Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1

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Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 Page 21

by James, Marie

  I want to stab someone at the mention of “his wife.”

  “He is currently considered a runner because he’s found a girlfriend and she didn’t take too kindly to being hit. She’s filed charges on him. He was arrested but disappeared after he posted bail,” Shane explains.

  This is news to me. I regret once again not finishing his ass off before we left Denver with Emmalyn that very next day we met.

  “I know you want blood,” Shane continues and looks around the room. “I get it. I’d want the same thing if someone in my family was hurt the way Mrs. Mikaelson was, but we’re here to make sure this goes down with as little bloodshed as possible.”

  The grumbling is loud but not disrespectful.

  “My guys,” Shane says pointing to the other officers he brought with him. “They appreciate any help you guys can provide, but we need to be in charge to keep this from going dirty and forcing us to involve more parties than we have to.”

  “When do we go get them?” one of the renegades asks from across the room.

  “We don’t,” I say and stand from my chair. “We wait until they come to us. My girl left Denver to get away from him and hasn’t looked back. She also hasn’t pressed charges for the shit she went through. We need them to make a move on us.”

  “Yeah,” he says and cracks his knuckles. “Then we’ll take care of their asses.”

  Shane steps forward again. “We need to get them breaking more laws. I can go scoop Mikaelson up right now because he’s in violation of his bond, but he won’t get much time. Unfortunately, domestic assault doesn’t carry as much weight as it should. So we wait and hope they commit a couple felonies when they try to come get her.”

  I snap my head to Shane. Shadow hangs his head and places his forehead on his palm.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask my head beginning to pound from the throb of my pulse.

  “Our sources say that Wrench has plans for you and Mikaelson is coming to get his wife back,” Shane says.

  “He wants her back?” Impossible. The man is crazy.

  Shane lowers his voice. “He doesn’t want her back; he just doesn’t want anyone else to have her.”

  “That’s all we have for you guys,” Shadow says standing from his chair, effectively dismissing the group of bikers. “The girls have spent most of the day making food. Head to the kitchen and help yourself”

  That’s one thing about bikers; you don’t have to tell them twice when to go eat, especially when they’re gearing up for what they would consider battle. I admit that I thought having eighteen bikers and three police officers here was probably overkill, but I’m not taking any chances with Emmalyn. Hearing what Shane just said about Mikaelson’s intentions makes me wonder if I have enough.

  Scorpion walks up to me and slaps me on the back. “All of this over your woman?”

  I laugh. “It’s not that simple.” But it really is. I wouldn’t be this geared up for anyone else like this.

  “I get it, man. When it bites you in the ass, it bites you hard.” He laughs and walks out with his other guys.

  Yep, I’ve been bitten.

  Chapter 41

  My mind continues to wander back to the conversation in the kitchen with Diego. He didn’t seem upset at all about my declaration of a girl’s night which includes strippers. We chatted for a bit more before he was pulled away for another meeting.

  I helped serve dinner for the visiting men. I made a plate for Diego, placing it in the oven to keep it warm, but he never showed up to eat. Rose assured me he had a lot going on and food was probably the very last thing he had on his mind right now.

  I went to our room after dinner because everywhere else was so crowded. I don’t mind being around the club members and the girls, but I felt a little uneasy around the members of the other club. They didn’t say or do anything to set off alarm bells, but I just don’t want to be around people I don’t know in such tight quarters.

  My eyes dart to the door when I hear the key turn the lock. I smile uncontrollably as Diego steps into the room.

  “Hey, Handsome,” I say as he locks the door behind him and dims the lights in the room.

  He doesn’t say anything, but he carries his phone to the speaker docking station on the dresser. A fast paced but sensual song begins to play through the room. I raise an eyebrow at him, my eyes following him to the corner where he grabs a chair and pulls it to the center of the room.

  He turns to face me, bites his lower lip, and crooks his finger beckoning me to join him. I slide off the bed immediately and go to him. I don’t know exactly what he has planned but I’m alone in the room with him, and sexy music is playing. I like where this is leading. He gently presses my shoulders until I’m sitting in front of him in the chair.

  I look up at him, but my eyes flutter closed when he kisses the tip of my nose and cups my face in both of his hands.

  “You know I’ll do anything for you, right?” I nod my head and turn my face deeper into his hand.

  He leans in like he’s going to kiss me but turns his head slightly and bends down to whisper in my ears. My breath hitches when I feel the warmth from his breath ghost across my neck. Cold chills begin and skate down my arm, and my nipples tighten, all from one breath. This man owns me.

  “I’ll give you everything you want, everything you need,” he whispers softly.

  The music changes and Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar on Me begins to blare in the room. Diego takes a few quick steps back and spins in a circle, quite well actually. He begins to lower his leather cut off of his arms, and when his hips begin to gyrate, reality hits me. This rough and tough biker is fucking stripping in front of me.

  I clamp my hand over my mouth and laugh uncontrollably. That is until he pulls his t-shirt over his head, lassos it around in the air and throws it at me. I catch it and hold it to my nose as my laughter dies away at the sight of his torso. He’s absolutely magnificent, and I hope that the day never comes when looking at him doesn’t take my breath away.

