Summers' Embrace

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Summers' Embrace Page 24

by Lora Thomas

  “Where are we going?” Catrina asked, trying to pull back on Branson’s arm.

  His gait did not stop. “Outside.”

  “But it would have been quicker to go the other direction.”

  “Perhaps. But there is something I would like you to witness.” Branson kept his vindictive smirk hidden. Lady Iris had informed him of Catrina’s fascination with Thomas. But from the way Iris described it, it was more of an obsession. He had to see for himself. Nothing would give him greater satisfaction than wounding the pride of his two least favorite people. The first wound was by planting his seed in Lady Iris’s womb. The second would be watching Catrina’s hope come crashing down around her when she heard the announcement. Well, all announcements. The first would be tonight. Lady Iris said that her father was going to publicly announce Iris and Thomas’s engagement. Oh, certainly, it was known, but it had never been officially announced. Branson wanted Catrina to have a perfect vantage point. And the second? Catrina’s marriage to an ideal selection. Branson had chosen a man who would do anything to avoid hanging…including giving up twenty thousand pounds.

  Catrina tried to focus on anything but the couple directly in front of her. The curtains. The walls. The hideous dress of Mrs. Hamilton. Anything but she could not. As if she were not in control of her own body, her gaze kept returning to Thomas and Iris, standing shoulder to shoulder. Thomas leaned in to whisper in Iris’s ear. Iris batted her lashes and leaned into Thomas, allowing her hand to rest upon his chest. Her fingers then tenderly brushed his cheek.

  Catrina’s anger reared as her heart pounded in her chest. That rat bastard! He deserved that viper!

  Branson slowed his pace. “Lord Huntsley. Lady Iris.”

  “Hello, Mr. Wilcox,” Iris purred. “So good to see you again.”

  And in the next instant, Catrina Wilcox’s name became known for creating the most scandalous scene in all of London society…even compared to the St. Johns.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Catrina’s anger was at its end. Her chest heaved with her rapid breaths. A little voice told her not to speak, but she could not stop herself. It was as if a demon from deep within her soul was controlling her words and actions.

  “Again?” Catrina screeched. “You vile harlot!”

  “Miss Wilcox,” Thomas snapped in a reprimand. He knew that Catrina did not care for Iris; however, in public, one must maintain a sense of decorum.

  “Don’t!” Catrina shouted at Thomas. “You take me for a fool? You show me some kindness and give me hope. Why? To jest about me to your friends? To spread rumors that we are lovers?”


  “Do not deny it! I heard you only moments ago telling your peers that I was a good tumble and nothing more! I heard you say it! I should have heeded the advice of Mrs. Paxsley and should have avoided you like you had the pox. It is not like it was a secret that you are one of London’s most infamous rakes and users of women. And I was stupid enough not to listen! I allowed your sweet words and kindness to sway my better judgment. You led me on. I allowed you to use me. You used me! You ruined me!”

  Catrina whipped to face Iris as her rant continued. “And as for you? You act so high and mighty, parading around here like you are an angel who fell from the heavens. You prance around here like we all should be begging for your attention. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You are the vilest type of person ever imagined. You act like the devoted, simple-minded, innocent maiden whom Lord Huntsley has blessed by asking for your hand when, in truth, you are a deceiver and a harlot! You use people!”

  Catrina did not hear the gasps of the guests. She did not notice the silence that fell over the room. She did not notice that the orchestra had ceased to play. All she noticed were the three people in the world who had hurt her more than anything.

  She continued her tirade, “You used Thomas to raise your financial and public status in the world for your father is bankrupt! So, you deceived Thomas by telling him you are carrying his child when in truth, it is my idiotic brother’s bastard in your belly! You despicable creature! You tried to drown me and then spread terrible lies about me! I hope you choke on the lies you spin, and I hope I have a front-row seat when you do!”

  “Catrina,” Branson scolded.

  “No!” Catrina yelled, whipping to face her brother. She angrily swung her finger between Branson, Thomas, and Iris. “I have had it! I have had it with the lot of you! The three of you deserve each other!”

