A View to a Kill: (A Bird Shifter Novella) (King of Prey Book 2)

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A View to a Kill: (A Bird Shifter Novella) (King of Prey Book 2) Page 6

by Mandy M. Roth

  Spearing into her, Sachin lost control, taking her harder than he should have. Stopping himself wasn’t an option and Paige countered each movement with grace. She held onto him, kissing his mouth, neck, shoulder—whatever she could. His mind numbed to all but the feel of her cunt around his shaft. Another orgasm crashed through him just as Paige hit the brink as well. She trembled against him, kissing him softly as she cried in his arms.

  Fearful he’d harmed her, Sachin withdrew. “Paige?”

  “I’m fine.” She cried harder. “I just can’t believe you’re really here. That you’re back. I keep thinking I’ll close my eyes and you’ll be gone.” She stared at him. “That you’ll simply fly away.”


  The word had been dropped more than once since his return. He wondered how much Paige really knew about him. Had she regained her memories of the night her mother died? Did she remember seeing him toss the enemy into a tree without remorse and with superhuman strength? Did she view him as a monster?

  Paige shook her head and caressed his lower lip with her finger. “Not a monster, Sachin. And no, my memory of that night is still broken. I remember bits and pieces, but you’ve helped me connect the dots.” She exhaled and put her forehead to his chest. “You saved my life. You protected me.”

  “I was too late to save your mother. I’m sorry. I should have been faster. I should have—”

  “Shhh.” She put the tips of her fingers to his mouth. “You saved me. Why?”

  He opened his mouth to answer her and was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. He sniffed the air and recognized the sheriff’s scent. Sachin locked gazes with Paige. “I’m sorry. This was not how I wanted things to end between you and your—” he almost said human but refrained “—sheriff. But trust me when I say it will end.”

  “What?” Paige’s eyes widened as she glanced over the top of Sachin’s shoulder. She drew in a sharp breath and pushed at him, trying to get down. “Oh God. I… Bailey. This isn’t… Bailey.”

  Sachin refused to let Paige down. He kept her pinned to the wall, already knowing the sheriff had seen them in the act of coupling. There was no shame in taking one’s mate. It mattered not that the sheriff had asked Paige to marry him. She was his and he would not share.

  “Sachin, let me down.”

  “He will not forgive you for this,” he whispered. “Let him walk away, Paige.”

  “No. I have to talk to him. I have to make this right.” She covered her mouth with her hand. “I cheated on him. Why?” She smacked Sachin across the face.

  Ignoring the sting, Sachin stared down at her. “You can blame me if you wish, but the truth is we were created for one another, Paige. Your body recognizes mine and craves mine as mine does yours.”

  Paige looked past him. “Sachin, he’s gone. Bailey’s gone and I didn’t get to talk to him.”

  Content, he set her down. She kicked him in the shin. Much to his surprise, it hurt. He blinked. “Paige?”

  She kicked him again, this time in the knee and he staggered. He barely managed to get his cock back into his pants before Paige was trying to do it again. He caught her leg and held it gently.

  “No more.”

  “You,” she growled, “are an overbearing, bossy, know-it-all jerk!”

  He grinned. “Thank you.”

  A few rather well-placed slaps later and Paige seemed to be under control. She smoothed her hair back and cast him an uneasy look. “You should have let me talk to him.”

  “And you shouldn’t have agreed to be with another man,” he said without remorse.

  She baulked. “What? Was I supposed to wait around forever, hoping you’d show up, when you vanished without a trace?”

  He hadn’t really thought of it like that, but even so, yes. He flashed a wicked smile at her, knowing it would set her temper off again. “Yes. You were.”

  “Ooo.” She stomped on his foot. “You…you…horse’s ass!”

  He snickered.

  When she didn’t laugh but rather looked to be on the verge of tears, he sobered. “Paige.”

  A lone tear fell down her cheek. “You stripped me of my innocence and you left me alone, thinking I’d done something wrong. That I’d somehow displeased you.” She ran a hand through her thick hair and stared upwards at the night sky. “Why, Sachin?”

