Dismissed (Smirnov Bratva Book 4)

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Dismissed (Smirnov Bratva Book 4) Page 7

by T. L Smith

  “Truth or dare, Freya.” She places her shirt back on and doesn’t worry about her skirt as she sits down with her bottle of vodka.


  “Do you wish you married Kazier instead of Viktor?”

  All eyes go to Elina, then back to Freya.

  I didn’t know that they were even a thing. Were they? They must have been.

  “Yes, for the power, but no because I love Viktor too much.”

  Everyone’s quiet, but it’s me who breaks the silence.

  “You were with Kazier?” I ask, confused.

  “No. It was arranged that I would marry him. He married Elina instead.”

  “Well, fuck,” my sister says next to me, echoing my exact thoughts.

  “Angelina,” Freya says to her friend. “If you only had one cock for the rest of your life whose would it be?”

  Everyone smiles, including me, waiting for her answer.


  The others clap except Raven and I. She blushes as she looks around, her eyes skim us then it’s her turn.

  “Sam, truth or dare.”

  “Dare,” I say. I’m not playing the truth game with any of them.

  “I want you to call the last guy you had a one-night stand with, and tell him you love him.” She claps excitedly, but my smile sits upside down. Not happy. That man would be the person I’m trying desperately to avoid, which I’m failing at miserably, and now because of this stupid game I have to call him.

  “Oh no, what if he’s a sleaze,” Elina says looking at me, trying to help. Angelina looks at me with excited puppy dog eyes waiting for me to call him.

  Picking up my cell, I dial his number. Pressing call I place the cell to my ear and take a deep breath preparing myself for what’s to come.

  “Kitten. You called to purr to me?”

  “I love you.” Then I hang up.

  All eyes are wide and on me. Angelina is laughing, shoulders lifting so high as she does.

  “Hopefully you’ll never see him again,” Angelina says, then a second later I want to slam my head into the floor.


  My insides scream, and all the girls turn their heads. Angelina stands when he enters, my back is to him, so I don’t have to look but I can feel his stare on my back.

  “You love me?” he asks.

  I look up to Angelina, whose eyes are wide as she works out who I just called. Then the disappointment follows as her shoulders droop when she realizes it was him.

  “No boys allowed,” Freya shouts, tipping the bottle of vodka to her lips and pointing to the door for them to leave.

  “We had to come to bring the baby stuff, then I had a call from Sam telling me she loves me.”

  I stand from my seat and face him, behind him are all his friends. Death walks past me to his wife, handing Pollie a bag of items for baby Dmitry, then he walks back to Anton.

  “You love me?” Anton asks again.

  My head begins a slow shake. “No, it was just a dare.”

  The smirk he had is lost, but then it magically reappears.

  “Phew, kitten… we couldn’t start up a ‘fuck me’ buddy system if you loved me.” He winks.

  “Are you leaving anytime soon?”

  Viktor smirks at my words.

  “Are you wanting a spanking?” Anton asks.

  “Oh gosh, just please leave.”

  Freya yells her agreement then they all start to walk out the door, but he’s the last to leave. He grabs my arm and pulls me up from my seat and around the corner into the hallway, blocking us from the view of everyone. Anton pushes me into the wall as he slides up my front while pushing his body into me. Then his lips slam onto mine, and I’m too stunned because my hands stay where they are at my sides as his lips attack mine, biting and licking me. Anton has a way with his mouth when it’s not talking that makes me want to package it up and take it with me so he can kiss me constantly. He kisses me until I almost forget where I am, and who I am. That’s the strength he has behind his kisses. They’re fucking powerful.

  “Stop igniting my fire,” Anton says onto my lips.

  “Stop lighting the match,” I retort back to him.

  Anton pushes off me, kisses my lips one more time then walks away, leaving me standing there by myself, wondering why I let him do that to me again.

  Anton is something I shouldn’t want, or even need.

