Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2 Page 18

by Janelle Peel

  “I was tricked, Councilmember, by the slut cowering at your table.”

  I stood my full height and squared my shoulders. “Don’t look at me, asshole. If you’d have just kept your tiny prick to yourself, it wouldn’t have been so easy to steal the key!” A deep laugh sounded behind me and immediately stopped my tirade. “Apologies, Councilmembers,” I muttered.

  “The Council finds you guilty, despite your plea. If you had kept the key safe, Mage Montgomery wouldn’t have been able to break in last night. The fault is yours alone, Moris.”

  He sputtered in outrage, “No, it wasn’t my fault! I swear, I am loyal!”

  The whispers of robes moving across the floor met my ears. I watched from the corner of my eye as the Councilmembers stepped from the dais in a single line and circled around him.

  The male Councilmember boomed, “The punishment is death.”

  I stilled. They were going to kill him over a stupid key?

  They linked hands and their magic ignited; casting Moris in a ruby haze.

  He screamed in sheer terror as tendrils of red fire snaked from their hands and banded around his thin chest.

  I had just begun to step forward, to stop whatever was happening, when a wet tearing sound cut off his screams.

  He gurgled while blood poured from his mouth and was immediately directed into the shape of a circle on the floor by the Council’s flames. Shimmering lines flowed from Moris’s eyes and nose, only to be quickly absorbed by their crimson magic. Their flames pulsed a brighter shade of red and the Councilmembers sighed in unison before extinguishing the flow.

  Moris collapsed to the floor, dead.

  They turned as one toward me like marionettes with their hoods shadowing their faces. It was like looking into the depths of hell.

  Dread snaked down my spine and I shivered involuntarily while sucking in a decayed scented breath of air.

  “Daisy Montgomery,” they said. “This is the price for your knowledge. The information you seek will be revealed in what you took. The tomes are yours,” they paused. Six hooded heads tipped to the body on the floor, “This will be your punishment should you fail us again. Your mission begins now. Dismissed.”

  Thoroughly panicked that I would be next and cured of my need for knowledge for the rest of my short years, I bowed deeply. Straightening, I scurried out of the chamber as fast as I could.

  I felt nothing as I methodically packed my bags on autopilot. Shock, my mind whispered. It had to be shock. I didn’t dare think of what had happened. Nope, sooo not going there.

  Instead, I skipped over the conversation of the two idiots from my trip to the Archives. They’d said that Shifters, Vampires, and Mages were being drained. I hadn’t believed it at the time… My mind still shied away from the thought.

  What the hell was going on? Where did Sora fit in?

  How could the Goddess let this happen?

  My chest burned in remembrance of their scarlet flames…

  Could the Stronghold I’d been born into and had worked so hard to be a part of, be… Evil?

  To be continued in Clutch Mistress book 3, Chosen Mage.

  Read on for a sneak peek!

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  Chapter 1


  Hunter Cooper Blake hadn’t said more than two words the entire flight; and it was wearing on my nerves.

  After I’d packed everything that I thought I would need, and met him at the Stronghold to begin our journey, he’d said, “Let’s go.” And that was it. Sure, it was only a 5-hour flight, but Goddess, he could at least try to make small talk. Every time I’d opened my mouth, he pretended to either not hear me, or simply looked at me in annoyance. I’d quickly learned that he was very dissatisfied with the Council’s decision to pair him with me.

  I sighed, watching his reflection in the plane’s window. Tall, dark, and handsome didn’t do him justice. Broody, that’s what he was. Towering over my 5’9’’ height, he was built like a brick shithouse. His muscles had muscles. It was insane, no man, or Mage, should look like that.

  I could barely make out a black tribal flame tattoo that wrapped a few fiery tips over his collarbone and ended just below his square jaw. Hmm… I wonder, just how far did that tattoo go beneath his clothes…


  His hazel eyes seemed to change color with his moods. Whenever I bothered him, they would darken to a deep blue. I’d yet to see him smile, but his lips were full and most definitely kissable… On any other man, they would seem overly feminine, but with his sculpted cheekbones and strong nose, they merely enhanced his attractiveness. Thick, well-kept sideburns led up to sandy blonde hair that was styled like a messy James Dean; his black leather jacket completed the look. I grinned internally, he just needed a cigarette in his mouth.

