Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2 Page 14

by Janelle Peel

  Violet flames lit Sora’s arms and thunder rolled across the sky. “Show me,” she bit out.

  Mel cringed as he lifted my hand to hers.

  “Fuck,” she said.

  I ping ponged my eyes back and forth between them, “What? It barely hurts. I’m fine. She didn’t mean to do it.”

  Bex whined in response, dragging her belly across the grass until she reached my side and placed her head on my lap. Her blue eyes met mine and her ears drooped in remorse.

  “Can you heal it?” Mel whispered worriedly to Sora.

  Sora’s brow furrowed, “I’ve never healed another Mage, I don’t know, but I’ll try.”

  Confusion coursed through me, “It’s fine, really. Why are you so worried?”

  Mel met my eyes, “Bites spread lycanthropy. I’ve never heard of a Mage surviving the change.”

  My mouth opened and closed, “But it was an accident. She didn’t mean to do it. I don’t understand.” Tears pooled in my eyes. “Sora?” I asked in a small voice.

  She didn’t answer. Gripping my hand tightly, she closed her eyes. White light lit beneath her palm and her lips moved, whispering words too quietly for me to hear.


  His Wolf paced angrily beneath his skin. A mournful howl began in the back of his throat that Bex quickly joined in on. Their chorused notes rent the air in one desolate sound before echoing into the night.

  This couldn’t be happening. He’d already lost so much, he couldn’t lose her too.

  Mate, his Wolf growled in frustration.

  He knew it in his twin souls. Had suspected it, but hadn’t truly known until he had tasted her blood.

  Sora spoke, interrupting his thoughts. “It’s not working. The puncture isn’t closing.”

  Natalie moved her hand and inspected her finger as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I don’t want to die,” she whispered softly.

  His heart broke in anguish. No, no, no.

  “I want you to try, Natalie.” Sora said. “Call your flames, like you did with Bex. Close your eyes and concentrate.”

  Natalie sniffled and closed her eyes.

  Nothing happened.

  Panicking she cried, “It’s not working!”

  He pleaded, “Can you turn her?”

  Natalie’s voice cracked, “No.”

  Dumbfounded, he met her hazel eyed gaze, “Why?”

  “I don’t want to be a Vampire. Dammed to darkness, living on while those around me die.” She shook her head, resigned. “I can’t live like that.”


  How could this be happening?

  I couldn’t believe the Goddess would be so cruel.

  Bells chimed and a voice whispered in my thoughts, ‘She has made her choice, Daughter, leave her be.’

  I stood, my heart clenching tightly in my chest.

  “I don’t feel so good,” Natalie whispered, shaking her head.

  “It’s starting. Mel, bring her inside.” I looked down, “Bex, you stay by my side, are we clear?”

  She stood and pressed herself tightly against my leg.

  Mel gently scooped up Nat and cradled her tiny frame against his bare chest.

  Our procession into the house was deathly silent.

  Mel sat in the leather wingback near the foot of her bed with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips.

  Bex had curled into a ball beside Natalie on top of the duvet and refused to leave her side.

  I paced my millionth circuit of the room, waiting.

  Blaze was beyond upset when I explained what had happened. He couldn’t even be in the same room with Mel and I didn’t have the energy to keep them from each other’s throats.

  “Sora,” Mel whispered.

  “Yeah?” I stopped and checked Natalie’s fever again. She had passed out on the way into the house and had yet to regain consciousness.

  “Go find something to do. I’ll keep watch over her and tell you the minute anything changes.”

  I nodded. “Okay, but the very second anything happens.”

  “Agreed,” he replied.

  I found Viv trying to get drunk in the rec room.

  “Any change?” She asked, tipping the glass of clear liquid to her lips.

  I shook my head and sat on the couch.

  Her nostrils flared as she downed the glass and grabbed the bottle. Padding over, she sat beside me and sighed. Her fingers tapped a staccato on the glass, “This really isn’t fair. Hasn’t she been through enough?”

