Ghost: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 8

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Ghost: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 8 Page 27

by Blevins, Candace

  Bran looked at me another dozen seconds before apparently deciding to drop it. “Thanks for getting me the half-dozen tickets to your Atlanta show,” he said. “It’s good to see you making use of your talent, but you have to know it’s only going to last twenty or so years before you have to fake your death and go into hiding.”

  I nodded. “If we put out rumors of my having plastic surgery we might be able to make it last a little longer, but yeah… this is my one shot at being famous for probably a century or more, so I’ll need to make the best of it.”

  I was trying not to deal with the fact I’d someday have to bury Dare and get on with my very long life, but it was getting harder to stay in denial. Eventually, I’d have to come to terms with it, but I wasn’t ready.

  “I can smell your grief. Watching your first true love grow old and die is the hardest.”

  “I don’t want to think about it yet. Besides, he smells a little Lugat and he got some of my attributes when I got his wolf. Maybe he’ll be long-lived.”

  “There’s a test, but you’ll need to go to Italy for it because I don’t recommend sending his blood. You want to give them the sample, watch them perform the test, and then take all samples with you, as well as anything porous that touched the blood. Concilio scientists can work some scary magic with a supernatural’s blood.”

  “Yeah. I’ll have to run it by Dare, but I think we need to know sooner rather than later, if possible.”

  Chapter 39


  You think you have your life going the way you want, but you never know what’s going to come along.

  Everything changed the night I walked in and saw Hailey with red hair, in a miniskirt and exercise bra, smelling of so many men.

  One of the patches on my MC vest is a vertical TFFT. It means Thunder Forever, Forever Thunder. I expected to be RTMC until I died. Maybe not active, but certainly retired and in good standing.

  Someday, though, Hailey and I will have to move to another country and take on new identities. We’ll have to pretend to be in our late teens or early twenties, and we’ll have to recreate ourselves. I won’t be RTMC anymore.

  If I’d known the relationship ceremony would give me long life, I’d have still done it, but I’d have talked to my brothers about it first. I’d have made plans. I’d have known what I was doing.

  For everything in my life, I like having plans A, B, and C made before I take the plunge. I felt out of control.

  When the Concilio scientist had told me I’d live until someone killed me, it’d taken me days to come to terms with it. It’s been weeks now, and I still have no idea how this is going to work. I understand the basic concepts, but the details are overwhelming.

  I invited Aaron Drake to have lunch and shoot with me, and he agreed to come to the gun store. I ordered plenty of ribs and barbecue, with lots of sides, and we ate in the office before we went down to shoot.

  “What’s bothering you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe not to everyone. Talk.”

  I leaned back and tried to look relaxed. “In all likelihood, I’ll live until someone kills me. I’m going to watch most of the people I’m close to grow old and die.”

  “Ah. Blessing and curse, rolled into one. You probably won’t die and leave Hailey, but you won’t grow old with your friends. However, you’ll have to leave before they appear to be growing old, because you won’t be getting old with them.”

  Right, I wouldn’t watch them grow old and die. I wasn’t sure if that was better or worse. “I’m happy for the blessing part of it, still kind of reeling from the other.”

  “Nathan’s solution works for him, but I don’t recommend it.”

  “Being an ass to mortals so he doesn’t get attached?”

  He nodded. “I’ve learned to compartmentalize the people in my life. I enjoy the time I have with them and appreciate them when they’re gone. It isn’t always easy.”

  “I love my MC brothers. The temptation is to begin pulling away now so it won’t hurt so much later, but…”

  “Treasure the time you have with them. Your parents, too.”

  It was nice to be able to pick up the phone and talk to my mom whenever I wanted, or even to stop by with food and have a meal with her. We’d talked, hugged, and cried — the past was behind us. However, my dad and I hadn’t talked about the shit with him and Aggie, and the fact I was more pissed at him than seemed reasonable confirmed we hadn’t resolved much. “My dad and I are still working through some stuff,” I told Aaron. “It’ll happen — it’s just taking some time.”

