The Climb

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The Climb Page 38

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Daren looked up at Tommy. Tears streamed down his dusty cheeks.

  Skyler subconsciously noted that a few of the parents had wandered over, unsure of how to get involved. Kalin walked with them. Behind them, Principal Samuels was on her cellphone as Mr. Davies jumped and waved at the police cruiser—still several blocks away—approaching the school with its blue and red lights flashing.

  I need to change my attitude toward Daren now. Time for a leap of faith. Keeping his eye on Mr. Tarquin, Skyler turned to face Daren “We don’t care if you’re…” Skyler paused. Shit, I don’t want to out him in front of his father.

  “Gay, Skyler.” Daren said, defeated. “I’m gay.”

  “I don’t fucking believe this,” Mr. Tarquin cried out.

  "Daren, you don't have to put up with him tonight. You can stay here with us,” Skyler said, extending his hand to Daren. Tommy offered his hand to Daren as well. Forcing a smile through his tears, Daren accepted their help and let them pull him up from the ground. He clutched his stomach where his father had kicked him.

  “Would you look at this,” Daren’s father said, gesturing widely with his hands. “My son the sissy homo queer, with all of his faggoty friends. Ain’t this the best fucking way to end the night, chasing queers at a mother fucking rainbow party.” Then he belched again.

  The familiar sound of digital chirps from a police siren pierced the air and startled everyone. Two officers stepped out of their squad car and approached the scene, hands on their tasers. Principal Samuels joined them and pointed to Mr. Tarquin. One of the officers knowingly nodded.

  Dale and Liara followed behind, moving to stand near the action. Skyler nodded at them and he noticed a concerned look on Liara’s face, one that he hadn’t seen before. Oh boy. Am I in trouble now? I’m an idiot for getting involved in this, aren’t I?

  “Hey Roger, how are you doing tonight?” one of the officers asked.

  “I’m having a terrible night, Officer Paul.” Mr. Tarquin ceremoniously announced.

  “Really?” Officer Paul said. “Do we need an ambulance here, son?” he asked Daren.

  “No, he only kicked me in the stomach this time.”

  This time? Jeez!

  “Uh-huh,” Officer Paul asked. “And the side of your face?”

  Daren’s eyes shot to Skyler and back to the policeman. “That was my fault. I had it coming to me.”

  “You’re sure it wasn’t your dad?”


  “And no one else…”

  “Really, it’s okay. Please.”

  Wow, he’s not turning me in.

  “Okay,” Officer Paul said. He turned his attention back to Daren’s father. “How much have you had to drink tonight, Roger?”

  “Who me?” he retorted, playing innocent. “I only had a few beers before I left the house.”

  “What’s in the bag in your hand then?”

  “Well, now, how did this get here?” he asked himself. “Oh, right, I was cleaning up after my son’s football practice and I found this half-full bottle of whiskey and I was bringing it to the trash can to throw away,” he said. Then he absentmindedly took a swig from it.

  “So, is that whiskey?” Officer Paul asked, matter-of-factly.

  “Yeah. It’s not mine though.”

  “Can I see it?”

  With defiance smeared on his face, Roger handed Officer Paul the paper bag. Sure enough, the policeman pulled out a half-full bottle of whiskey and handed it to his partner.

  “Roger, I’m going to have to place you under arrest for public intoxication, an open container violation, and illegal possession of alcohol on school grounds.”

  “Daren, did you want to press assault and battery charges against your father?” Officer Paul asked.

  Daren shrugged. “Uh, should I?”

  “Yes,” Tommy snapped.

  Officer Paul smirked. “If you press charges, it will mean you can’t be around him for a few nights, at least. We’ll have to think about arrangements for the longer term.”

  “I would press charges if you want this to end,” Skyler spoke up, filled with memories of Sean McMahon. Whoops, that was brazen.

  “Fine,” Daren said. “Do it.”

  “You’ve got good friends here,” Officer Paul said. He turned to Roger. “Come on, let’s go. Let’s make this easy, huh? Especially in front of the kids?”