  Catrina turned and, for the first time, noticed the guests staring at her in stunned silence. A deep breath left her as her hand came to her abdomen to steady her nerves. Proudly raising her chin, she quickly began walking away.

  “Catrina! Get back here!” Branson commanded.

  Catrina was not going to follow that command. She had a mission, and that was to find a bit of sanctuary.


  “Go to hell, Branson!” Catrina replied. She kept up her current pace. She had no idea where she was going. She breezed past guests, who did not try to stop her. They only stared at her in shock and dismay. She was now notorious. Her outburst would reach Swindon before she did. So much for keeping her reputation intact.

  Hawke leaned over to Elena. “So much for Huntsley creating a scene. I believe Catrina beat him to it.”

  Elena shook her head. “Something is wrong. The way you speak of Lord Huntsley, I cannot picture him saying those things about Catrina.”

  “He wouldn’t. Thomas is not one to brag about his indiscretions. Something else has happened.”

  Elena watched Catrina leave. “I should go to her.”

  “Go on. I will have the coach brought around. I have a feeling she will not want to stay.”

  “Thank you.”

  Elena followed Catrina from the ballroom. She spotted Branson leaving as well. His call for Catrina went unanswered. Elena could not blame her friend. She did not need a condescending brother scolding her presently. What she needed was a friend. Elena looked to her right and saw her mother approaching.

  “Joshua is bringing his coach around. I think it is best if I take her home.”

  Victoria nodded. “I agree. Your father and I will meet you there.”

  Elena left the ballroom and poked her head into the first room. “Where is she?”

  The movement of the draperies by the French doors captured her attention. Exiting the home, she glanced around. There was a stone path but little else other than the solarium. Elena traversed the path and entered the greenhouse. It was warm inside. And dark.

  “Catrina?” Elena called. She listened but no answer. “Catrina?”

  She turned to leave but heard a muffled sob coming from the back. She followed the sound and spotted a figure sitting on the ground, her head resting on folded arms.

  Elena knelt down and touched Catrina’s arm. “Catrina.”

  “Just go away, Elle. I am nothing but trouble.”

  Elena sat down on the stone floor. “You are not trouble, Catrina. You are my dearest friend.”

  Catrina raised her head, wiping her tears. “I am nothing but an embarrassment to your family. I did not mean to make a spectacle of myself. It is just when I saw Thomas with Iris, my temper took hold.”

  “I noticed. But why? I thought you and Lord Huntsley were having a fabulous time?”

  “We were. Then I heard him speak those offensive words about me.”

  Elena scooted over and wrapped an arm around Catrina’s shoulders. “Men can drive you mad. But the Hamiltons’ solarium is not the place for you to hide. Joshua is retrieving his coach. Let us go home, and you can tell me all about what transpired.”

  Catrina shook her head. “I cannot ask you to leave this ball. You have been looking forward to it for weeks. And for the past two days, it was all you spoke of since Lord Hawke was escorting you.”

  “I know. But my friend needs me. And that is more important than any old ball.” Elena stood and offered her hand.

a placed her hand in Elena’s and stood.

  “Now, we will leave through the back and slip around to the front of the home. That is unless you would like to walk through the crush of people in the house.”

  Catrina shook her head. “I think I have had my fill of attention for the evening.”

  The friends exited from the back of the solarium and slipped through the hedges until they located the street. Joshua’s carriage was sitting two houses down from Mr. Hamilton’s. He spotted Elena and Catrina coming and opened the door of the coach for them.

  Once inside, Joshua called, “To the Paxsleys.”

  The coachman flipped the reins over the horses’ backs, and the carriage rolled forward.

  Elena had placed herself beside Catrina and took her hand. “Now, Catrina. Tell me everything.”

  Catrina gave a wary glance at Hawke.

  Joshua spoke, “You can speak freely around me, Miss Wilcox.”

