “From the look on your face, my wife not only found you but she did as she threatened to do—order you to take leave.”

  “Kabril, she cannot force me to—”

  Putting his hand up, Kabril silenced him. “Ah, but she can and she did. After all, she is queen. Is she not?”

  Sachin exhaled deeply. “Yes.”

  “Go, Sachin. Take the time you need on Earth to do whatever it is you do that helps you find peace. We will be here when you return.”

  Chapter Five

  Defeated, Sachin held his tongue and stormed towards his chamber. Sconces lit the narrow hall. He had chosen to take the back way to his room, the servants’ corridor, in hope of avoiding any of his men. His foul temperament would only leave him challenging them to another round of sparring. He was up for it, though he doubted if they were.

  Soft moans and murmurs caught Sachin’s attention. He paused just outside of the buttery. He peeked around the slightly ajar door and watched a serving wench pulling her skirts high as Lazar, a defector from the Falco Peregrinus, undid his breeches. Sachin was taken aback to see Lazar with the woman for she was below the salt in every way possible. A lowbred whore. This show was fine so long as the person you chose to be with wasn’t of a lower standing.

  Sachin watched as Lazar cupped the back of the wench’s neck, whispering sweet nothings to her as he readied her for the taking. His own cock grew hard at the sight and he made no qualms about fisting himself through his trews.

  Sachin held little worry about being stumbled upon. His race, the Buteos Regalis, were not only fierce warriors, but well known for their prowess. Public displays of affection were not frowned upon but rather they were encouraged.

  The wench tossed her head back, sending long waves of golden tresses in every direction. She cried out and writhed beneath Lazar’s nimble fingers. Sachin had tumbled with the wench several times, many years ago, before she began accepting coin for her services—before he met Paige. And while the wench wasn’t lacking in the wants of a man, she did little to sate his need. Still, anything was better than nothing.

  He rubbed his clothed cock, enjoying the part of voyeur more than he should. Each time the wench attempted to kiss Lazar on the mouth, the man turned his head away. Sachin understood why. It was a means to avoid intimacy. Something he himself was prone to doing. There had been only one woman he’d kissed passionately while sinking deep into her, and there would never be another. He would use other women for his baser needs but keep his heart out of the mix.

  Rubbing the flesh standing in stark relief in his trews, Sachin watched as Lazar brought the whore to peak with nothing more than his fingers. The woman bucked against Lazar’s hand and begged for more. Nodding, Lazar lifted her and repositioned her so she was facing away from him. Lazar’s gaze met Sachin’s over the whore’s head. A tiny smile tugged at the man’s lips and he yanked the wench’s skirts higher before slapping her ass cheek. The resounding thud echoed through the area, exciting Sachin. He unlaced his trews and took hold of himself.

  Lazar spanked the whore again and rubbed the area. “You have been naughty, tempting a man so,” Lazar said, repeating his actions. “You should be punished.”

  The whore wiggled, her ass cheeks reddened. “Oh, yes. Punish me. Punish me!”

  Lazar dipped his fingers into the whore’s quim and used her juices to coat his cock. He lifted a brow in question in Sachin’s direction and motioned to the whore’s ass. Sachin knew it was a silent invite to join in the fun. He considered it but stood his ground, deciding instead to spit on his palm, adding his own form of lubrication as he fondled his shaft.

  Lazar delivered another set of soft blows to the woman’s backside and she squealed with delight, pressing herself back towards him. Lazar whispered, “Patience.”

  Sachin’s balls began to tighten and he knew he was on the verge of coming. He imagined it was he who was sliding into a wet sheath instead of Lazar and his wench. Sachin pictured red hair and skin dusted with freckles. He could almost feel Paige wrapped around his cock, her body tight yet accepting. He continued to stroke himself as the sounds of sex surrounded him.

  Lazar pounded his body into the serving wench’s relentlessly. Sachin wasn’t sure how the woman could take such roughness, but she seemed to relish it, screaming out for more.

  Lazar smiled. It was unkind, and a flash of hate moved through his eyes as he fucked the woman. For Sachin it was like looking in a mirror. He too wore that look when he needed to see to his manly needs. Only with Paige it had been different. After her, he hated himself for being weak and needing to find release in someone else. And since Paige it was hard for him to find even that. So hard that he often lied to the other guards about his conquests as his manly parts seemed to lack the desire to bed women.

