Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series) Page 3

by Jay, Setta

  Her beautiful face lit up, aqua eyes shining. “Hey, what’s up? I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow night. Tell me we’re moving girls’ night to tonight. It’s been the restocking week from hell, and cocktails and a movie sounds amazing.” She groaned playfully and paused, narrowing her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  Alyssa blurted out everything that had happened. She even included the spider in the narration of her horrible morning. To Rain’s credit she didn’t laugh, just coughed out a chuckle.

  Alyssa settled on a stool behind the counter. Thankfully, it was still early for customers, having a breakdown in front of witnesses would have been humiliating. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I need to get out of here for a while. I should have moved out of my parents’ house well before now, but the sad look on my father’s face always ended the conversation. If I go there now, I will say things I might regret. They didn’t inform me of anything, just made choices for me as if I were a child while hiding the truth.” She blew out a frustrated breath and groaned. “I’m completely aware that I did this to myself, but it ends now.” She rolled her shoulders. “I don’t have any pieces that are urgent.” She had set aside the next few weeks for creating new designs. She couldn’t have asked for a more perfect time to get away. The designs could wait, or she could do them wherever they went. She had plenty of coin set aside from her years of work. Plenty to set herself up in a place of her own while giving her enough to spend on a nice trip. She’d never done anything like that, and it was well past time to start living.

  “Is there any way you can get someone to watch the shop and go with me? Take a vacation?”

  Rain’s eyes lit with understanding. She started rummaging around in drawers. “You’ve needed to move out on your own for too long now.” Drawers opened and closed. “I’m sorry about your folks. I’d be angry as hell too, and the Guardian is a fucking idiot. He has to be some big ass on a power trip if he hasn’t claimed you as a mate. Let me think for a second. I agree that getting away would be good for you. You do need to get your life figured out. How long do you want to be gone?”

  Alyssa thought for a minute. “Can you get out of here for a couple of weeks?”

  Rain bit at the top of her pen, contemplating, then started writing on the stationary she’d pulled out of a drawer. “Where do you want to go?” They sat talking and planning for a while. Her friend sputtered out a million different options, but one struck her as so completely perfect that she couldn’t resist.

  “If you’ll take this to Mrs. Lewis, I’ll get notes ready for her. She doesn’t usually have much to do now that her kids are grown, and she really likes it here. I’m sure she’d be excited to keep the store open for me, and she usually spends everything I pay her here. If she can’t, I’ll figure something out. I should be able to get everything in order so we can get out of here fairly quickly.” Rain began running around the shop as she spoke.

  Rain rambled off more plans, and Alyssa felt her tension and pain subside a little with every word and movement as they readied for their trip. She would definitely be making some massive changes.

  She went over and spoke to Mrs. Lewis, and Rain had been correct. The older female was thrilled to watch the shop. The female was in her sixties, with rosy cheeks and a smile that said she knew everything and found it all quite amusing. Alyssa had always liked her. She was grinning by the time she made it back to the shop.

  “Mrs. Lewis said to give her an hour and she’ll be here to take over.”

  Chapter 3

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Gregoire and Uri teleported onto the balcony of the manor after their patrol on Earth Realm. Havoc, his brother’s hellhound, was between them as they entered through the French doors. He was still a pup, but the beast was nearly as tall as Gregoire’s hip. His ears stuck in points, and his red eyes were bright with energy. He ran ahead when the door opened and hopped on the couch and faced them as his body wagged. He was a spirited beast since they’d taken him hunting. Their patrols had never been as easy as they were since Havoc started going along. The animal attracted demon possessed and was able to feed off their evil energies. Uri and Gregoire had always needed to detain the possessed because they were technically humans with demon parasites, so the Guardians couldn’t harm them without consequences. Their darkness was food for the pup just as the world’s energies were fuel for Immortals.

