Zadri (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 5)

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Zadri (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 5) Page 17

by Celia Kyle

  Humans had two of many things.

  “Dragonlets!” Taulan stood tall, chest puffed out.

  He slowly nodded as if he understood. Another glance at the engineering master still told him nothing. “It is my understanding from the data gathered by Negotiate Master Zurer joi Sobol that human females could present several offspring quite frequently. Not merely two in a lifetime.”

  It was something that both excited and frightened many of the warriors. They could have several dragonlets of their own, but that also meant several dragonlets to protect and keep safe.

  “No,” Taulan shook his head, the war master now gripping both of his shoulders. “You do not understand. My Lana is bearing two at one time.”

  The shock of the male’s statement froze him in place for a moment, his mind unable to comprehend the words from his leader. “Two… At once?”

  Zadri now knew that he had once been part of a clutchpair—clutchmate to Ballakin—but the warriors were told not to expect such events when mating with a human.

  His war master released him and returned to his previous position—chest puffed out and hands on his hips. The male would soon be strutting

  Vende joined the conversation. He was a male of systems and machinery—some warriors referred to the male as merely a “grunt”—but he was one of the smartest males Zadri knew. It was why the male had become an engineering master with not even two hundred years beneath his wings.

  “Human conception statistics are much like Preor. Clutchmates are rare, but not impossible. There is a six percent chance that a Preor presentation will include clutchmates. The matching human percentage is three. Which means that three in one hundred presentations—“

  “Humans call them twins,” Taulan interrupted. “Whelon stated…“

  Mention of Whelon reminded Zadri of his final destination and he ended their discussion with a single, yelled word. “Enough!”

  Vende retreated a step while Taulan narrowed his eyes, skin color changing to a deep purple. The smiling, joyous warrior was gone and now the war master of the Third Preor Fleet stood before him.

  “Defense Master Zadri joi Delaney Cole?”

  Having a mate—worrying over her—would kill him. Or Taulan would kill him because Zadri was so distracted by his worry that he was disrespectful. He ran a palm down his face and rubbed his cheek, searching for calm.

  It did not come. He would have to work with what the skies gave him. He took in a deep breath and released it slowly. “Apologies, War Master Taulan and congratulations on the news of your upcoming clutch. But,” he growled the word and tried to breathe through the continued anger once more, “is this why you interrupted my time with Delaney and summoned me or do you actually require something?”

  Zadri was not successful in ridding himself of his anger.

  Taulan’s glare transformed from a foreboding stare to a confused frown. His eyebrows lowered, corners of his lips tilting down, and the war master’s overwhelming happiness slowly dissipated. “Interrupted? Require?” The male shook his head and he noted that Vende did the same. “I have been speaking with Vende for some time. I did not request your presence and decided to share the news at another time. Once your bond to Delaney was firmly in place. I need nothing of you.”

  It was Zadri’s turn to frown, his fury no longer clouding his mind. “You need nothing… But Luzan waited outside the senchamber…”


  Luzan and then he recalled Argan’s retelling of the time just before Delaney was rushed to medical. When Argan came into contact with Luzan and Delaney and the warrior appeared to be purposefully taking his mate away from medical—not toward. He also recalled Delaney’s first incident on the ship. The one that also sent her to medical—that possibly harmed their dragonlet.

  “Ship, locate Delaney. Who is with her?” He spun, ready to sprint to her location, yet he did not know where to go. He was forced to wait for the battleship to locate his mate.

  Locate the mate he left in the hands of a dishonorable male. No, what was the human concept? Innocent until proven guilty? It could not apply in this situation.

  Zadri did not believe there was an innocent bone in Luzan’s body any longer.

  “Subject is accompanied by Warrior Luzan sen Nusyr in section Coru at the intersection of corridors udou and ruor.”

  On the other side of the ship where halls one and four met. In an area that was nowhere near the quarters he shared with his mate.

  And she was with Luzan.