  “Me? You’re arresting me?” Mr. Tarquin said, offended by the officer’s suggestion. He pointed to Skyler. “Him,” he said, shaking his free hand at Skyler. “Arrest him. He’s the one who turned my son gay.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it happened, sir,” the other officer said.

  “Me too,” Daren said.

  “Aw, come off it,” Roger said, his voice grating with anger. “I have my boy to take care of. Who’s gonna take care of him tonight if I’m locked up?”

  “Daren can stay at my place for a couple nights, especially if his Dad gets released early or something,” Cody said. “We have a guest room, and you can grab your stuff later tonight or tomorrow if you want.”

  I can’t believe Cody’s reaching out like this. That’s awesome.

  “Come on, Roger. Your son is all set. I’m going to put you in handcuffs for our safety and yours.” Roger growled at the officers and glared at his son. “You haven’t seen the last of this, you little piece of faggot shit-for-brains.”

  The handcuffs clicked into place and the officers led Roger to the police cruiser and read him his Miranda rights.

  Daren took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Holy shit,” he whispered. He turned to Cody, Skyler, and Tommy and wiped tears from his face with shaky hands. “Thanks. But I don’t deserve help. Especially from you guys.”

  “No, you don’t,” Skyler said in agreement. “But nobody needs that kind of hatred in their life.” He pointed toward Daren’s dad. “Trust me, I know.”

  “Exactly,” Tommy interjected. “You need friends who are willing to support you.”

  “And that’s you guys?” Daren asked.

  “Apparently so. We know what it’s like to get pushed around by an asshole,” Tommy replied.

  “Before you get carried away,” Principal Samuels said, “There is the issue of fighting on school grounds to deal with.”

  “To the contrary,” Liara interjected. “I think what Skyler did was incredibly brave, and you should, too, Mrs. Samuels. Skyler stood up to someone who has been bullying him since the day they met. He has demonstrated immense resilience and patience over the summer. He came to Daren’s defense tonight, along with Cody and Tommy. They defended the boy who has harassed them for some time now. This, Principal Samuels, is not a random school fight. These are extenuating circumstances.”

  “Besides, I struck Skyler first,” Daren said. “I was terrified that if my dad saw me with you, well, this would all happen. I didn’t know if he would beat me at home tonight. He was tearing into me for my poor performance at practice tonight.”

  “That would certainly seem to be the case,” Principal Samuels said. “I’m fully aware of Daren’s tendency to pick on the smaller guys in the school. I think tonight, we have all learned why.”

  Liara spoke up again. “And I think those are a very important set of issues that need to be dealt with, but not tonight. Daren needs to be shown forgiveness and mercy, not punitive action.”

  “I agree,” Dale said. Under the tent, Proud by Heather Small began to play over the speakers. That’s convenient. Why do I get the feeling I’ll be hearing about fighting in school tomorrow? Shit.

  Daren stared at the ground. He rubbed the side of his face and looked at Skyler and smiled. “You really walloped me good.”

  "That will heal quickly,” Skyler retorted. He could taste the bitterness of his words on his tongue. "The bullying you’ve done to me, Tommy, and whoever else—that doesn’t go away overnight.”

  “Exactly,” Principal Samuels interjected. “What I need to know, Daren,
is whether your past behavior will continue or come to an end given this evening’s revelation about your father and family life?”

  “I didn’t mean to be funny about it.” Daren said nervously. “But you’re right. Mrs. Samuels, my dirty little secrets are out. My alcoholic father beats me because I’m gay. There’s nothing left to hide. I don’t know what the future holds. I know I can’t go back with him—like, ever. I have to move forward.”

  I know what that feels like.

  “I will hold you to your words, Daren. This is your one chance to show us what kind a young man you can be: a man of integrity, or a man of dishonesty. You bully someone again, you’re toast. It will be you that Officer Paul arrests next. Are we clear?” Principal Samuels asked with sternness in her voice.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Daren said, nodding.