  Chapter 11


  “You just left a shit storm for that girl you want to fuck,” Viktor says as he drives off. Kazier nods his head, and I look at them both like they have gone mad. “You left Angelina, who you fucked and who’s in love with you I might add, and your new fling sitting in the same room. Angelina has now discovered your new fling, and what’s worse… it’s been revealed to both of them now,” Viktor finishes saying.

  “And?” I ask. I don’t get where he’s going with this.

  “Fuck, for someone so smart, you sure as shit are a dumbass. Women talk, you idiot. Your new fling is making friends with them. Don’t you get it yet?”

  “She won’t care.”

  “Yeah, right! Think about it, she becomes friends with Angelina, and bang … fling won’t want to sleep with you again because she’ll feel guilty,” Kazier adds.

  I slam my hands down on the dashboard as shit registers in my brain. “Fuck! Take me back. I need my kitten to purr until I’m ready for her to leave.”

  “Oh fucking hell, you even have a nickname for her,” Kazier complains. “You’re in love, man.”

  I pull back to hit him, but he moves out of my way fast. “Take me back! Fucking take me back, Viktor. Now.”

  He shakes his head. “Not happening, tonight we drink.”

  I slam my head back on the headrest. “We drink every fucking night,” I say to him.

  “Not with everyone.”

  He’s right, it’s usually just Viktor and me. Kazier is always with Elina, Death never leaves Pollie unless he’s instructed to, which is him anyway because before Pollie he hated leaving his house.

  “So tonight, we drink.”

  Viktor drives until we reach Kazier’s house which is already stocked with all the alcohol we need, because apparently, he’s now in the damn alcohol business. Or maybe he’s just an alcoholic? Whichever one, I’m more than happy as I get to drink it.


  The drinks are on, the boys are well on the way to intoxication, and I’m a little more than drunk. The girls are constantly sending Snapchats of what they’re doing. I messaged Sam before I couldn’t see straight, but didn’t get a reply back from her. Looking around, they’re all on their cells, a bottle in each hand apart from Death, who’s just hugging his bottle looking at the floor.

  I reach out and hopefully hit him hard, but he doesn’t move so I’m guessing it wasn’t, or maybe I fucking missed altogether. His eyes lift up from the floor, and he looks at me.

  “Cock piercing?” I ask Death.

  He shrugs his shoulders.

  Grabbing my cell, I manage to dial Robert—God only knows how—and speak to him. Somehow Robert understands and soon he arrives with a kit in his hand and everyone looking at him.

  “You called?” Robert asks while opening it up.

  Death stands, pulls me up then smacks the back of my head. “You’re getting a Prince Albert piercing.”

  I shake my head, then look down, apologizing before I agree to it. First, I have to tell my cock how sorry I am because I’m about to inflict pain on him.

  “Yes, and so are you.”

  I undo my pants then pull my cock free. A clamp is placed on my dick, needles are seen and I look away because before I know it my buddy is pierced. I’m pretty sure I pass out after that, or maybe it was after Death got the exact same thing because he did call me a little bitch at some point.


  My leg is being kicked, my back is aching, my head is throbbing, and my cock….

  “What the fuck…” I stand up
, pulling my pants down. A fucking large bar is through my dick.

  What the actual fuck!

  Touching it, I almost want to cry for him. Then because it’s my penis, I begin to appreciate it. I’ve decorated him, and it’s even more beautiful than before.

  “Put it away.”

  Looking up, I see five sets of eyes are on me—Kazier, Elina, Viktor, Freya, plus… Sam.

  Sam’s eyes are on my cock, and I like them there. And because I do, my cock starts growing hard knowing her eyes are on me.

  “Fuck, man, my wife is here. Don’t make me cut it off,” Kazier growls.

  I wink at Sam as I put it away.

  “Did you know you can’t have sex for six weeks after a cock piercing?” Sam says, smiling from ear to ear.