  Finished with my tenth perusal of my companion, I checked my phone. We’d be landing soon, thank the Goddess. I needed a drink.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked, outraged.

  Cooper’s face was glacial as he stared down his nose at me.

  “We’re supposed to stay in this piece of shit? Does it even have air conditioning?” My eyes roved over the 70’s RV. The orange paint was peeling in multiple places and it was full of rust. I didn’t even want to go inside, let alone sleep in it. I wasn’t a girly girl, but I drew the line at sleeping with rodents.

  He took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Tossing me another glare, he stepped inside.

  Fuck. Grumbling to myself, I followed.

  Holy shit! The inside was a total time warp. My gaze flipped from the stainless-steel appliances to the tiled floor before snagging on the queen size bed in the back. Was there another bed hidden somewhere?

  He answered my thought in a deep bass, “No, there is only one bed. I usually work alone. This is my cover when I Hunt for the Council.”

  My eyes widened, “How the hell did you get it here?”

  With another dirty look, he ignored my question. “There are rules, I do not like conversation. I am here to do a job, and that’s it. I am not your friend. If you have a question that pertains to our mission, you may address me. If not, keep your mouth shut.”

  Furrowing my brows, I wondered how flexible his rules were. If he was going to be a douche, then I was going to play the bitch. “Fine, asshole. What is the Chosen?”

  His brows lowered, thrown by my change in topic. He jerked his head, “I do not know.”

  Great, just great. I get paired with not only a douche, but an unknowledgeable one. Just my luck. Turning on my heel, I walked 4 feet to the booth and settled in. My messenger bag hit the table with a loud thunk. Those books were insanely heavy.

  Cooper headed up front to the driver’s seat and started the RV with a deep purr.

  Well, I mused, at least it ran. It seemed only the exterior was a shitshow. Good cover, though.

  While he drove, I opened an old tome on Prophecies and began to read.


  Bex was quickly becoming my best friend. She was an absolute joy to be around. I still wasn’t sure why she wanted to keep her shifting a secret, but it made a weird sort of sense; she could get away with a lot more as a pup. The Pack adored her. In fact, everyone did.

  Ever since Sora had joined our two groups, things had settled down. Shifters and Vampires trained together without issue, old grudges were gone as if they’d never been.

  It was nice… but boring. Sora kept pressing me to work on my magic, but honestly, being a Wolf was so much easier. My magic just didn’t respond like hers did. One second I would have it firmly in my grasp, the next it was gone. No matter how many books I read, nothing helped. It was incre
dibly frustrating.

  Bex kicked out with a paw, dreaming whatever she dreamt beside me on the large bed. She’d taken to staying with me every night.

  I could tell Mel was none too pleased by this development. Evidently, she was usually his sidekick.

  Gently, I ran my fingers through her soft white fur. Her tail thumped on the mattress as she settled once more.

  Mel. Now there was an issue I had yet to tackle. As a Wolf, he was fine… but as a man, he was just so dammed bossy. Just because I was Pack did not mean he was my Alpha.

  I sighed. Ughh.

  Bex flicked one snow white ear at the sound before opening her blue eyes.

  “Hey, Babe.” I grinned, “Sorry I woke you.” I wasn’t really sorry, I was bored.

  She chuffed a snort. It seemed she knew the truth regardless of my apology. Shifting to stand, she dug her nails into the sheets and stretched languidly on the bed.

  Grabbing the cell phone that Blaze had gotten me from the nightstand, I checked the time, 4PM. We still had some sunshine left. The wheels in my head began to turn. “Hey, you want to go for a run?”

  Her lips lifted into a lupine smile.


  I was so tired, but sleep was proving more and more elusive. My mind just wouldn’t stop. Ughh, I groaned, rolling out of bed.