  “Now, normally, at a school event, you should both be dismissed immediately and suspended for fighting.” She pointed at Daren. “But I think you’ve had enough hurt in your life, especially tonight, Daren. Thanks to the support of your friends and their parents, I will waive disciplinary action this once. We’ll still have to figure out your safety and living situation as things pan out. Will you stay with Cody tonight?”

  “Yes, if that’s really okay.”

  Cody nodded. “Already texted the parents.”

  Skyler chuckled.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Samuels.” Daren said.

  “Thanks,” Skyler said. Although I’m not sure why I’m supposed to be grateful. It was self-defense, right?

  CK walked up to the group and stood next to Cody.

  “You’re okay with this arrangement, Daren? Will you feel safe there?” Principal Samuels asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. Thanks, Cody.”

  “All right then. Let’s return to the barbecue, shall we? Daren, you should join us when you’re ready.”

  Daren nodded. “I will.”

  Dale, Liara, and Principal Samuels turned and walked back to the barbecue. Principal Samuels clapped her hands and ordered the onlookers back to the barbecue to have fun.

  So now what? Daren is standing in front of us, completely defenseless. Are we friends or something now? What do we do with him? Is he willing to change? Will he stop bullying us?

  Tommy stepped over to Daren and smiled at him. Daren sighed and held out his hand. “I’m really sorry, Tommy, for being an asshole to you.”

  Tommy shook Daren’s hand. “Yeah, you were a total prick to us. I accept your apology, Daren. I expect nothing but a fabulous friendship from you now.”

  Damn, Tommy is a bold one.

  Daren nodded and smirked at Tommy. “I think I can do that.” Then he looked at Skyler.

  “You too, Skyler. I’m sorry. You’re new here and needed friends. You didn’t need an enemy on day one.” They shook hands.

  Where is the forgiveness of God that Christians preach about? If we really believe God forgives a repentant heart, why can't you? I yelled those words at Rebecca once when she couldn’t forgive me. But now, it is my turn; this is what it means to be Christian. This is the gospel truth: That it is divine to forgive. I should give him the chance to be better.

  “I forgive you, Daren,” Skyler said.

  Daren swallowed hard and nodded as tears welled in his eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  Skyler tugged his hand and pulled Daren in for a hug. Daren shook with emotion in his embrace.

  “You’re in the right place to come out, you know that, right?” Skyler asked.

  Daren chuckled, “Go figure. So, uh, I guess I’m out now, huh?”

  “Yeah,” CK said. “You kinda did that.”

  Funny how that happens.

  “Then I guess…” Daren pointed back toward the tent as Heather Small sang out the chorus of Proud, “I came out today. And it feels really good.”

  “I know the feeling,” Skyler said.

  “Yeah,” Tommy agreed.

  CK picked up Daren’s gym bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Shall we get back to the party?”

  “Do you think I can stay on the football team?” Daren asked.

  “Why would you ask that?” Tommy asked.

  “Because I’m gay. I don’t think they’ll want me around. Track team is way different.”

  “Hey, just because you didn’t want gay teammates doesn’t mean we don’t. Trust me, it’s not a problem to be gay on the Temple High football team.” Everyone turned to see two members of the football team standing nearby, observing and listening in. Behind them, most of the freshly showered football team’s membership walked toward the barbecue. The voice belonged to Trevor. “Yeah, everyone knows our football team is okay with gay teammates, right babe?”

  “Yep,” Bryan said, smiling from ear to ear. Then he took Trevor’s hand in his. “We’re boyfriends, and we’re on the football team. So there. Mind blown.” He gestured an explosion near his head with his hands while keeping Trevor’s hand in his.

  “You’re gay?” Daren asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, so you can’t use being gay as an excuse,” Trevor said. “Besides, why do you think we’re here, like right now, at this barbecue? Why do you think they’re here with us?” He jerked his thumb behind him to the approaching team. “To support us. To support you.”

  “Oh.” Daren whispered.

  “Boys, I must ask if you guys are gonna talk here all night or if you’re gonna come enjoy the party?” Tracy asked.

  The guys chuckled.

  “But I stink,” Daren said. “I need to shower.”

  “Shower later,” Cody said. “Food first.”

  “Okay then,” Daren said. Then he smiled.

