Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set Page 16

by Lucy Wild

  “I need a dummy?” she asked, as if the thought confused her. “Want a nappy change. Where’s my papa?”

  “What have you done to her?” I snarled at the doctor.

  He laughed back at me. “You’re too late. There’s nothing that can help her now.”

  I reached into the drawer and pulled out the revolver, pressing it to the side of his head, my finger on the trigger. “Bring her back.”

  “I can’t,” he said, his eyes wild with panic as he twisted away from the gun. “Don’t shoot me!”

  My finger twitched as Sally burst into tears behind me.

  “Wait, wait! There is something.”


  “The electrical impulse is not yet absorbed. You could reverse it.”

  “How?” I snarled.

  “Remind her what it means to be an adult.”

  I frowned before realising what he meant. “You’re mad,” I said as he began to giggle. I lifted the revolver and brought the butt down onto his forehead. His giggles stopped as he slumped down in his chair.

  “Come on,” I said to Sally, lifting her from her chair. “There is something I must show you.” I took a ring of keys from the doctor’s pocket and left them dangling from my wrist.

  “Did you get me a present papa?” Sally asked, a smile forming on her lips.

  “Of sorts. Come with me.”

  I glanced out into the corridor to make sure it was empty before leading her quietly around the corner. I unlocked the door to the women’s ward and stepped inside with Sally, locking the door behind me.

  “I have another patient for you,” I announced loudly to the assembled inmates. The same group of medical experts who attended to me approached again, clapping their hands. “Make her better,” Hannah grinned, taking Sally’s hand and leading her over to the stretcher. They laid her down as she stared innocently up at them.

  “Make me better?” she asked.

  I lifted her maid’s uniform from her, staring down at her exposed body, my mind filled with anxieties about whether or not this would work. Their hands descended on her in seconds and their charade of doctors and nurses seemed to vanish into the ether. Instead they cared only for her desire and I was able to observe with great interest as their hands slid over her breasts, down her stomach, between her legs, fingers sliding into her, lips planting kisses over her body.

  My cock came to life when Hannah sat upon Sally’s face and Caroline began to lap at her clit. It began to throb with desire as Hannah rocked her way to a powerful orgasm before stumbling away, Annie taking her place on Sally’s face. As Sally moaned around the pussy clamped down on her I couldn’t resist any longer. Fumbling with my trousers I motioned for Caroline to step aside and brought the tip of my prick to Sally’s wetness, rubbing my way over her clit and then down to her entrance, sliding gently into her and beginning to fuck her whilst staring at Annie’s pussy as it ground down faster and faster.

  Sally’s pussy suddenly tightened around my cock, Caroline stroking her clit whilst Lisa and Rebecca sucked on her nipples. She let out a muffled scream and her inner walls began contracting round my cock, drawing me deeper inside her. With a grunt I slammed home and cum spurted from my cock, filling her pussy, my orgasm mixing with hers to make me feel closer to her than ever.

  As Annie slid from her face, Sally sat up and blinked, looking at me as if seeing me for the first time.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. “Oh my Dr Underwood. I can feel you inside me.” She looked down at my cock as it slid from her, getting to her feet, seemingly oblivious to her nakedness.

  “You know who you are?” I asked.

  “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “It worked!” I smiled, taking her in my arms and kissing her. “It actually worked. Perhaps Doctor Stanley isn’t mad after all.”

  I unlocked the door and left it hanging open, leaving the keys with the inmates before making my way out of the kitchen with Sally’s hand held in mine. We were soon over the wall and into the woods whereupon she pushed me up against a tree and kissed me, the taste of the inmates on her lips. “Where do we go now?” she asked.

  “I think,” I replied. “I should return home for I have a talk to give on asylums.”

  She looked crestfallen. “Oh of course. I understand.”

  “I would love for you to join me,” I said, kissing her again. “I have much to tell the world about the techniques I discovered at Shudderton Asylum.”