  “I know. Life just sucks sometimes.” I sighed, “Whenever I think we’re getting ahead of all the crazy, bad shit just keeps happening.”

  Viv snarked, “What does your Goddess say?”

  My teeth clenched, “That she has chosen and to leave her be.”

  “Really?” She asked, incredulous. “Leave her be? That is fucking insane.”

  I shrugged.

  She was right, it was fucking insane, and there wasn’t a dammed thing I could do about it.


  He sat for a while after Sora left, his Wolf clawing at his skin to be set free. With a heavy sigh, he stood and gave in.

  The change was painful this time. Usually it was effortless, but his Wolf had no time to work together. He frantically ripped from their shared body in his haste to be with Nat.

  Tasting blood on his lips, he hopped onto the bed and curled around Nat’s other side. Using his nose, he shifted her limp arm over his head and nuzzled her side.

  Bex whimpered her apology and he chuffed in response. It wasn’t her fault, she was just a pup.

  Natalie’s breathing turned labored and he lifted his head. Flicking one chocolate furred ear, he listened to the stuttering beat of her heart.

  Thump, thump.


  Thump, thump.


  Goddess, it was happening! No, please, he prayed, don’t take her away!



  A low keening started in Bex’s throat as she stood and licked Nat’s face.


  Shoving his Wolf down with brutal force, he shifted again. Blood splattered the pillow as he choked out a cough and reached for his phone with human hands. Thumbing the screen to life, his finger hovered over Sora’s number.

  A soft sigh sounded beside him.

  He turned, daring to hope that Natalie was alive.

  Her thick black lashes fluttered for a moment before opening to reveal bottle green irises. She focused for a second before her lids closed again.

  He dropped the phone and crushed her sweat dampened body to his chest. “I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered into her raven hair.

  Something pricked his elbow and he pulled back in confusion.

  Bex stood tall, ready to pounce. Her white ruff stood out in every direction and she growled low in her throat.

  “What?” he asked.

  She snorted and tipped her head to Natalie.

  Right, he was probably squishing her. “Good call, Bex.”

  Bex lifted her lips into a wolf like smile. If she could speak, she’d probably call him an idiot.

  He chuckled at her sass. “Ok, I have to go get Sora. Can I trust you to guard her?”

  Her tail swished and she draped herself across Nat’s legs.

  Mel paused and lowered his head to her chest just to hear for himself.

  Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Nice and strong. He nodded to himself and inhaled. Wild musky notes met his nose.

  Standing, he grabbed his towel from the floor and threw it around his hips. While Shifters didn’t have a problem with nudity, he knew Sora would.

  Following his nose, he found Sora in the rec room. She stared off into space from Blaze’s lap while he rubbed his large hand up and down her arm.

  Blaze stilled at his entrance and threw him a glare.

  Mel lifted his hands, “It’s okay. She’s already begun the transition.”

  Sora flashed to his side and grabbed his hands, �
�Are you sure?”

  He smiled, “Yes. She smells like the wild and her eyes have changed color. She should shift on the next full Moon.”

  She sighed in relief and took off back the way he’d come.

  “You’re very lucky,” Blaze rumbled, standing. His shitkickers made audible thuds as he made his way behind the bar. “Drink?” He asked, lifting a rocks glass.

  Mel nodded and approached the bar. “Sure, and yes I know how lucky I am.”

  “What animal?” Blaze asked curiously as he poured whiskey into two glasses.

  “I believe she’ll be a Wolf, but it’s anyone’s guess until she shifts for the first time.”

  Blaze slid the glass across the bar and lifted it in salute.

  Mel mirrored the movement and tossed it back. The liquor burned his throat more than he thought it would. Probably due to his violent shifts. He shrugged internally, he’d heal soon enough.

  A loud scream sounded from the other side of the house.

  Blaze zipped out of the room before Mel had even replaced his glass back on the bar.


  Excitement buzzed through my veins when I opened Nat’s door.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the large Wolf on the bed that immediately stood at attention and rumbled a warning at my entry.

