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9781618850478TwoForThePriceOfOneSullivan Page 17

by Unknown

  Emma's heart swelled with pride at her husband and his accomplishments, but mostly at the love in his eyes.

  "What's on the horizon?"

  "You mean besides the birth of my child?"

  Everyone around them chuckled.

  "Well, yes. You've been a busy man lately."

  "Yes, I have. Both my brother and I have been extremely busy. He has a successful buckin' bull business goin' on, I've had phenomenal success with this CD, and my beautiful wife is having my child. What more could I ask for?"

  "Brandon!" someone yelled, and when Emma glanced toward the railing separating them from the hoards of fans, a smile spread across her face.

  "It's Charlene," she whispered against Brandon's ear.

  "Get her over here," he snapped to a security guard to his left.

  The guard brought Charlene from behind the barricade, and Emma hugged her even though her very pregnant stomach got in the way of a real hug. "You look fabulous, honey. How are you?"

  "Good. Momma says the new medicine they have me on is working."

  "I hate that you had to move here to be treated."

  "It's okay. I kinda like it here."

  "Where's your parents, Charlene?" Brandon asked.

  The little girl pointed to the right and her parents waved frantically. Brandon and Beau glanced at each other and Beau nodded.

  The reporter had moved onto someone else behind them, and the next thing Emma knew, Charlene and her parents stood next to them.

  "Tickets?" Brandon asked, in the twin-to-twin thing Emma couldn't possibly understand, even though she lived with these two.

  "Right here," Beau replied, pulling them from inside his jacket pocket. "They aren't the best."

  "It's fine, son," Charlene's dad said. "We're pleased as punch to be here tonight."

  Emma glanced at Brandon and then Beau. "I knew you two were up to somethin', when we were getting dressed."

  "Not us," Brandon replied with a wicked grin and a quick kiss to her lips. "I wish your family could come, Emma."

  "Its fine, honey," she replied, placing her palm against his cheek. "They support us from afar with our relationship and your career."

  "Yes, they do. They've been fabulous."

  They made their way inside with the wave of people. Charlene and her parents went toward the stairs leading to the balcony, and she, Brandon, and Beau took the aisle down toward the front, where their seats were. She knew they'd be close, but wow. She never would have imagined being here with all the stars she'd listened to over the years. George Strait, Reba McIntyre, Carrie Underwood, and several others mingled and talked.

  Once the festivities got going, everyone took their seats, and the show began. Watching this on television couldn't compare to the long program while you sat in the seats. Brandon's first single from the new album received Song of the Year, and the video, which they'd filmed on their ranch, won Video of the Year, but the big prize still hung in the balance. Emma wanted him to win Entertainer of the Year. It meant everything to him, and now the moment had come. The names were read, the cameras focused on each artist's face, and the presenters arrived at the podium. Emma thought she'd be sick from the nervous butterflies in her stomach. She glanced at Beau, and his warm smile and reassuring presence calmed her jittery nerves. The presenters cut up and laughed, making jokes and dragging out the moment until she wanted to scream for them to hurry up.

  When the moment came, they said, "And this year's Entertainer of the Year goes to…Brandon Tucker!" The crowd erupted in ear-shattering screams, claps, and whistles. Brandon leaned over and kissed Emma on the lips before making his way to the stage in front of his peers and fans.

  With his award held aloft, he said, "Thank you so much for this. You have no idea how much it means to me to the have the respect and love of all my fans and family." He stopped for a moment like he needed gather himself, and Emma wanted to hug him. This past year of touring had taken its toll on him, her, and Beau, but they'd made it.

  Beau took her hand and squeezed her fingers between his. "He'll be fine. Give him a minute."

  "Sorry folks," he choked out as a tear escaped and slid down his cheek. He brushed it away with his fingers and motioned for her and Beau to come up to the stage.

  "What's he doin'?"

  "I don't know, darlin'," Beau replied, taking her hand and helping her waddle up the stage stairs.

  Being seven months pregnant with their first child made it hard for her to get around these days, but she wouldn't have missed tonight for anything. Tonight belonged to Brandon. He'd spent months and months traveling back and forth from shows while she and Beau kept the home fires burning. Beau had stayed home with her, holding her every night, working the cattle they had, breaking horses, raising the bulls Beau wanted, and being ranch owners, while Brandon toured. Sometimes she and Beau flew to where he was playing so they could spend some time together as a trio, but it had been hard on Brandon. When she'd realized she would be having their child, she hadn't been able to hold back. She'd told Beau first, since Brandon was doing a show in San Antonio that night. Beau took matters into his own hands and flew them both out to be with Brandon when she told him about the coming birth of their child. They'd laughed, cried, kissed, and made love while they'd wrapped her in their loving arms.

  "Brandon?" she asked when they made it to his side.

  "Hush, wife," he scolded and a twittering of laughter echoed through the hall. "I'm sorry to take so long, but I need to say this in front of everyone. This award goes to all three of us. Emma has been my rock over the last year and a half, and Beau—God, Beau. You've been one of the most important people in my life since I started this crazy circus ride."

  The crowd laughed again.

  "We all know being a country music artist isn't all fun, games, and money. It's hard work. You're gone for days, weeks, or months at a time while your family stays home and keeps things normal. Beau and Emma have been keeping my life stable for the last eighteen months while I pursued my dream of being a singer. Today, with my wife," he moved his hand over her protruding belly, "my child, and my twin brother by my side, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this award." He held the award up with one hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Here's to all of you, my fans. The best is yet to come!"

  *The End*

  About The Author

  Sandy Sullivan is a romance author, who, when not writing, spends her time with her husband Shaun on their farm in middle Tennessee. She loves to ride her horses, play with their dogs and relax on the porch, enjoying the rolling hills of her home south of Nashville. Country music is a passion of hers and she loves to listen to it while she writes, although when she writes sex scenes, it has to be completely quiet.

  She is an avid reader of romance novels and enjoys reading Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux and Susan Wiggs. Finding new authors and delving into something different helps feed the need for literature. A registered nurse by education, she loves to help people and spread the enjoyment of romance to those around her with her novels. She loves cowboys so you'll find many of her novels have sexy men in tight jeans and cowboy boots.


  Other Books by Sandy Sullivan

  Love Me Once, Love Me Twice (Montana Cowboys 1)

  Gotta Love A Cowboy (Want Ads 1)

  Before The Night Is Over (Montana Cowboys 2)

  Country Minded Cougar (Hot Flash)

  Secret Cravings Publishing





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