  I watch with wide eyes as he seductively unbuttons the top button of his jeans, and I begin to pant noisily when he lowers his zipper. His hips never stop moving, and the light bounces off of each one of his insanely defined abdominal muscles.

  His jeans begin to lower down his thickly muscled legs, but his black boxer briefs stay put, and I groan inwardly as he stays partially covered. Suddenly he stops dancing, looks down and frowns. I follow his line of sight and realize his mistake. There’s no way to get his jeans past his boots, and I know they take a minute to get unlaced to be able to tug them free.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, standing there with his jeans around his knees.

  I stand from the chair and carry it with me to where he is. I place it behind him and tap his shoulder with my finger. I know I can’t move him if he really didn’t want me to, but thankfully he plays along and sits in the chair.

  “My turn,” I say in his ear. His groan makes me smile. I love being able to affect him.

  I stand in front of him and sway my hips as sexily as I can, but I’m not an exotic dancer, so I don’t really have the skill set to do it right. By the look in Diego’s eyes, I must be doing something right, and the way he’s stroking his cock through his boxers says he’s enjoying the show I’m putting on.

  I don’t have much to take off since I’m only in a t-shirt and panties, but I decide removing the lace thong first is my best bet. I turn away from him, bend over at the waist, and shimmy my hips as I tug the scrap of lace down my legs. I can hear the change in his breathing as my sex is revealed.

  I may have never been to a strip club, but there were always scenes in the movies Bobby would watch on TV, so I know that lap dances are like a prized occurrence with strippers. I step closer to him and swat at his hands when he reaches for me.

  ‘Uh un,” I say twitching my index finger back and forth. “No touching.”

  His wide smile is contagious, and mine is ear to ear when Def Leppard
fades out, and Warrant’s Cherry Pie begins. He either likes 80’s Hair Bands or he’s created an entire playlist of stripper music.

  I shimmy and shake and walk around him as he sits in the chair. I told him no touching, but my hands are all over him. I nip at his ear and run my hands over his flexing abs. When I make it around the chair the second time, I stand in front of him and pull my t-shirt over my head, dropping it to the floor.

  I grip a breast with one hand and begin to inch the other one down my body. His eyes follow my moving hand.

  “Em,” he warns as my fingers begin to descend dangerously close to my throbbing clit.

  I’m dancing for him to turn him on when in fact it’s had the exact same effect on my body as well.

  I hiss when my finger roams over my swollen clit and is met with the slickness of my desire for him. My legs tremble slightly, and I pull my hand from my body, placing my now wet fingers on his lower lip. I straddle his legs and his hands instinctively move to hold onto my hips. I grind against his erection as I lean in to kiss him.

  One of his hands moves to grip my ass and the other fumbles with his boxer briefs, tugging them down. My core is met with the searing heat of his cock, and I’ve never felt anything better. I lift up slightly and allow him to notch himself against my entrance. We groan into each other’s mouths as I sink slowly down on him.

  I use rarely utilized leg muscles to slide up and down his length, and I can tell this isn’t a tempo I’ll be able to maintain for long. I wrap my arms around his neck and look directly into his eyes as we take our pleasure from each other.

  “Help me,” I beg as my muscles quiver in warning of failure.

  Without a word he reaches under my thighs and uses his arm strength to raise and lower me over his thick cock. Each downward stroke his body grazing my clit, working magic on my body inside and out.

  “Fuck, I love you,” he says just before his mouth reaches out and latches onto my nipple. I hiss at the heat and suction, barely able to keep my eyes open as the amazing sensations begin to take over my body.

  I lean my head in and rest it on his shoulder. “Oh God!” I scream as the orgasm I was certain was still a few minutes away takes me by surprise and jolts my body with convulsions.

  Without a word, Diego moans and I feel the pulses of his orgasm deep inside of me. His panting breath shoots out and moves my hair, tickling my shoulder.

  “What was that?” I ask sleepily.

  He shrugs. “You said you wanted to see strippers.” I smile against his neck. “Fucked it up by not taking off my damn boots first.”

  “I thought it was awesome, and it ended perfectly.” I rotate my hips slightly for good measure.

  “You were so fucking sexy dancing for me. I think you should do it every night.”

  I chuckle. “Sure, we can just put a poll right here in the middle of the room.” I feel him smile this time. “That was a joke, Diego. There will be no stripper pole in our bedroom.”

  “Damn it,” he grumbles playfully.

  “Come on stripper, let’s get a shower and get some sleep.” Without another word he stands from the chair and effortlessly lifts me and carries me to the bathroom.


  It feels like I’ve just fallen asleep when the bed shifts and Diego is shuffling around the room.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I watch him hastily tug on jeans and a black shirt.

  Once he’s done getting dressed, he leans over the bed, his face only a few inches from mine. “This will be all over tonight, Emmalyn.” Just as I’m about to ask him what he’s talking about, he continues. “You’ll never have to worry about Bobby again.”

  He kisses my lips quickly and pulls away too soon. He reaches into the bedside table, and my hands begin to shake when I see him holding a pistol.

