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#1: The Cave of Aaaaah! Doom! (Ella and Owen)

Page 3

by Jaden Kent

  her wings in excitement.

  “No way!” Owen hugged the ogre

  toenails against his chest. “I traded my

  best belly button lint for these!”

  “Give him the toenails!” Ella tried to

  grab the jar away. “If you do, you can

  have my dessert for a week!”

  “Chocolate-covered caterpillars?”

  Owen asked.

  “Yes!” Ella said and tugged the jar.

  “Make it three weeks!” Owen said and

  tugged it back.

  “Two weeks!”


  Owen yanked the jar of ogre toenails

  from Ella and gave it to Orlock.

  “Let’s make a rhubarb wand!” Owen





  Orlock proudly waved his new rhubarb

  wand in the air!

  “It worked! It worked! It worked!”

  Orlock sang and danced. “I turned my

  asparagus wand into a rhubarb wand!”

  “Remember our deal! We gave you the

  ogre toenails. You have to let us go! And

  cure me!” Owen said.

  “And you have to also stop being evil,”

  Ella added.

  Orlock stopped dancing. “Can I still be

  evil on weekends?” he asked hopefully.


  “Mondays only,” Ella said. “Because

  everybody already hates Mondays.”

  “And holidays? You can’t expect me to

  not be evil on Evil-mas—” Orlock said.

  “Great! Evil on Evil-mas,” Owen cut in.

  “Now please cure me before I—AH-CHOO!”

  Too late!




  Fire shot from Owen’s mouth like a rocket

  ship blasting off. He bounced around the

  dungeon like a soccer ball being kicked by

  ten trolls, before rolling to a stop in front

  of a jar filled with bat wings.

  “You kept up your end of the deal, and

  now it’s time for me to do my part.” Orlock

  pointed his rhubarb wand at Owen. “Oh,

  and if this turns you into a Prickle Pie

  Toad, I’m sorry. I’m just not very good with


  “Wait!” Owen shouted.

  But it was too late! Again!


  A magic glimmer shot from Orlock’s

  rhubarb wand and surrounded Owen.

  Owen closed he eyes tightly. The magic

  sparkles went away, but he was not a

  Prickle Pie Toad. He was still plain old


  “Give it a try,” Ella said and tickled

  Owen’s nose.

  Owen sneezed . . . but no fire came out!

  “Hey! The spell worked!” a surprised

  Orlock said.

  Owen gave his sister a look of relief.

  Ella smiled and gave her brother a quick

  high five.

  With Owen cured, the two dragons said

  their good-byes to Orlock the Evil (on

  Mondays and holidays only) Vegetable


  But the journey home wasn’t as easy as

  the journey to the Cave of Aaaaah! Doom!



  “We need to go left here,” Owen said

  when they came to a fork in the path.

  “No, we need to go right,” Ella countered.

  Every time Ella said “go left,” Owen

  thought they should go right. If Owen said

  “up,” then Ella said “down.” If Ella said

  “backward,” then Owen said “forward.” If

  Owen said “peanut butter,” then Ella said


  But the bickering got even

  worse when they spotted a

  tiny glowing winged girl no

  bigger than an ogre’s toe.

  “Look! It’s the tree sprite we met

  earlier!” Owen waved to her. “Hi, there!”

  he called out.

  “No, that’s a water sprite for sure!” Ella


  “Tree sprite!”

  “Water sprite!”

  “Let’s go ask!” they both said at the

  same time.


  They flew toward the sprite, who, seeing

  two dragons flying toward her shouting

  “tree sprite!” and “water sprite!” became

  scared and flew away.

  The chase was on!

  Just as they were about to grab the

  sprite, the two dragons crashed into each



  They tumbled down a hill through a patch

  of spider flowers and sticky slug weeds

  until . . .


  The twins fell into a cold lake of inky

  black water.

  “This is all your fault!” they both yelled

  at each other at the same time.

  But then Ella and Owen looked around

  and realized something that was very not


  “Do you have any idea where we are?”

  Owen asked.

  “In a lake?” Ella replied.

  “In a lake . . . and completely and totally

  lost!” Owen replied.

  “We’re not lost!” Ella said. “Home is . . .

  that way! Or is it that way? Or . . .” Ella spun

  in circles, looking in every direction. She

  realized that they were indeed completely

  and totally lost. “I hate it when you’re

  right. . . .” she said with a sigh.

  And Owen was right. They were more

  lost than a dwarf without a beard. . . .


  Read on for a sneak peek from the second book in the

  Ella and Owen series, Attack of the Stinky Fish Monster!



  “We are not lost!” Ella said

  to her twin brother as they swam

  through the water.

  “Right,” Owen said. He gave his

  sister a blank look. “We just fell down

  a big hill, splashed into this lake, and

  don’t know our way home.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,”

  Ella replied. “Don’t worry. My dragon

  sense will lead the way.”

  “Dragon sense? Ha!” Owen


  “My dragon sense led us to

  Osgood the ogre and also the Cave

  of Aaaaah! Doom! and the wizard

  Orlock Morlock, who cured your

  cold,” Ella said proudly. “Just like I


  “You say that like it was a good

  thing!” Owen said. “Your dragon

  sense also got us into this mess

  and—whoa!” Owen flipped his tail

  out of the water. He looked behind

  himself nervously. “Something swam

  past me. Something BIG!”

  “Don’t be sil—EEEEE!” Ella

  screamed. “There is something in

  the water!” She began bobbing up

  and down.

  “Maybe it’s a friendly fish,” Owen

  said hopefully. “A big friendly fish

  that wants to be friends because it’s

  so friendly.”

  Suddenly, a huge


  Black Water Slime Eel jumped out

  from the water behind them. Its

  mouth snapped open. Giant fangs

  stuck ou
t like tusks. Its angry

  scream sounded like an alarm. It

  was coming right at them.

  “FLY AWAY!” Ella and Owen cried

  out at the same time.

  Their dragon wings flapped as

  fast as wings can flap. They flew


  above the lake and—


  and Owen crashed into each other.

  They fell back into


  the water. The slime eel’s back fin

  rose from the water like a sword.

  Its mouth opened, and it spit out the

  bones of a smaller fish. Huge fangs

  sparkled in the sun. Owen and Ella

  dove out of the way. The eel swam

  past, missing both of them.

  “Grab the fin!” Ella yelled.

  “No way!” Owen said. “That’s


  Ella stretched her scaly arm and

  grabbed the slime eel’s tail. “Follow


  “I’m too far away!” Owen yelled.

  “All I can grab is—” Owen grabbed

  Ella’s tail.

  The slime eel swam away fast,

  pulling Ella through the water. Owen

  hung on tightly.

  “Stop tugging on my tail!” Ella

  yelled back to her brother.

  “I’m trying to save you!” Owen


  “That’s so nice of you, but this

  is great! I’m a dragon cowgirl,” Ella

  yelled. “Yippee-ki-yay!”

  Then the slime eel lifted its tail

  out of the water and snapped it like

  a whip. Ella and Owen flew off the

  eel and headed toward the shore.

  “AAAAAH!” they screamed as

  they sailed through the air.




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