Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2 Page 9

by Janelle Peel

  Sighing, he sat heavily on the recliner. “Ok Sora, they’ve gone. Tell me what happened.”


  Blaze just stared at the wall after I finished my play by play. He seemed completely flabbergasted.

  “I’m sorry I had to mislead you. Can she stay?” I asked with a hopeful expression.

  He paused for a moment. “I understand why you did what you did, and it’s fine. Yes, she can stay, if she wants. I would never send anyone back to a situation like that. She will need to swear fealty, though.”

  I glanced at Natalie curiously.

  She nodded, “I will swear now, if that’s okay.”

  “Well, everyone is already assembled,” I said. “Blaze, what do you think?”

  He sighed tiredly, “Might as well.”

  Back in the ballroom once more, I stood beside my Mate on the last step of the staircase.

  Natalie used a dagger and pierced her palm. After she’d dribbled a few drops into the chalice, Blaze and I followed suit with our fangs.

  “One family!” He rumbled to the room, holding the cup high.

  His words echoed around the room, repeated in soft whispers by our Clutch.

  “You are ours and we are yours.” He swirled the cup and took a sip before placing it Natalie’s hands.

  She took a small swallow, her face screwed up in distaste before passing it to me.

  I lifted the chalice to my lips and inhaled. The heady notes of Blaze’s blood met my senses, interlaced softly with my own and the scent of Natalie’s magic; giving the mixture a spicy quality. I tipped the cup to my lips and swallowed. Fire raced through my veins as the ruby liquid slid down my throat. My vision pulsed once in a violet pigment.

  Mine… a voice whispered.

  Euphoric, I lifted my arms to the crowd and roared, “Welcome our newest ClutchMate, Mage Natalie!”

  Cheers of delight rang throughout the room in celebration as flames wreathed my arms in a lavender hue. Lifting my hands, I reached up to the blood red tapestries surrounding the marble columns. Violet flames arced from my fingertips to the offending panels; devouring the color in a bright white light before replacing them with the color of my flames.

  Natalie looked up to me with wide eyes, clearly impressed by the display while I dropped my arms and extinguished my magic.

  Blaze looped an arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. “Should we stay or go?”

  I smiled, watching as Natalie was swept away by Viv to join the party. She was in good hands. “Go.”

  Chapter 8


  Taking Natalie by the shoulders, I quipped, “Are you wearing anything beneath that hideous circus tent?”

  Her lips tipped down into a frown, “Um, not really?”

  My upper lip lifted in disgust. The color of life my ass. What a fucking poser.

  Natalie shrank back from my grasp in fear.

  Schooling my emotions, I pulled her back and whispered soothingly, “It’s okay. Follow me, I’m sure I have something more,” I paused, “appropriate.”

  A small smile lit her face and she nodded.

  Back in my room, I threw clothes all around the closet.

  No, no. Not that one, she’s not a harlot.

  Where the hell did that one come from, I wondered as I fingered the hem of a crushed velvet skirt.

  Finally, my hand I brushed against a lace dress. Yes, perfect.

  I tossed her the dress and gestured to my small bathroom. “Do you need any help?”

  She shook her head once, gathered the dress into her arms and closed the door.

  God, I thought, what a shit show. Rubbing my face, I paced the room and reflected on my interactions with Zane. He’d put on such a good act, even I was fooled. Rolling my shoulders out, I shook my head. Then again, so was Blaze. Sora had known better, though. I knew many predators in my youth, it’d have to take a real psychopath to fool me.

  That was it; he was a fucking psychopath. We’d almost welcomed him into our Clutch… and I’d tasted his blood. My stomach rolled as I recalled how much I’d enjoyed it. Swallowing a mouthful of bile, I let a sigh out through my clenched teeth. Asshole.

  Not a damned thing I could do about it now, though. Seeing them scurry off into the night like rats was immensely satisfying.

  The bathroom door opened, drawing me from my internal monologue.

  Natalie stepped out with her eyes downcast. The sweetheart neckline hugged her small breasts before dipping into a belted empire waistline. It flared out in black lace folds around her hips and ended just above her knees. The lining beneath the lace almost matched her skin tone, making quite the dramatic statement.