  He took hold of her arms and tried to coax her into wrapping them around his waist. She resisted. “Ta’konima, you’ve never displeased me. You were too much for me. Too glorious to be with that I couldn’t hide it anymore.”

  Confused, Paige looked at him, needing answers to old questions. “Couldn’t hide what?”

  “What I am.”

  “And what, exactly, are you?” she asked, her voice as shaky as her legs felt.

  “More than a man, Paige, but I believe you know this to be true. I think,” he pressed his palm to her chest, “your heart told you so long ago.”

  He was right, but that was beside the point. She needed to hear from his lips what he was. “Sachin, please.”

  “Not now. Soon. I promise.”

  A sinking feeling centered in the pit of her stomach. She’d given up everything she’d worked so hard to build with Bailey for Sachin to continue with his same old game. What was she thinking?

  She pressed against him. “I have to go. I need space. Time to think.”

  His lips formed a thin line. “Time to go to him?”

  “He deserves an explanation.”

  “And what will you tell him? Will you tell him that you offered yourself to me, practically begging me to take your innocence? That the minute I came back into your life, you surrendered to me, allowing me to fuck you against a wall, in public, for all to see?”

  “I wish you had stayed gone!” Beyond hurt by Sachin’s words, Paige blinked back tears and shoved him as hard as she could. She suspected he moved back on his own because she was nowhere near strong enough to move him.

  She walked away as fast as her heels would take her, refusing to look at him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Paige went to the door thinking the knocking in the middle of the night was from Sachin. When she opened it to find Bailey standing there, her heart sank. He looked tired, his eyes were red and his hair was a mess.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  Sarah was a light sleeper and Paige didn’t want to wake her. She grabbed a blanket from the edge of the chair and wrapped it around herself like a shawl. “I’ll come out.”

  Bailey stepped back, letting her pass.

  The cold porch stung her bare feet. “I tried to call you.”

  “I know. I wasn’t ready to talk just yet.”

  She eyed him closely. “But you are now?”

  Nodding, he sat on the railing of the porch. “How much do you know about this guy, Paige?”

  Fear slammed through her. “Why? Did something happen to him?”

  “I didn’t shoot him if that’s what you’re asking. I thought about it.” Bailey let out a low whistle. “A lot. But I didn’t. I also didn’t find any records of him existing.”

  “You ran a check on him?” she asked, unable to believe her ears.

  Bailey shrugged nonchalantly. “Someone has to watch out for you, Paige.” He appeared nervous. “There is something I found though, some talk around town, involving your mysterious lover,” he said the word with venom. “He’s been seen in the area before, around the time of your mother’s death.”

  She grabbed hold of the edge of the railing to keep from falling as Bailey’s unvoiced accusations struck her head-on. “Sachin had nothing to do with Hank murdering my mother.”

  “But did he have something to do with Hank’s death?”

  She wanted to lie eloquently but Bailey knew her too well. She kept her eyes cast downward. “No.”

  “Paige, you can tell me. Was it self defense?”

  She couldn’t answer him. To do so would lead to too many questions for Sachin, and Paige knew he couldn’
t answer them. Not to Bailey’s satisfaction.

  He grabbed her wrist. “Talk to me. I deserve an answer.”

  “Are we still talking about the same question?” she asked, jerking her wrist free from his grasp. “I never meant to hurt you, Bailey.”

  “But you did.”

  “Paige?” Sachin stepped from the shadows.

  Bailey’s hand went to his sidearm and Paige’s eyes widened. Sachin appeared amused by it all. He waved a hand in the air. “You will leave here and never remember meeting me. You will move on from Paige, find someone else to care for, and be happy she has found her soul mate.”

  Paige stared between the two men and then burst into a fit of laughter. She clutched her stomach. “Oh, no way will that ever work.”

  Bailey walked past her, looking dazed. He headed straight for his car and never glanced back.