  “Still can’t sleep?” Blaze rumbled from the stack of pillows near the headboard.

  I sighed, “Yeah.”

  “Have you spoken to Julian? He might have something to settle your nerves.”

  Hmm, that was a thought. Maybe some tea or something would help. I smiled, “I’ll ask him in a bit. I was going to go outside, soak up some sun.”

  “Don’t forget-,”

  I cut him off with a chuckle, “Yes, I will bring a Protector, don’t worry.”

  He smirked.

  It seemed I wasn’t the only one that missed the sun, I thought, watching Nat and Bex race around the perimeter. I tucked my phone into the back pocket of my jeggings. No need for a babysitter if they were out here.

  Nat noticed my perch on the steps first and trotted over with Bex dogging her heels.

  Lifting a hand, I gently touched the tips of her fur. What had begun as black with a violet shimmer, had changed when I’d accepted my role as Chosen. The tips of her fur now held a silver hue, similar to my own hair color. Her green eyes peered into my ocean orbs and she whined softly.

  “I just can’t sleep,” I shrugged.

  Her breath whispered across my face with a snort.

  “I know. I’m stressed out and I don’t know what to do.”

  She growled as the door opened and Mel settled beside me on the steps. Lifting her upper lip, she turned and trotted away.

  Bex paused for a moment before mirroring Nat’s disgusted expression at Mel, and took off.

  “Hey,” Mel said.

  I tipped my head in acknowledgement, “They get along well, don’t they?”

  He grumbled, “Yes.”

  I watched him from the corner of my eye while he watched the girls race through the grass. He looked so lost. I bumped him with my shoulder, “Have you tried talking to her?”

  Startled from his ogling, he grouched, “About what?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Really? It’s pretty obvious.”

  He sighed, “She hates me.”

  Chuckling, I responded, “No, she doesn’t.”

  “She does,” he pouted. “Just yesterday I asked her to do something and she almost ripped my head off.”

  Smirking internally, I tried to suppress a giggle, “Did you ask her to do something, or did you order her to do something?”

  His brow furrowed as if he didn’t understand the difference.

  “She’s not quite Pack, Mel. You bark at her and expect her to obey, but she won’t. She is not your subordinate and doesn’t have the animal instinct that you do. If another Shifter told you to do something, would you, do it?” I asked.

  “No,” he growled. “I am the Alpha.”

  Nodding, I continued, “Well, so is she.”

  He tipped his head in thought, causing the strands of his surfer style brown hair to brush either side of his sculpted cheeks. Squinting his chocolate eyes, he grudgingly admitted, “I see your point.”

  I grinned, “Good.”

  We watched the girls play for a bit when Rowe joined us.

  Curious, I asked, “Rowe, what’s your animal?”

  Her jade eyes sparkled mischievously, “I’m a Fox.”

  Ah, that made sense. She was smaller than the rest of the Pack.

  “Would you like to see her?”

  “That’d be awesome!” I said excitedly and stood.

  Rowe grinned before lifting her navy maxi dress over her head in one smooth motion and tossed it to Mel. Naked as a jailbird, my cheeks pinked as her small breasts instantly budded in the cooling late afternoon air. Turning on my heel, I went to give her privacy when she grabbed my hand.

  “Watch,” she implored.

  I nodded as the air around her bare form shimmered and a quick flash of magic zipped up my arm. I blinked. Between a half a second and the next, I held her tiny paw.

  She was gorgeous. Her large ears swiveled above her green eyes as she appraised my reaction. The nostrils of her tiny black nose flared, taking in my scent.

  “Hi, Rowe,” I whispered in an awed tone, releasing her.

  Her whiskers shifted as she smiled, revealing the sharp points of her teeth.

  She was so small, I just wanted to pick her up for a cuddle! Probably not the best idea, I mused internally. Sitting back down on the step, I offered her my hand instead.

  Her warm breath blew over my fingertips just before her pink tongue flicked out and licked my palm.

  I giggled.

