Maddox: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 2)

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Maddox: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 2) Page 9

by Lilian Monroe

  “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 11.”

  “Then, we’ll go get married,” I grinned.

  “Then we’ll get married,” Maddox agreed.

  I hardly slept that night. I was too excited. Veronica and Morgan came over in the morning and helped me get ready. My hands were shaking too much to do my makeup, so the girls helped me, under my guidance. Morgan brought one of her fancy event gowns, a long, white slinky dress. I gasped.


  “I hope it fits,” she said with a smile. “Try it on.”

  When I slipped the dress over my head, my heart fluttered. Was this really happening? Was I really marrying the most gorgeous man I’d ever met, only a week after meeting him?

  My mom appeared in the doorway, clasping her hands against her chest. Her eyes were misty and she had a soft smile on her lips.

  “Gorgeous,” she breathed.

  Veronica pulled out a bottle of champagne from her bag, and we all laughed.

  “Typical,” I said, and Vee just laughed. We clinked our glasses together and my heart fluttered. When the doorbell rang, my eyes widened and the girls smiled at me.

  “This is it,” Morgan said as she wrapped me in a hug. “You look amazing.”

  Vee opened the front door. Maddox’s perfect, chiseled body looked perfect in his tailored black suit. I melted. He wasn’t wearing a tie, and the top button of his shirt was undone in a perfectly ‘Maddox’ kind of way. His tattoos snaked up the base of his neck as he brushed a hand through his hair, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Lacie,” he breathed. “You… you’re…”

  “It’s Morgan’s,” I said, touching the silky dress.

  “I don’t care whose it is, it looks incredible.”

  “Alright you two lovebirds,” my mom said, ushering us out the door. “We’re on a tight timeline, here.”

  I laughed, and let her guide me, my friends, and my future husband down our cracked steps and over our untrimmed lawn towards the gleaming black limousine that was waiting for us. That limousine would take me to my new life.

  I nestled into the seat beside Maddox, saying hello to Carter and Garrett who were waiting inside. I settled in to that perfect spot in the crook of Maddox’s shoulder that seemed to be made for me. His fingers caressed my shoulder, and I listened to Morgan, Veronica, my mother and the boys laughing and talking. We poured more champagne and toasted to our new beginnings.

  By the time we made it to the courthouse, my heart was full and my head was buzzing. Maddox was the first to exit the limo, holding out his hand for me and helping me out. He kissed me softly, wrapping his arms around me and inhaling against the curve of my neck.

  The rest of the gang came out of the limo as Maddox held me close.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” A shrill voice called out, and Maddox stiffened. We all turned towards the voice to see a young woman, about my age, with fire in her eyes. She was stomping towards us.

  “Maggie,” Maddox said icily. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Chapter 21 - Maddox

  I held Lacie close to me as my sister marched towards our little group. She was trailed by two burly-looking men that I didn’t recognize. She looked mad, and it made the anger flare up inside me, too.

  “I’m here because I heard this… this sham was going on!” Maggie spat, staring at Lacie with eyes blazing. I stiffened.

  “Go home, Maggie. Don’t you have some important investment business things to take care of? Or someone else’s life to ruin?”

  “Please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I’m just trying to stop you from ruining your own life, little brother.”

  “You don’t give a fuck about my life.”

  Maggie barked out a laugh. “Maybe that’s true. Mom and Dad wasted way too much time worrying about where you’d end up.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean? They didn’t give a shit about me.”

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “Please, Maddox. You were always their favorite. They couldn’t stop talking about what you did or didn’t do. It never mattered what I was up to, or how much I accomplished, or what I did with their company. All they cared about was you and your stupid music.”

  I opened my mouth and closed it again. I could feel Lacie trembling against me, so I held her closer.

  “You won’t get a penny from me,” Maggie said. “I’ll make sure that will gets thrown out, and I hope this little bitch sucks you dry like the gold digger she is.”

  I lunged. If it wasn’t for Carter and Garrett who jumped in to hold me back, I’m not sure what I’d have done. They clamped their arms down over mine as I struggled to break free.

  Maggie’s eyes widened and she took a step back. She recovered quickly, straightening herself up and squaring her shoulders.

  “Don’t you dare fucking talk about my wife that way,” I said. “Get the fuck out of here, Maggie!"

  “Fine. But this won’t stand. You’re wasting your time marrying her.”

  “That will is a legal document, and I suggest you leave before I call the authorities.” We all turned at the sound of Hillary’s voice. She wore her trademarked blue pinstripe suit, with her hair pulled tight into a low bun. Her glasses were perched on the end of her nose and she looked more intimidating than any man I’d ever seen.

  Maggie inhaled sharply, and then her face soured and she turned and walked away.

  I slumped down, turning to Lacie and wrapping her in my arms.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Was that your sister?”

  I nodded. Hillary cleared her throat and we all turned towards her. She lifted up a folder.

  “We can sign this, and then go in and celebrate your union,” she said to me. To Lacie, she smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Maddox’s lawyer.”

  “Oh, okay,” Lacie said, clearing her throat. “Nice to meet you too, I guess.”