  We walked through the woods and made our way to my home, leaving the Stanley brothers and Ravenscar far behind us forever.

  Examine Me

  I was writing a letter when mother walked into the drawing room and changed my life forever. “I have excellent news Juliet,” she beamed, waving a telegram in her hand. “You’re to be married.”

  I almost dropped my pen in shock. “What?”

  She frowned as she walked towards me and tossed the telegram into my lap. “Twelve years of private education and still you say ‘What?’ instead of ‘Pardon?’ Was all that money wasted on you?”

  “I’m sorry mother. Forgive me. Pardon?”

  “Read for yourself. It’s all in the telegram.”


  “What on earth does that mean mother? What advertisement?”

  “I am sure I explained this to you last week. Now you are eighteen, it is time to find you a suitable partner. I sent an advertisement into The City and Rural Life suggesting such and we already have a response. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “But mother, we know nothing about this gentleman. He may not be suitable for me.”

  “Nonsense. No subscriber to City and Rural would be unsuitable for a daughter of mine, I am sure of it.”

  I looked at her as she began deciding the most suitable clothing choice for me to wear on Sunday. An inspection, the telegram suggested, as if I were cattle and nothing more. Perhaps they would want to see my teeth or observe me cantering across the lawn.

  I knew there was no point arguing with mother. She always won, such is life if I want to be sure my allowance continues to be granted. It wasn’t as if I was averse to marriage per se, it was merely that I had never so much as kissed a boy, I had no knowledge of what was expected in the marital chamber and I knew once my suitor became aware of such things, he would have no interest in pursuing matrimony with me, which just goes to demonstrate how wrong one can be.

  At times I wished for a confidante to discuss such matters with, a private ear to listen to my concerns about so many matters in life. But there was only me and mother, father being away fighting the Boers and all manner of other unfortunates this last ten years. The servants were trained in silence by mother, none would even deign to listen to me without her in earshot. Hetty was the closest thing I even had to a friend.

  Mother must have had some knowledge of what happened between men and women, after all, she was married and I was her child. I had only broached the subject once though, having seen her kiss father goodbye. I asked if kisses were what made women pregnant. She merely sighed and told me it would be explained to me by my husband when I was married and that was the end of that.

  The day telegram arrived was Friday and after I’d read the contents, the rest of the day was spent shopping for a suitable outfit for me. Saturday was spent in elocution and deportment lessons with a French tutor who was overly strict with her ruler, slapping the back of my hand as if I were a child starting early lessons, not an eighteen year old about to be wed.

  Sunday morning was spent being dressed by my maid. I was glad of Hetty, the only person I had been naked in front of in my life. Throughout my childhood she had dressed me, accompanying me to my schooling and home again when all was done, silent but steadfast, I felt nothing around her, no shame around my exposed skin, I smiled as I wished perhaps I could marry her instead, a ridiculous notion but at least I wouldn’t feel as ne
rvous as I did at this moment.

  She slid a pair of stockings up my legs. They were pure white to reflect my innocence, cotton drawers followed, Hetty setting them best in place to cover my unmentionables, a chemise went over the top and then a whalebone corset that was pulled so tight my breathing was restricted to tight short gasps that left me feeling quite dizzy. I was so busy fighting for breath I hardly noticed as the Crinoline was set in place followed by my petticoats and then finally a long red dress which I was not in favour of wearing. The fabric was expensive and it hung nicely across the Crinoline but the neckline plunged in a way that exposed an obscene amount of my chest especially when combined with the pushing upwards of my breasts by the corset. My mother had insisted despite my protests. “You must demonstrate your feminine attractions to appeal to suitors,” she said. “It was how I ensnared your father after all.”

  I looked at myself in the mirror whilst Hetty arranged my hair, tugging on my long gloves as I did so. If I leaned forwards it was only the rim of the corset that kept my nipples hidden. My cheeks flushed redder than my dress at the thought of a strange man seeing so much of me. I vowed to stay rigidly upright throughout our meeting.