  “Do you know how to shoot one of these?” I shake my head vigorously. I’ve never touched a gun in my life. He points to the door. “I’m the only one with a key to this room, Em.” I’m staring at the gun in his hands. “Emmalyn? Listen, this is important.”

  I cut my eyes back up to his. “I’m the only one with a key to this room. I want you to take this,” he says as he places the heavy, cold weapon in my hands. “If anyone but myself comes through that door, I want you to pull the trigger until it stops clicking.” I look up at him with frightened eyes. “Do you understand?”

  He wipes the tear that runs down my cheek. “Can’t you just stay here with me?”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t, Em. I’ll be back soon.” He tilts my head, so I’m looking him in the eye. “I love you.” He kisses my lips gently and then he’s gone. The only sound in the room is the echo of the lock sliding into place.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper to the empty room.

  Chapter 42

  Leaving Emmalyn alone on the bed with a loaded weapon was beyond tough. Knowing I was heading out to resolve the situation that landed her here in the first place, made it all worth it. For a split second when I closed the door I wondered if she would leave once the threat of her husband coming after her was eliminated. It doesn’t change the course of the evening. There is no stopping the train that Wrench and Bobby Mikaelson set in motion.

  I got the text less than an hour after we crawled into bed. Eyes we have in town alerted us that Bobby and Wrench were loading a few bags into a truck. They then went separate ways in front of the hotel. I have three people sitting on that hotel, so it was no problem keeping track of them.

  Wrench went to the gas station to fuel up, and Bobby was tracked to a local big box retailer where he purchased duct tape and several packages of rope. The idea that he thinks he can take Emmalyn and tie her up makes my heart pound and my blood run cold. I’d thought he was a possessive asshole who likes to hit women, but after what the police said I know now that he’s a sociopath. He knows he’s going up against a house full of military trained bikers, yet he believes he’ll have a chance to not only get a visual on Emmalyn but taking her from here? That alone says he’s not firing on all cylinders.

  “What do we know?” I ask Shadow as I put on my bullet proof vest and ready my weapons.

  “They split up but are heading in our direction as we speak. One from the east and one from the west.” I shake my head.

  Wrench never was the brightest Marine. It makes no sense to come in from opposite sides where they converge in front of the clubhouse. If anything, coming to the front and the back converging on the clubhouse would be best or even from the front and the side. His stupidity only helps us at this point and for that, I’m grateful for it. At least, this time, he’s not ruining one of our missions.

  “ETA?” I ask Shadow.

  He looks down at his watch. “Less than five minutes.”

  Kid comes down the hall and stands in the doorway. “We’ve moved all of the women and children to the rooms on the west side of the building.”

  He walks through the door and begins to gear up. Mine and Em’s room is on the west side of the building as well. That half of the clubhouse is reinforced with steel beams, and short of driving a tanker through it, the walls are impenetrable. Wrench knows this so he won’t even attempt to get to Emmalyn that way.

  “I know they’re not going to be happy about missing the action,” I tell Shadow. “But I want the Renegades down the hall in front of the doors where everyone else is.”

  Shadow leaves the room to let the guys know. “Kid,” I say walking toward him.

  He nods in acknowledgment. “I’ll protect her with my life, Kincaid.”

  I slap him on the back. “I appreciate that brother. Don’t go in the room. I gave her a gun with strict instructions to shoot anyone who isn’t me.”

  He laughs and shakes his head as he grabs his assault rifle and leaves the room. He’ll stand guard at her door and go down fighting if anyone even thinks of going in there.

  Shane sticks his head in the door. “It’s go time.” He locks eyes with me. “Let us have him,” he says again. Sev
eral times he’s mentioned the need to let his men handle this situation.

  I smile at him. “I wouldn’t have called you in if I thought you couldn’t handle the situation.”

  We take our places in the main living area of the clubhouse. All lights are out. All extra vehicles are either at a different location or are parked in the garage. Anyone coming to the front of the building would assume, just like any other night that everyone in the clubhouse was asleep. I wanted to keep the locks the same, but I was informed that if we changed the locks and Wrench kicked the door in it would be a felony home invasion since people lived here. They wanted to make sure we had as many charges as possible when all of this was said and done.

  All I can hear is my own breathing. Silence surrounds us all as we listen to the dead air, waiting with baited anticipation of what the next ten minutes will look like. That’s the thing with situations like this. All the work, planning, and time put into organizing something seems to take forever when the culmination of the event usually only lasts minutes.

  I’m ready for it to be over. I’m ready to take my girl home and sleep together in our bed there. I want to fall asleep knowing she’s safe, and there isn’t someone possibly lurking around in the shadows trying to take her from me. More importantly, I need to make sure she’s with me because she wants to be and that she’s not just staying so she can be safe. I need to know that she was telling the truth when she told me she loved me.

  I know Wrench is trying to be tactful when he approaches the front door, but there’s really no quiet way to kick in a door. Less than a second after the door flies open; two dark shadows make their way into the room.

  “Do what you want with that bitch, but Kincaid is mine to kill.” I want to laugh because from my vantage point right now I could put one in his head. He’d be dead before his ears could register the sound of the gun firing. I stay back because that scenario is not what we discussed.


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