  He was quiet a few moments while he ate, and finally said, “Nathan, Abbott, and I are moving to either Ireland or Alaska in around sixteen years, depending on the political and economic climate when the time comes. Nathan and I will go first, Abbott and his people will follow a year later — he’ll exchange his territory with the Master Vampire in our new home, and the two will swap houses and other assets.” He took a drink, gave me an appraising look. “Bran has purchased property in Ireland and will go there with us, but doesn’t want to live in Alaska, so we’ll be without him a few decades if we end up in the frozen north. I can work with the two of you on creating identities so you’ll have them to slide into when the time comes.” He shrugged. “Both of you can likely stay here a good bit longer than sixteen years, but you’re welcome to meet up with us when it’s time to move on.”

  I rubbed my hands over my face as I considered the ramifications. “We’ll have to go where black people don’t draw attention. Also, where an interracial couple isn’t a big deal. Hailey won’t be able to be Cherokee in every new identity, and she’ll miss sweat lodges and ceremonies.”

  “She’ll adapt, as will you. Most want to stay in their original identity as long as possible, and many wait until their parents die. Your father’s a wolf and her mother’s a snake — both live longer than humans, so it’s doubtful you’ll be able to stay until they’re gone. They know what you are, so you’ll be able to tell them you’re leaving instead of letting them believe you died, but contact will have to cease when you leave.”

  I shook my head. “I know we need to start making arrangements, but I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with all of this yet.”

  “Creating identities, transferring wealth and assets — it’s more complicated every time we do it. The sooner you get started on new identities, the better. We used to create fake birth certificates, and then will our belongings to our nonexistent kids twenty-five years later. Doesn’t work anymore. If kids aren’t registered in school, social workers want to know why.”

  “We create identities now, and let them build a history so they aren’t brand new when we start using them, right?”

  He nodded. “I have someone on my payroll who can walk you through the steps.”

  We hit the range when we finished eating, and I lusted after most of the guns he’d brought with him. I brought weapons I thought he’d enjoy shooting, but he had much better toys.

  “Will’s people came to me about providing security for their next tour,” he told me as we reloaded between rounds. “He said whoever’s in charge will have to be okay with you practicing with them but not being an official employee.”

  I nodded. “I figured I’d be Hailey’s security, but the whole band has grown on me, so I keep an eye on everyone. It works because I can be in the bus with them, so they have someone close in case the vehicles get split up.”

  “I wouldn’t agree to it for just anyone, but we’ll give it a go. I have some guys overseas I’ll be rotating back soon. They already think like a unit — and they’re all single, so the long trip won’t be a hardship.”

  “Humans or supernaturals? It’ll be helpful if our security can know what Hailey and I are capable of.”

  “No humans, and no wolves — mostly birds of prey and big cats.”

  * * *

  Horse, Nix, and I rode our bikes to the compound when we closed the
store. Hailey had a brutal rehearsal schedule, but had the evening off for another girls’ night out with the other ol’ladies and their friends.

  I had a feeling the cops would tail them tonight, though the RTMC seemed to be in a holding pattern with them at the moment. It didn’t help that we’d been questioned about both the missing OKM and the missing Cherokee men, but so far we were in the clear. Eventually, word on the street was that the RTMC had wiped out the OKM, which was what we’d wanted to happen — they hurt our women and we destroyed them. Unfortunately, the cops hear the word on the street, too. They couldn’t prove anything though, and the upper brass weren’t interested in letting their detectives spend a lot of time doing so. We’d fixed a problem. Tourism had taken a big hit for a few months with word of multiple people a day being shot during the gang war — but was now back to normal.

