How the French Saved America

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How the French Saved America Page 37

by Tom Shachtman

  on plan to attack Philadelphia

  position as general

  praises Washington as general

  reconnaissance of America by (1768)

  recruited for America

  Keppel, Admiral August

  Kermovan, Chevalier de

  Knox, Henry

  attack on Boston

  military studies

  position as general

  at Yorktown

  Kościuszko, Tadeusz

  Lafayette, Marquis de

  in battle

  and British invasion plan

  defends Estaing

  invasion of Canada attempted

  letter to

  at Newport

  in Paris, promoting the American War

  in peace negotiations with Britain

  position and fortune of, in France

  position in American army

  propaganda for American cause

  recruited for America

  returns to America with Rochambeau’s expedition

  strategic advice of

  Virginia campaign

  voyage to France to recruit aid

  with Washington and Rochambeau

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Lake George

  La Luzerne, Chevalier de

  French plenipotentiary

  persuades Congress to yield powers

  La Motte-Picquet, Toussaint Guillaume

  Landais, Pierre

  Langlois du Bouchet, Denis-Jean-Florimond

  Languedoc (ship)

  Laurens, Henry

  captured by English

  in peace negotiations with Britain

  on plan to recruit slaves

  president of Congress

  reads Carlisle plan in Congress

  Laurens, John

  in battle

  defense of Charleston

  killed in action

  language skill

  mission to France

  money from France

  in Paris

  plan to recruit slaves

  at Savannah

  and Washington

  at Yorktown

  Lauzun, Duc de

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Lauzun’s Legion

  League of Armed Neutrality

  Lebanon, Connecticut

  Lee, Arthur


  commissioner to France

  complaints about other commissioners

  and Franco-American treaty

  in London with Beaumarchais

  offers to Spain

  as peace negotiator

  presented to Louis XVI

  at signing of Franco-American treaty

  and Silas Deane

  Lee, Charles

  Lee, Francis Lightfoot

  Lee, Richard Henry

  Lee-Adams faction

  Leeward Islands

  Le Havre

  L’Enfant, Pierre Charles

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania

  Lexington, Battle of

  l’Hermione (ship)

  Library Company

  Lincoln, Benjamin

  at Yorktown

  Little Turtle

  Livingston, Robert


  Long Island

  Loring, Mrs. Elizabeth

  Louis XV

  censorship by

  declares France bankrupt

  foreign policy re Britain

  secrets of

  Louis XVI

  affronted by dissidents

  aid to America

  aims in American peace

  allows French nobles to volunteer for American war

  ascension to throne

  and Britain

  choosing ministers

  conjugal relations


  court of

  fiscal policy

  foreign policy

  and Franco-American treaty

  and Franco-Spanish alliance

  and Lafayette’s Expédition

  learns of Yorktown victory

  not looking for conquest

  as peace negotiator

  personal gift of livres to America

  praised by Franklin

  reforms by

  support for American cause

  upset by French unrest

  and Vergennes

  later life

  Lovell, James


  Maria Theresa, empress

  Marie Antoinette

  extravagance of

  favorites of

  political influence

  pregnancy, and birth of Dauphin

  Marine Committee

  Marion, Francis

  Marriage of Figaro (play)

  Martin, Joseph Plumb




  Maurepas, Comte de



  Mercure (ship)


  Miami Indians


  Mifflin, Thomas


  Miralles, Don Juan de

  Mischianza celebration

  Mississippi Delta

  Mississippi River

  Mobile, Alabama

  Monmouth Courthouse, Battle of

  Monroe, James

  Montbarrey, Prince de


  Montmorin, ambassador



  Moots, Glenn

  Morgan, Daniel

  Morgan’s Rangers

  Morgan’s sharpshooters

  Morris, Robert


  Natchez, Tennessee

  Native Americans

  Navarro, Diego Joseph

  Necker, Jacques


  war with Britain


  New England


  New Jersey

  New Orleans, Louisiana

  Newport, Rhode Island

  New York City

  British occupation of


  offered by British at peace negotiations

  Washington’s plan to take

  Washington’s pretended aim at

  New York Harbor

  New York State

  Nipissing Line

  Noailles, Vicomte de

  at Yorktown

  later life

  North, Lord

  North Carolina

  northeast states

  northern campaign (1777)

  Northern Department

  North River

  North Sea

  Northwest (American)