  Catrina shook her head. “I cannot. You are his friend.”

  “I am. I also know him better than anyone.”

  Sadness pulled Catrina’s eyes. “Why not?” She spoke of her evening with Thomas. About their conversations and walk. And ended with what she heard him say.

  Joshua shook his head. “That makes no sense. Huntsley is not one to speak openly about his transgressions. To anyone.”

  “I heard him with my own two ears, Lord Hawke. He said I was a good tumble and nothing more. What am I to believe?”

  “I believe you heard him. I just cannot believe he said it. Where was he?”

  “In Mr. Hamilton’s study, getting us a glass of wine.”


  “Just before I entered the ballroom.”


  “Was he alone?” She shrugged. “I know there were others inside the study, but I do not know who.”

  Joshua furrowed his brow. “What time was this?”

  “Just shortly before my…my…outburst.”

  Joshua ran a hand through his thick black hair. “Blimey. I know who he was talking to.”

  “Who?” Elena asked.

  “I went to get a glass of wine for Elena and me. I met Thomas in the hallway outside of the study. Thomas appeared troubled. When I entered the study, I spotted the reason why. His uncle was in there. I would guess you took Thomas’s words out of context. I bet Thomas was defending you.”

  “Defending me?” Catrina spat. “He was not defending me. He was insulting me.”

  “No, no. If you know his uncle, then you would know.”

  “Who is his uncle?”

  “Marcum Winter, the Marquess of Devonshaw. He is a rude, condescending man who takes great delight in needling Thomas. My guess is that Thomas was repeating, in a mocking tone, I might add, what his uncle had said. Just before your little outburst, I went to the study and spotted Thomas leaving. He was upset. My guess is that Thomas and Lord Devonshaw had words.”

  Catrina snorted. “I seriously doubt that.”

  “Thomas would never do anything to hurt you, Miss Wilcox.”

  Catrina rolled her eyes and an unladylike snort left her. “Why should I believe you? You are his friend.”

  “I am many things, Catrina, but a liar is not one of them. Why would I lie?”

  “To defend your friend. To make him seem like a good man. Why else?”

  Joshua shook his head. “I have never defended Thomas from anyone. His reputation is tainted, and he is proud of that fact. He would take offense if I tried to defend him. Despite being a pain in the arse at times, Thomas is honorable. He would take offense if anyone defended his reputation. And being his friend, I know him better than anyone. He cares for you, Miss Wilcox. He cares for you more than he is willing to admit.”

  “Why…” Catrina sighed, fighting the tears threatening to spill over her lashes. “Why should I believe you?”

  “Believe what you want. But I would never lie to you about this.” Joshua looked at her and, with sincerity, spoke, “You are Elena’s friend, and her happiness means more to me than mine. It upsets her, seeing you distressed. I would not lie, for it would jeopardize my relationship with Elena. Despite my friendship with Huntsley, I would never risk endangering my marriage to Elena. She means too much to me.”

  The sincerity of Joshua’s words broke Catrina’s resolve. “What have I done?” she asked, covering her face with her hands.

  “You spoke your heart,” Elena said. “Seeing Thomas with that shrew—and your brother badgering you—caused you to lash out.”

  “But I made a fool of myself in front of all your friends.” A gasp left her as her head shot up. “I told all of your peers that she is expecting a child out of wedlock.”

  “Not only that, but that the child is your brother’s,” Elena blurted out. A disapproving scowl settled over Elena. “Oh, and let us not forget that you told all of London that you and Thomas have been intimate.”

  Catrina covered her face again. “Thank you for that, Elle.”

  Joshua shrugged. “Think of it this way. Huntsley was going to publicly humiliate her, despite his aversion for making a scene in public. You just did it for him.”

  “That is supposed to help her?” Elena said with sarcasm. “She told all of polite society that she and Thomas have been intimate, Joshua.”