  Zadri broke into a run, racing down the hallway, using memory and the Knowing to best navigate the ship’s paths. The thud of boots followed in his wake and he glanced back to see that Taulan and Vende followed.

  “Zadri?” The war master questioned him but did not attempt to stop him.

  “I believe Luzan intends to harm Delaney.” He turned right at the next corner and then left. “Ship! Delaney’s location!”

  “Subject remains in section coru and heading toward kiuk.”

  No. The shuttle bay. The very breath in his lungs left him as if he’d been punched in the gut. If Luzan was to get her on a shuttle…

  No. It was quite possible he was incorrect about Luzan’s intent.

  He begged the skies to prove him wrong.

  “Track her and update as locations change!”

  The ship—and skies help him, he wanted to kill the male who’d programmed the battleship—notified them of every step Luzan and Delaney took.

  Subjects have taken a step and traveled one foot six inches. Subjects have taken a step and traveled one foot six and one half inches…

  It also notified them of the moments—multiple moments—Delaney fell. Three times while still within section coru. Another two when they reached the corridor that would take them to kiuk. Then one final stumble through shuttle bay kiuk’s doors.

  The male would be punished for harming his mate. He would be bloodied and forced to take his final flight for stealing her.

  He would be ripped apart and tossed to the sharks in tiny pieces as Zadri rejoiced in the male’s screams… because he scared her.


  Zadri’s flesh burned, his dragon’s fire so hot it nearly scorched his insides. As if the beast’s fury was too much for even his body to contain. Scales overcame his skin, shades of peach, pink and pale cream replacing his naturally bronze coloring. It was not a gradual slide forward, but a bursting of his inner nature rushing forward. His fingers ached, nails throbbing in time with every rapid beat of his heart. He knew his dragon’s claws pushed to overcome his softer nails and he struggled to keep his feral nature at bay.

  He could not change forms in the corridor. Not even when he entered shuttle bay kiuk.

  That did not mean his dragon did not continue trying. It’d claimed Delaney as its own, his untamed heart belonging to the small human female. Even beyond that feeling was the possessiveness for her dragonlet—their dragonlet.

  His wing base spasmed, muscles holding that part of him aloft tensing and tightening. It wanted him to stretch his wings wide, to grant the dragon permission to overtake him.

  But he couldn’t.

  So he continued to run, continued to sprint down the hall while his boots pounded out a quick rhythm. It was echoed by the two males who followed—Taulan and Vende. Both males knew—every male on the ship knew—exactly what Zadri was capable of doing to save a female.

  He would fight even harder to save his own mate.

  He drew closer and closer to the shuttle bay doors, the metal panels sliding shut behind the disappearing couple. But his dragon would not allow itself to be cut off from Delaney. As the doors moved to seal off the shuttle bay, Zadri’s claws sprung free. He dug them into the metal, piercing the solid surface, and forced them to part once more.

  He hissed with the effort, growling out a single word as he shoved them aside. “Mine.”

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  The dragon’s thoughts echoed in his mind, the beast making
sure Zadri knew of its claiming. As if he could ever forget.

  Zadri curled his fingers through the holes his nails created, fisting the metal and then yanking on the two doors. He wrenched them free of their tracks, pulling them from the walls just in case the ship attempted to close off the space once more.

  Nothing would stand between him and Delaney. Nothing.

  He tossed the two pieces of metal aside, the twisted sheets clamoring and clanging against the grating. They slid across the shuttle bay, sliding until they struck nearby machinery. Which left his hands free, his claws out and prepared to sink into flesh.

  Luzan’s flesh.

  Until he held the male’s heart in his palm.

  Chest heaving and fury pumping through his veins, he moved through the cavernous space, searching out his mate and the male who would soon die at his hands. A soft whimper came from his left, the delicate sound followed by a pain-tinged cry, and he went into motion. On silent feet, he raced across the bay. The male had to know he had been caught, but that did not mean Zadri wished to tell Luzan when the attack would come.