  Nova Scotia

  O’Hara, Charles

  Ohio River

  Olive Branch Petition

  Oneida Indians


  Ordonnance du roi

  Orvilliers, Louis Gouillette, Comte d’

  Oswald, Richard

  Ottoman Empire

  Paine, Tom


  Peace of Paris (1763)

  Peekskill, New York


  Pennsylvania Packet (paper)

  Penobscot expedition



  battle for (1777)

  British depart (1778)

  British occupation of (1777)

  celebrations in (1782)

  Congress in

  defense of


  French legation in

  rebels in


  Washington’s troops pass through

  Wayne’s plan to attack

  Phillips, William






  Portsmouth, New Hampshire

  Portsmouth, Virginia


  Pouzoulet, Simon

  Prevost, Augustine

  privateers, American

  A Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition



  Puentes, Don Juan Elegio de

  Pulaski, Kazimierz

  in battle

  at Valley Forge




  Quebec Act

  Quito, Ecuador

  Ranger (ship)

  Rawdon, Francis

  Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François

  Rayneval, Gérard de

  rentes viagères

  Reprisal (ship)

  retreats, orderly

  Revenge (ship)

  Revolutionary War

  Rhode Island

  Richmond, Virginia

  Rochambeau, Donatien

  Rochambeau, General Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de

  Expédition of troops to America

  heads to Virginia and Yorktown

  meets Washington in Hartford

  military character of

  plan against New York

  plan to attack Yorkville

  remains in Virginia after Yorktown victory

  war games

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Rochambeau’s nephew

  Rockingham, Lord

  Roderigue Hortalez & Cie.

  Rodney, George Brydges

  Rome, ancient

  Romulus (ship)

  Rouërie, Marquis Charles Armand de la. See Armand, Charles

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Royal Navy


  Saavedra, Francisco de


  Sagittaire (ship)

  St. Clair, Arthur


  Saintes, Battle of the

  Saint Eustatius

  Saint-Germain, Comte de

  chosen military minister

  military code of

  military reforms of

  recruits European officers to go to America

  urged to support America

  St. Louis, Missouri

  St. Lucia

  Saint Martin

  Saintonge Regiment

  Saint Pierre and Miquelon

  Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de

  at Yorktown

  Saint-Tropez, Pierre-André de Suffren de

  Saint Vincent

  San Cristobál (St. Kitts)

  Sandwich, Earl of

  Sandy Hook, New Jersey

  Saratoga, Battle of

  Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de

  Savannah, Georgia

  Schuyler, Philip


  Second Punic War

  Secret du Roi

  Ségur, comte Louis-Philippe de

  later life

  Ségur, marquis Philippe-Henri de

  recruited for America

  Seine (ship)


  Serapis (ship)

  Seven Years’ War

  Shelburne, Lord

  Shippen, Peggy

  Six Edicts


  Smith, Adam

  Soissonnais Regiment

  South America, rebellion in

  South Carolina

  Southern strategy

  Southwest (American)


  American treaty offered to

  attack on Britain, urged

  benevolent neutrality toward America

  dispute with Portugal

  ending the American war

  foreign policy

  and French-American alliance

  operations in Gulf Coast

  plan to invade Britain

  relations with Britain

  relations with France

  territorial claims

  war with Britain

  Spanish-American alliance

  Spanish Caribbean colonies

  Spanish navy

  Stamp Act

  Staten Island, New York

  Steuben, Baron von

  in battle

  manual of regulations by

  recruited for American army

  strategic advice of

  trains American army in drill and use of bayonet

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Stirling, William Alexander, Lord

  Stony Point, Battle of

  Stormont, David Murray, Viscount

  Strachey, Henry

  Suffren, commander

  Sullivan, Daniel

  Sullivan, John

  Surprise (ship)


  Tanarcharison (Half King)

  Tarleton, Banastre

  Ternay, Charles-Henri-Louis d’Arsac de

  Terrible (ship)

  Testa, Anne

  “Thoughts of a Freeman”

  Ticonderoga, Battle of



  Touraine Regiment

  Townshend Acts


  Treaty of Paris (1763)

  Trenton, Battle of

  Trenton, New Jersey

  Tucker, St.-George

  Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques

  fiscal reforms


  Tuscarora Indians

  Two Indies (book)