  “Natalie,” I queried, “do you like it?”

  Smoothing her hands down the front of her thighs, she met my gaze. “I’ve never worn anything so nice.” Her brows dipped in worry, “What if I ruin it?”

  I grinned, “Babe, that dress isn’t my style. It’s yours now.”

  Her lips tipped up and she twirled; the skirt of her dress fanned out like a graceful ballerina. She looked so sweet and innocent. It was a wonder she’d held onto those qualities in that hell hole.

  She stopped, “Viv?”

  I answered on my way to the bathroom, “Yeah?” Grabbing my comb from the counter and a hair tie that Sora had left, I padded back to her and started working on her hair. She cringed at my touch, but slowly relaxed while I sifted through her midnight strands.

  “Is,” she stammered, “is it nice here?”

  I paused, “Yes. No one will harm you.” I tugged on lock, “I promise. I’ll be kicking some serious ass if anyone tries.”

  She giggled, “Okay.”

  I twisted her raven hair into a lose bun at the nape of her neck and hid the end with the tie when she spoke again.

  “Viv?” She turned toward me, “Do you have any shoes?”

  I laughed. If only all we ever had to worry about was shoes. I shook my head, “Nope. We usually just run around barefoot; there’s carpet almost everywhere.” I looked down to our naked toes.

  Following my gaze, she bobbed her head and hesitated. “Um, what is Sora?”

  My brow furrowed while I tried to figure out the best way to answer her complicated question. I’d never thought much of the word that was whispered at our ceremony before, but somehow it seemed right. With a shrug, I replied, “She is our Chosen.”

  “Okay… are we ready, now?”

  “As we’ll ever be.” I looped an arm through hers. “Stick close to me, okay? If you want to leave, just tell me.”

  She smiled and we headed back to the party.


  Blaze sipped his whiskey beside me at the bar in the rec room. My thoughts were running a mile a minute while I tried to remember what had happened when I had linked with Natalie. There was something I was missing, but every time I reached for the memory, it slipped from my grasp like the wisps of a forgotten dream.

  Footsteps whispered across the carpet to the bar, announcing Julian’s arrival. Bowing, he straightened with a sour expression on his face. “Master Blaze, Sora. Pardon my interruption.”

  Blaze nodded, “It’s fine, Julian. What is it?”

  Julian lifted a silver tray with a single white envelope upon its surface. “This was delivered just moments ago to a Protector at the northern gate.”

  Sora was written in a rough scrawl on the white paper. My fingers trembled as I reached out and took it from the tray. Looking to Blaze, I ripped open the end and slid the contents out onto the bar.

  A single sheet, folded into thirds, lay before us.

  I shook my head. I didn’t want to touch it.

  Blaze took the missive in his large hand and unfolded the paper. Clearing his throat, he read,

  “Mistress. I apologize, but I cannot wait any longer. I need to speak with you and Master Blaze. Please respond, Mel.”

  My head dropped to the bar with an audible thunk. Dammit, couldn’t I catch a break?

; “Thank you, Julian. Dismissed.” Blaze rumbled.

  Unwilling to peel my face from the cool oak, I heard his steps as he departed.

  “Sora,” Blaze said. “They are ours now. I know you don’t want them to be, but we need to figure out what is going on.” He rubbed my shoulders soothingly, “We need to know why Mel tracked you down in the first place.”

  I groaned. Mel had tracked me down, sniffed me out like prey. He had said he only wanted my help, but he’d tried to enter my home without permission and was blasted by my ward. Naturally, he was none too pleased by that, and we’d been at odds ever since.

  “Fine,” I murmured, sitting up. Lifting a hand, I waited for Blaze to take my phone from his pocket. It’s not like I could carry it anywhere in this tight ass dress.

  He gently placed it into my palm and closed his large hand around mine. “It’ll be okay, Love. I promise.”

  Nodding, I pulled away and thumbed my phone to life. “The number?”

