TAMED: #2 in the Fit Trilogy

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TAMED: #2 in the Fit Trilogy Page 7

by Rebekah Weatherspoon

  “Yeah and we’ve been talking and shit, but I feel like I’m out of some sort of loop. She hates when I flirt with her. Through text, over the phone, whatever. If I even try it she shoots me down.”

  “She just might not be that kind of girl.”

  “Yeah, but then she freaked when she thought I wasn’t paying attention to her at the party. I can’t tell if she just doesn’t like being ignored. If she wants me, ya know, just when I’m around. Or if she wants me all the time. Or how she really wants me.”

  “Ask her.”

  “I can’t! When we’re not in scene or coming down from one, it’s almost impossible to have a normal conversation with her. She’s such a...”

  “A dick?” Grant laughed. Armando had called Grant’s last girlfriend a dick on a daily basis, so he wasn’t offended.

  “Not like Arianna, but she’s kind of a dick and she cuts deep. Even when we’re in a scene she talks so much shit.”

  “And you love it.”

  “Fuuuuck. I do. What is wrong with me?”

  “Come on, man. You know.”

  He did, but Armando wasn’t ready to admit it to himself yet. Not yet. “She won’t go for a grand gesture.”

  “Then skip it. Judging by how pissed she was, I’m pretty sure she’s digging you, but if she needs time and her own kind of space, give it to her. Are you in some sort of hurry?”

  “No, I guess not. I just don’t remember it being this difficult.”

  Grant fixed him with a hard stare.


  “Let’s go back. A young Armando age twenty-six finds himself hopelessly in love with a Mistress Cowley—”

  “Fuck that. That lady got all in my head and I’d been in the scene for all of five minutes.”

  “And Nailah’s been at this how long...?”

  “Man, fuck you with your valid points.” Armando hunched forward on the desk as Grant burst out laughing. He came over and looked at the picture of Nailah on the screen.

  “Is that her?”


  “Yeah. Give that woman all the time she needs. From the look of things, she’s worth it.”

  Armando knew Grant was right, no matter what he saw in that picture. She was completely worth it.


  What’s this guy do again?” Shelly asked. The rest of Nailah’s friends were already inside the restaurant. When Armando called from the airport to say that he’d landed, she figured it would be easier to meet him in the lobby of the hotel instead of him picking his way through the crowds to find them. Plus, she wanted ten seconds alone with him before she introduced him to her friends. Too bad Shelly wouldn’t let her leave the table alone.

  “He owns the gym where I work out. He trains me too. And his name’s Armando, not This Guy.”

  “Calm down. We’ll all call him by his name. It is serious or just banging?”

  Nailah made a dismissive, non-committal noise. “Don’t know yet, but I figured he’d keep me distracted once RJ and Meena get liquored up. Or more liquored up.”

  “Oh god. Did you see them at the pool?”

  “Everyone saw them at the pool.”

  Shelly offered a dramatic shudder. “Sick.”

  Before Shelly could ask any more questions, Armando came striding out from the bank of elevators.

  “This is him.” Nailah stood a little straighter, but managed not to fix her hair or smooth down her dress as he came closer. He just looked so good, wearing crisp, dark gray slacks and a matching suit jacket. The white button-up shirt he had on underneath was open, showing off a bit of that chest hair Nailah loved. The sides of his hair were freshly shaved, and long strands on top were perfectly slicked back. Nailah swallowed and forced herself to relax.

  “Oh my god. He’s hotter than Kalli,” Shelly said. “And who was that guy before him?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “You are not lying. This one’s the hottest by far–Hi!”

  “Hey!” Armando said back, even though he looked completely confused by Shelly’s enthusiasm. Nailah covered her mouth as she snorted. Then she straightened up once she realized Armando wasn’t alone. His friend Daniel was with him. Daniel was kind enough to distract Shelly so Nailah could hug the only person she actually wanted to see this weekend. Still, Nailah wondered why Daniel was there. They did their introductions, then headed into EIG8T, the steakhouse Shelly’s boyfriend had picked for dinner.