  At half past one I was finally ready, makeup and hair completed, my mother giving the slightest nod of approval and dismissing Hetty who left without a word as we made our way downstairs to the parlour. I sat by the fire as the grandfather clock ticked in the corner, the only sound other than the rustle of my dress whenever I moved to try and snatch a slightly deeper breath.

  At exactly two o’clock the doorbell rang and a moment later I heard echoing footsteps in the hall before the butler opened the door and announced, “Dr Albert Compton for Juliet and Mrs Wilson.”

  I got to my feet as a tall man entered. I frowned at the sight of him. He carried a doctor’s bag and wore a greatcoat buttoned up to the neck. Was this to be a medical inspection of some kind?

  “Lady Wilson,” he smiled, walking across to her and kissing the back of mother’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  “And you sir.”

  “Please, Albert will suffice. And this must be Juliet?” He turned to me and his smile faded, a more formal look taking hold as he looked me up and down. “I am afraid work must intrude before pleasure. If you would excuse us Mrs Wilson, I will call for you once my inspection has been completed.”

  “Of course,” mother replied. “Although may I ask…?”

  He held up a hand to silence her. “I’m afraid a medical man must have his secrets. Be assured she will not be harmed.”

  My heart began to race as mother left and closed the door behind her. Dr Compton turned the key, locking the two of us in together. “Wouldn’t want to be disturbed,” he said, pocketing the key before unbuttoning his great coat and draping it over the armchair nearest the fire. “Now let’s begin with your pulse shall we?”

  He motioned for me to sit and I perched on the edge of the sofa, certain he would think I was a human humming bird, my heart was beating so fast. He pulled my gloves off and set them aside before setting two fingers on the inside of my left wrist, the first male fingers I had felt upon me in my life, apart from a single embrace my father had given me before heading away to his endless wars.

  I looked up at his eyes as he frowned, counting the seconds. A fluttery feeling washed over me that I barely understood. It was as if I felt a strange bond to this man, similar to that I felt for my maid Hetty and yet I hardly knew this stranger.

  His breath hit the side of my face as he counted, making my skin tingle and my stomach turn over. Even my fingers began to tremble, all of this in the few seconds it took for him to record my pulse. “A little fast,” he said, making a note on a scrap of paper from his pocket. “But nothing to worry about. Now I must ensure I have measured accurately.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a device I had never seen before.

  “What is that good doctor?” I asked as he pressed two metal cylinders over his ears, a third one dangling down on a rubber tube of some kind.

  “This?” he asked, motioning the device. “Have you not seen a stethoscope before?”

  “I have not.”

  “It is to increase the auditory level of your heartbeat. You can try it yourself in a moment if you wish, but first if you’ll excuse me?” He pressed the cold metal end to the centre of my cleavage as I let out a gasp of surprise.

  “Excuse me good sir?” I asked, batting the device away. “That is most improper.”

  “Come come my girl. This must be done. Or if you prefer I could turn to the old fashioned method instead?”

  “I believe that would be infinitely preferable.”

  “Very well.” He put the stethoscope back in his bag, knelt down before me and before I could stop him, his ear was pressed to my chest, pressing into my skin.

  “Sir!” I exclaimed.

  “Please be silent for a moment, it will not take long I assure you.”

  As I felt the warmth of his skin squashing into my breasts my desire for him to move away lessened and I found myself instead wanting him to remain there. Of their own accord my nipples stiffened within my corset, chafing and tingling as they rubbed on the suffocating thing whilst my breathing grew ever more laboured.

  “Oh look at that,” Dr Compton said. “You have saved me time. Your nipples react in the most proper manner.”

  I looked down and realised that my heaving breaths had drawn my breasts up and out of the top of the corset, my hardened nipples resting on the rim as if observing their surroundings.