  He paused beside one of the shuttles, back flush with the side of the transport while he crouched low. He leaned to the left, gaze searching for his target. A quick glance revealed nothing, so he changed position again, moving to the next shuttle and then the next. Each time he moved, he made sure his steps were silent and Taulan and Vende were just as quiet. None would make a sound that could further endanger Delaney—a sound that would tell Luzan of their position. He had to know they had gained entrance to the bay—Zadri’s entrance had not been quiet—but he did not need to know where they were at that moment.

  He moved on once more, traveling along the row of shuttles, searching for the one Luzan had chosen. The bay was large, housing a high number of short flight transports for warrior use. For the first time in his long life, he cursed a Preor’s desire to be prepared. He cursed the countless shuttles that filled the space.

  Regardless of their number, Zadri would find her. He could not allow any other outcome. He slowly, silently hunted his prey—the male who dared touch the female that belonged to him.

  Then a different sound reached him. A sound that destroyed his intent to approach quietly. It was a deep thud. One that did not come from a stumble or fall, but from a throw. The throwing of a body to the ground.

  The throwing of Delaney to the ground.

  Zadri did not care about a silent stalking any longer. Not when his mate’s groan was followed by a heart-wrenching sob.

  A single beat of his wings threw him into the air, lifting his body from the bay’s floors and to the roof of a nearby shuttle. He scanned the space with a sweeping gaze and easily spotted his target. Luzan stood three rows away, claw-tipped fingers reaching for Delaney, and a snarl coated the male’s features. Long, deadly fangs filled Luzan’s mouth, proof of the male’s tenuous control.

  Luzan wrapped his fingers around Delaney’s bicep, his mate flinching away from the male’s touch, and a growl built in Zadri’s throat. The male dared touch his female. Then Luzan tightened his hold and Zadri’s dragon’s sight allowed him to see droplets of blood slide down her pale arm.

  It was too much for his dragon—too much for him. A roar built in his chest, the sound so low it could not be heard, but soon it grew. It grew and grew, vibrating and shaking free of his chest until it emerged in a ship-shaking bellow. The world trembled with the sound, engineering’s tools shaking and bouncing on the ground below.

  The yell continued, booming through the air, his body unable to contain his furious objection to Delaney’s treatment. And as it went on and on, Zadri leapt from atop the short flight. He slammed down onto the grated flooring with a bone-jarring thud and immediately went into action. He sprinted toward his target, mouth filling with saliva as he thought about Luzan’s blood filling his mouth. It would fill his mouth and coat the floor by the time he was done.

  Nothing would remain of the male. Nothing.

  The other two warriors still followed and still allowed him to take the lead.

  He rounded the final shuttle, pulling a war blade free of its sheath strapped to his back as he stepped into sight. “Luzan!” He held the katoth hilt tightly, nails pricking the aged animal skin. “Release her and I will kill you quickly.”

  But no matter what, the male would die. Today.

  Luzan pulled a blade of his own while he hauled Delaney from the ground. The male held the sharpened edge to his mate’s throat, the gleaming metal poised to end Delaney’s life.

  “No,” the male’s voice trembled, but his grip on Delaney remained firm and the tip of that blade stayed steady. “No, you will retreat.”

  Sweat glistened on Luzan’s brow and the male’s wings trembled, shaking with his heightened emotions, but Zadri would not be deterred.

  “Luzan, you will not leave this ship with Delaney in hand.” Zadri shifted his weight, gaze focused while his mind searched for a way to get his mate free of the male. “You know this.”

  His opponent shook his head, hair whipping back and forth with the movement. “No. I must.” Luzan tightened his grip on Delaney, arm beneath her breasts pulling taught while the tip of that blade kissed her pale skin. “I must.”

  “Zadri,” his mate whispered and he allowed his attention to be diverted, his gaze locking with hers. “He thinks they can engineer a mate for him.”

  “They can!” Luzan snarled and the metal pricked her flesh. A droplet of red welled at the injury and slowly crept down her throat.