  “Planning to ditch me again?” Nailah muttered, as she let Armando take her hand. He stopped walking and pulled her around to face him as Daniel followed Shelly to the table. Nailah managed not swoon against his chest when he touched her cheek. Damn, she was getting soft.

  “There will be no ditching. His mom lives here. He’s just tagging along for a bit. Besides, Daniel knows how to take care of himself. I’m all yours.”

  “Hmm. Okay. You look really good right now.”

  “Thank you. You look beautiful. As always,” he replied with that devastating smile that tore up her insides.

  “I would have kissed you back there—”

  “I get it. Just meeting the friends. We don’t need to suck face in front of them.”

  “No. This lipstick is just really tacky,” Nailah said, gesturing to the red tint on her lips. “It would be all over your mouth.”

  “I see.”


  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go join them.”

  Dinner went as well as could be expected. Other than Meena blatantly flirting with Armando in front of RJ, and Mario rudely asking Daniel about how he lost his hand. When Daniel responded with, “I’ll just say it’s never a good idea to play with explosives,” that shut Mario right up. But other than those few unnecessarily awkward moments, Armando definitely charmed her friends. Nailah was glad she’d invited him.

  After dinner, they planned to go to a rooftop club where RJ had booked a table and bottle service, but there was some debate about killing time with some more pre-partying. Meena had stopped at the liquor store on their way from the airport, but the drinks by the pool and the drinks with dinner and the drinks to come weren’t nearly enough. It was still a little early to head to the club. They wanted to wait for the crowd to build a little, so they decided to let their food settle with a few more drinks back at Meena and RJ’s room.

  “I have something for you in my room,” Armando said, as they waited for the elevators. “If you want to come with me for a sec.”

  “Uh, sure.”

  After Daniel assured them he was in good hands, Nailah told Shelly she’d meet her back at the suite so they could change for the club. They hopped off on ten while their friends continued up to the higher floors. Armando’s room was just a short walk down the hall. He keyed them in, then led her right over to the bed where he handed her a small gift bag.

  He sat down as Nailah rifled through the bit of tissue paper hiding the goods. She pulled out a little box. It was a remote controlled vibrating egg in “satin black”. There was also a little bottle of lube.

  “I thought we could have some fun tonight with that, when we hit the town,” Armando said.

  “Are we on now? Are the games beginning?”

  “If you want them to.”

  “I do.” Nailah handed the toy and the lube back. He unwrapped the small vibrator then told her to go rinse it with some soap and warm water in the bathroom. When she came back, he was flipping the top of the lube open and closed.

  “Lift up your dress.”

  Nailah pulled the black fabric of her dress up to her stomach, showing off the black lace thong she had on underneath. Armando held up the little bottle of lube.

  “Do I need this?”

  “No, Sir.” Nailah had been wet since he called from the airport. It was something about his voice, something about the anticipation.

  “Come closer, sweetness.”

  Nailah closed the small distance between them, making sure she held her dress in place. Armando moved he
r thong to the side and traced her pussy with his fingertips before he parted her lips. “Wider, babe. Open your legs. Good. Watch me.” It was hard not to let her head fall back when touched her skin, but her gaze held his as he took the egg and pushed it inside of her.

  “How does that feel? Tell me.”

  “It feels nice, Sir. It feels good.” Small enough to be comfortable, but big enough to make its presence known. And then he turned it on. The slow vibrations made her clit throb from the inside. Armando stood, keeping his fingers on the outside of her cunt. He rubbed her lips, moving his fingers up to the height of her slit and back down again.

  “Still have to watch out for that lipstick, don’t I?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Nailah moaned.