  Hillary pulled out a stack of papers. I glanced at them and shook my head.

  “Fuck that. If Maggie sees that, she’ll get my parents’ will thrown out for sure. And plus, I don’t want to sign a fucking prenup. I want to be with Lacie, and I want her to have everything that I have. Signing that would be like a slap in the face.”

  “Maddox,” Hillary started, “As your lawyer, I strongly suggest that—”

  “I’m not signing a fucking prenup. I love this woman and I’m going to be with her for the rest of my life, whether or not I inherit any money from my parents.”

  Lacie looked at me, her eyes wide. “Maddox, I don’t mind signing it. I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage of—”

  “Stop, Lacie.” I sighed, looking around at my small group of friends. “I love you. Do you hear me? You pulled me out of the darkness and you’ve given me a reason to live again. You helped my band get back on track, and we’re looking forward to the biggest tour of our careers. I don’t want to sign a prenup. I just want you.”

  And with that, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight and crushing my lips against hers. My fingers tangled into her hair, pulling her as close to me as I could. We kissed like no one else existed. And for those few moments, no one else did.

  When we pulled apart, Lacie smiled.

  “I love you too.”

  We walked up the courthouse steps together, and within an hour, we came back out holding our certificate of marriage. Hillary caught my eye, and the look on her face softened. I think that despite herself, despite me not taking her advice and refusing to sign the prenup, she was happy for me.

  I wrapped my arms around the hard-nosed lawyer that had been around my family my whole life. She held me tight, and when I pulled away she had tears in her eyes.

  “I’m happy for you, Mr. Knight.”

  “Shut up, Hillary,” I laughed. “You’ve never called me that in my life.”

  “Well, you’re a man, now. You’ve grown up so much and I’m proud of you.”

p; My eyes welled up in spite of my best efforts to stop them. Hillary was almost like a mother to me. She’d been there for me when my parents turned their backs on me, when they thought I’d amount to nothing. I hugged her again, and then turned to my new bride.

  “Let’s go bring your mom to her treatment,” I said. “And then we can celebrate.”

  Our little gang stayed together at the hospital with Sandra for her whole treatment. We all went back to our house in the hills after, and I set my mother-in-law up in a bedroom in the guest house at the back of the property.

  “I had this prepared for you,” I said. “I figured you’d probably be spending most of your time here with us.”

  Sandra put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. “Thank you, Maddox. You are a wonderful man.”

  My heart swelled in my chest, and I turned to see Lacie in the doorway. I put my arm around her and we went back towards the main house, where I could hear champagne bottles popping and our friends starting the biggest celebration of our lives.

  The sun was setting over the city, and I stopped to take in the sky with Lacie. She leaned against me, tucking her head against my chest.

  “I love you, Maddox,” she said.

  “I love you too, Lacie.”

  Chapter 22 - Lacie

  It was nice to have everyone there to celebrate with us, but when Maddox took my hand and led me down the hall, my heart soared. He pulled me into a bedroom—our bedroom—and wrapped his arms around me.

  He scooped me up, dropping me onto his massive bed. I sank into the bedding, groaning.

  “This bed is so much more comfortable than mine,” I said.

  “It is your bed,” he replied with a kiss. His arms trailed up my sides and over the silky fabric of my white dress. His touch sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

  I was his, now and forever.

  And he was mine.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him down on top of me, inhaling the scent of his skin as he groaned against me. His cock strained against his pants, pressing against my stomach and sending a new wave of shivers through my body.

  I unclasped the buttons of his shirt one by one, revealing his broad chest. My hands slipped over it, opening his shirt and sliding it over his shoulders. He shrugged it off, lifting his arms up and flexing for me.

  I giggled.

  “Stop it,” I said, laughing.

  “What?” He asked, flexing harder. “Stop this?”

  A grin spread over his face and he dropped his arms, placing his hands on either side of me. “I love making you laugh,” he said, and my heart grew in my chest.

  How had I been so lucky?

  Maddox slid his fingers around the nape of my neck and brought me up to kiss him.

  “Now,” he said. “I’m going to make love to my wife.”

  When he said the word, a wave of butterflies crashed around my stomach. I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing his skin and feeling the muscles ripple along his back as he moved towards me. He kissed me fiercely, crushing his body against mine in the most delicious way. Our limbs tangled together, and he kissed me over and over and over.

  His kisses trailed down my jaw, over the sensitive skin of my neck and along my collarbone. He slid one of the straps of my dress off my shoulder, kissing every part of skin that it touched. I shivered, gasping as his mouth ignited a trail of fire along my skin.

  Then suddenly, he picked me up and placed me on my feet beside the bed before stretching out over the pillows.

  “Take that dress off,” he commanded, folding his hands behind his head. All I wanted to do was to run my hands over the muscles of his body, to trace every muscle and ever line of ink that was etched over his frame.

  But his eyes held me in place.

  I slipped the straps of my dress over my shoulder and reached to the zipper at my side. As soon as I unzipped the dress, it fluttered to my feet in a silky white puddle. Maddox groaned, letting his eyes roam over my body. As his gaze made the desire inside me burn hotter, I hooked my fingers into my panties and slid them down my legs.