  “Why on earth would you need to know that?” I asked, my cheeks turning scarlet as the doctor stood up, allowing me to push my breasts back into my corset so I regained my modesty at last. I felt such shame knowing he had observed them but I hoped his profession would ensure confidentiality within this room at least.

  “My employer needs to know how you will react if you are to be his wife. That does not simply apply to the running of his household but also to your ability to please him within the bedroom. Now if you would like to stand up for me, do you have a personal maid within the household?”

  “I do but I fail to see…”

  “Her name?”

  “Hetty but…”

  “A moment please.” He walked over to the door, unlocked it and called out, “Could Hetty be called for immediately please?”

  My mother’s face appeared in the doorway. “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Fine,” replied Dr Compton. “I just need assistance for a short time.”

  “Could I not help you?”

  “Good madam, this is not the work for a respectable lady such as yourself, this calls for the servant class I am afraid but I thank you kindly for your offer. Ah, here she comes I believe. Hetty is it? Come on in.”

  Hetty curtseyed past the doctor and stood with her hands behind her back by the door as the doctor locked us in, ignoring the continued talk of my mother. He pocketed the key once more before turning to Hetty. “You are a loyal servant to your mistress, are you not?”

  “I am sir.”

  “And you have the ability to maintain a confidence of anything asked of you, do you not?”

  “I do sir.”

  “That will suffice. What occurs within this room during my examination is not to reach any but us three here, is that understood?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Excellent. Now if you’d be so kind as to undress your mistress behind the screen, I shall prepare over here. Tell me the instant you are done.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Hetty curtseyed again, her face as neutral as ever as she walked over to me. “Excuse me?” I asked as the doctor opened his bag on the far table. “Do you expect me to undress without a qualm or a question?”

  “No Juliet,” he replied without looking my way. “I expect your maid to undress you.”

  “I do not find that amusing.”

  He turned to me at last, anger flashing across his face. “I do not ha
ve all day to placate a whining little girl like yourself. I have many others to see. Now if you wish me to inform your mother you have refused my examination and ended the chance of marriage to my employer then so be it.”

  “No good sir, I did not mean that.”

  “Then you will step behind that screen and not reappear until you are as naked as the day you were born. Is that clear?”

  “Yes sir,” I replied, accepting defeat. I could not risk angering my mother, knowing she could hurl me out to the workhouse at any time and I would be without recompense. I walked behind the tall screen in the corner of the room and Hetty set to work without a word, pulling my dress over my head, doing her best to avoid spoiling my hair. She turned me round and began unlacing my corset, each knot undone meant at least that I could breathe a little easier. When it was finally unfastened I took the deepest gulps of air as my skin tingled, the chemise pulled off to reveal deep red marks in my skin signifying the effect the corset had engendered upon my body.

  I noticed my nipples were still hard and Hetty raised the slightest eyebrow at the sight before continuing her toil, petticoats and crinoline soon removed. “May I keep on my undergarments at least?” I called out from behind the screen.

  “No you may not!” the doctor snapped back at me.

  I nodded to Hetty who knelt down and slid my stockings down my legs. I felt her fingers on my skin as she lowered the garments and for the first time I felt something inside me, something similar to the sensation I’d experienced when the doctor had felt my pulse. Hetty looked as indifferent as ever as she reached up and slid my knickers to the floor. Her face was the merest inch from my unmentionable area and I noticed she stared closely at it as I stepped out of my underwear, her breath on my skin making me shiver, my nipples stiffening further and beginning to ache slightly.

  “Are you done?” the doctor called. “Time is short.”

  “I am naked,” I called back. “But I am unsure…”

  “Out with you,” he snapped. “Come on, now is not the time for shyness.”

  I felt something in my hand and looked down to see Hetty had slipped her fingers between mine. She nodded slightly and that reassured me more than I thought possible. At least I had a friend of some kind here with me.


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