  “I’ll guess we’ll have to improvise.” Just as the words left his mouth, Armando’s lips brushed against her neck. Then his tongue. Then his lips again, firmer against her pulse. His fingers slipped back and forth. They should skip the club. The bed was right there, so inviting. Or the floor, or the dresser. The shower and the tub in the bathroom could accommodate two people easily. But they stayed where they were, right beside the bed.

  “I want you to have fun with your friends tonight,” he whispered. “But just remember, I came here for you.”

  “I want you now. Sir.”

  “No, baby.”

  Nailah was prepared to beg, but she cried out, bracing her forehead against his shoulder as he turned up the speed on the egg.

  “Please, Sir.”

  He gently bit her neck. “No. Don’t come. Not yet.”

  Every time before, things had been so fast, so intense. Armando knew tender. He knew soft, but he usually didn’t do slow. Nailah didn’t know if she could handle this. She was ready to burst.

  He turned the egg off, then stepped back, holding her by the shoulders. “We have to save that for later, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Let’s go meet your friends.”


  Nailah had never been so grateful for how oblivious her friends got when they were drinking. Otherwise, Shelly and Meena might have noticed that she could barely stand up anymore, even though she’d only had one glass of champagne. They might have also noticed the way she couldn’t keep her hands off Armando, or maybe they would have asked about the dirty things he was saying in her ear. Shelly would have definitely noticed the huge erection in his pants, the one he continued to grind against her ass or her hip with every new song that vibrated through the packed club.

  She’d asked for it, but it was cruel teasing her like this. The pain of the flogger or his bare hand created a different sensation throughout her body. She could focus on the pain, see it, feel it in a way that pushed the simple act of coming to the back of her mind. But this constant teasing, the fluctuating of the rhythm between her legs, made it impossible to think of anything else. Armando knew exactly how to control the little toy too. He knew exactly how much she could take and exactly when to back off. She knew if she tried she could come right there in her high heels, but she didn’t want to disobey him. He knew everything, damn him.

  It was obvious in the way she begged. She wanted him to keep talking to her. She had no idea when he decided to start with the “sweetness” and the “baby”, but she didn’t hate it. She wanted this type of sweet torture to go on and on until she really couldn’t take the frustration of it anymore, because she knew once they made it back up to his room he was going to fuck the shit out of her.

  A little after midnight Daniel said he was going to meet his mom, since she’d just finished her shift at the Monte Carlo. As he faded into the crowd, Nailah looked up at Armando. The spiraling red and blue lights almost made her dizzy.

  “Sir. Please,” she said, as calmly as possible. Her patience was wearing extra fucking thin.

  He stared back down at her. “Since you’ve been good. Come on.”

  Nailah got Shelly’s attention and let her know she’d catch up with them in the morning. Shelly made some goofy face, like they were at a middle school dance and Nailah was slinking off for her first kiss. Although from the way Armando kissed, his lips and that slick tongue might be enough to trip off the orgasm she desperately needed.

  They made it maybe three feet across the dance floor before he turned the vibrator to the highest setting. Nailah stopped in her tracks, almost stumbled as she held her hand to her stomach.

  He took her other hand. “Uh-uh. Keep going.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then opened them as he led her out of the club to the elevators. A group of guys piled into the elevator with them. She was afraid they might be able to hear the vibrator, which echoed loud and clear inside her own ears, but their loud talking drowned out every other noise in the space, even the sound of her heavy breathing. Armando pulled her back against him, pushing his hard-on into her back. She wasn’t going to make it to the room. There was no way.

  When the group o’dudes unloaded on the fifteenth floor, Armando spun her around to face him. His hand came down on her ass with a hard smack. Instead of smacking her again, he gripped her ass cheek in his palm, digging his fingertips into her skin. The motion made everything inside her clench.

  “Oh my god! Fuck.” Drool almost slipped from her mouth. She was going to come.

  Armando gently took her by the chin, but practically growled in her ear. “Don’t you dare. Not until I say.” He smacked her ass again, then grabbed another handful. Nailah could barely breathe. She’d hold on, but only to find a way to make him pay for it later.

