How the French Saved America

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How the French Saved America Page 35

by Tom Shachtman

  “That it is the opinion of the House.” General Henry Conway resolution, Feb. 28, 1781, Lewis, 222.

  “Major, you give me the idea.” Du Bouchet.

  Ceding Canada and Nova Scotia. Adams to Franklin, Apr. 16, 1782.

  “I told Mr. Oswald.” Franklin to H. Laurens, Apr. 20, 1782.

  “Selling to us a Thing.” Franklin to Adams, May 8, 1782; see also Adams, Peace Journal, May 9, 1782.

  “You would be of infinite Service.” Franklin to Jay, Apr. 22, 1782, ibid., 358–359.

  “Why then should we be anxious.” Jay to Livingston, Apr. 28, 1782, ibid., 363–364.

  “Unless we violate these instructions.” Jay to Gouverneur Morris, Oct. 13, 1782, and other letters, Sep.–Nov. 1782, Morris, 310.

  “I can see clouds.” Vergennes to Montmorin, Aug. 10, 1782, Stockley, 96.

  “Oh France … what joy it gives me.” Rodney to Lady Rodney, Lewis, 253.

  “Very unfortunate.” Vergennes to Louis XVI, Jean-François Labourdette, Vergennes, Ministre principal de Louis XV (Paris: Éditions Desjonquères, 1990), 205–206.

  “Without being provoked to it.” Vergennes to Montmorin, May 31, 1782, Giunta, Emerging, 415.

  “Save the nation in direst.” Ritcheson, 325.

  “If the sun of England.” Shelburne to Parliament, July 1782, Stockley, 55.

  “Necessary” and “advisable.” Oswald to Shelburne, July 10, 1782, Giunta, Emerging, 462–464 (italics in original).

  “That the more we favoured.” Franklin to Oswald, May 31, 1782, Ritcheson, 335.

  “The Doctor did not in the Course.” Oswald to Shelburne, July 10, 1782.

  “Hinders the conquest.” Vergennes to La Luzerne, Oct. 14, 1782, O’Donnell, 208.

  “Franklin won this victory.” Dull, Diplomacy, 145.

  “Colonies or Plantations.” Oswald Commission, July 25, 1782, Giunta, Emerging, 471–473.

  These terms represented substantial concessions. Vergennes to Montmorin, Aug. 18, 1782. Stockley, 78.

  “Cannot extend its territories.” Rayneval to Jay, Sep. 6, 1782, ibid., 556–559.

  “I not only wish to contribute.” Shelburne to Rayneval, Stockley, 99–100.

  “Appears a Well-Instructed.” Shelburne to George III, Sept.13, 1782, Crout, 388.

  “I Owne the Art.” George III to Shelburne, Sept.14, 1782, ibid.

  “Between two as Subtle Spirits.” Adams Diary, Oct. 27, 1782.

  “It is not [in France’s] interest.” Jay to Livingston, Nov. 17, 1782. Alexander Deconde, “The French Alliance in Historical Speculation,” in Diplomacy and Revolution: The Franco-American Alliance of 1778, ed. Ronald Hoffman, et al. (Charlottesville, VA: 1981), 1–37.

  “The English Gentlemen were much pleased.” Adams Diary, Nov. 3, 1782.

  “The Eagle, finding Herself scratched.” Ibid.

  “Vous êtes le Washington.” Adams Diary, Nov. 10, 1782.

  “Thank God, I had a son.” H. Laurens, in ibid., Nov. 20, 1782.

  “I said it was the Opinion.” Ibid., Nov. 26, 1782.

  “The English are purchasing the peace.” Vergennes to Rayneval, Dec. 4, 1782, Giunta, Emerging, 706–708.

  “The king of Spain needs money.” Frederick, Oct. 24, 1782, Stockley, 89.

  “Thank God for Carlos giving up.” Vergennes to Montmorin, Dec. 17, 1782, Brecher, 208–209.

  “The government’s credit has been maintained.” Jean-François Joly de Fleury, Jan. 1783, Harris, “French Finances.”



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