  Blaze slid the paper in front of me and I dialed, 6197741282.

  It rang twice before a male voice answered, “Hello?”

  My shoulders dropped. Damn, I had really wanted voicemail to pick up. “Mel?” I queried.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he sucked in a relieved breath. “Thank the Goddess you called.”

  My hand clenched involuntarily around the phone in worry, causing the plastic to creak. He’d bitten Viv, killed my ClutchMate Jake; now he was mine and I felt protective of him. Stupid instincts.

  “What is it?” I muttered.

  “My Pa-,” he stumbled. “The Pack found something on a hunt. I need you and Master Blaze to come to the gate.”

  I tipped my head to Blaze in silent question, knowing full well that he could easily hear what Mel had said.

  “Please,” Mel said with note of desperation coloring his voice. “I swear with my life to the Goddess that no physical harm will come to you.”

  Thunder rumbled through the walls at his last word.

  The All Mother took oaths very seriously. His life was now forfeit if he broke his word.

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I answered, “We will be there in a few minutes.” Then I disconnected the call before he could reply.

  Blaze took the phone from my hand. Incredulously, he said, “He swore an oath.”

  “He did.” I shook my head, “Idiot.”

  I’d only ever seen one instance where an oath was broken. The fool had been dabbling in Blood Magic without the permission of the Council. Everyone in the Stronghold was required to attend his trial. He swore to the Goddess that it wasn’t true. Thunder rumbled overhead and the air became thick with the smell of ozone. Charged with electricity; the blonde hairs on my small arms rose. The taste of cold metal lingered in the back of my throat. Between one blink and the next, lightning shot down from the sky. It flashed so brightly that I had to tuck my head behind my mother’s skirt. When the crackle ended, I rubbed the tears from my watering eyes and dared to see what had happened. Nothing but ashes remained of the poor fool. They swirled through the courtyard like dust motes on the wind; then they were gone, and only a blackened mark scored the ground where he had been.

  ‘A reminder,’ my Mother had said. ‘Left purposely by the Goddess so we would remember what would happen when oaths made in Her name were broken.’

  Soft fingertips wiped my cheeks as I came out of the memory to Blaze’s worried face. “You’re crying,” he whispered.

  I shivered, “Bad memory. It was the first time I’d ever seen what happens to oath breakers. I was maybe 5 years old.”

  His face softened, “I know what happens. Vampires have no place in Her light.”

  My brows lowered. I knew Shifters and Mages believed in Her, it was hard not to when our magic came from Her. I’d never known what Vampires believed in.

  He shrugged, intuiting my thoughts, “Another time, Love. Let’s go see what Mel wants.”

  After I’d made a pitstop for my boots, we met Mason’s frowning face at the northern entrance. I took him aside while Blaze gestured to another Protector to open the gate.

  I pitched my voice low, “How many?”

  Mason jerked his head, “Just one. He has a truck with something in the back.” He shuddered, “It smells like death.”

  My heart rate soared. Death. Oh Goddess. In a panic, I flashed though the small gap before the wrought iron gate could fully open.

  “Sora!” Blaze shouted.

  I zipped to the old Chevy as terror coursed through my veins at what I would find.

  Mel sat on the tailgate with his thick arms up in the air in a non-threatening manner.

  “Who?” I whispered softly, praying it wasn’t someone I knew as Blaze joined my side.

  Mel shook his head sadly and nodded to Blaze as he stood. “A Mage.”

  Blaze sucked in a sharp gasp and ripped the tarp from the truck bed. A small, sheet wrapped shape was revealed. Gently, he hopped into the bed and lifted the bundle into his arms. A deep growl began in the back of his throat and his fangs clicked into place.

  Mel moved back behind me and knelt onto the ground.

  My brows lowered to a v in confusion, “Who is it, Blaze?” What was I missing?

  He rumbled three words. “Sara, our Mage.”

  Shock ripped through me. Our Mage?

  Blaze jumped from the truck and transferred Sara’s body to Mason’s waiting arms. His thick legs ate up the short distance as he stalked over to Mel. His words sounded like crushed gravel and his body shook with barely leashed anger, “What have you done?”