  She turned to face Sachin with her mouth wide open. He pressed her jaw shut and laughed. “I am a man of many talents, wife.”

  “Wife?” She rubbed her temples. “You’re also a man who has a lot of explaining to do.”

  “I’d like to show you something first.” Yanking his shirt over his head, he took her breath away.

  “Sachin, I’ve seen all of you already. It’s what got me into trouble to start with.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  She obeyed and heard a flapping noise.

  “Open them.”

  A wave of dizziness swept through Paige as she stared at the man she loved, his wings spread wide. “You’re a…oh my,” she said before swaying.

  Sachin was suddenly there, pulling her to his chest. “Are you well?”

  “You’re a bird man.” Paige tried to think of something profound to offer but came up empty. “Whoa.”

  Sachin’s nervous chuckle seemed to set her at ease but she wasn’t sure why. It did remind her of the man she’d come to love, helping to tone down the very real fact that he was more than met the eye.

  She reached out to touch one of his wings but stopped just shy of making contact. “Will I hurt you?”

  His silver gaze lit with amusement. “No, but you will run the risk of making me want to be buried deep within you.” He licked his lower lip. “When a Buteos Regalis male has his wings caressed by his female…his mate…they tell me it is extremely erotic. I would not know—yet.”

  Paige jerked her hand back and Sachin laughed long and loud. “What? I’ve seen how insatiable you are when not getting your wings stroked.” She blushed. “That sounded dirty, didn’t it?”

  He stiffened and stared up at the night sky. “Paige,” his voice was low, “go into the house and do not come out, regardless what you hear.”

  Fear slammed through her. “What’s wrong?” She looked up too, trying to see whatever threat he obviously did, but found none.

  “Go!” Sachin shoved her towards the door. “I did not think I would be followed. If they find you, they will use you against me and—”

  He didn’t need to finish his sentence. Paige understood that whatever Sachin was afraid of would not be something she’d want to tangle with. Nodding, she turned and rushed into the house. She glanced back to find Sachin gone.


  Sachin took flight, the smell of his enemies surrounding him. He knew there was a risk of drawing attention to the farm by frequenting it, but he’d been doing it for so many years he’d grown careless. He’d been foolish to believe he could actually leave the war behind and take leave.

  The battle cry of the Falcos filled the night air and Sachin cursed himself for being unarmed. A flash of silver reflected in the moonlight as one of his enemies dove at him, blade extended. He dodged the strike, only just.

  Another Falco attacked, this one from his right. Sachin struck out, slamming his fist into the man’s face. Yet another came at him and soon Sachin found himself grossly outnumbered and unarmed.

  He locked gazes with a man he’d met in battle before. He was a general for the Falcos and notorious for his cruelty to the women of Sachin’s race. The idea of the bastard getting to Paige in any way gave Sachin the boost he needed to fight on.

  Something sharp pierced his side and he glanced down to find the end of a sword stuck straight through him. Time seemed to slow as the sounds of gunfire surrounded him. The enemy lurched back, one by one, and Sachin cupped his side, cutting his hands on the blade as he tumbled towards the ground. He struck the ground hard, driving the sword through his body more, impaling himself fully.

  Paige screamed and appeared above him with a rifle in her hand. Sarah was there as well, equally as armed. Sarah touched Paige’s shoulder. “Calm yourself or you’re of no use to him. We can handle this.”

  Sachin reached for Sarah. “Not…safe. If they find…either of you…they’ll…”

  Sarah gave him a stern, mothering look. “If I shot you in the head, could you get up and attack me?”

  Puzzled, he shook his head. A wound such as that to the head would be fatal even for a shifter such as himself. “No.”

  She grinned. “Then rest assured, boy, they won’t be bothering us again. When my girl and I aim, we aim to kill, not to maim. What’s the sense of that? Now, let’s get you onto your side. Paige, get my medical bag.”

  Paige ran off towards the house and Sarah touched Sachin’s cheek tenderly. “We’ll get you fixed up and then you’ll take her far from here. You’ll take her home with you and start a family.”