  United States of America

  boundaries of

  declares independence

  future dealings with Britain

  independence recognized

  seeking foreign assistance

  See also American entries

  Ushant, Battle of

  Valley Forge


  Vaudreuil, Marquis de

  Vergennes, Comte de

  aid to America

  in American-British peace negotiations

  and American plotters

  and American privateers

  audience with Americans

  and British invasion plan

  British protest to

  and Canada

  and Franco-American treaty

  and John Adams

  letter about American Congress

  Louis XVI’s esteem for

  negotiating with Laurens

  notified by American commissioners

  not looking for conquest

  policy re Britain

  promotes a Franco-American alliance

  promotes war with Britain

  recommends European officers for America

  and Russia

  sends treaty to America

  shipbuilding campaign

  and Spain

  later life


  Victoire (ship)

  Ville de Paris (ship)

  Vincennes, Indiana

  Vioménil, Baron de, at Yorktown

  Vioménil, Comte de, at Yorktown


  Virginia Capes

  Battle of

  Virginia Militia


  Wabash River

  Walker, Benjamin

  Washington, George

  and appointment of officers

  assesses French officers

  authorized by France to command French troops

  in battle

  Boston attacked by and taken

  continuation of War after Yorktown

  declines to engage British (1778)

  defends Estaing from accusations

  doubt about foreign volunteers

  French hostility to, from time of French and Indian War

  generalship of, criticized

  Lafayette’ friend

  Lafayette promoted by

  leadership of army

  marching toward Yorktown

  meets Est

  meets Rochambeau

  meets Steuben

  military buildup by

  and mutinous troops

  need for French engineers

  need for strategic counselors

  opposition to, in Congress

  oversight of the war

  plan against New York

  plots against

  relations with French

  rumored would-be king

  and Steuben’s manual of regulations

  summarizes difficulties of American government

  switches target from New York to Virginia, tricking Clinton

  visits Mount Vernon (1781) on way to Yorktown

  at Yorktown

  Washington, Lund

  Wayne, Anthony

  at Yorktown

  Wentworth, Paul

  Westchester, New York

  West Florida

  West Point, N.Y.

  Wethersfield conference

  Whippany, New Jersey

  Wickes, Lambert

  Wilke, John Wilkes

  Wilkinson, James

  Williamsburg, Virginia

  Wilmington, North Carolina

  York River

  Yorktown, Battle of

  surrender ceremony

  Yorktown, Virginia

  Yorktown Peninsula

  List of Illustrations

    1. Louis XVI in Coronation Robes (Joseph-Siffred Duplessis, 1777)

    2. Comte de Vergennes (Vangelisti Vincenzio, after Antoine-Francois Callet, 1785)

    3. Beaumarchais statue (Louis Clausade, 1895)

    4. Benjamin Franklin (Parton’s Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, 1864)

    5. Silas Deane (P. E. Du Simitier, engraved by B. L. Prevost, 1781)

    6. Arthur Lee (Charles Willson Peale, 1785, Stratford Hall, Robert E. Lee Memorial Association)

    7. The Nation Makers (Howard Pyle, 1903. Illustration in Collier’s Weekly, June 2, 1906. Brandywine River Museum of Art, purchased through a grant from the Mabel Pew Myrin Trust, 1984)

    8. Mud Island (Library of Congress)

    9. “The Steel de Fleury Medal awarded to Stephen Schneider” by JaxStrong, licensed under CC BY 2.0

  10. Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge (John Ward Dunsmore, 1907, Library of Congress)

  11. Duportail (Charles Willson Peale, 1781–1784, National Park Service)

  12. Belle Poule ship hair style (1778, Bibliothèque Nationale de France)

  13. D’Estaing cartoon (1778, Library of Congress)

  14. Second Battle of Virginia Capes (V. Zveg, 1962, Hampton Roads Naval Museum, National Park Service)

  15. French cannon (Courtesy of

  16. Yorktown map (Mount Vernon)

  17. Yorktown victors stamp, 1931

  18. American Commissioners of the Preliminary Peace Negotiations with Great Britain (Benjamin West, 1783–84, Winterthur Museum)


  Gentlemen Scientists and Revolutionaries: The Founding Fathers in the Age of Enlightenment

  American Iconoclast: The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer

  Airlift to America

  Rumspringa: To Be or Not to Be Amish

  Terrors and Marvels

  Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold

  The Inarticulate Society

  Around the Block

  The Most Beautiful Villages of New England

  Skyscraper Dreams

  The Phony War, 1939 –1940

  Decade of Shocks, 1963 –1974


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