  That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Daren smile.

  Skyler watched as his friends, Daren, and the football team walked toward the tent. Kalin stepped into his gaze, smiling at him. Skyler grinned and focused on his boyfriend as Kalin took his hand. That smile…

  “My hero,” Kalin said, flashing Skyler an even brighter smile.

  “Ha, hardly,” Skyler said. He took Kalin’s other hand and pulled him in for a kiss. Kalin tugged at his shirt—the Superman shirt Skyler had bought him. “I think you really need to wear this tonight, Skyler.”

  “If you insist,” Skyler said. Together they pulled their t-shirts off and swapped. Some of the football team members whistled and cat-called when they were shirtless for a moment.

  “Seeing you in it confirms what I thought,” Kalin said. “It makes you look super sexy tonight. Get it?”

  Skyler chuckled. “I do, Kal-El.”

  Skyler took Kalin’s hand in his again. “Come on, let’s go make sure our newest out-and-proudie doesn’t explode into a ball of fabulousness and glitter on his first night out of the closet.”

  Kalin laughed with Skyler and they headed back to the festivities. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw CK, Dale, and Liara watching him. He hoped they were proud of him that night.

  * * *

  Mr. Davies emceed the after-dinner presentation and stood in the center of the dance floor as he made introductions on behalf of the GSA. After the freshmen were introduced to the group, Mr. Davies asked if he had missed anyone who wanted to introduce themselves as a member of the LGBTQ community or as an ally, although the allies had been asked to stand as a whole a few moments prior. A few students, including Skyler, stood and introduced themselves. Those in attendance welcomed them with applause.

  Afterward, select students, including Lawrence, addressed their peers on the topics of diversity, inclusion, and community. Skyler set a goal in his mind to become a speaker next year. Next year, I’ll be a senior, I’ll be in an even better place a year from now, and that will let me deliver an awesome speech, even though I’m pretty sure I have one heck of a story already.

  When the presentations were over, Cody and Daren headed up to the school so Daren could shower up. Under the tent, the GSA teens swarmed the dance floor and enjoyed the DJ�
��s music and light show. The DJ interspersed legendary and new LGBTQ anthems, much to the delight of the students. On the dance floor, Skyler danced with his friends, singing, laughing, and waving their hands in the air to the driving beat of popular music.

  When Cody and a freshly showered Daren returned with his gym bag, Daren sat on a chair on the perimeter of the dance floor. Skyler could see Cody doing his best to persuade him to come dance, but Daren wasn’t having it.

  Trevor and Bryan, who had been dancing with their group, started shouting at each other.

  “Nope, that’s not gonna happen. He needs a good time right now.” Trevor yelled over the music.

  “Wanna go get him?” Bryan yelled back, a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Yeah, let’s do that.”

  Skyler’s group of friends watched Trevor and Bryan dance their way over to Daren and Cody.

  “I love it!” Tracy yelled, her hair adorned with colorful blinking LED lights that someone had passed out. Everyone had a blinking trinket clipped to their hair, shirt, belt, or shoelaces.

  Skyler watched as Trevor and Bryan grabbed Daren by the arms and pull him up. Though he shook his head, Skyler saw the big smile on his face, which meant he wanted to be included. And like me, he’s gonna struggle with acceptance and inclusion for a while.

  Cody followed as Trevor and Bryan pulled him over to the group. They started dancing and waved Daren’s hands in the air for him. Daren smiled and nodded, submitting to their will. He started awkwardly dancing, but as a few bars passed, he relaxed and began dancing on his own. Skyler saw Tommy eyeing Daren with suspicion, but it subsided into happiness when Daren offered him a hand. They shook hands and continued dancing.

  A few songs later, the DJ switched to a slow song. Students scurried for their boyfriends or girlfriends and the teens gravitated into mostly same-sex couples.

  Skyler found Kalin, who wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Skyler pulled Kalin close and then backed off a bit and chuckled. “Eww, you’re all sweaty and gross.”

  “So are you,” Kalin said, then he kissed him and they settled into the rhythm of a slow dance.


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