  Uri ran his hand under the back of his longish dark hair, and his silver eyes glittered as he spoke. “I need to head to Alex. She’s over checking on her brother and Sam; she’s worried for them.” They were all concerned for Erik and his mate. They’d rescued Sam from their enemy, but not before she’d been raped. If Alex hadn’t had the unique ability to hop into others’ minds, Erik may never have found his Mageia mate, and Alex and Uri may never have mated either. It was all connected and odd. Alex and her brothers had been hiding on Earth Realm since the Immortal exile by the Creators, centuries ago. It was her brother’s need to find Sam that brought her to Uri for help.

  “What does Sirena think?” he asked. Sirena was the Guardian healer, and he knew she’d been checking on the two constantly. They all knew that once Erik awoke from his spell-induced sleep, he would need to mate with Sam. The Immortal mating frenzy would make his need great, and after all Sam had been through, they were concerned about whether she could handle it. Gregoire’s teeth gritted hard. He couldn’t imagine having to deal with what the male would suffer knowing he hadn’t rescued her before the bastards had raped her.

  “I have to get out of here,” he said to his brother. He had a few more things he wanted to arrange before claiming his mate, and his need to get to her was growing. He planned to seek Drake that evening.

  “Sirena thinks he’ll wake up soon. Sam refused to allow Sirena to extend his sleep again. She said she can handle it. They’re worried that keeping him out of it will cause him more pain when he finally wakes up. Sam’s a strong female. She let me in her mind to help with some of the fears and the mental impact of the rape; it’s still there, but she’s fighting the effects.”

  “She understands he’ll be working completely on instinct when he sees her?” Gregoire asked.

  “Yes, and she’s refused to leave his side. She knows he saved her life, and watching over him seems to help her heal. Her instincts may not be as sensitive because of her mortality, but I’m impressed with the female.”

  Uri stilled. A second later he turned his head in Gregoire’s direction. “The Lofodes Aletheia just informed me that Adras needs to see you right away.” Aletheia were the only race with extensive telepathic range, and the manor was far from any city in the Realm. Gregoire saw his brother’s confused look, but his heart had started pounding a heavy beat as he turned to the balcony.

  “You good, man?” his brother asked.

  “I have to go.” Gregoire didn’t like the worry that pitted in his gut as he exited onto the balcony and teleported away. His little mate’s father would never contact him unless there was a problem.

  Minutes later he was standing in Adras’ home. The home he hadn’t been in for over twenty-five years. He looked up the stairs toward the bedroom where he’d first seen Alyssa as a tiny babe. It had been cozy and warm, a fire in the hearth. As one of Adras’ closest friends, he’d been ushered up to offer his congratulations and view the child. In seeing her small face he’d been hit with the instant knowledge that the small being with pale green eyes would one day be his. He knew his shocked expression had divulged his thoughts because within seconds of his stunning discovery he’d found himself outside. Adras had been completely enraged as he hit him over and over. Gregoire had allowed it, in a kind of daze, yet knowing he would have likely felt the same in Adras’ position.

  He shook off the memory. Her scent was in the home, and it was affecting him. He felt his body reacting, and he forced himself to somehow dial it back. It smelled so fucking good and sweet. He mentally pulled it together, trying to focus on wh
at her mother was saying.

  “What did you say?” Gregoire’s voice sounded dangerously low in the comfortable living room. He couldn’t have heard her correctly. He looked over at Alyssa’s father. Adras narrowed his eyes in warning. Ava had been pacing in front of them, her movements jerky and agitated.

  “She’s gone. Adras spoke to her while on his morning patrol, and he said she’d acted odd. By the time we both got home, she was gone.”

  Gregoire looked at his friend. The male stood, muscles tight, jaw twitching as he watched Ava pace. It had not been an easy couple of decades, knowing that he would mate his friend’s daughter. Both had been uncomfortable, especially when she was a child. Adras had always been protective as hell of her. For that, Gregoire was thankful. He had known his friend would have difficulties eventually seeing her with him. Adras knew just how sexually dominant and demanding Gregoire was. They’d been friends for centuries and had few secrets during that time. He shook his head to clear it, but her scent was getting to him. He needed to figure out what the hell happened and get out of there, find her.