  I shrieked in reaction. Then cut off my alarmed cry as Bex padded to the edge of the mattress and yipped.

  “Bex,” I whispered, then paused to take in the lithe black Wolf. “Nat?”

  Her pelt immediately flattened. She sat and whined an apology.

  Blaze was suddenly at my side, his fangs bared with a hiss.

  Nat hopped from the bed in front of Bex and growled again.

  With a calming breath, I placed my hand on Blaze’s shoulder. “Shh. It’s just Nat. Give her a moment.”

  His fangs retracted and he stepped back.

  “Hey, Nat,” I called softly. “Blaze was just upset because I screamed.” I lifted my hands in front of my chest in a placating manner, “It’s okay, we were just worried.”

  She cocked her large head to the side and curiously inspected us. With a wolf like chuff, she turned and leapt back onto the bed.

  Bex immediately began tugging on her ear and growling, trying to get her to play.

  Mel’s voice filtered into the room. “How?” he stuttered, “How did she shift so quickly? The first shift never happens before the full Moon.”

  Nat lifted her upper lip, shook her head and made a strange coughing sound.

  I giggled, “I think she doesn’t agree with you. In fact, I think she’s laughing.”

  “Can I go in?” he asked.

  I looked to Nat in question.

  She chuffed, turned her back to me and began wrestling with Bex once more.

  “I don’t think she cares, but I’d prefer to take this outside to the lawn. She might want to run.” I said.

  Her ear flicked. With a yip, she leapt off the bed, followed closely by Bex.

  Smiling, I watched her thick black coat absorb the light of the room. She was gorgeous. If I looked closely enough, I could see a deep purple sheen shimmer across her fur. Did she still have magic? I backed out into the hall, pushing the boys with me to give her room. She wasn’t quite as big as Mel’s pony size, but she was still massive. The top of her head came to just below my shoulder. Thank the Goddess she was alright.

  Our odd procession slowly made our way downstairs to the foyer. Nat led, followed closely by Bex, myself, Blaze, and finally ended with Mel.

  It was near dawn. I figured we probably only had an hour of darkness left. I sidestepped her and opened one large oak door.

  Blaze pulled it open wider and nodded for us to go through.

  The grass was damp and smelled of fresh rain, a rarity in this part of Southern California. I hazarded it was probably a leftover from my emotional outburst earlier.

  Bex took off like a shot, her white fur quickly swallowed up by the darkness. Nat blinked vivid bottle green eyes up at me and cocked her head. I tipped my chin in answer, and she too, ran off into the night.

  I listened to a couple of joyful yips before movement from the other side of the mansion drew my eye. Bex rounded the corner at top speed with Nat close on her heels.

  Nat pulled ahead, shoving her thick bushy tail in the smaller Wolf’s face.


  All Mother, this was amazing! The ground flew beneath my paws faster and faster until it blurred and I couldn’t watch anymore or risk getting sick.

  Bex nipped my tail with her sharp teeth as we ripped past the front of the mansion. I could go faster, but was enjoying her company too much to do so.

  The air smelled clean and fresh. Wait. What was that enticing scent?

  I put the brakes on and tumbled ass over tea kettle at the abrupt stop.

  Bex chuffed in amusement as she turned in a wide circle and gradually slowed her pace.

  I snorted in response. Smartass.

  Lifting my nose to the air, I sniffed in rapid, short bursts. There it was again! Bex yipped and I ran after her, chasing the delicious aroma.

  A bunny came into to view and froze for a moment in terror. Twitching its long ears, it took off into the darkness.

  We were faster. I took point and bypassed Bex, snapping my teeth at her insolence. Mine.

  I ran until the black perimeter fence came into view. With my enhanced sight, I could see a small hole had been dug beneath its base.

  Nope. I kicked off the ground in one long pounce and caught the cotton tail in my mouth. It screamed one long hideous screech in terror. The sound pierced through the haze of my hunt as I immediately dropped it to the ground and shifted.