  “That’s my pussy,” Maddox groaned, watching me undress for him.

  “Yes,” I replied, crawling onto the bed towards him. “It is.”

  I unbuckled his belt, then his pants, and slid them down his muscled legs along with his boxers. His cock sprang free, and I gasped. Every time I saw it, I remembered how big it was. It throbbed against his stomach as he watched me, his hands still clasped behind his head.

  I ran my hands up his thighs, and then wrapped my fingers around his shaft. It was soft and velvety to touch, and impossibly hard. I slid my fingers up and down, watching Maddox’s mouth fall open in a soft sigh.

  It felt different this time. Maybe it was because we were married. Maybe it was because of everything that had happened over the weekend with Morgan and Garrett and then his sister.

  Whatever it was, it felt like any distance between us was gone. He was mine, and I was his.

  I kissed the tip of his cock, licking it gently as he groaned. When I took the head in my mouth and sucked it down as deep as I could, he moaned.

  Sucking his cock was incredible. I could feel the wetness gathering between my legs. I watched the man I love gasp and moan as I worked my mouth up and down his cock. He brought his hands away from his head, caressing my jaw and tangling his fingers into my hair.

  It was so erotic, being there like that, with him. He was looking at me with nothing but animalistic pleasure in his eyes, and it was all because of me. He started gently thrusting, pushing his cock ever so slightly deeper into my mouth as I moaned. I reached between my legs and felt the honey pooling between them.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned. “Touch yourself, Lacie.”

  I did as he said. I loved doing what he said. I loved giving myself over to him completely, body, mind, and soul. I loved having his hands on my head and my hands wrapped around his thick, throbbing cock.

  I loved every second of it.

  When I came up for air, his eyes were low and he growled at me.

  “I’m not going to come in that pretty little mouth of yours,” he said. “Even though I want to.”

  “No?” Was the only response I could manage.

  Instead of replying, he picked me up by the waist and dragged me all the way up to his head. My knees straddled his face and he looked up at me, grinning.

  “Sit on my fucking face, angel.”

  With his hands on my ass and his ready mouth waiting, I did as he said. I sat down and moaned as his mouth connected with my pussy. He licked me and sucked me and lapped me up until I was trembling over him, with only the headboard and his hands on my ass to keep my upright.

  He brought me to the edge, and kept me there. He teased me with his tongue, lapping my clit and diving inside me until I was whimpering at every touch. His hands spread my ass wide and his fingers circled my star as his tongue tortured me in the best possible way.

  “I want you cock, Maddox,” I moaned. “I want it inside me.”

  He roared.

  In one motion, he picked me up again and brought me down to his hips. I reached down and angled his cock towards me. As his hips and mine rolled towards each other in unison, he speared me from tip to hilt.

  I moaned.

  I was full. I was complete. I was his.

  I rode him harder than I thought I ever could, with his hands on my hips to guide me. I came on his cock as he urged me to, dripping over him until I could feel my wetness covering us both.

  It was messy, and intense, and the best fucking sex of my life.

  “That’s it,” Maddox growled. “I want my wife’s fucking cum juice all over my balls,” he said as I screamed. Another wave of pleasure crashed over me as Maddox growled.

  He held me close, shuddering as the orgasm overtook him. His seed splashed inside me, filling me up and sending me over the edge once more. Having him inside me with his cum ma
king a mess of us both was more pleasurable than I could every hope to explain.

  It wasn’t just my pleasure, it was ours. We were one, and we were together. Maddox brought me down to his face and kissed me again as both our bodies crashed into each other, exactly where they belonged.

  Epilogue - Maddox

  Life with Lacie was better than I could have imagined. She moved into my house and her mom took over the guest house. Carter ended up getting his own place—he found another person to live with, but that’s his story to tell. Turns out our new PR team became much, much more than just purveyors of interviews and tours.

  Lacie’s mom responded well to the treatments. It was hard to say if she would recover, because the type of brain cancer she had was particularly aggressive, but there was hope. And for me, Lacie, and her mother, that was enough for now.

  All six of us went on tour together, and it was the most successful tour of our careers. We had sold-out shows all around the world, and Morgan made sure the press was all over it. Lacie made us look good, and Veronica used her camera to take our image to the next level.

  As a band, we went back to the music. We recovered from our six months of self-destruction and came together stronger than we’d ever been. We’d found our muses, and they’d centered us.

  Lacie made me feel like a king, and she was my queen. I was right to refuse the prenup in the end, because Hillary told me the judge would have thrown out the will if he’d seen it. Apparently, it would have been evidence that it was a sham wedding.

  I didn’t need a prenup anyway, because I knew Lacie was who I wanted to be with. She was perfect, and she was my everything.

  I made love to her often, memorizing the way her face looked when she came. I explored her body as if it were my own, and loved every bit of her a little bit more each day.

  When we got home from the tour, we took a full week in Hawaii to rest and relax, just the two of us. It was our long-overdue honeymoon.

  One morning, Lacie went to the bathroom. When she re-emerged, with her silky robe doing nothing to hide her perfect body, I groaned.


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