  “They?” He gritted his teeth and forced himself to remain in place, not to attack when every part of him demanded Luzan’s blood.

  “My parents. Cole Pharma. He thinks if he takes me to them, they’ll give him a mate, but they can’t—“

  “Lies!” Luzan’s voice overran Delaney’s, and Zadri’s dragon battled for freedom. It would wrench Delaney free of their opponent’s grip and then eat Luzan whole. “You lie!”

  Zadri did not believe his mate lied. Not about her sire and dam. He could believe those two lied to Luzan, though. They lied and told a Preor warrior that he could have a mate… for a price. A guaranteed mate. One just for him.

  Zadri knew of more than one older male who would be tempted by such a bargain. And others would assume as Zadri had once assumed—returning a female to her sire and dam could be nothing but favorable.

  They did not know what he now knew. Luzan did not know the life Delaney would endure if her sire and dam took hold of her once more.

  Movement in Zadri’s peripheral had him diverting his attention and he glanced to his left. He spied Vende standing near yet out of Luzan’s sight. At his side, Taulan was at the ready, purple scales in full view. No hint of the overjoyed male remained. This Taulan was a warrior prepared for battle.

  Both were prepared for battle.

  Zadri only hoped they would not regret the life that would be taken that day.

  As a part of him regretted Ballakin’s death.

  He split his attention between the cornered warrior and the two males intent on assisting him. Both remained silent, speech coming with gestures instead of words—a way to escape Luzan’s detection. He watched the negotiation between the war master and engineering master—both warriors determined to be the male to ensure Delaney’s freedom. Both warriors bickering like dragonlets over who got to throw the first blow and save the female. He would have laughed at their behavior had the situation not been so dire.

  A soft whimper grasped his thoughts, banishing all but his worry for his mate. Another rivulet of blood had joined the first, another nick in Delaney’s skin. His dragon’s fire tumbled and churned inside him, the heat warming his flesh and scorching his skin. As if it could burn away his body until only the dragon remained.

  “If a mate could be created, do you not think our own science masters would have discovered the technology?” He would try reason first. Reason with the male so he would release Delaney. “Do you believe we would have suff
ered for so many turnings if there was another way?”

  “They have found a way,” Luzan snarled, fangs bared. “And I will have a mate once I return her. I—“

  “You would take a mate to secure your own?” Disgust filled his tone and he could not have suppressed the feeling had he tried. “You would act as Ballakin—“

  His opponent’s snarl turned into a sneer of disgust. “No one can be as Ballakin unless they are dead. You ended the male’s life so you could have his mate for your own.”

  The accusation struck deep, slicing into his heart. He would love to be able to deny the accusation, but one small part of him was overjoyed at Ballakin’s death and what it meant for him—a mate.

  “I did not destroy the male because he sought to secure a mate. He sought to end a female’s life—a female that belonged to another.”

  Luzan’s eyes widened, the whites fully revealed, and Zadri saw the crazed thoughts that filled the male. There was no honor left in the male. No sense of right and wrong. He could see it in Luzan’s face—that loss and determination to satiate his desire.

  For a mate.

  “More lies,” Luzan accused and stepped back, stepping nearer to a shuttle. The door parted with his approach, and Zadri knew his opportunity would soon come.

  He split his attention for a moment, eyes going to Vende and Taulan. Vende clutched an engineer’s tool while Taulan stood nearby—tense and prepared. He did not know what the males planned, but he put his trust in their claws.

  So when Taulan motioned for him to wait, Zadri waited.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  Waited for what seemed like an eternity, but could have only been a few moments.

  And when the attack—their help—came, it was in a way he hadn’t expected. Vende hefted the object in his hand, gaze intent on the wall nearest to him. He tossed the small item, flicking it up and catching it in his palm as if to gauge the weight. He did that once, then twice, and on the third count, he pulled his arm back and let the object fly. It soared through the air, moving so fast it whistled as it cut through the space.


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