  By some miracle they made it back to his room and as soon as the door closed behind them, he told her to strip as he started to undress himself. Simple, if that fucking egg wasn’t still vibrating against the walls of her cunt at full speed.

  “Did you bring the collar with you, Sir?” She had no clue what made her ask. The words just came out.

  “I didn’t, but next time, you’ll wear it all night.”

  She ignored the odd sense of disappointment and focused on getting out of her underwear without driving the egg harder against her g-spot. She joined him on the bed, both of them completely naked. It must have been his magical Dom powers, acquired through years of study and discipline, but somehow, even with his hard cock pressed between them, Armando seemed completely calm. Nailah, on the other hand, thought she was going to pass out at any moment.

  He turned off the vibrator, then reached between her legs and started tugging on the small plastic string at the base of the egg.

  Nailah stopped him with her hand on his wrist. “No, leave it in. Sir.”

  “That’ll make it a little difficult for me to get my dick in there.”

  Nailah moved off the bed and grabbed the lube off the dresser. “You said something before, about fucking me in my ass.”

  That got his attention. Armando sat up against the headboard, his huge cock bouncing against his stomach. “Are you sure? I wanted to take it slow with that.”

  Nailah reached down and rubbed her clit. Being wound up this tight? It was a first. This was as good a time as any. “I’m sure.” She climbed back on the bed, between Armando’s legs, and poured a generous amount of lube on his cock. It was her turn to tease him a bit. She leaned forward, not caring where her lipstick got now that they were in for the night. She kissed him deep, stroking his erection in her slick palm. It was his turn to groan, which he did, thrusting his tongue deeper into her mouth.

  “Give me the lube,” he said, almost out of breath. She handed it over and kept stroking him, up and down, as he slicked his fingers. “Come here, baby.”

  He pulled her closer with an arm around her waist. The pressure of his cock in front, rubbing up against her clit, and his thick fingers pushing against her at the back made her whimper and groan. And the egg—it was still there, filling her up.

  He kissed her cheek, whispered against her skin. “Relax, baby. I’ll go slow.”

  “You don’t have to. I want you to fuck me.

  “Nah, nah. We’re going slow. And you forgot to call me sir.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” Nailah’s voice hitched as he slid one finger inside. He moved it slowly in and out, before he added another and then a third. There was a pinch of pain, but her body was so completely primed that the pain simply added to the urgency. She squirmed in his lap, driving herself hard down on his hand.

  Armando pulled back just a little so he could look her in the eye. “You want to sit on it?”

  She nodded quickly. “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

  He pulled his fingers out, then pushed just the head of his cock in. Then, the vibrations started up again. Nailah couldn’t wait. She let out a deep breath, and then she sank down on his cock. She felt the girth of him all the way up to her chest, the sweet pressure filling her and stretching her out. There was pain, but it was a pain she wanted, something she craved. She knew she could handle more. Armando held her tighter, pumping in and out slowly. The speed, the rhythmic force of his hips dictating the way her lungs filled and then way her throat clenched.

  The egg shook with double the force.

  That was it for Nailah. She came, so hard all she could do was cling to her Sir as she screamed. He wasn’t done with her, not even close. She held on as he continued to pump into her body, scoring his back with her nails, smearing what remained of her lipstick against his skin. She may have bit him. She couldn’t be sure. But he continued to give her the pleasure she’d been begging for all night. He kept fucking her, hard the way she liked. Forceful, the way he needed. The egg amped up to full speed. She came again and again, shaking as sweat started to slick their skin where their bodies met.

  He gripped her hair, pulling her head back so he could suck the spot just beside her lips.

  “Are you my girl?” he asked, his voice straining. They both knew the answer, but maybe they both needed to hear it again.

  “Yes,” Nailah said before she kissed him. She could barely breathe. He hadn’t slowed down one bit.



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