  We’d filtered our people back and forth the night we’d taken them, so most of us showed up on camera somewhere throughout the evening. It was better than all of us being absent the whole time, but wasn’t the greatest as far as alibis went. Still, we’d made sure Tiny, Gonzo, Duke, Bash, and I were alibied for a good portion of the evening, since the cops assumed we’d be involved in whatever retaliation the MC decided on. We’d been the ones to kill most of the men and feed them to the pigs, but that’d happened the next morning, long after the men went missing — and when we’d have been inside and asleep under normal circumstances, so we didn’t need an alibi other than, “I was asleep in the clubhouse.” There was no video on the traffic cams of us coming or going, so it held.

  I’d missed hanging out in the clubhouse while I’d been on the road with the band, and I was conflicted about being gone for months on tour. No way was Hailey going without me, though.

  I was drinking a beer and playing pool with Bash when Hailey texted me as they finished their rehearsal, and I drove one of the MC vehicles to pick her and Silver up. The ol’ladies had invited Silver to girls’ night out, too.

  Silver wore black shiny leggings, purple heels, and a purple tank-top looking thing. She’s skinny enough to pull it off and look good, and with those leggings a dick should be obvious — but the drag queens at The Diamond Club supposedly have dicks and they can wear tiny bathing suits without showing them.

  Most days I didn’t try to figure Silver out anymore, but some outfits reminded me she doesn’t fit any of society’s molds. What’s actually between her legs may not be any of my business, but I admit to being curious.

  “We had the most awesome practice,” Hailey said as she slid into the back. The sun was setting, but she’d be more comfortable away from the ambient light.

  “Will found an old video of me on the cello,” Silver said with an eye roll as she sat in the passenger seat. “He had Hailey compose a solo for me in one of our new songs. I didn’t think it would work, but—”

  “It sounds incredible!” Hailey interrupted. “Silver kicks ass on the cello.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it.” I met Hailey’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “You sure you don’t want me around for security tonight?”

  Gen and Angelica had lobbied hard for their security to be the brothers the women weren’t dating or married to. This meant we were trusting our women to Dozer, Dawg, Slick, Bobcat, Bubbles, Viper, and Knife. Of course, since Sophia, Bethany, and Viv were going, several of the Drake Security people would be there to chaperone them as well. They’d be safe, but it still bothered me to send her out without me.

  “I’m positive,” she said with a smile. “I love you, but it’s girls’ night out and I want to play.”

  * * *


  Will is laid back about his house on the ridge. He says it’s the band’s house — we all have the code to the front door, and he even gave us all our own bedroom. I’ve only stayed a few times (with Dare, of course), but Silver and Animal have stayed more. Sometimes we jam until the early hours of the morning, and it’s nice to have a place to crash without having to go anywhere.

  Silver and I had showered and changed before Dare picked us up, so when he dropped us off at Duke and Gen’s house, we only had to deal with our hair and makeup.

  I was hugged by Gen, Pebbles, Gabby, Harmony, and Constance within moments of walking in the door. Bethany was curling Pixie’s eyelashes, so the two of them hugged me a little later. Cora and Kirsten arrived shortly after us, and I looked around our group with affection as we all welcomed them. I’d never had a group of female friends like this before, and I treasured my friendship with each of them.

  We all drank heavily as we worked on each other’s hair and makeup, so we were already having fun when the limo picked us up an hour later. If I push the wolf down and let the snake up a little, I can get a heavy buzz.

  We started at a posh downtown restaurant, and Gen had arranged for us to have the entire upstairs loft area. From there we went to a live music venue, and I no longer worried about the other women seeing the ex-whore when I danced. These women are my friends, and they’ve all accepted me for who I am. I wouldn’t have believed it the first time I met Gen, but we’ve become close.

  We barely made it to The Diamond Club in time for the drag show, and I laughed and cheered as Gabby somehow made it onto stage with the dancers at the end. She dirty-danced with them and practically oozed sex. She’s like a human version of Jessica Rabbit, but she doesn’t let her curves out all the time. Tonight, they were on full display and she had a blast.