  Mel pressed his face to the asphalt in submission. “Nothing. We found her the night before I met Sora. The Pack was on a hunt through the canyon when we scented magic in the air. We went to investigate,” his thick shoulders trembled. “I knew she was yours.”

  I maneuvered myself between them and placed a hand on Blaze’s vibrating chest. At my touch, he gained control and stopped growling. His teeth retracted with a sighed exhale.

  “Why didn’t you just bring her here?” I asked Mel.

  Some of the tension relaxed out of his shoulders and he rocked back onto his heels. “We have been fighting with their kind for centuries. I couldn’t just stop by and say, ‘Hey, we found your Mage.’”

  “So, what?” I asked suspiciously. “You were going to use me as the go between?”

  Mel nodded, “Yes. You were unaffiliated. It was the best I could do. That’s why I tracked you to your house in PB. Our Mage,” his voice cracked, “insisted that her family be notified.”

  The Mage I had killed to save what was mine.

  I sighed in frustration. Everything had happened because of this? “Why did you attack Viv?”

  He jerked his head, “It wasn’t an attack. We were just trying to speak with you. We had no other option. I didn’t intend to harm you.”

  Incredulous, I cried, “She could have died!”

  He shook his head. “You don’t understand. I knew you were powerful and would have no problem saving her.”

  “Does human life mean so little to you?!” I shook my head in disgust.

  His face sobered, “To be hunted to the brink of extinction; entire families killed for their pelts or sport.” He shook his head, “No, human life is of little value to me. I only care for my Pack.”

  I sputtered, “What about Blaze’s convoy then?”

  Mel shouted, “We had no choice!”

  Blaze held up a hand and replied in his deep bass, “So, you thought a spike strip would work to get our attention? We lost good people that night!”

  Mel bared his teeth and snarled, “So did we! We didn’t attack first; your group did!” His chest flexed as he stood and the muscles rippled wildly beneath his shirt.

  Blaze shifted behind me. “The LA Clutch was already fighting by the time Von, Missy and myself exited the vehicle. Jake,” he croaked, “was decapitated by the windshield. It was absolute mayhem.”

  “Stop it, both of you.” I said as grie
f lanced my heart. “This isn’t going to change anything. They’re all,” I shivered and lowered my voice, “dead.”

  We all took a moment to compose ourselves. Blaze roped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me back against his chest. Inhaling quick bursts of air near my ear, he leaned his chin onto my crown.

  The fight drained from Mel and his shoulders dropped. His expression was one of genuine regret as he whispered, “What do we do now?”

  Tipping my head, I replied, “Now we go home. We can meet here tomorrow night at 8 to figure all of this crap out.” Goddess, I was tired.

  With a nod, he opened the door to his truck and paused, “Can I bring my Omega?”

  “Yes,” Blaze thankfully answered for me. I didn’t know what the hell an Omega was.

  Mel let out a relieved breath, got into his truck and drove back down the road.

  As his taillights retreated, I turned in Blaze’s thick arms. “Now what?”

  He kissed my cheek softly, “I have to make arrangements for,” he gulped audibly, “Sara.”

  I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “We will do it together.”


  He paced the foyer, impatiently waiting for Blaze and Sora to come back inside. He didn’t know what was going on, but the Pack had better not try anything.

  After an eternity, the front door opened and Mason strode inside. His large arms gingerly cradled a mass of dirty white sheets. Tears trailed down his severe cheeks as he nodded to Jackson and walked past.

  Jackson inhaled. The scent of decay, rosemary, and mint, met his nose.

  Sara! He flashed in front of Mason, immediately halting the Protector’s forward progress.

  Slowly, as if in a dream, he watched his arm raise and pull back the sheet. The folds shifted to reveal rust stained, blonde hair.

  His mind stuttered.

  Without a word, he lifted the small bundle from Mason. Turning on his heel, he collapsed to his knees on the marble floor.

  “Noooooooooo!” He screamed an agonizing cry.

  The sounds of running feet met his ears from far away.


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