  “Robert didn’t say that, did he?”

  The boys all nod their heads.

  “And he left instructions for you to read,” Viktor says, pointing to the exact piece of paper that says in big bold fucking letters.




  “You two are fucked men. Why would you pierce that shit?” Viktor shivers as he speaks and then shakes his head.

  I shrug my shoulders while watching Sam.

  “I’ll drive you home,” I tell Sam, reaching for my keys. She watches me, her smile still firmly in place.

  “You and I can become great friends over six weeks, I think.”

  The girls laugh, but I groan.


  I can’t say that word enough times.


  Taking her hand, Sam waves to the guys before we start walking out to my car. She’s quiet as I open the door for her, and I’m quiet trying to work out if I took that shit out of my cock if I could have sex tomorrow. I should have read the instructions.

  “Don’t take it out. It’s meant to be very pleasing for your partner,” Sam says, surprising me.

  Did she just read my mind?

  I put the car in gear and drive while watching her from my side.

  “I plan to fuck you with it.”

  Sam shakes her head. “I never asked for you to fuck me. I think we need to stop that, and now’s the perfect time to do so,” she says, smiling.

  “You friends with Angelina now?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the road.

  “Nope. She didn’t really like me after you left. Not surprising really since you sucked my face.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?” I ask, remembering what the guys said.

  “Nope! As long as you haven’t, or never intend to, fuck my sister. We are all good. Friends?” she asks as we reach her apartment.

  “I don’t think friends want to tear each other’s clothes off and fuck,” I say to her.

  “No, I suppose they don’t. But I guess we can try.” She smirks, getting out and closing the door.

  I wind the window down as she walks up the stairs. “At least shake that ass for me, I need something to keep me going.”

  And she does, she wiggles exaggeratedly as she walks up the stairs, and I can just hear her faint giggle as she goes inside.

  That woman will be the death of me, of that I’m sure.

  Chapter 12


  Jamie’s standing out front of my apartment a few hours after Anton dropped me off. That man is not someone I wish to see, today or ever for that matter. But here he is. Being a cop, he has access to all my data, and he seems to know just about everything there is to know about me. ‘Slime,’ yeah that’s a good name to describe him. He shouldn’t be able to search my details for his own pleasure. His hands are in his pockets and he’s looking up at me, as I walk out the door and onto the top step. Raven saw him through the window, and not wanting her to have anything to do with him, I had to come down. Hopefully to tell him to leave, and that will be it. But that’s highly unlikely.

  “Samara,” he says in his smarmy way. I hate it when he says my name like that. Hate it.

  “What are you doing here, Jamie?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. His gun sits proudly on his belt, but he doesn’t touch it. Yet. He usually does, knowing that those movements make me uncomfortable.

  “You seem to be following the wrong crowd.”

  I shake my head. “You can’t tell me who to see.”

  He scratches his eye, the same one I punched a few months ago. He’d come into my work when I was closing up and finishing off an order for Death. Jamie tried to touch me, and I told him to stop it. He didn’t want to listen, but his hands kept on touching my skin without my permission. I saw Death stand up and my eyes looked back to his, it was the most eye contact I’d ever had with him. My knee came up and connected with Jamie’s groin, then I punched him in the eye for good measure. He cursed at me and a stream of obscenities burst from his mouth, but someone was behind him so he couldn’t threaten me. Death stood there even though I didn’t know who he was then. I knew at that time he was not someone you argued with, especially when he looks at you the way he looked at Jamie. Jamie left without another word. And I hadn’t seen him since, that is until the other night at work.

  “I saw you get out of the car with him today.” He shakes his head. “Do you know who those men are, Samara? You want people like that being around your sister?”

  I want to laugh because they seem so much safer than he does right at this moment. Jamie, I don’t trust with a ten-foot pole.

  “You need to leave.”

  He shakes his head then looks up, I do too, and that’s a mistake because in that split second he’s in front of me and his body almost on mine.