  “She left this note. She must have heard us talking.” Ava’s beautiful green eyes welled up as she handed him the paper. After Gregoire relieved her of it, Adras caught his mate into his chest and kissed her forehead as he gently rubbed her back, quietly comforting her.

  Gregoire felt uncomfortable as shit witnessing their pain and intimacy. He focused on the paper, attempting to gain an understanding as to what the fuck was going on. He was concerned for his mate’s safety. He took a breath to calm his agitation. Alyssa was small, but by all Adras’ accounts, she was skilled with her powers, but there were beasts indigenous to the Realm and hell creatures constantly sent over by the Tria in Hell. He was more concerned with some of the more feral Immortals that chose to live in the wilds. His brow furrowed. He was not fucking happy as he looked down at the words in front of him.

  Dear Mother and Father,

  I am going on vacation with Rain. I need to get away, see some of the world, and sort out my life. I know I have a mate who isn’t inclined to claim me. That makes my first decision really simple. I will not be attending any more Emfanisis.

  Don’t expect me for a couple of weeks. I will let you know what I’ve decided to do when I return. I love you both.


  Son of a bitch. “You were discussing her being my mate?”

  “Yes,” Adras bit back. “Not that I’ve been looking forward to your claiming her, but the next Emfanisi is mere months away, and she hates going. Damn, I hate going and fending off all the damned Aletheia that keep sniffing around.”

  Gregoire gritted his teeth at the possessiveness that comment invoked.

  Adras took a pained breath. “I went to see Rain’s mother and father, and they are just as worried. Rain is a bit wild, but she has been Alyssa’s one friend since they were children.”

  Gregoire unfolded the next note that was handed to him. Irritation bit at him.

  Mom and Dad,

  I’m going on VACATION, bitches! Alyssa and I will be gone for two weeks. We’ll be fine. Mrs. Lewis is watching my shop. Everything should be fine, but she knows to go to you if she needs anything.

  Love ya,


  “This is my mate’s friend?” Gregoire gritted his teeth as he held out the letter. His jaw clenched tighter as he set the note down on a table and rubbed at his short beard. His irritation was churning inside him. He considered the potential amount of trouble two females, by themselves, could get into there. Beasts and feral Immortals concerned him, but Cyril was also part of his worry now that the bastard had finally surfaced again after centuries of silence. Add all that to the fact that his Mate seemed to have befriended someone from “Mageias Gone Wild.” Shit, he had to find them quickly. He didn’t like the worry that filled him.

  “How did they leave?”

  “I checked all the patrols, and no one saw them. I’m sure they paid a Kairos to teleport them somewhere. When I went to the Kairos office, it said that they were gone for the rest of the day, and I couldn’t find them through any of the locals.” Adras’ gravelly voice nearly shook with frustration. There was nothing worse for a warrior than feeling out of control.

  “One office in the city?”

  Adras gave a tight nod.

  Gregoire knew it was killing him to ask for help. He rubbed his jaw again. His beast half was itching at the idea of hunting her tight little ass. “The next time you see her, she’ll be mine.”

  Adras growled low in his throat. His friend’s jaw clenched tight, and Ava put a small hand to his chest. It had been awkward for them for twenty-five fucking years. Their centuries-long friendship was lost.

  He clenched his teeth and spoke low, attempting to remember that he would likely feel the same in Adras’ position. “You knew this time would come. You knew it when you called for me. I’ve waited five extra years. I’ve given you time. Given her time to have her youth. Do not act as though I haven’t taken everything into consideration and made a sacrifice in this.”

  “You better have a care with her. She is young and small.” Adras’ eyes glittered in warning. This was never going to be a comfortable situation. The whole situation was fucked up beyond anything else. Adras was fully aware of how demanding he would be.

  Gregoire felt for his friend, but he’d given more than he should ever have been expected to. He wouldn’t continue it any longer, and Adras had known what would happen when he called for him.

