by Adeera Lake
“GET ON THE GROUND AND PUT YOUR HANDS BACK! NOW!” Two cops break into the apartment, their arms tensed and stretched forward, tightly pointing their guns at Zac and the concierge, who now lays unconscious on the floor.
I stare in the mirror looking at the superficial bruise on my neck. I’m blessed, I think. In every way. I put a light scarf on and I get out of my apartment. Zac is waiting for me at his shop. He said he needs to show me something. It’s been a week since he saved my life.
When the cops rushed in my heart skipped a beat. For a moment I thought they might have killed him. But then a tall man appeared behind them. They asked if the man on the floor was the bad guy, still pointing their guns at both. Then everything went fine. They seemed to know already, and when Zac explained to me what happened on the freeway and that he had hurried to the airport to make me stay, I melt completely. I’ve never experienced an intense series of thrilling emotions like I did in the past few weeks, and that day the adrenaline had reached the peak. I’ve never loved a man this way, and now that I’m aware of this, I feel out of the moon. I don’t care about my job anymore. I can keep waiting tables for the rest of my life as long as I’ll have Zac next to me.
As I arrive at the tattoo studio I get to meet Chelsea, his sister. She’s a sweet cool girl in her late twenties and she confesses me she has always liked me.
“Did you know about me?” I giggle.
“Yeah, I did.” She bites her thumb with her front teeth, smirking delighted.
“Hey.” Zac appears on his office’s doorway. Then he gestures for me to get in.
I smile at Chelsea, who grins back sweetly and walks back behind her desk.
As I walk in he closes the door and we start kissing passionately. I feel his heart beating against my chest. His arms wrapped around my back. My heart races fast as butterflies, flutter inside my stomach and up to my chest.
“I got a new tattoo.” He groans pulling away. “Wanna see it?”
I smile pouting my lip to one side. ‘I just want to kiss you!’
“Um, ok sure.”
He grins and takes off his T-shirt. His sculpted body makes my lips a little dry and for a moment I’m tempted to jump on him. Then he turns and shows his back.
I gasp dropping my jaw and my eyes get immediately watery. Tears start pouring down my cheeks and my vision gets blurry.
“Yes, oh my you are crazy!” I chuckle between my sobbing. “Yes! Yes, Zac I’ll marry you!” I keep sobbing, staring at the new tattoo behind his muscular back.
‘Grace, I love you, will you marry me?’ that’s what the permanent ink says.
My heart has never beaten so fast.
He turns grinning; then he kisses me and drops on his left knee.
I keep sobbing and smiling at the same time.
He sneaks his hand into his jeans pocket and after grabbing my left hand he gently slides a beautiful silver ring on my fourth finger.
The light makeup I wore this morning has faded down my cheeks and as he stands we start kissing again.
“I love you,” He groans delicately holding my jaws with his palms.
“I love you Zac, I love you!” I reply feeling like I’ve never felt in my entire life.
One Year Later
After a few weeks, Zac proposed NYU called me saying they saw my resume and invited me to take an interview. I was hired right after that.
The marriage was wonderful and couldn’t have been more romantic. I’ve always dreamed to get married on the beach, and Zac confessed me that was his secret desire before he was going to be left heartbroken when he was a high school kid.
Lisa came from Paris to be my bridesmaid. She was happier than ever. Energetic and enthusiastic, making continuous jokes and maybe ending up drinking a little too much. But that’s ok. It was our wedding.
I invited Nick of course. He met a guy there, and now they are dating. I’m so happy for him.
I’m sitting on the couch, my legs curled to one side. My lips are curved up into a smile as I keep looking at the pregnancy test I’m holding. I did it an hour ago, but I can’t help it. I’m waiting for Zac and my pulse increases.
I bit my lips nervously constantly checking the time. He said he would have been home in time for dinner, but it looks like he’s a little late. I start getting impatient and fidgeting nervously. But when I suddenly hear him walking in, I stand, and I smile. I know my eyes are probably glowing.
“Hey, honey, what’s up?”
He walks up to me and kisses me.
“Hmm, you smell so good.” He says grinning against my lips.
I can’t wait to let him know and I can’t restrain from letting out a knowing smile.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He pulls away slightly and chuckles.
“I know you, Grace, you know something I don’t, right?”
I blush biting my bottom lip with my front teeth. My heart goes crazy.
“Come on honey, tell me, what’s up?” he smirks brushing my cheek with his thumb.
“My Gosh Zac. I love you so much!”
“I love you, baby! I love you too! What’s going on?”
“Ok, I’m pregnant!”
He widens his eyes. “Oh my God. Really? Oh my God.”
I smile and instinctively place my right open palm on his chest. His heart drums out of control.
“Yeah, honey! Yeah really! We are gonna have a baby!” I feel my eyes getting watery.
He exhales and letting out a bright smile. His eyes glow filled with love. And for the first time, I see a tear slowly gliding down his cheekbone.
“This the best thing you could have said to me. I’m the happiest man on this planet now! I love you, honey! I love you!”
I giggle. “I can’t believe it I’m out of the moon honey!”
He smiles caressing my wet cheek with the back of his hand, then he hugs me tightly lifting me from the floor and he makes me spin.
I start laughing. “Hey I’m pregnant remember? You need to be careful!” I squeal jokingly.
“Oh yeah, sorry!” He stops and puts me down.
“I was kiddin’! I’m not at that stage yet.” I chortle.
“Ok, well, you never know.” He kneels down and tugs my T-Shirt up placing his ear on my tummy. “I can almost hear him!”
I giggle looking down at him, biting the tip of my thumb. “Why him? I think it’s a girl!” I smile.
“I’m sorry.” He chuckles. “Maybe two twins? One girl and one boy?” He looks up at me letting out the sweetest of smiles.
“Hmmm, maybe?” I chuckle.
Then he stands and pierces me with his beautiful deep blue eyes. We don’t need to speak. Our eyes talk for us. Then we start kissing, delicately and lovingly at first, until we can’t resist, and our frantic passion wins over. We make love right where we are, breathing hard and fast against each other. Frowning intensely into our eyes. Sweating and trembling as we release our powerful ecstasy and love.
The End
A Note From The Author
Thank you for reading this far. This is the best reward for working so hard! I hope you enjoyed guessing what might have happened next, and perhaps even tried to wear Grace and Zac’s shoes.
Now, the best thing you could do for me would be if you were patient enough to take only a few seconds of your time to leave an HONEST review on Amazon - on the book product page where you purchased my novel.
I would love to receive any kind of feedback from you. It will help me understand even better what readers want if they liked my work, and what parts they would like me to improve. If there is any. And it will ultimately motivate me to do better and better. Of course, if you think the story was fine, please don’t hesitate to say it! That would send thrilling rushes up my spine!
I thank you in advance for this… And if you haven’t already, please feel free to join my Newsletter to be updated to every new exciti
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Also, don’t forget to visit Adeera Lake Website where you can more in detail on my upcoming releases, teasers, portfolio, polls, ideas, and pictures.
Thanks again for all of this. I hope to hear from you soon!
Adeera Lake
© 2018 Adeera Lake
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
All characters in the book are over the age of 18.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination
Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.