  He did a long blink for his acknowledgement, liking her plan for their future.

  Sarah tipped her head. “And you’ll be sure to bring her and any grandbabies I get from the two of you to visit me often. Understood?”

  He laughed and instantly regretted it as pain shot through him. “Yes, ma’am.” As he stared up at Sarah, he knew everything would indeed be all right.


  Sachin wrapped his arms around his wife and held her close to him. It was hard to believe even after close to a year together that she was well and truly his. Her stomach was swollen with a life their love had created. She was due soon, at least according to the healers. He hoped to have a son or sons as was the case with Kabril. The king’s triplets were pushing one year old and kept him on his toes. Each time Paige and Sachin saw the boys, they found themselves both excited and nervous about the coming birth of their child.

  Often Kabril was left exhausted and Sachin wondered if he had the energy to deal with any little ones, let alone three. Still, the idea that his love for Paige had resulted in something so precious and sacred to his people made any doubts he had ease away.

  Paige put her hands over his and leaned against him. “I still can’t get over how beautiful it is here.”

  She’d lived among his people, in his realm, for almost a year, and hearing she still found beauty in it pleased him deeply. It had been difficult for her to get used to the loss of certain things she’d enjoyed greatly on Earth, but she’d found other things to occupy her time. Paige was prized among his people for her healing skills with not only their animals, but their shifted forms as well. She spent afternoons aiding the castle healers.

  She twisted in his arms, her stomach forcing him back slightly. Wisely, he didn’t comment on it but rather cupped her face and planted a kiss upon her lips. “I have to leave with Lazar soon. Promise to stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

  She smiled. “Have I thanked you yet for offering to bring Sarah here for the birth of our baby?”

  “Yes, but,” he waggled his brows, “I can think of other things you can do to show how grateful you are.”

  Paige gave him a light shove and laughed. “I can’t see my toes. We aren’t doing anything.”

  “Nothing?” He stuck out his bottom lip.

  She cast a scolding look in his direction. “You’re insatiable.”

  “I know,” he said proudly. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

  “You’re right but…” Paige bent quickly, grabbing her stomach and crying out in pain.

  Sachin caught hold of her arms. “Paige?”

  “Baby. Now.”

  “What? No. Not now. We’re not ready yet. I haven’t finished assembling the nursery and Sarah is not here yet. And…”

  Seizing hold of his hand, Paige clawed it as she glared up at him. “Sachin!”

  He took a deep breath but it did nothing to calm him. “Yes?”

  “It’s time. Get Rayna.”


  She looked down as water gushed down her inner thighs. Sachin blinked, staring at his wife and knowing she was in pain. He took a tiny step back and the room began to spin.



  Sachin lifted his head and stared around, unsure how it was he came to be in the hallway. Kabril stood over him with a mug of ale in his hand. “What happened?”

  Kabril grinned. “Your wife went into labor and you, my trusted advisor and head of my guards, passed out cold.”

  Sachin pushed to his feet and rushed his chamber-room door. His heart felt as if it were lodged in his throat as he entered the room. Rayna backed away from the edge of the bed and Paige came into view. Her cheeks were rosy and her auburn hair was tousled. In her arms lay two tiny bundles. They were motionless and silent. Panic welled in him and his gaze snapped to Rayna. “They’re well?”

  She winked. “They’re fine. Mommy is a bit tired though.”

  He went to Paige’s side and bent, kissing the top of her head. He stared down at the babies. “My sons are so tiny.”

  Paige snorted. “Uh, you try squeezing them out, and for your information, we have daughters.”

  Daughters? He leaned forward and uncovered the child on the right. Sure enough, it lacked the equipment necessary to be his son. The temperature of the room seemed to spike and he locked gazes with his wife. “We have baby girls?”

  She bit her lower lip and nodded. It was clear to see she was trying not to laugh at him. “I can’t wait until they’re old enough to date. I want to see the look on their faces when you—”


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