  “You know better than to assume I would harm what is mine,” Gregoire said in warning. He didn’t appreciate the insinuation that he would not care for his own mate.

  He walked out the door without another word, exiting into the crisp night air, inhaling deep to clear his fogged mind. Her scent had been all over the home, and it had gotten inside him.

  Chapter 4

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Erik’s eyes slit open slowly. He lay on his side on top of soft bedding, not his own. His eyes opened wider to assess the change in location. Light filtered around dark curtains, but he was more interested in the soft female resting in his arms. She smelled like nothing he’d ever scented in his life. His cock was stiff between them as she lay against him. He became transfixed by the intoxicating fragrance and feel of her. Erik looked at the small, slender female sleeping against him. Her shoulder-length, sun-streaked hair lay in sleepy disarray. The scent of her skin blanketed him as he leaned in to draw more of it into his lungs. He dipped his face into her hair… her throat. His breath caught at the soul-deep knowledge that she was his. He nipped at the sweet bit of skin he could see at her neck. Not sharp enough to sting, just enough that she moaned.

  Rolling her onto her back, he kissed and sucked at her collarbone until she gasped his name. Looking up, he saw half-lidded leaf-green eyes pulling him in. A small tongue darted out to wet plump bowed lips. He ached to nip and savor them until they were swollen from his attentions. He groaned low before settling in to do just that. His heartbeat thrummed inside his head. He needed to devour, to take… claim. His cock pushed into her leg as he tucked her beneath him and took her lips. This small female was his, and he forced himself to be careful, knowing from her scent that she was mortal, and easily half his size. She writhed and moaned as he possessed her mouth, taking her tongue in a deep plundering. He lifted up the sweatshirt she wore, uncovering soft ripe mounds already peaked and swollen, begging for his touch. He plumped them high in his palms. They were perfect soft pillows in his hands. Not overly large but enough to play with. Mesmerized, he leaned down, his eyes closed as he suckled and bit at the dusky tips, loving the taste of her skin. Her tight athletic frame bowed beneath his bigger, stronger body. He heard his name echoed over and over inside his mind, and the sound of it pulled him deeper into the hazy thrall.

  Lowering the soft pants she wore, he watched as every tanned inch of skin was uncovered. He ripped them from her small feet and tossed them across th
e room. Looking his fill, he was drawn in by the thin line of softly shorn hair, knowing it would lead him straight to paradise. It guided his mouth, beckoned him lower. He salivated, his chest rising with heavy pants. There was no way he’d ever been so out of his mind with lust. His mind was buzzing with the need to be buried deep inside her, but the urge to taste her was stronger.

  He wasn’t even sure anything existed before that moment, couldn’t think of anything but her. He was hit with the relentless desire to possess what he knew was his. He lifted and spread long, shapely thighs apart and looked his fill at her glistening folds, all slick and ready for him. His thumbs caressed the skin behind her knees. He rubbed his rough cheek along the inside of her thigh, his animal wanting to mark her skin. Her breathing accelerated, and he smelled her heat. His head felt hazy; deep inside he was hit with an odd sense of uneasiness. He shook it off, his need for her overriding all other thought. Her body shook beneath his hands; she needed him. He forced his wide shoulders into the space he’d made between her thighs and buried his face in her soft wet pussy, licking and sucking every sweet inch of wet succulent flesh was a compulsion. He had to consume her, wanted her to come on his lips before he plunged his painfully hard cock inside her. He would take her so deep she wouldn’t realize anything existed beyond his cock stretching her, owning her.

  The buzzing unease and odd, feminine sounds in his mind were a soft background hum to his booming internal voice telling him to take… pleasure. A sense of sudden panic jerked him up. What the fuck was happening? He was so hot, so hungry he dove in again to plunder her slick lower lips, pushing his tongue as far into her pussy as he could get. He held her legs firmly, felt her channel pulsing around him. He moaned, and her hips thrust against his face. He heard whimpering noises as he ate at her.


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