  Swishing her bushy tail twice on the stoop, she took off in a leisurely lope after the girls.

  I watched, fascinated as she moved effortlessly though the grass. Her blonde fur reflected in the low light of the setting sun.

  Mel interrupted my staring, “She’s a Fennec Fox.”

  I took a deep breath, “They’re native to California, right?”

  “Yes,” he replied with a smile.

  Shuffling sounded behind us as the front door opened to reveal Julian.

  Dressed in his normal casual business attire, he bowed, “Sora, Master Blaze would like a word.”

  “Thanks, Julian. I’ll be inside in just a minute.” I answered, standing again.

  He straightened with a nod, “Very good. Good evening, Mel.”

  Mel tipped his head in acknowledgement as the door was pulled open wider by a large man. His black hair glistened in the fading light while my mind made the connection. Skillet Guy, from the Diner where I had worked for Giselle.

  “Apologies for the interruption,” he jerked his head to Julian.

  Julian nodded, “Quite alright.” Issuing another half bow, he retreated back into the house.

  Mel answered the new Shifter, “Jonas, have you met Mistress Sora?”

  Jonas’s blue eyes flicked to mine before he lowered his face a fraction of an inch, “Mistress Sora, I am Jonas, Beta to the Pack.”

  I took in his black tee and grey cargo shorts. “Hello,” I replied. “Just Sora, please.”

  Mel continued, “Jonas is my second.”

  I bit my lip for a moment, “Skillet Guy, rare, with white toast.”

  Jonas grinned, “Good memory.”

  I blushed.

  “What do you need, Jonas?” Mel asked.

  Jonas sobered, “I have some security concerns for our new home here.”

  My brows dropped into a v, “What kind of concerns? Jackson and Mason usually handle those things.”

  “Nothing to be alarmed over,” Jonas smiled, “I just like to run a tight ship is all.”

  Mel stood, “I’ll take him to Jackson, okay?”

  “Suuure,” I drew out, distracted by my thoughts as they went inside. What kind of concerns were there?
The ward was holding, I could feel its hum from here.

  I needed to find Blaze.


  A knock on our door brought me from Jackson’s embrace. Jesus, who could be here? It was barely dusk.

  I padded my bare ass to the wingback and snapped up my emerald robe. Shoving my arms through the sleeves, I grumbled to myself and cinched the tie at my waist.

  Jerking the door open, I barked, “What?”

  Mel leaned casually on the door frame with a smirk, “Hey, Viv. Jackson around?”

  Wrinkling my nose, I gave him a cursory glance before checking out his friend. Large, bare feet led to toned calves and grey shorts. His black tee accentuated his broad chest and ended just below a thick, muscular neck. I skipped my eyes over his bulging jugular and licked my lips before moving on to his black, damp hair. His blue eyes widened at my blunt perusal.

  I winked. “Jackson, some tall dark and dreamy Shifter is here to see you… and he smells good enough to eat.”

  Mel chuckled, “Viv, this is Jonas, my Beta. Jonas, meet Viv, Mate to Jackson.”

  Jonas’s mouth snapped shut with a click. “Pleased to meet you, Viv.” He mumbled.

  I grinned, “Just fucking with you, Jonas.” Wiggling my fingers, I continued, “Consider it payback for trashing my place and scaring the shit out of me.”

  Jonas’s cheeks pinked in embarrassment. Ha! Served him right.

  “My apologies,” he said.

  I waved a hand, “It’s fine.”

  Jackson’s bare chest met my back. “What is it, Mel?” He rumbled, vibrating my spine with his deep bass.

  Mel answered with a jerk of his head, “This is Jonas. He is in charge of the Pack’s security and would like a word.”

  Jackson nodded, brushing my short pink hair with his chin. “I’ll meet you in the rec room in 5.”

  Jonas threw me one more glance as they turned and prowled back down the hall.

  I closed the door and leaned against my Mate. “You think there’s trouble?”

  He chuckled softly, “You mean more trouble than your flirting with that Bear?”


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