  “True. I must admit that was a bit of a surprise. The ton will feast upon that for a short while. However, Lady Iris’s condition will soon be the only thing on their razor tongues. Catrina took the heat for what Thomas wanted to do. She made a spectacle of herself, so Thomas did not have to. That is what people who love each other do.”

  “That makes no sense. And who says I love him?” Catrina shot a heated glance at Elena.

  “No one. But it is in your actions.” Joshua readjusted in his seat. “And if I know Thomas, he loves you as well.”

  “What makes you say that?” Catrina asked.

  “He made Artie and me swear to tell no one that we saw you climbing from his window that morning you went missing at Eden. He did not want your reputation tainted.”

  “What?” Elena asked. Her head whipped between Catrina and Joshua. “She was with Lord Huntsley that evening?”

  Joshua looked like he just got caught with his pants down. “I thought you knew. The two of you share everything.”

  “We do not share everything! I did not tell her about our intimate encounters,” Elena said. The instant the statement left her mouth, she cringed.

  “You have been intimate with Hawke?” Catrina repeated in surprise.

  “That is not the discussion,” Elena quickly said, hoping Catrina would not press the issue. “The discussion is your location at Eden.” A gasp left Elena. “Is that why Huntsley left? Because the two of you—”

  “Nothing happened between us!” Catrina defended. “That time, anyway. I got lost. I told you.”

  “But you claimed you were in his empty room.”

  A sheepish expression came over Catrina. “I did.”

  “Why did you not tell me?”

  “Because, Elena, I know you. You would call him out in public.”

  “I would. Not.”

  “You would. Besides, nothing happened that night. I climbed into his bed—”

  “You didn’t notice it was not our room?”

  “Wait,” Joshua said. “Why did you not know it was your room?”

  “She gets lost,” Elena said in a “you know this” tone.

  “I did not notice, Elena,” Catrina continued. “It was dark, and I was tired. I just assumed the body in the bed was yours. Imagine my shock of being awoken by Thomas covering my mouth with his hand.”

  “And you didn’t scream?!”

  “I would have if his hand was not covering my mouth. But then he made a valid point. If we were found, then your father would have called him out. I did not want to see either of them hurt or killed. So Thomas helped me slip into his spare room.”

  Elena sighed. “This is all too much.”
br />   “I am truly sorry for the issues I have caused. I appreciate your assistance in the matter of my happiness, but do not worry yourselves any longer.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because Branson is here…two weeks early. He has something devious planned. Otherwise, he would not have arrived this soon. If I know my brother, he will make me leave within a few days.”

  “But Catrina—”

  “Elena, I know you mean well, but do not worry yourself. I will make the best of my life…like I always have.”

  The coach stopped, and Catrina opened the door. She exited before either Elena or Joshua could speak.

  Joshua looked at Catrina’s departing figure. “She is an odd woman.”

  “She is stubborn as an old goat,” Elena mumbled. “We have to do something, Joshua. She and Thomas need each other.”

  “The question is, how can we make them see that?”

  Thomas looked around the ballroom and noticed that the ball's guests still had their attention on him and Lady Iris. So much for a public scene by him. Catrina Wilcox had single-handedly created the most scandal anyone had ever witnessed—without Thomas’s aid.

  Thomas glowered at Iris. “You disgust me.”

  Iris actually seemed frazzled. “Thomas, please.”

  “No, Iris. We are through.” Thomas turned to leave.

  Iris rushed forward and took his arm. “Thomas, please. Allow me to explain.”

  “Explain what exactly? How you bedded that bloody sod, Wilcox? How you told me the babe you were carrying was mine? Or explain why this does not make you look like a whore?”

  Iris’s eyes widened, and she gasped.

  “I knew there was a reason why I had not given you my family’s ring. I am glad I heeded my own intuition.” Thomas turned and stormed from the room.

  Iris raced after. She took his arm again, “Thomas, please. I can explain.”

  His face had reddened with anger. He knew of Iris’s infidelity. He thought he could handle the issue of when her indiscretions were made known to the public. He was wrong. It was more than he had anticipated. He wanted to strangle her.


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