  But the biggest surprise of the night was when one of the obvious leather-daddy’s walked up the steps, pointed to Silver, and she stepped into his arms. He enveloped her and she relaxed into him for several long moments before stepping out of his embrace.

  I tuned out the rest of the room and zeroed in on them.

  “Laurent! What are you doing in Chattanooga?”

  “My job brought me. I’m surprised to see you here, though. Do you have someone taking care of you? Are you back in the scene?”

  “I’m just me now, Laurent. I’m working, and I have a good gig and lots of friends. I take care of myself.”

  He looked up, met my gaze, and looked back down to Silver. “So I see. One friend in particular seems terribly protective.”

  Silver turned, smiled at me, and looked back to Laurent. “She’s in my band. We’re close but she’s just a friend. I’m not in a relationship with anyone.”

  I was about to step in when the large, muscled man pushed a strand of hair out of Silver’s face and said, “Okay, Jules. You look good so I’ll trust you’re doing okay. My email address hasn’t changed if you need me.”

  That gave me a name, but Jules is pretty gender neutral, so it didn’t solve anything. Not that it matters — I adore him, no matter his gender.

  Silver touched the larger man’s hand, gently removed it from his face without letting go of it, and stood taller. “I’d love to have lunch or dinner with you, but as friends.”

  They hugged again before Silver came back to the table, and I said, “I bet he’s an interesting story.”

  “He is, but he’s part of my past. I took a few detours while I was figuring out who I am.”

  I pulled her to me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I like who you are, and I’m glad you’re my friend.”

  “Fuck, I’m drunk,” she said with a chuckle. “I like who you are, too. You’re lucky you have Dare, even if it’s fucked to be with your stepbrother.”

  “And which stepsibling did you want to get it on with?” I asked. I didn’t know for sure, but she’d been so freaked out when she’d found out about Dare and I… it made sense.

  “Doesn’t matter. I need more shots, and then maybe the dance floor.”

  * * *

  By the time the limo took us to the clubhouse, those of us who could get drunk were having trouble walking, and those who couldn’t at least seemed relaxed and happy. I’d had a few moments of extreme drunkenness when I’d done shots, but I floated around with a heavy buzz the rest of the night.
The wolf rose enough to burn some alcohol off when I got too drunk, as if she didn’t want me that out of control.

  Mostly, I was just happy to be with my friends. No, these women were more than friends. They were family.

  Silver and Gabby went inside draped over each other, and I walked Harmony and Bethany in, with both of them hanging onto me for balance. Some of our men were sitting around with a beer, while the rest were playing pool, darts, or a video game on one of the big screens — but they stopped what they were doing and most of us got some pretty involved I’m-happy-to-see-you kisses.

  “You look like you had fun,” Dare told me when he finished kissing me.

  “I had a blast. Damn, Gabby can dance. Oh! And Bethany and I may have gotten a little naughty again.” I looked around for Silver, saw her talking to Kirsten and Cora, and dragged Dare to them.

  “Dare and I can drive you up to Will’s house if Viper’s busy,” I told Silver.

  “I have a song in my head,” she told me, her words slurred. “Will you help me get it out? It’ll be gone tomorrow.”

  Dawg keeps one of his guitars hanging on the clubhouse wall, and I looked to Dare as I asked, “Can you get me Dawg’s guitar and meet us in the kids’ room, please?”

  Dawg had told me I was welcome to use it any time, and it’d come in handy more than once.

  I grabbed paper and a dark purple crayon from the kids’ art section, and sat with Silver at one of the tiny tables as she sang some of the words and talked her way through the others.

  I knew without asking, it was about Laurent. Nothing’s a mistake if you learn from it, so thanks for being an important life lesson.

  Dare brought the guitar, handed it to me, and sat beside Silver.

  I scribbled and made notes, but stayed quiet until she gave me everything in her head.


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