  Not women, he reminded himself. Your cock wants Paige, as do you.

  Lazar stopped taking the wench from behind and spun her around to face him. He held her chin as she spat at him, talking about how he was nothing more than a dirty falcon that no women of hawk descent wanted to touch. She looked excited by the words, as if the knowledge somehow gave her power over him. She tossed her legs over Lazar’s shoulders, allowing the man to go deeper with his thrusts.

  Sachin stroked himself, feeling the man’s hate of the woman he was with but understanding the need to feel like a man regardless the price.

  “Fuck me harder, you dirty beast,” the wench said, biting at Lazar’s hand.

  Lazar slapped her face lightly and narrowed his gaze on her. “Bite me and I will deny you the chance to come again, wench.”

  “No,” she cried, reaching between their bodies in an attempt to grasp Lazar’s cock. Lazar thrust her hand away and pummeled her body with his own. Sachin matched his strokes, fisting himself, nearing release.

  Lazar ripped the wench’s bodice open, causing her large breasts to spill out. They were not the prettiest breasts he’d ever seen but they did help to push Sachin nearer to peak. He watched as her nipples hardened in the cool air. Biting at his lower lip, Sachin pictured Paige in his mind. It was her face he saw in place of the whore’s, her body, and in his thoughts it was he who was giving her pleasure. He moaned as his balls drew up tight and his cock twitched. He came, jetting his seed onto the floor.

  Pulling free of the wench, Lazar came too, allowing his seed to splash over the whore’s thighs. She hissed at him and tried to strike him. “I didn’t come again. I—”

  Lazar stared down at her before shifting his haunted gaze towards Sachin. “Your turn.”

  Sachin shook his head. “I am done and have no need for the likes of her.”

  A genuine smile came over Lazar. “As am I. Off with you.” He yanked her skirts down and swatted her backside.

  She huffed and shrieked away, her gaze coming to Sachin. “M-my lord, I-I did not—”

  Sachin waved his hand dismissively. “Be gone.”

  She nodded before rushing off in the other direction, muttering curses under her breath.

  Lazar tucked his cock back into his trews and Sachin did the same. Sachin looked at the floor and the side of the table and laughed. “The cook will have our heads for messing up her kitchen.”

n we best be off.” Lazar pulled two gold coins from the leather purse on his belt and tossed them onto the table. “For her time.”

  Sachin shook his head. “She was only worth one.”

  “I know,” Lazar said, heading out of the room. He stopped just outside of the kitchen. “Do you think there are any women left in the world worth more?”

  Sachin thought of Paige. He smiled and let out a long breath. “I am positive there are women worth more than we could ever hope to give them.”

  Lazar stared silently at him before speaking. “Mayhap you should find and hold tight to one should you ever cross her path. I know I would.”

  “Such insight from one so…”

  Grinning, Lazar adjusted his covered cock. “Hungry for a commitment-free fuck?”

  “Your words.”

  Lazar watched him closely. “Rumors of you bedding Earth women and going through lines of them to get your fill are high with the guards. Are they true?”

  At one point in his life the rumors had been true. After Paige, no human woman could come close to what she made him feel. “You cannot believe everything you hear.”


  It was obvious Sachin wasn’t successful in his lies. He exhaled and scratched at his inner arm. “I have been ordered to take leave…on Earth. Care to join me?”

  “Ordered?” Lazar pressed, merriment twinkling in the man’s eyes. “By whom?”

  “The queen.”

  Lazar snorted. “By all means, I would not wish to miss this, but alas, Kabril has asked me to prep him for a possible peace negotiation with the Falcos.”


  Lazar looked as though he thought the chances of obtaining peace were as slim as Sachin believed them to be. “Yes.”

  “Best of luck. They aren’t to be trusted, but I suppose you know that.” Sachin pivoted and made his way through the kitchen in a rush to simply make it to his chambers. He walked into low-hanging herbs put there to dry and cursed silently as he backed into another table. One of the kitchen cooks appeared and gave him a cross look before waving a wooden spoon at him. He flashed an innocent smile in the older woman’s direction and she shook her head.


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