  “You know I’m the better option.”

  I shake my head, his breath is on my neck. Stepping back and holding onto the railing for support, he tries to step forward. So I turn and run up the stairs away from him, shutting and locking the door. Raven walks out with her eyebrows raised as she watches me.

  “Who is that, Sam?”

  I shake my head, trying to think of the correct way to tell her without scaring her, but it’s clear she has to know to stay away from him. He is not safe.

  “Promise me if you see him you’ll run the other way and call me.”

  She nods her head.

  “Should you call Anton?”

  “Why?” I ask, confused. Freya brought her home last night, and I stayed up drinking. Then this morning I agreed to go with Elina to her house. Anton was there, with a pierced and very beautiful cock out on display. I smile at the memory.

  “Well… don’t you like him?” Raven asks.

  I shake my head. “We’re going to try to be friends.”

  She laughs, but I push away from the door and walk to the window to see if Jamie’s still there. He is, looking up at me. I close the curtain and turn back to Raven.

  “I think he makes you feel safe,” she says in a small voice.


  Maybe he does, I’d never thought of it that way. It’s true though, I never say no to going with him somewhere, because I feel calm around him.

  “And maybe you can let him in. Have you told him about your scar?”

  I shake my head, but she’s persistent. “Just because of your heart it doesn’t mean you can’t live normally, Sam. Your risks aren’t high now you’ve had the transplant.”

  And there it is.

  The heart.

  It’s a fickle bitch, isn’t it?

  Mine sure as shit is.

  It was a bad time, congenital heart disease does that to you. If you’re lucky, some live with it, some die from it, and some need a whole new heart. The last one was me, another reason I work so much. The medical bills were horrendous, but it was a long time ago now, and the scar has faded. The thought remains that one day my heart could fail. My health all around is good now and has been for a few years. No one knows. The only person that does is Raven. It’s one of the main reasons she went into the medical field. She saw what I went through, and wanted to help someone else who may not have gotten a second chan
ce like I did. I admire her greatly for it. Medication for the rest of my life is all I need now. Lucky for me, so far I haven’t rejected my heart—my gift—and I have been able to go back to my normal activities, which I know I’m fortunate for and blessed. Some people aren’t able to live a normal life even after they get their brand new heart.

  “I’ll always have risks, Raven,” I say to her. She doesn’t smile or fight me on it because she knows the truth.

  “Well, maybe you should tell him.”

  “He’s asked, but I avoided his question,” I tell her, standing and walking away from this conversation. No one knows about it. When I dance, I cover the scar with make-up and it does wonders. I learned how to hide it from a very special lady who deals with this type of thing, and honestly, when it’s covered you wouldn’t know. It’s incredible what you can do when you have the right tools and know how.

  “You need to start putting you first. I love it that you always put me first, Sam, but it also makes me feel incredibly guilty. I want you to put you first for a change, even if that means falling in love,” she says through the closed door of the bathroom.

  I spring it open, coming face to face with her. Her eyes are sad as she looks at me, and a lone tear runs down her face.

  “I didn’t do it because I felt guilted into it, Raven. I did it because I love you. And maybe, just maybe, I don’t want to love yet. I want to be me… just Sam, not Sam and someone else. No matter how much I like someone.”

  Raven nods her head, and I pull her in for a hug. I forget how much she sees and knows. She isn’t my baby sister anymore, now she’s a grown woman.


  I’ve made up my mind, I’m quitting dancing. I need to find one job. One job that can help me with the bills from now on. Raven is getting work, and I don’t have to pay for everything by myself anymore. My medical bills are almost gone thanks to the money I made at the club, and now I have time for me. What I want to do. I don’t have any real plans, nothing has ever interested me. I’m more than happy to work an office job perhaps. My dreams aren’t as big as Raven’s. All I wanted was to breathe again, and that dream was fulfilled with my new heart.


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