  Between on blink and the next, I sprawled on the ground; naked and panting. The wet grass chilled my skin as I struggled to process what had happened.

  Oh Goddess, the bunny! Hefting my shivering upper half up onto my human elbows, I watched it shimmy under the fence and disappear.

  A wet tongue licked my ear.

  Bex lathered my face with kisses, excitement quivering through her smaller form. Pushing myself up to sit, I ran my fingers through her soft fur.


  Shit, something bit my ass. I jumped up, slapping at my right cheek.

  With a sigh, I scooped her wiggling body to my chest and slowly made my way back to the house.

  The front lights came into view and my ears picked up the sounds of arguing. Picking up my pace, I hurriedly ran the last hundred yards to the house.

  “No. She needs to come with me. You have no idea what you’re dealing with. She wasn’t born with a second soul, she could be volatile!” Mel shouted.

  Blaze growled a warning, “Lower your tone, Wolf.”

  Sora was shaking her head, “She can decide for herself. I trust her.”

  My heart warmed at the praise as I jogged into view.

  Sora gasped and immediately gave Blaze a shove.

  Intuiting her thoughts, he shucked his black tee and handed it to her.

  Slowly she approached, wringing the shirt nervously in her hands. “Nat. Thank the Goddess. Are you okay?”

  I smiled and let Bex jump to the ground. “I’m fine. Just a little disoriented is all.” I grabbed the poor shirt from her fingers and slipped it over my head. The soft material draped across my sensitive skin and I shuddered as it settled against my thighs.

  She reached a hand out and took my fingers, pulling me alongside her back to the entryway. “Are you hungry?”

  My stomach rumbled loudly in answer and we both chuckled.

  “Alright, let’s go inside,” she said. “We can figure this out after you’ve eaten.”

  After the second rare ribeye, I pushed the plate away. I was stuffed to the gills.

  We sat in the formal dining area around a large rectangular mahogany table that could seat 30 people comfortably. Bex sat beside my chair with her blue eyes as wide as saucers, begging for my plate. Chuckling, I set it on the floor so she
could attack the remains.

  Mel spoke first, “I think you should come back with me and meet the Pack.”

  Sora shook her head, “I think she can decide for herself.”

  My brows furrowed and I addressed Mel, “You were saying something about twin souls?”

  He nodded, “Yes. It can be quite a shock to those turned. Another being sharing your body, coloring your thoughts with their needs and instincts.”

  I scrunched my nose and shook my head. “I don’t have one.”

  Mel shook his head, “Every Shifter has one.”

  “Well, I don’t. I think I would notice if someone else was in my brain.” I frowned remembering the poor bunny, “I do have different instincts, though.”

  His face screwed up in thought.

  “Well,” Sora said, “it’s up to you. If you want to stay here, that’s fine. If you decide to go, that’s okay too.”

  I bit my lip for a moment. I had no desire to meet an entire Pack. I’d just found my home and I didn’t want to leave. “Stay.”

  Mel’s chocolate eyes flashed gold as he rumbled, “You’re going.”

  I bared my teeth in response and a deep growl began in my chest, “Fuck you.”

  His upper lip lifted into a snarl and his eyes glowed. “No.”

  “Enough!” Sora slapped the table. “She has decided.” Her head tipped to Mel, “If you want to stay, that’s fine too.”

  Bex placed her white paws on the edge of the table, blood marked her muzzle and she yipped sharply at Mel.

  His brows lowered and his eyes changed to brown once more. “Fine,” he grouched, “but Bex stays, too.”

  “It’s settled,” Blaze said, standing. “Julian will set you up on the second floor. Call your Pack.”

  Chapter 13


  Twisting in my chair to crack my spine, I wondered if my search was futile. I hadn’t found a dammed thing in all the hours I’d been here and my back was screaming its protest at the prolonged abuse.

  Rubbing the grit from my dry eyes, I reflected on everything I had heard the Councilmembers say and made a mental list.


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